Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why I am a Realist

You know what I despise more than anything
By definition it is a lie, an open ruse of self
To beguile one set of circumstance into a more palatable version  

For consumption like sugar that the outcome of potential
Will sway towards the positive version of events
Rather than rational indifference or likelihood
I would rather not be deceived to my face and knowingly commiserate

With such crimes against rational thought,
Hoping is an intangible waiting game, where in
Action is in process or on hold and we insert the
Conceptual placeholder that one will benefit from the iterations  

However the thought of want of one over the other
Is tainted with a negligence to reason as whatever will be
Is the function of free will of those involved and the science of nature

To assume that a hope, a sentiment or outlook
Is of any relevance over than to trick a mind into pumping more energy
Because others find solidarity in the mutually expressed desire
Is a quandary of the basic intelligence of the adults involved
This cheering on and adulation is, we must admit, pointless 

It feels good, it is with humor and not void of joy
But in serious realization it is irrelevant to what is, being any more or less true
Based on the spin the satellite-television brigades would try to convince
The populace otherwise, that these tints and hues of positive attitudes  

Are pertinent all the while knowing that they are profiteers of opinion
Not facts and so the conceptual idealism of optimism is all the more deadly
Almost as pernicious as prayer infecting the masses with bewitched pantomime
This “if I believe hard enough Santa will come” circus 

This “do this dance hokey pokey three times a day” and “do not eat this animal
On this rotation of the planet, but it is permissible on this iteration”
Is cosmically self-destructive to our species to continue in these refutations
Of our evolved state; and so women and men walk through the streets

Saying, “Smile sir, smile, It’ll be ok, That’s all right, Better luck next time.”
As if my emotional state is rectified by optimistic buoys
When what-is remains static and undeterred by any of these frivolous gestures
So I state my claim; I abhor you optimism, if you existed I would mock you.

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