Saturday, January 12, 2013

Listening for Unicorns

I crimped my remnant heart without even trying
All I had was a twenty-three second phone call
An attempt to respond to a digital message
In a direct apportionment of choice in the universe  

As if there was something I could have done differently
To alter the outcome, some combination of phrases, pauses
Or assertion which might have presented the aura of personhood
In a divergent shelter or empowerment that would have resulted  

In additional communication at minimum to alleviate this miserable chasm
Percolating in my abdomen judging me like an old acquaintance
The arbiter of the nights of the nowhere phone calls
The stares and waiting for rings like milk-carton people 

As if I could remember any face or they could recollect mine
I peek behind the curtain and see vastness
Stationed in a foyer with an entry door and an interior door
Neither of which opens very often and when it does it is typically wind  

Or a solicitor selling candied goods which my taste buds abhor,
While the populace drools and I am confounded and sullen
Resigned to realize that the salesman was the only opportunity
For speech that I will get this day or quite possibly the week  

I try not to feel the cocoon or get over excited at the site of the mailman
That today might be letter day, every month and a half or so
There is typically something intentionally sent by a human
Rather than a computer program generating my name for corporate bulimia

I emailed about my novel because she seemed like a reader
As if I could simply find a few souls to partake, then at least someone out there
Would gather a piece of me, maybe even love a character in the tale or find empathy
Or reluctance that one might wish one measure of absence in the protagonist’s life  

Were filled with a measure of beautiful reciprocation, and so if not me
Than a conceptual idea of me might be cared for in the well-wished sentiment
Of another in a hypothetical fictional parallel; I could at least imagine that
But no; this one saw a challenge, a move to this city  
As I had intentionally traveled outside my borders to avoid such intersections
Of courtship and goodwill and yet like Ray Stanz I had somehow created a titan
And was debating crossing streams at her request
And she actually followed through to her aforementioned message
Initiation out of the blue, handle that with the right combination lock
Can I call you back tomorrow and a week of silence reverberates 

I am not angry as the familiarity of a craven ache for oblivion resonates
I know such tiny things are oxygen, just the opportunity to escape
Into the scent of the street of ten million doorways
Years and brambles at least one resident gave me a whisper one evening
As if my size, speech and face were not the repugnant troll of horrid blankness  

For it is the foggy nothingness that hurts the most, the knowledge
That is all basic irrelevance that the very molecule of hope whispering
Is but a cackle of death reminding me what true life feels like
As if I just stayed in the silence for a totality I might forget what I am missing  

It seems easier that way, the long-numb, the blank-stroke of grayest paint
I hoped there for a few hours, even had trouble going to sleep
In anticipated nervous energies that my learned realist expectation to be ignored
Or discounted or left unanswered might be wrong; after all she does not know me  

How could she repeat the pattern if I keep my mouth shut; if I do not speak or write
Or act then I could possibly not be me and not me probably would not get treated like me
But yet he does, he is, he was and so I am exasperated into a folly of near barbarism
Against the remnants of any faith, of any hope of any belief beyond what is 

There is only what is and what is, is the grand estrangement of void
Of a boy born to be a poet cursed with a heart that could sculpt sentiments
In the universe having conceptualized love to such an intricate hue
And yet again and again I am simply treated as a ghost with phantom oration  

A transparent aura of bone and sinew which does not require response
I remember Bethany, writing so many times for a single note response
Anastasia and the dance floor and the one letter that nearly killed me
The Jewish girl on the quad, the actress brunet, and the years of awkward mute  

I remember the crab queen’s misguided reprieve with the payback beyond all paybacks
Into the damnation of nonresponse; even my nightingale took a month to simple say hello  

The messages wash like a cesspool of recycled bottles floating in a mid-Atlantic
Whirlpool garbage-island each un-retorted, there was the psychologist from Baton Rouge
The Friday of illusion and now a mysterious horseback rider
Just light me on fire, just crush me, just care enough to hit me across the bow  

The idiotic want just damns everything;
The house isn’t really sold, the job is not really real, and neither is the girl
They never are

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