Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Revolution of Ration

Sometimes I think of how easily a man can find himself in one life
As opposed to another
This circumstantial interface of movie and book lore
Of late for a proverbial bus or early for a restaurant  

Waiting, speaking, finding, uncovering the lovers and marauders of our lives
In greetings like accepting inoculants into our blood stream
To determine our ability to diagnose our susceptibility to find ourselves
Charmed, dismayed or wary of such overtures of some other random 

Insect voicing, silent, sitting, reading, watching inspecting
And in this volatility the miraculous nature of justice
Floats like a cartoon balloon as if karmic mathematics were in play
That on this day of trivial decision trees leads to a boy running his cheeks  

Through the tires of a moving pick-up truck or around an ice cream cone
The logic is a feckless mistress to bed,
So in we dub enemies and wars and saints and saviors
All in the confluence of such esteem holiday-ridden algebra  

As if in this allotment of hours or ritualized dance
That one set of variables is pleased to allow the confluence to bear favor of vengeance
Chuckle, chuckle my sodomized sheep roving blandly at processing
Cycle, cycle of excrement  

This free will and scientific balance of nature are but parameters
Finding neither satisfaction or malicious torment in this lottery of now’s
So in the ricocheting principle of an orb’s dissent is analogous to a hurricane or sunny sky
Mathematics of confluence supporting why one woman meets her husband  

On this day versus another through this task that had him approaching
At the current accumulation of all the learning in his prior twenty-eight years
Or the bullet of a newfound soldier in Mali taking arms
This surely is not of deities and sides, but of the revolution of ration 

Viva la revolution!!!!!!  

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