Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I have difficulty expressing anger
I know this, but tend to forget it from time to time
I find myself reluctant to give myself permission to be angry 

Anger to me seems such a frivolous emotion
As it is expecting another’s volition to be subject to your favor,
Rather than the sovereignty of their choice  

As a believer in the absolutism of choice and burrowing internal consequence
I often find, absent horrible over-reaching offenses such as murder, rape, theft or
Those of a typical criminal variety, most elections of the emotional persuasion
Whether it be adultery, deceit, manipulation, or torment of a non-physical nature  

Are capable of being usurped by the human mind alone
Expecting such flawed pretenses as an apology from the wrongdoer
Is often of little solace and merely dressing of form over substance 

So who or what am I to ever draw anger to; systematic injustice, those of a macro-level?
In these I can see the application of anger if it instills action,
But still in most occasions anger is but a subcomponent of conscientious planning
Which may be bettered suited by contemplative detailed opposition  

I know rebellion is required as an appropriate response
Governments, laws, actions mandate a ferocious retort
I am a disciple of Joe Strummer and Chuck D too readily to discount this notion
So in anger has a place, but I am thankful not to the degree most would find applicable  

In my day to day life I feel my difficulties with anger,
Do not lie with anger conceptually, but my placement of self-entitlement for
Conciliatory overtures and the facts of a matter being certifiable
That in this instance this other chose wrong to do unto me and  

In this instance, anger is a suitable reaction, which once expressed
Will result in the assertion of my dignity appropriate to the situation
The other will not defame me or rebuke this charge by implementing a wall of silence
Or countersuit, but will in this occasion, make best efforts to abide 

To what is clearly called for not by my emotion, but my factual matter
My reluctance to see this as realistic is high, which makes my expectation of it occurring low
Therein I see my consideration on the environment where anger is suitable, reliable, or useful
As fallow ground growing little if any crop

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