Sunday, November 17, 2013

Conclusion to The Meme: Why We Do What We Do


Humans are animals.  We are vehicles for genes.  Our cells are blueprints.  We are replicas.  We are born.  We may replicate.  We die.  Our genes may continue, but our illusion of individuality, of self, ends. 

There may be a spiritual presence outside of space-time.  This may be pertinent in some unperceived manner.  However currently we have no evidence, let alone what such a presence is or even if it might have volition or desires.  The lack of confirmation leads many to make assumptions, which manipulate human behavior for the Meme.

Which side are you on?  Are you pro-Meme or anti-Meme?  This is not an absolute, but a reflection of our daily choices.  We can ask, is this advertisement, conversation, product promoting me to be more or less fearful?  What am I choosing in this moment and how does that choice enhance or impede the Meme?

We see and do not see the pod of our self-deception.  We know we are nude, but are too proud in our emperor-being status in our understanding of the universe to relinquish our specialness under the Meme.

Imagine humans are like a species of bird.  Noncomplex life may be like a species of insect numerated in exponential iterations in comparison.  The Meme blocks the liberty that we do not require uniqueness to accomplish all we have as a species to date.  We have never had uniqueness. 

The Meme will end the same way people dropped human sacrifice, rain dances, and séances.  Sunrises do not require a human chest cavity to be cleaved.  Religion in any organized form is as preposterous with or without the Meme.  Religion is a grasp at what might be outside of space-time, which fills in a lack of certitude with surrogate substance including, but not limited to the Meme. 

As humans mentally evolve and surpass the thresholds of abandoning the current dominant meme, the release may very well be quite uneventful.  As the process is mental, the regime change will have already occurred.  By the time human-media announces the grand shift, the exchange will have been completed for over half a generation, if not longer.  

Those aware will passively acknowledge what was long-apparent.  The Earth will keep rotating.  Humans will be less likely to destroy each other.  Peaceful ration was so close the whole time.  Not absolute peace, the volition to kill will always be as real, if not more apparent.  However the trust to stabilize macro level truces would never in the history of our species have been greater.  

This treatise was written to expose and explore why we do what we do and help divulge the nudity of the Humans are not Animals meme and the Meme’s influence upon humanity.  The structure of The Ten Commandments was used as the primary symbol of the Meme to demonstrate its explicit and implicit messages coating religion, economics, politics and psychology.

The hyper evolution of the internet is finally penetrating racism, homophobia, and the goliath of religion.  Children being born after 2013 may be the first generation to tip the threshold towards the anti-Meme based on their parents rejecting the Meme through the mutual assurance of the internet and satellite communication systems.  

The great expanses of the world can see our nudity, but we are still hesitant to speak.  We can see that we are the emperors doing this to ourselves.  We can choose to no longer operate this way.  We can elect volition to change to a new dominant meme that can lead to an evolution not of our cerebral cortex and genes somatically, but through our memes in our psyche psychologically.  

This is not profound achievement of this singular current generation, but of the cumulative minds of humans evolving to pass a major, but not even close to the last in a series of extrapolating hurdles to progress as we dare breathe in and explore the species we are linked biologically, the planet elementarily, and the universe anatomically.  

The Meme knows that we need a massive amount of Poor to fuel society.  Only a few people can be at the top.  If the Poor do not cooperate then society tears apart, chaos ensues and human extinction becomes more likely.  The Meme through religion, social policies, war and desperation have hedged humanity’s risk from this happening for the majority of modern history. 

Gender, race, sexuality, religion, and the dominoes of divide fall as each subcategory of humanity comes out of its closet to claim dignity.  Theism is the last great pillar of the current Meme.  The other dominoes still stand depending on one’s country or family.  This treatise has attempted to illuminate how these sentiments support the Meme and thus trade the rhetorical for the empirical and impede human evolution.  

The paradigm shift to topple the Meme is through information technology web-based infrastructures to change healthcare, voting, education, agriculture, and communication for all humans.  The true revolution is unlocking the technologies of the internet through coordinated funding for democratic platforms so that the revolution of human input and volition is prioritized rather than top-down totalitarian bureaucracies.  We must breed digital ecosystems like Facebook inside these industries to be pro-volition and anti-Meme.

This potential paradigm shift is why the current Meme is now surmountable and more highly threatened.  The Meme does not want data connected to have humans help themselves to enhance volition.  The Meme does want big-data to centralize surveillance and marketing.  This is why Snowden, Wikileaks, and Anonymous are so crucial as a will of the people.  This is why the Meme is so focused on monetizing Facebook, Twitter, vaccines, and universities. 

