Monday, July 21, 2014

Freight Train

Laying the freight train storm through whizzing
Blurred containers swathed in graffiti
As the countries of origin stamp behind my eyes
The tracks feel like they could obliterate abruptly

Limited threshold of construction in the cross ties
The wood and steel, the hammer’s sweat applied
The contents could be Brazilian or Russian
Dutch or Italian, brown or green when uncovered

Restless nights in feckless worry
Sweating through spent sheets of ink
Debating if the clocks of arrivals and departures
Are correlated to a watchmaker

Tick, stop, map, heat in the rails for the grind’s kinetic sting
Sensing the absence of the whistle may be the train’s memories
Of the ravines and unhinged tumbles before
Slow to say the metal has the agriculture of the Earth

Mother’s milk and fruited beds, the shepherd’s flock and textile slips
The painted walls and tumble to speak through the rubble
Faith in proceeding towards the sound of a human voice
Below the rebar and concrete placemats

Guts to show up with a ticket and collect the freight
Not knowing the burdens born from departure to destination

Speak and be, speak and be 

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