Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Farce of Morrows

Focusing in a farce of morrows scratched and morrows lost
A listing of what is to be sketched into a tablet
For God to know and our volition to play out
As if every decision occurs in an instant unable to be set

On the pinhead of time ungraspable and unmeasurable
For in the intersection of every remorse and joy
We find reminders that as measures of permanence appear solid
In time we see fluidity as preparation for what is to come

The gratitude of letting go of obligation for growth
Shifts the world into waves of surfing empathy
One must see that there are always options
The dangling catacombs of rocks and stars vibrate

In the contemplation of what is to be
Beyond what we could ever know that is already known
Inviting us to either claim or waste our potential
Under our misinterpretation of the present

For the phantom bounty of the past or the glint of a hoarded future
Safekeeping the crumbs of security at the expense
Of an ocean of love’s risk
This is the dealer’s hand and our wager

For tomorrow is never at risk, only the present
Skittering and dancing in between our fingertips
Where hope and faith sit sentry for a man

To summon the audacity to breathe 

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