The Meme hungers for apathy and complacency.  Masses of people acquiesce to the Meme by doing what their parents and grandparents did.  It is easier to not think, to accept, and move about the day.  It is easier to mate, replicate, find a spot to coast and practice ritual until one awaits the paradise beyond death.  This keeps people calm from chaotic internal pandemonium when contemplating what they have done with their lives and becoming despondent when registering this is all the time one has left.  

The subconscious reality is that humanity never wanted god.  What humanity hungers for is the relaxation of a verified trust of understood and comprehended interconnection.  We want peace that other humans will not kill us in our sleep or on our lunch break.  The Meme does this with god, but humans know we are still animals.  So we struggle with being both pro and anti-Meme.

There is a reason Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, and the Beatles etc. reverberated across the Earth.  These artists have tapped into this truth whether they did so under theist persuasions with doubts of faith in a god or not; these artists drew from love, peace, and interconnection of our common species.  The Meme and god were and always have been secondary to this.  So what does man do when he sheds his crutches to discover that he never was lame except for inside his mind’s volition?

We hunger for spiritual, but not religious yearning for there to be some iteration of afterlife bordering between deserving and desperation.  Most of the world still believes in a form of Santa Claus.  No one wants to hear there is no Santa.  Santa brings pleasure and comfort.  Most would rather block their ears.  We trade delusion for bleak vulnerability. 

One can see in this why so many of us steer our children in the wrong logical direction to preserve the Meme when we cannot face it ourselves as adults.  We find reprieve, as even if we suspect it to be true we feel to admit such a raw, in ways, sad, stark, and scary truth to our younglings, that we bear little difference to animals, would deprive them of comfortable illusion.  To some this is like that of Santa Claus, which we may have enjoyed in blissful ignorance for a handful of years. 

If humanity could usurp the theist element of the Meme, one could see that the actions of humanity to recognize (i.e. worship, pray to, etc.) a god under the valid existence of a god under a deist-paradigm centered on morality are irrelevant.  Most of humanity operates under a deist-paradigm rather than a theist-paradigm despite the prevalence of prayer and outward actions.  

Prayer is part social expectation and part internal counseling session.  The act of prayer is owned by the volition of individuals despite the communal assumptions by religious’ executives as a practice of complete obedience and reinforcement of scriptural specificities.  Most monotheistic prayer excludes nonbelievers through an implied exclusivity inherent to the dogma.  That god being prayed to is the god, which dilutes and disparages the prayers of other religions as fraudulent or second-rate. 

Our prior exploration of the full Meme adds to the abundance of rationalizations humans use to participate in houses of worship such as churches, synagogues and mosques despite in so many human internal discussions not believing that god has the ability to directly interface with humanity.  (I.e. The god they are praying to is understood to be god.  No response is expected.)

Many humans congregate for similar dynamics as any form of socialization, because humans bear a better chance of survival by being social than being loners.  Prayer is part of this socialization whether the majority of humans on Earth actually believe their prayer is heard and then can be acted upon by their chosen deity to interface with their current biological form. 

One should dive into the questions; do I believe humans who are not members of my chosen religion will suffer in any way in the judgment of my personal version of god for not practicing the rituals I practice?  In turn will I suffer by this god if I am practicing the non-preferred iteration of ritual?  Will either iteration bring favor?  Do I believe that any iteration of Earth’s practiced religions is correct under such a potential judgment?  

If one is to believe that one’s eternity or time in a potential variant of purgatory or perdition are not at stake, but that a common morality is the only pertinent factor, then one is left with little choice but to recognize that deism is also equally irrelevant.  Morality therefore becomes one’s notion of god (what we believe our personal version of god would prefer or what we personally believe is good).  Morality is simply a byproduct of volition.  Therefore it would not matter if god exists, ever existed, or will exist if such a chain of logic is true in context to our chosen actions in this life.  

The alternative is to believe a kind good-hearted Jew or Muslim is going to hell if one believes fundamentally in Christianity.  This creates a regress of rock, paper, scissor style rationalizations or the repressions of the logical ramifications of acknowledging religion’s inherent contradictions.  This had led to quasi-iterations of faith watered-down, which like secular humanism if allowed to be taken far enough by one’s contemplation ends at atheism. 

Politically the progress of humanity must include the development in the First World to choose to give away assets to achieve conceptual democracy and human rights in the Third World.  We see this with the Gates Foundation’s work and foreign aid budgets, which are not hijacked entirely by the Meme.  This in turn must be imprinted on the upper two percent in the First World to the Poor in First World countries as the wealth gap expands.  

