Friday, January 4, 2013

Loquacious Fools and Muted Geniuses

Loquacious Fools and Muted Geniuses  

The second a man opens his mouth with a degree of specificity he destroys himself
Better be ambiguous and be an amorphous internal composition
Painted by the idealistic hues of a woman’s whimsy
Rather than immediately dunk oneself into the rancorous taint of knowledge 

Whether bathed in deceit or truth, either iteration dresses in a story
A narrative of fashion which can be cast aside as inapplicable, deficient or gaudy
To the fancy of the immediate hyperbole and joy of possibility
For a man in such concise disguises of newfound acquaintances is miraculous  

To pursue is to enroll in her line of those who are pattered and
Thus imprinted with historical context as to what the inevitable results will produce
Which are by the definition of her continued participation in such mating rituals,
Unsatisfactory to her placement of a man into the final category of her two-sided alcoves    

Lover or partner, for these two roles are diverse and divergent in need
And as one a man must be certain as to which one or the other he seeks to achieve
In disguising himself as in the moment of debate, which is all together irrelevant to his interests
As these are a matter of mystery dressed in a court held in her mind as she can place  

A man as lover and then go to partner or good for her offspring later,
But nary has a man traversed from proper nest-provider back to radical lover
These Rubicons run leagues and leagues deep
So as it is, the illusions of fact and fiction find themselves only slightly permeable  

In the off times of Saturday nights and Sunday mornings
A man is best served in silence, muted speech left with a jawline and the ability
To peer on a decline towards his counterpart for the interview and in this outline
The debate is held as the mutable man will form that which she seeks  

Only later will fact checkers vet the cast as in this line of time
Can the second or third iteration occur, but before it is best
For a man to keep his mouth shut

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