Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Plea to the Court

Explaining need and long-term application is a balancing act
Between desperation and determination of one’s confidence
The expression of desire into the cloud of apparent ambivalence
Is debilitating to the assertion that one is 

Seeking a mutually-beneficial dynamic in the outcome of his plea
The over-arching tone is one of requirement and thus weakness
This is how any person approaches another in the streets of our facial expression
To pierce the line of internal egotistic-obsession into the drive-through lanes of interface 

One may beseech the silence of another’s contemplative grocery lists of musts
To add an item and who is this vagabond approaching robed in derelict fashion?
Maw crimpled and subservient despite its lack of initial motion
The mouth, the eyes, the flinch in the ears enter with the teetering line  

Of the poker-tell, the indication of bluff versus statistical advantage
Apparent behind the eyes as the only physical way to see into the brain
Without slicing scalp to inspect the neurons as what subsection is firing off
Like a startled soldier breaking rank before the general’s order  

Hold the line, hold! hold! hold, but in such confrontations
Sometimes the palpitation of cardiac physiology is a more veracious enemy
Than any imposing the vision past the scope of a rifle or
The extended tip of a tongue jostling for position amongst molars and bicuspids  

For the opportunity to address the court, knowing the jurors were previously
Selected for their overt bias against his world-view, as if watching
The opposite spectrum of his argument on
Known titled satellite semi-journalism of Fox or Viacom
Telling what viewers have previously assured themselves of as truth  

So that he may rest soundly in his confident totality of knowledge
This is beseeching a devil-saint arbiter for a rational decision
Not of kindness or vengeance, but of logic and the placation of the whole
Rather the any individual, even the messenger  

That these words bring forth elements innate to the universal,
But by necessity are slathered in the awful gravy of man’s vessel
And into this divide does every man speak

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