Thursday, January 24, 2013

Train ride leaving 5:45 a.m.

The alarm clock sets itself like the days before
As long as a continuous current is inserted the memory of mandates
Strikes at the same minute in perpetual iteration until one surrenders
Into acknowledging that today is gap-day and end  

Until the morn reinstates the multiplier effect of labor-found
The collared shirts and pomade structured hairs manipulated
As if one is concerned with the outcome of the brick mortared
Like the brick before and before that knowing this walling is in and out  

So that one can divide a delusion of progress into what was
Better before beginning in the oblivion of indecision
All the decisions bring the decay of openness, potential
And for in this, one is less of form and more of realism  

That for whatever form one takes it is a form of accepting want
In want there is pain and in pain there is existence and so if one
Seeks nonexistence the worst thing one can do is take form
Into a salesman, doctor, father, or priest: these are but horrid costumes  

Pantomiming identity for these become our alarm clock illusions
The compulsions to wake at this hour on this day and that hour on that day
We have become ill with want grasping, clawing at the devils of compromise
Only to have them ask us at the end of the rail if we had chosen another  

Costume in the shop originally how different our personhood would befall the world
So in we see we are not this at all, but a sideshow formality of circumstance
Of the appearance like a buy-a-ticket-here to see the house of mirrors
Wide and curving, tiny and serving a menu of distraction  

We must be wary of these sirens of the morn buzzing and why we answer
For the shadow will become the man and the man become the shadow of himself
Pacing, smiling, abiding to an escalating legacy of nothingness he must answer
To a doppelganger porter at some point mid trip, questioning the hue of leaf come autumn 

The loving grip of the other seated next to him draws out from invisibility
In this moment of inquiry, of self exploration of existential pursuit
Focus he must between all the distracting lights and the sparkle becomes not the fade
But the personification of air into skin, into breast and recompense 

To avert this voyage from rock into beach and in this he has found himself
Naked flesh to the sky pumping fist drawing the eternal font within
That the God damn train ride is not yet over

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