Monday, January 7, 2013


I am invincible. 
I have seen the other side. 
I have ventured internally.   
No matter what happens I am stronger than the stimuli we may refer to as pain.  

This world is bonded in an extravagant simplicity. Peering out of normality like the curves set into an infinitude of smiles and grins, not in complete lengths, but in snapshots. The integral captured moments are like calculus approaching what we are perpetually seeking and can not intersect.  We are forever tangent. 

Our tangential distance is the epitome of our adventure.    
We are coming as one part of the same line.   
We act as if the purpose is to reach the finishing point, to intersect.   
When the purpose is the drive into ourselves to remain moving in the exact (x,y) point we inhabit.   
We are in fact approaching the other; by burrowing into ourselves we become tangent to the entire universe. 

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