Monday, January 21, 2013

Bronchiole Stowaways

My mind debates the redeemable attributes of a doormat,
As compared to say a flat of sheet rock, mirror, or awning
This morning I feel like some amalgamation
Of household entry or exit hardware-store commodities  

Often visualized, rarely commented on or perceived
With any specific intimacy, the frames and angles of mundane
Are for perfunctory standards of constituting a human
The kind one passes when retrieving coffee in a bustling Monday workplace  

The crafted conversations are explicit to context
Injected for this biped or that, but not this stucco-one
The one with the cans of latex paint for feet and sandpaper cheeks
Eyes imbibe with a sip of the innocuous brew without shift of brow  

The whole warehouse seems entirely pointless
Despite the keyboards and the buzzers crowing
The whole god-damn world can be summed up in the look of a woman
The factories, the smokestacks, the carriage-men can all be made bums  

Within the manner of seconds breathing out into eons
Such silly organs lungs are like playthings for switching opportunities on and off
The alveolar sacs store the majesty of a fifteen minute waiting period
A bit of that air sometimes never exits the lungs  

A man may breathe many millions of breaths, yet
That speck of minutes refuses to depart like a clung dust particle
Pressed to the extreme of blood, carbon and oxygen hardened
So that one bag of processing in one’s internal air-factory  

Is forever decommissioned to inoperable status
The scent of that room marauds into the others as a warning
As this is what we risk when we inhale too deeply
The operations will overload the filter; hope is too dangerous a toxin  

To be ingested without a blue mask, the film of mucous must thicken
So that the cage of ribs does not rattle with violent coughs
To shake the vertebrae and undulate waves of immobility down
The nerves of the legs, tingling and numbing to bucket feet 

Attempting to pose as a worker, as if the mind can focus on industry
As if man can beguile himself to see this crass pursuit as worthy of his identity
For what is the faculty of man without love or at minimum the attempt at love’s glance?
To see, to hear, to bask in what sends that seed of toxin to harden in the bronchioles 

It is the very wanting of existence pressed upon our germination from egg and sperm
To all that a thought can bloom and so in the stagnation of factories
It clots with these lungs bursting the plague vats of how one human can sabotage another
Simply by a conceptual existence, for the thoughts are in the damned-one’s mind 

Which percolate all annihilation; it is the processing of the oil and the turbine lubricants  
That the operator chooses to empower sentiments; for without this volition
All enemies are feckless magicians with placebo biological-weaponry
Therein one must know it is he who makes the lint into anthrax 

The elementary composition transmogrifies into gnarly oak gripping the blood vessels
So in, one can initiate this mutation, one can reverse it, given time, given knowledge
Given autonomy of one’s totality to recognize the source code we write to ourselves 

I remember the beautiful notion of sensing the kindred in the distance approaching
As if I could smell the pheromones of capacity, the cavernous glinting diamond nuance
Of my utmost yearning on the precipice of contact,
Had with the mere requirement of supplied hope like a token in a slot machine  

Pull for sequencing in the arrangement of syllables, sentences and metaphors
To go spelunking into the evolutionary DNA of gender for rationale
To explain such gravity as in certain instances science can trump will
As in most humans are compelled to do, attraction is not a choice, but a reaction  

The electron is either innately drawn or repulsed by the arrangement of nuclei
Based on what cannot be altered by circumstance, only by fundamental construction
So in this iteration, the formulaic chemistry appeared like a comet on a solstice
Piercing the rim of one’s vision tantalizingly adjacent to the glance of a poet 

Captured in imagination, reciprocated and then damned as the asteroid
Simply bypassed the planet entirely, neither meeting destruction or curiosity’s dessert
To breathe in that rare alien-element that pulsates in his lungs was somehow also
Pulled out from the vastness of the universe into the orbit of this singular human  

The mathematics are boggling and yet believable in the instance as conception
Could be justifiably convinced into stepping one inhalation away from pragmatism
Towards aspiration that a comet-tail had a sundress, a camera lens and a writer’s pen
Paris was alive once more, a lighthouse keeper returned to wipe the foul smoke of Notre Dame  

Baptiste’s historical compensatory behaviors had recompense to reward
Passion and faith in equal scale; yet the lobby is asunder this morning
The chasse lounge needs upholstering; the glass is reflecting the ironic Sunday-azure sky
I am flabbergasted at the inhabitants of hotels, aching with a bit of shrapnel in my lung

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