Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fourth Dimensional Print Job

Digital eraser of the backspace in place of the rubbery nub
Of a yellow number two pencil flittering its pink fairy-dust eyelashes
Typing source code supplanting the genetic instructions of the cell
Humans playing god like evolution scrabble transposing blood for electricity

The landscape of ant-hill cities burrowing and building continental lairs
For the queens to devour the superfluous asexual horde as discretion calls to her
In the bellies of consciousness derived from programmed pheromones
Hunger caked in a frosted lollypop buried by plankton and ferns

Bitches go get that slick slop cherry top and lug the grease to the factory floor
Oh e Oh, Oh, O, Oh e Oh, Oh, O
Robot machinists shifting drilled remnants flowing the idolatry of the bolt
To eliminate every segment of sinew possible so that the conversation is muted

To a number
One harnessing in stocked pile preponderance coned like a warhead
Submit or she launches like a despot on tour for the lowest common denominator
For human desperation mapped in bicameral approval

Defining water, air, and toil rights to trade eons for earnings per share
For engineered monkeys on typewriters fumbling towards three dimensional printers
Economically efficient to produce chaos in the chemistry of binary codification
Printing where hands were previously required accelerating extinction

As complement to the tenacity of a beast’s right to dominate his environment
Like the Walton family crest downing a Coca Cola Starbucks in Luxottica eyewear
With Ernst and Young reviewing the Citi Bank financing Monsanto’s crop
For a Visa exchange fee for the vig at the Reservation’s casino to keep the squawk down

News crawls on the candidate’s war chest dollar cup size slaloming getting “primaried”
And the probability of the majority exceeding the filibuster threshold two years from now
Lactating intransigence from Lady Liberty to milk the freshmen senators to grow up
Like tenured savants of negotiated democracies plugging in to the ant queen

The lie of the ant hill is the individual is valued over the group; one perpetuates
While the lines of peons scavenge for a lick hazed into a monotony
That you just might lose the bit you have if you rile up, we’ll let the real crazies loose
From the rice, coffee, cotton, and soybean fields like you forgot the hands not done pickin’

Harvester dragon tractors aint absolute, but we workin’ for the boot
To hide the mathematics of what is macroeconomics
To see that two businesses producing the same object and profit margin
But one employs a million and one employs five are not the same 

Because you see the difference is always retained
The trickle is never down
Minimum wage is just a clamp on a pipe
Redirecting a dividend for a stock price

Fundamental barriers to entry raised for the titans
That the sixty-sixth trillion is easier than the seventh
The traveling currency like frozen blood in an artery hardened in banks
Of stacked reserves asleep at the wheel as the masses idle

The wake of human voices attempting purpose and left feckless
Realizing we never needed the efficiency of marvelous delivery drones
We simply needed the heart to pump and cells flush in oxygen to circulate
So that as one imagines the world; one sees a land

Where all the clean air has been purchased to be purchased back in tithe
A mansion on the hill inhales and exhales with Chantilly icing on the carpet
As the real terminator does not use bullets but the idea
Of the group over the individual flipped like a vice  

That one never introduces the idea that we are each in on the thought crime
Worms on a hooks no longer wiggling

Waiting, saying, “Yes mam, please just don’t swallow me whole.”

Sailing with Captain Tom

The spectral ghost of Tom Waits hazes in the smoking bar light
Garbled haggard emphysema petri dish to the sidewalk gawkers
Who see the mist like a mannequin in a street window
Busing in some garbage for hipsters to ogle

Time for Wonderland and the neck ties are checking stock tickers on MSNBC
Block letters in numeric rabbits checking stopwatches
For a violin army of lizards to peel off the hirsute epidermis
For marvelous root-brain revelations

Guitar grunt, stomp practicum growl baby growl!
From the Gulf to the tip of Alaska
Scouting shipwrecks of belligerent 401k flotsam 
The castaways are clinging to like life rafts after the iceberg

Pirate Bukowski barflies sailing skulls and bones
To lay out a rope like doctors without borders
For the floating power suits
Drowning in acronyms to sprout souls for the ascension

Reckoning mud flap swordfish trombones piercing the water’s surface
Baroque organ guttural snarls pounding keys
Oil slick quicksand thunder bricks golden gleam
Strung to shoelaces treading heavy

Artistic offers rejected and the comedic brigand audience assembles
Soiled palms and grease grit hairlines pop the bottled draughts
Laughing as the world’s appointment with the sunset consumes
The krill into the distended belly of the whale

Old fashioned living for a pimm’s cup deliverance
So many mumbling, “I thought we had more time than this.”
Drowning, who’s drowning gargling salt water and bourbon?
Swirling hacksaws, handcuffs, and plucked love eyeballs

