Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lamps on Nightstands

Looking over at the other nightstand without a lamp
Wondering how many people think about the space
The debate, the balance of equilibrium of furniture
In appearance or the timeframe

The hours approaching midnight of glancing over
Through mountain ranges of buddle-sheets and blankets
Rumpled to a right where the left has expanse
The units of clock dedicated to filling the allotment 

With what we promise ourselves exists
The counterpoise to the equipoise
In limbs and sentiments spoken in whispers
To remain tangent to rest as if in this instance  

One may find respite while speaking that all of that which dreams seek
Is apparent and so the worlds of reverie and reality have intermixed
In panoply to ward fears like a city wall of assurance
That cloth and air are amorphous the specter of expectation’s bargain kept 

I imagine all the lonely people glancing over like Eleanor Rigby
The nightstands abandoned or held on to with the geometry of bedrooms
The light bulbs gone un-replaced resting in old lamps and ultimately
The lamps removed and replaced, removed and replaced  

Faith, jostled with, that someone else is peering to the empty space to their left
Thinking the same

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