Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The sky-god

At times I wish my internal computations could resolve that it is possible
For an interactive deity
If it were possible for one to exist; I would attest we wage war against it
I would lobby for an all-out ban on behavioral norms of compulsion  

If just one of us could figure out what the fuck it wanted
Then we could deny it that in mass; get the beast virulently angry
We could have it out; a mass annihilation of our physical existence
For if it were to exist in such a manner,
is there any greater testament to its sadism than our Earth? 

For the eminence to end the atrocities to be available,
For the tyrannical inequity of avarice to stampede unabated in the franchises of our tomorrows
Knowing child after child born into destitution will funnel the nothingness of systematic indifference into a collection of viruses organic and sociological, is to see
The glorious coronation of a foul overlord  

Under which I would rather perish and toil tasting one drop of rebellion
Than to satiate it with my complicit acquiescence to that which it chooses
Over that which we choose to inflict upon ourselves  

For I am most thankful to have had extracted myself from these cults
Of half-logics and half-thoughts, for to imply the fractional proportion
To be a majority or minority of the totality of what there is to know is unknowable
However conceptually the inference of a productive prayer burrowing  

Down or upward to an omnipotent font of discernment bartering outcomes upon our plain
Is the most horrid conceptual exchange I can imagine
For I would rather and have found solace in the accumulated recognition that
We each find the universal by diving into the internal 

The consequences of free will held cascade into the self, which is the universal
So it is whatever we do to the other we do to ourselves
This is the grand entanglement where it is we are the “God” we blame, pray to and profess to love; is merely all of us, every planet, every being capable of recognition that existence must have come out of non-existence in the classic cosmological argument and
For God to exist he must exist outside of physical matter  

So I fear not for this war for it is a fairy’s tale of giants, titans and goblins
I fear for the men and women who deem it possible; I pity them and fret the harm
They do to us all in their panic of the sky-God breaching wrath for the injustices
They see fit to acknowledge and the ones deem ignored

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