Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Contemplation in Duality

Imagine the predictability and attention to detail
Of a professional accountant or better yet,
An auditor, a man who by profession is tasked
With verifying the occurrence, accuracy and existence  

Of events, transactions and credibility of others
Where pure statement is a starting point to partake
In crossing the t on required tests of data to ensure
The remainder of those relying on the validity of the faith and competency
Of those who fund his work  

Now take that man and breathe into him the soul of a poet
A man who stares into the trench-depths and heather-heavens of the world
Gritty and ephemeral wide and specific in the rotating wonderlands
Of what might be  

This mind is perpetually affixed to the meaning, the purpose
The greater calling and concurrently the detail
The specificity and dependability of assurance of the auditor
Grids a set of rules to the chaos in the background  

While the writer parades in the foreground
As solitary as a man at a desk typing into a spreadsheet
Or a word composition of stanzas
The two are at war in tandem not with each other
But with the world  

This gray and rainbow universe dances and frowns in resentment
Evading and blockading the two depending on the day
And in each this man can never find sanctuary
For the thoughts never stop  

The minutia of the work day, the parlors of stock-exchange
The food banks of macroeconomic interrelationships playing out
In the lines crossed to human empathy and cohesion into poem
The sword and the shield, the shovel and the plant  

Begging on knees with shadowed eyelids at the melee of ideas
To pause, to craft a window to hold a breath of reprieve
Between this platypus existence of neither mammal or bird
A mind in a vagabond evolution  

Screamed into the deafening silence  
Bartered with oblivion to be neither or to feel akin to either

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