Friday, January 4, 2013

Drop for the Cactus

Drop for the Cactus 

I pieced together my image of you in my head
And I wanted nothing more than for it to be a version of real
At minimum a flavor in the spectrum of truth
Like a strawberry, though you are really a raspberry  

Rather than the fruit of an alien unicorn-tree or of a domestically native cumquat
Grown in all honest germination without intervention of man
I say, I would hope you to be in this realm
For the romantic in me sees the husk gathering weevils on summer’s crop  

The sunsets and sunrises are all the more expansively ecumenical
With the possibility that some morsel of the way my imagination
Wraps around the profile of your name to be made worthy of mentioning
That I am in context possibly befitting a torrent of emotional precipitation  

The energy at which this sound is divergent from the historical parade
Of stationary stamped out post to a standard office day’s production
So in this correspondence I see an inkling of a dream raised like a flare
Back in a day without pause comingled in all the others non responses  

To prepare me happily surprised that this one laid seed to the smallest of apertures
Like the dew droplet of a hope formed on a grass blade I had by chance
Left unnoticed from the nightfall of our last words until this morning’s intersection
And so it was the water was always there in its miniature place-holding station  

That so in the world changes in such extensions from such size
The oak, the redwood, the gullies, bend at the whim of what might be inside
Such fanciful spherical treasure chests holding blueprints for all great measures of men
So I am pausing on what to say to you, your face, the remembrance  

That I wrote this to you then and you wrote this to me when and my
How I want the water to flow from this as nourishment for the cactus
For in that drop is all a man may ever need

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