The Meme says ignore or do not help without a vested self-interest.  A corporation or individual by extension is told by the Meme not to help unless the firm or human offering aid is compensated.  This is typically to maximize profit by reducing tax burdens through credits and creating dependency.  The dependency is key because the aid in many cases selects winners and losers inside the Second and Third World governments to actually repress the Poor.  This allows First World powers to extract natural resources with the cooperation of inexpensive labor reserves.  This creates slavery.  

The Poor are treated as pagans.  These humans are not deemed economically equivalent or linked to how the First World accrues wealth in variables worthy of consideration.  This disconnection mutes the compulsion for empathy.  We know we are linked, but if we can absorb into our current surroundings the Meme can continue unabated as global cross-border exploitation occurs.

The Meme is accelerating human extinction.  Most of humanity feels helpless as the resources of our species and planet are consolidated and compacted into an intractable clog in the name of profit through our daily choices.  The logical extreme is one magnanimous benevolently-ordained mafia of a handful of corporate entities with the vast majority of stock owned by a tiny fraction of humans.  This is humanity pushing ourselves out from a continent to a peninsula where fewer humans can continue to walk the plank until the profit mechanisms become an island leaving the continent to starve.  

We do this psychologically as if we are trapped in a concert hall caught afire.  We rush to the exits, trampling over each other in lack of trust of orderly departure.  The illuminated backlit signs above the door replace the four letter word with RUN.  The Poor fall and become stomped.  The Middle is soon forgotten.  A trickling of faces force their way through a mashed wall of limbs and torsos crammed into a portal.  The hole was never systematically designed for very many to pass into the open air.  Ninety-nine percent of us are lost in the smoke believing we each have a much greater chance of being one of those intrepid survivors.  

This is the Meme creating order to the herd when we know no matter what we do we cannot all see the sunlight.  In the panic of self-preservation we pour gasoline on our fellow humans to try to eliminate the competition.  We are founded in eat or be eaten, no matter how we might repress such instinct.  We hunger for a better balance through mutual pre-communicated assurance.  We want to know that in the event of fires, others will walk instead of run.  We want to feel others in the moment of decision will hold firm not through pheromone control like ants, but from volition.  This is our true battle with the Meme, (i.e. battle with ourselves). 

How does humanity stop those at the apex of the Meme from keeping it all or the preponderance?  Progressive income taxes recapture some of the resources to the Poor and Middle Class in the absence of living wages and sufficient encompassed safety nets for humans as the planet’s firms externalize human costs to craft profit.  Other remedies were discussed in this treatise, but most have been rendered feckless to reverse the growing wealth disparity to date as money hides in offshore banks. 

The internet is the effective replacement for the Meme and the neo-catalyst of human evolution.  The hive-mind communication system of the internet and social media allows humans to verify adherence to the social contract without relying on the traditional conventions of the Meme.  In some ways this can be viewed as the evolution of the same meme under a fresh paradigm. 

The specificity of defining the evolution as pertaining to the Meme or humanity is secondary to the essential interplay that complex life relies on such collective assurances to function in the peaceful environment required for the mental-evolution of a complex-brained species to utilize its collective mental capacity of thought to explore the universe and maximize the prosperity of the whole. 

Without the internet we would be confined to the bastions of the current iterations of the Meme: churches, schools, governments, and parent-child dynamics etc.  This treatise attempts to illuminate how the Meme affects these dynamics and highlight how and why our global society is adapting.  The modern topics such as the Arab Spring, the Occupy, and Anonymous global movements would not be possible without the unrestricted Meme-bypassing communication and commensurate assurances the internet allows. 

The Meme for the better-part of this treatise is portrayed as a plague or a quasi-infection.  These allusions are used as part of a greater message.  The Meme is powerful and manipulative; however the Meme is not the enemy.  The Meme is a complex-being’s psychological tool, like the wheel, the pulley, or the lever.  We utilize the Meme as an inevitable machine for the betterment of our species. 

The Meme as we have known it was necessary to get to what the internet represents.  The internet is both an asset and a liability, much like religion before it.  The internet is a nuclear weapon in such ways; it can bring a manner of peace and destruction. 

We and the Meme are not done.  The human journey is never over until extinction.  Even then our bodies and ideas may be the food, fuel, or historical foundation for other species to be part of their iteration of the Meme and on and on.  This form of eternal life is irrelevant, possible, but not a material interface to which humanity need be concerned. 

Our focus need only to be how to liberate our conscious and subconscious capacity of thought to maximize our volition to a collective enhancement of evolution that concentrates on a mutual, rather than consolidated prosperity.  This healthy form of honesty in the brain-work of our species must be able to balance love and fear so that we do not succumb to the unavoidable uncertainties at the foundation of the Meme and the fulcrum of volition.

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