Hag’s brew gumbo of usury legalities, roaches smashed in shoe crevices
Unbreakable sapphire cellular touch screens, masturbation toilet paper
Hacked internet passwords, Mecca prayer mats with demagnetized metronome compasses

Terrified to stare into that gaseous ball of hydrogen counting down in helium    

Monday, July 21, 2014

A Man on Fire

Putin is preempting an Arab spring in Russia
Al Assad plunking the gas bane to the rebels march
Dead, god damn dead rising
Mohammad Bouazizi started a mess

Lit the match and hung the world from a Tunisian fruit scale
Strung a fuse from Northern Africa to the Middle East
Counting off Ukraine’s modern volume of war and peace
Klitschko’s punching fame to burnt out squares

Gas prices and peninsulas misguided as if this was not about fear
In the bellies of powerful men
Al-Gaddafi’s stabbed in the anus and Putin is looking to keep his head off the wall
Hunting for tigers and creating a proxy stall

Arming dissidents and plotting anarchy in dents
Shot down the wrong fucking plane on accident
Too much attention; Oh shit in the night!
Poor Dutch to Australia burned alive

One man on purpose lit himself on fire in the street
Hundreds in a plane haunting nine eleven
Government scion’s grasping for control
While Palestine and Israel bark the old war replete

Iron dome missiles and a droning media death toll
Keeping score for the Holy Books defining a righteous lore
Taxpayer subsidy to every silo of defense
The Jews banking from America and Hamas chucking rocks

The bastard of chaos has always been at war
With the man holding the keys to the locks
Penning in logic that everything happens for a reason
And then there are some; where a simple coincidence of the elements

Exhausts the sun
So that one day all these blinding fires
Simply burn out
Not because a solution was found, but because

There is no more to take from this ground
The Torah and the Koran no longer in competition
Money and power no longer repressing man’s volition

Because extinction is the great equalizer as the universe beats on

Namese Bahn Bao

Seeing your face across the two-top table
My feelings bubbled in the tea
The involvement to the air of wanting
You like a redolent wallflower

Eye lines to the entry door
Maître d set me alone to the only open pair of seats
In the center aisle
Your arrival embraced in the passage of time

That a place in the corner opened
As others finished
So that you request like the shadowed stairwell
I instigate to facilitate your comfort

To a placement where no one can approach you from the rear
Terms and time beating of knowing you wanted the booth
Over the chair
Softness in the lean

Bucolic conversation of the Vietnamese Catholic fishermen of Versailles
My parents lost in country Mississippi farming, hunting, and the trails
Your friends in the desert plotting solar independence
Father with the horse on his badge, not sure because you never got a chance to ask

First cavalry division of the United States Army based in Ford Hood, Texas
Vietnam tours TRICAP armored, air-mobility, and air cavalry counteroffensives
Insignia gold covered Norman shield with a black horse’s head
You hint you learned to run like him

I pause in the space the aperture of those words create
For another day to see the blossom take her time to unfurl
As she is ready
I think of Terrebonne, New Mexico, to New Orleans

I see the glitter on your cheek and see the beautiful dance
Of the way a woman is like an oven taking time to warm


Melting Away

Panic pit, the lion slips down into a canyon hell
Rally on and entre love to another font
Fire smolders, fire cold
Fire kindled, fire knows

Fresh timber over blackened grounds
Rage and love in maelstrom strummed
From the nuance one is met in mutuality’s glove
Slipped hand in hand walking the levee’s grip

Flames surround the bodies stepping peaceful in the ashen clouds
That this piercing bauble could swell from an internal ledge
Expand absorb and the emotional fusion lets a moan
Escape to the arid mist, black flash orange wood floating on the wind

Burn the world and never more at home
Capsule of the passion taking vagabonds
From wallflower postures pointing out imposters
To genuine souls emoting an electric bond

The forces of fire attracting the colors of the hottest blue
Eye to eye in the realization of what was said was not forgotten
Prancing in the thunder trains in the other’s head
Mistakes like stepping stones, river crossed

Alive in the fire as the world melts, nothing lost
Mysteries evaporating in the morning fog
Sweating enigmas into characters each has forever longed

Inferno burgeoning and the old world is gone, gone, gone 

Freight Train

Laying the freight train storm through whizzing
Blurred containers swathed in graffiti
As the countries of origin stamp behind my eyes
The tracks feel like they could obliterate abruptly

Limited threshold of construction in the cross ties
The wood and steel, the hammer’s sweat applied
The contents could be Brazilian or Russian
Dutch or Italian, brown or green when uncovered

Restless nights in feckless worry
Sweating through spent sheets of ink
Debating if the clocks of arrivals and departures
Are correlated to a watchmaker

