Wednesday, January 2, 2013



I was born a romantic
Like a Grimm Brother’s curse
Irony in the semantics of a poet
Spinning golden yarn alone into haystacks  

Words cast in yellow sticks bundled and packaged
Without sight of sun just a gray-stone tower
Overlooking barren fields, hearth absent kindle
Fire lost in the science of time 

Knowledge, but absent the materials
The fungus on tree trunks to keep lit like fuel
Quick to ignite rudimentary fibers, magnesium flint
Or limbs un-soaked from the storm, the humidity never wears down  

No succumbing to the minutes of arid grip
Lodged in the stoic concrete of silence inebriated in a tsunami of a broken heart
I want to write love poems, sweet and tender capable of burning
In light illuminating passageways like polemics for island castaways  

Lure the solitary off the archipelago dare the leap to see the incomplete
As complements dancing for stepping stones called out the cave and into the sirens
Welcoming in a contradiction to every historical lyric taught
Makers standing, singing from behind the bastions  

I was born a romantic
To love grandly, to paint in a spectrum of hues beyond the average tenderness
And in this I have set my brush into a desert clumped and mired in colors caked   
The whiteness and blackness have merged into the boredom of absence  

Nothingness appears like the sand ubiquitous in sentence after sentence
Ending with ampersand after ampersand commingling
Like the incestuous debt of a man who took for granted those who loved him
To be born into the soul of a poet printing and scripting with no one to write to  

So he speaks in spirals of tomes alone to himself wanting to be who he is, alone and complete
Grown for who and not for why’s stitched from the lies of other lives
The perfect space of growing old without the taint of knowing
There is no reason for reason other than choice  

I make the hand motion upon the palette, swirl the colors and chase the rabbits
Or sit upon the stand, fire the gun and see death and life ignite a barren land
In brush fire

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