Monday, November 11, 2013

The Meme an addendum of October

Belief in theism causes reflected ills in the West mirrored in Islam in the East.  To fell Islamic terrorism in the world, humanity must fell theism and the hypocritical depravity that comes with it.  A Christian decrying the ills of militant-Islam ignores the dream-image of creed terrorizing a common planet with a common vice of ignorant capitulation.

The Church’s obsession with virginity within Christianity instills the veiled notion that god somehow has a penis and in some manner penetrated to inseminate Mary to make Jesus.  Dare a mortal man, Joseph, to give the Lord sloppy seconds. 

Disassociating evil or perniciousness from god and transplanting such elections into the character of satan or the devil bifurcates the volition of god.  A perfect (i.e. sinless) god is thus functionally inept of this duality, yet if such a convenient machine as the devil is available, such an instrument’s viability is a function of god’s allowance.  Such a device would be limited to a paradigm tangent to humanity.  Like a nuclear launch button, god need only figuratively press for any such anti-god’s encapsulation of evil to be obliterated.

Therefore, one cannot disavow this god of culpability.  Attributing perfection and benevolence to such a Lord-god are problematic.  This is choosing to see a portrait with one eye closed or to view the image from the waist up.  The god would have a head, torso, arms, but no genitals or legs.  Biblical tomfoolery may imagine a back of angel’s wings and goat legs.  Each party owns a gonad.  There is a halo of horns and a pitchfork-harp etc.

This anthropomorphized amalgamated holy-monstrosity is but preposterous to imagine except for the human demand to see portioned flocks of angels and devils serving as enslaved-militias for masters bearing the ideal of each set of personified absolutism. 

The sooner humanity sees the nonsense in play; the sooner we take the reins on the carriage of our volition before we careen into the valley of extinction.  We plunge in a democracy based on assumptions that a single vote makes no difference.  Negating our volition to negligible contribution bonds humanity to shackles in a burning prison.  The key is visualizing that no key need exist.  The shackle is not there.  We have set the fire.

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