Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Two Bibles

So yesterday the president of the United States held his hand
Over not one, but two Bibles on his inauguration,
Possibly insinuating to some misguided souls
As one for his white genealogy and one for his black
I find this troubling on a myriad of levels  

The day being our commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s life,
On a Monday so government related employees can take off of work
Despite Dr. King’s actual birthday being last Tuesday on the fifteenth
Was plausible utilization of Martin’s “personal Bible” 

I can correlate the day with what Mr. Obama represents in his blackness
And Dr. King represents in his blackness, however
Dr. King and Mr. Obama are far more than their blackness
So in this I do not intend to imply that in utilizing Dr. King’s Bible
Mr. Obama did so only for its connotation of blackness,
Rather I would imagine it was for equality, peace, and nonviolence conflict resolution 

Mr. Obama’s record of an unclosed Guantanamo, a continuing war in Afghanistan
Drone attacks by the CIA in countries we “have not declared war in”
And most crucial the escalation of the global drug war in America rather than its cessation
Are testaments to Mr. Obama’s choices for violence, murder, and continued poverty
As the office of the presidency so often demands 

As a preacher and a man of Christ, Dr. King’s use of and link to the Bible
Was justifiable, as commander and chief of a nation with freedom of religion
I find it incongruent how any president, witness, judge, or representative circumstance
Of our government should ever include a religious tome, number one culprit being the Bible 

To me America’s reluctance to see this delineation indicates our childish insecurity
When it comes to our existential search, but also our grotesque level of fear
Secure Christians would not demand self-righteous indignation that
One Nation under God, has anything to do with the Bible  

Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine should not even be required to support such arguments
However this freedom of religion is also freedom from religion because of men such as these
Brave enough to stand for what is at its nature equal freedoms 

This is at the essence the message of Doctor King, that in his security of his faith,
He could usurp the criticism of less secure Christians, and seek
The equality of all men created equal and should not be discriminated by
Ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, and echoing into today’s forefronts sexuality and religion  

When we wish a man the autonomy to be a worshiper or a non-worshiper and then
Proceed to use such words as Bible, Torah, or Quran as placeholders for God
We have lost that which we seek to obtain in this link to God at all,
Our internal volition,  

For when you mandate a religious doctrine even by the inscription on
A public candleholder or electrical plate, however subtle or apparently inconsequential
You have prioritized insecure placation over internal fortitude
We have chosen existential acquiescence over spelunking into the grand universal caverns  

I find this to be the vocation of lethargy and to enlist with the procrastinators
I would seek to swear us only on our constitution or our Bill of Rights alone
For this, rightly or wrongly defines America explicitly 

Books written by men in a desert in a foreign country two thousand years ago
Translated and adapted by other foreigners should be for open discussion
By others in other places if so desired, but on this day I find it quite contradictory  
As a matter of state and to a degree the personal confliction in this case  

Dr. King was a man of unflinching peace and nonviolence
The totality of the responsibilities, volition and tacit allowances of
Not just Mr. Obama, but any President of the United States of America
Includes the direct opposite and  

While we may wish their idealistic pursuit
By pushing reality under the hand to the book we are truncating our
Acknowledgment of who we are, what we choose and how we live 

I can think of few better inquiries as to why most seek out the Bible or
Any religious tome in the impetus of our self-actualization;
That any book be the truncation of one’s search is possibly fitting,
But often done with questionable motivations;  

Therein many cases we will accept any answer
Given a personal quandary independent of its validity
Where an answer is preferable to no answer  

I find a preferable form of super-organism of collective humanity,
One that perpetually seeks answers, dives down internally to find the universal
To see a single tome as the cessation of that search, I find to be most sophomoric
So you see two Bibles only brings to mind the excess of a single one  

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