Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Madness

I have been dreading writing this poem for a while
The sentiment has been lingering about my shoulders
Wrapping the abdomen clenching as a check on my flesh
To consider who I am, what I am doing, what I want  

Human faces appear to me as interchangeable molecules
Blurred and dispersed, forming and un-forming
Fashionable fabrics and threads adorn façade vehicles
The contents, the passengers seem so inaccessible 

The gluttony of height, width, length and time entwine
Like packaged manifestations of a cinematic matrix
Fuzzing out into the source code of knowledge of contemplation
What is one thinking, planning, chosen, choosing, wanting inside the bubbles? 

The school of organisms shifts and slides across irrelevant parameters
Of continents and newscasts playing out a pantomime of chivalrous autonomy
As if the super-organism is answering beyond the discretion of any one input
But all, yet none, yet all, but none 

I am wading here in this ghastly silence bracing tongue to speak
Daring the certitude to expect feedback, exchange as if a man speaking to God
Claiming saints or devils will reciprocate such luxuries of correspondence
As placeholders or emissaries of a universal connection tethered
To our misguided notions of good or evil  

I see the rattling haughty laugh of significances baffle the whelp upon my chest
The stiffness crouching on my deltoids with a larynx echoing through a black hole
Daring to defy such gravity as if the volume from there to here were subject to distance
The meters and roads, ears and skin all disintegrating in awe to the true expanse 

I see the calculations, the accusations of insanity throttled at my rib,
Set to challenge life as we know it to be documented by goat-men and eyeballs
The abundance of tactile and visual structures is dwarfed like that of the countless galactic stars
To our sun to our subset of planets to the infinitude of rocks and gaseous spheres
Beyond our perception; this differential is pitied to that of the absence of all physical existence  

To grasp at that which haunts me with such ubiquitous obviousness
The pulling apart of the cellular netting of my hands, the blood, the limbs
The collective of human noses, ears, mouths, the nail beds yanked out into not dust
But placeholders as conceptual prisms to shelter that which is relevant  

Wherein the paradigm of time can rest to offer the illusion of choice
In a prism worthy of love itself; that I choose to love my brother; my sister chooses to love me
We are dancing, in such we default to these bodies, but once transcended in the thoughtful identity
Find them unnecessary and our hours of fret feckless immaturity 

So in the Olympics of gathering acquaintances into comrades or lovers
I have been debased for a prerequisite vocation to forge the highways of the calling
I have failed repeatedly as the bodies and the voices appear so redundantly identical
On the peripheral, I can find no entry point of conversing  

The depths, the shallows, the roots are held like covered caverns
As mountain after mountain appears like solid rock and the spelunking into the darkness
Is of great interest, put the rock itself standing out, rising from the desert
Appears in vast flatness in sand or water the Atlantic and the Sahara exchange roles
In irrelevant tomorrows and yesterdays and so rarely in todays  

I have less then twenty-five todays in my thirty-four years
Such a pittance in the collection, and yet I mock the allotment
Knowing the count is assumed to be so near its end, taking not for granted
But wanting so very much the birth of the now to access that which is the brightest extract  

Of that which I detect as in the essence of existential equilibrium
Floating in peace, dangling in excruciating simplicity apart and dissolving
In the elimination of so much of this blasphemous extraneous commotion
The impertinence soaks into the skin of the parade goers and I am dumbfounded  

I know not what the discernible segmentation between this or that
The pleonastic repetition is deafening counting down my senses into nothingness
Just a prosaic plane in concept, but battering me with stimulation of what cannot be held
Taunting me like deceased authors tormented into madness writing at me from their graves 

Who faced the same demon, knowing now what they knew then in parcel smidgeon
Released to the recognizances of imagination freed from this doorstop body
And left to wander in that which interconnects so damning these petty allegiances
Held here for sport and fear of perdition or vengeance from the rat kings and queens  

A pox on such blindness; I prefer a divergent variety of sight, damn the assumption of retinas
Damn the digits on the pen or the salty-bitter on the tongue; I am tasting indulgent sanity
For once and I am crying out for discourse, that someone else dare
Call out the naked emperors of what is this life magnetically ecstatic 

The people are dancing, dancing bathing in it; I see them out there
So often drenched in its bounty, yet knowing not how to elucidate with specified eloquence
The interdependent other is shining like a beacon on our common-dwelling
I want to enter and find my tongue stolen, my arms truncated, my ears lopped  

I am gasping; I am screaming behind this screen for the recognition of the preposterous
Defamation we do to ourselves and our grand felicity so close, yet the disparity between
Knowing the caverns exist, yet not how to enter them is the madness of
Voltaire, Spinoza, Clemons, Einstein, Hitchens, Nietzsche and
I dare to think it has caught me too   

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