Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Bigger Virus

Gone thinking of the dilemmas in the petri dish again
There goes the virus bigger than AIDS, greed
And its symbolic placeholder on Earth, its Jesus if you will
The global drug war 

The inclination to inaccurately explain this paramount trump is such
A misguided and sinister mechanism which misplays our resources
We leave humanity beholden to a goose-chase enriching the warmongers
Of this planet; it is cataclysmically gargantuan, capable of ending our planet
If left to continue on our course 

This is not addiction or hedonism this is avarice
Injected into those prohibiting the injections, the smoke, the poppies
This is neo-slavery to the exponential staircase of the military-industrial
To allow the poor to control the poor and to monetize fear  

In the most basic of man’s vices, not opiates to the cerebellum,
But the urge to have a purpose, an economic mechanism to subsist
For a man without a purpose is dangerous to us all
So in the dealers and the farmers seek to engage in ending  

The danger of famine to their families in Peru, Columbia, Mexico and Afghanistan
By sustaining a field and transforming $10,000 in labored-soil
To $30,000 to a running man held in freight, postage, or body cavity
Into $100,000 in Chicago, New Orleans, New York, Miami, or Los Angeles 

So in the satellites of our misguided epidemic are at root
In the hunger in the belly of the mother’s son pissing into an open sewer or rocky patch
Distended into the bowels of South America or into the craggy dust of our
Now 2014 ‘swear we’re leaving, but we all know we be straggling’ Asian war-armpit 

So in you look at our terror-war, our visceral reaction nine-eleven fear-infomercial
Replay for flag-pole fireman fashion-models asphyxiating America
Via cable-news-channel screen-crawls to green-sky bomb Iraq for the other drug
Oil in an allowable-marketable channel and then delve into appendages of the Taliban  

Blaming Bin Laden without communicating or rationing the fundamental market-forces in play
Without oil the Middle East is nothing; without opium the Taliban is nothing
In the end the motivations of the world are perpetuated by the financed needs of man
The escapism-of-a-hookah handed to mad-men in caves rather than controllable governments  

Is at the root of our apocalypse, for do not misguide talks into the accountancy of billions
In Asia to the trillions domestically as we fight the longest war America has ever known
The one fought in the blighted-housing beauty queens and white-powder kings
Of inner-city empires paved in the Montague’s and the Capulet’s of bemused
Irrational ordainment under the Vatican of the cartels
Regicide by gunfire, with the more-than-occasional intersection of the proletariat  

Hospital emergency-rooms read like a demented list of Santa
Of those shot and not even killed as if to qualify for fundamental empirical analysis
One must perish rather than remain paralyzed or scar-marked
Across an abdomen or the inch of skin that disseminates spinal cord from standing 

Property values read like a paradoxical emporium of Econ-101
Of how the land and buildings so near the metropolis is depressed
While those with resources flock to suburban havens to abandon the destitute
To defend themselves with the caskets and phantom diplomas of their progeny 

Generations envelope into tumorous byproducts of economics
Not of serotonin or dopamine that would be biological, the logical part being
A medical problem, not a criminal justice issue
For Lincoln knew what we do to ourselves when we
Make crimes out of things that are not crimes 

So in we are like Sisyphus rolling our stone knowing why, yet we are stoic
For the poor to die and the middle-class to hide, the rich to abjure all knowledge
And the government’s military and police to collect their pensions and rolls
Never accounting for the simple concept or definition of safety  

Except for the reciprocal, yet non symmetrical debate that wrestles in the
Belly of the mother’s son in third-world perdition
One is a cop, a man of the law enforcing order by decry of constitutional empowerment
The other is balancing scales on the lowest rung of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs  

The dealer in New Orleans destroying my beloved city is doing the same
Mixing in numbing agents to baby-powder for placebo cocaine to tourists
And real dime-bags to the regulars, while collecting welfare checks
Due to the non-reported taxable income waiting to be gunned-down 

By some other punk, a kid making more-money than his sophomore-year teacher
Is raining out of high school with his own death wish; and we are ok with this?
We spend money in the pursuit of counteracting gravity of commanding the tide
To reverse back into the Atlantic and pour the Gulf of Mexico to deluge Columbia  

We are madmen to defy the physics of economic fundamentals
We must embrace them or these tales of gun violence spread out of kindergarteners in Newtown
Or Congresswomen being shot in the skull will parade as wars over automatic weapons
To misguide the crux of our apocalypse from the true culprit  

Our greed
We would rather segregate and blame rather than embrace what we are
We are a nation of smokers, pill-poppers, line-snorters funding behind our curtains
Drinking our poisons segregated in fear as if it were water  

This condemnation of the dealer and the junkie as if preaching out illegal immigrants
In this country or to Europe or some other land deemed worthy of our bigoted-empathy
Is our downfall; without a collective global effort to reverse course we are at the mercy  

Of trillions of limbs struggling to grasp the sinew from a bone cast into a pit
By the thousands who have the audacity to claim they are not entertained
By what keeps them as an audience member rather than a gladiator in the coliseum
We live under the illusion that there is not enough food to eat on this planet 

If America and Europe were to collectively decriminalize marijuana, cocaine and heroin
To be sold as regulated substances with a cognizance of tax to modulate the inevitable black-market street price towards near-extinction, then we can defund military and public safety budgets and finally treat the addiction of users as a medical problem 

These same countries can create subsidized raw materials resource programs with the drugs that cannot be grown within their own borders at levels commensurate with their domestic demand
These arrangements can deal the Taliban and cartels the most perilous blow imaginable to the infrastructure to their marauding violence breeding the true self-induced terror of our planet  

Only by reinserting each and every one of us into the problem will we ever find a productive solution towards the betterment of our collective. 

“Our vulnerability is all our insensitivity.  It’s going to be the death of us just you wait and see.”
Op Ivy

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