Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thinkin’ bout walkin’ with Fats

I imagine a living room decorated in New Orleans
With my Jazz Fest memories pictured and hung from the walls
Fats Domino, Operating Ivy, Woody Guthrie and Sage Francis singing out my stereo
Standing over a roux with wooden spoon over a gas stove in the kitchen  

A porch with a seasonal flag pole where I can make my own flags
Of stitched patches and permanent marker quotations
From my heroes from myself flying for the world to see
Twelve square feet of front grass or garden, parsley and cilantro  

The wooden planks of a shotgun painted in an azure hue with golden striking shudders
A color palate not of suburban Dallas or Tangipahoa Parish crying  

Here is a man who is home and does not give a shit about moving again
Not any time soon I am painting this bitch whatever color the fuck I want
And wait till you see my K&B purple cabinets with my fleur de leis pulls
Honey I’m home an ain’t nobody tellin’ me shit no mo 

Ahh, Gawd Darlin’ the moon is out and my gumbo gonna taste damn fine
My trinity is sweating in light green, dark green and white
The chicken, Andouille, shrimp and crab are making love to the okra
The cayenne is mild compared to what these days might be 

And I am looking out at the sky alone as ever,
But at least I am not there in a soil of concrete and cow shit that just smears
Day after day with the eighteen wheelers passing the interstate
On un-cracked streets with sewer and water boards that actually function  

Give me the potholes and the crime cameras and the death watching me
To see if I flinch, give me the angels of Magazine Street that disappear into the silence,
But at least they might exist like talking mares of Narnia I can finally speak
If not to a soul, at least to myself that Ulysses is home  

If not to the shore, at least to himself, to finally put head to pillow
And take a God damn breath

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