Tick, stop, map, heat in the rails for the grind’s kinetic sting
Sensing the absence of the whistle may be the train’s memories
Of the ravines and unhinged tumbles before
Slow to say the metal has the agriculture of the Earth

Mother’s milk and fruited beds, the shepherd’s flock and textile slips
The painted walls and tumble to speak through the rubble
Faith in proceeding towards the sound of a human voice
Below the rebar and concrete placemats

Guts to show up with a ticket and collect the freight
Not knowing the burdens born from departure to destination

Speak and be, speak and be 

Lesson Learned

Lesson learned somewhere not sure of the lesson
Maybe there was more than one
Do not let fear guide your life
Holding so tight to having to do everything yourself

Prevents those who love you from helping
I wonder sometimes if I had asked for more help
I just might have solved both ends of my dilemma
I am not sure

I just know everything went to shit
I instigated it I guess; I miss her with a cavern of my heart
And all the prayers to God that I meant as much to her
As I know she did and reluctant as I am to admit still does

That imbalance that my pleads appeared to have no affect
Maybe they did, maybe they did not
Maybe she just has to be on the journey she is on and
Let go of what was

The whole completely turning off and out thing
I find it difficult to see how that person was meant for me
I just want to feel that way about someone new
Part of me wants that; part of me wants to say

I wish things would change like a cliché
To have a chance at what I feel like we never had
I know I could smile and give of myself in a way
The logistical pressures of my life did not allow before

I feel cheated and want to reconcile under everything that I am from God
To imagine her with him broke me into a hardened pain
I never want to feel that; I want to move on but all these signs
All this past; I just find it so hard to not over analyze and say that was the life

God intended and if this is the price to know that I pray
This sentence be paroled and she break open a line of communication
About feelings that were buried under that rumble but never died
I wish and know it is not likely or probably healthy for me to think of such things

I know it may prevent me from moving on if left to kindle
I only know it does not feel like it is over until I know she has committed herself to another
But she already has, maybe that is not relevant
Maybe she is never coming back no matter what

I know every time I hear Thunder Road I see her face and dream
Maybe she is not Mary or ever climbing in
Heaven is waiting out on the tracks
This poet dreams and kills himself over and again

Hoping I can make it, knowing I am no hero
Neither of us is perfect, but I just let it all go
Whatever is going to happen is not mine to control

I’ll just hold and pray that God bring me to where I need to be


Uncertainty like vanilla lacquer pasting the plate
Lick it up son
Gag on the coat
So that approaching any decision

Feels forced to assuage time’s demand
That action occur
Where any amongst the smorgasbord is an equal toast
Proclaiming a milky nonsense identity

Years stacking like rotations of the garbage can rolled to the curb
Filled, dumped, returned, repeat
The refuse of food, feces, and drained receptacles
Glob the pipes funneling resources

Attempting to diagnosis
Where to go from here
Wanting an option to distinguish itself
As a viable offering

Then if there were even one to do so
The direction to claim would solidify
At least as much as the deteriorating papers
Washed in the hurricane ink smears

A man is left to hold a slew of drenched dust into powdered sludge
Lambasting his heart into a callow silence
He is unprepared to accept
Paralyzed believing he knows what he wants

But doubts it exists and if it does will ever intersect his path  


Interpreting this stimuli of nonresponse
Foolish Biblical authors
Converting the absence in the absence
Into substance

I saw you in my dream as I pushed that lioness
Away from devouring my manhood
Expressed the anger and confidence

To acknowledge you and my worthiness
I am and have been asking you to guide me
I feel like you narrowed the options
However painful

To this face of wisdom and beauty
Now this chasm is making me feel
The indifference of the legion imprinted
Whether warranted

I have nothing else to sense
Doubt swarms in fruit flies in the sink
Squatting in the remnants

I wanted the vision to bring the first back
The words were feckless tattles

I wanted the vision to help find me
Into the pool, the yoga, the dodging
I am as lost as ever

I wanted the vision to focus on the second
Maybe, but I cannot do this all alone
I cannot plan or initiate every step

To do so sets me to the disparate rhythms 
Which led to every predecessor’s departure

Wandering hoping for a sign that leads to water  

En Pointe

If only I was taller
That is the way this silence makes me feel
The angle when we kissed
The unsettling prompt

That you cannot wear heels
And I will have to extend my feet like en pointe ballet
To convert the exchange

Otherwise the imbalance negates any sentiments of heart
Words of tongue or history for mental compatibility
Canceled by the physics of elevation

Crumple the paper to the waist bin
Ink and blood toner smeared
Searching for hope, living proof of faith

Wondering if in any moment
I will measure up
Exhausted knowing I can only appear as this

Pondering the outgoing confidence of those above the line
Through the simple inferred joy a woman receives from being
Looked down upon