Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sparta 2013

Passing St. Charles Avenue retreating towards Napoleon
Eight p.m. six o’clock parade, daughter and her BFF
Trailing hands held past the beer bottles stranded beads
African four-year-old-dawlin is boogying down with mamma 

A CBD lawyer looks on mesmerized at her Bamboula rhythms in the blood
Transferred from the St. Augustine Marching One Hundred
To the intersection of Amelia and St. Charles Saturday night 

Barbeque briquettes three feet into the neutral ground
A blue tarpaulin stretched as a Fraternity brother’s drunken wrestling mat
I pull my child back before the buffalo slams on top of her as the Budweiser’s spill
I see the brunettes and blondes stare back at the plow beasts
The grill is not upset, the meat is intact, a father, two-third graders rerouted  

The NOPD whoops it up siren in the road; my trio is walking against the stream
Of incoming debauchery to soak in the second parade of the evening
After the cups, doubloons, beads and explaining to my daughter
What these faux-cloth Mardi Gras panties a grown man threw her from a float were 

Seeing the Cohen Green Hornet band, the dance team, the flag girls
The flambeaux’s and the horseback Indian gentlemen of winter’s wave
The beads draping the tree branches like Marine Semper Fi targets struck
These Saints are marching home for two to have a sleep over in Tangipahoa Parish and me  

To make tacos, wash dishes and prepare for a walking collapse into poetry
Before slumber of the string of faces cascading uptown as I see
The muscle-bound pilsners and dainty-dress pinot noirs of uncorking the night
Like opportunity at the beckoning moon  

I walk the eight more blocks back to a car of two booster seats
Next to my old high school and the PB&J’s I thought about earlier for
Two to snack on the ride back with pillows and rations stacked in the passenger seat
As the rear was full of two girls drawing in their notebooks of Adventure Time
Singing along to the sounds of a father’s iPod playlist of Professor Longhair  

The faces wander in the drive of interstate fifty-five north like disembowelment
Wash hands, pajamas, dinner is ready, zonk two friends on the sofa bed
I am hungry for an adult conversation, the faces parade into meaningless characterization
The beauty, the strange none of it is decipherable too many logistics now  

Too much to explain in the city of dreams even at carnival time

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