Monday, November 11, 2013

As Far

I loved you as far along the road as I could
Fairy tales expound on the absolute of love
Forever into time as if the junctures of circumstance
Bear little weight to the totality of one’s commitment

To see the other as the counterweight to the perdition of individuality
For in this manner the identity of either party has not been rendered
As sacrifice as a bifurcated whole, but as an autonomous vessel of volition choosing
This is the beauty of love’s fruition stationed on a cascading wave of time

Progressing and regressing in the appearance of a cyclical tide
Which despite the similarity of the ocean’s surface in respective iterations
In the mirage of moon and sun we have a fresh manifestation
Cresting over starfish, flounders, crabs, and oyster beds

The talents and accidents on the reef are beyond calculation
So in this love is neither mirage of defunct, but gone as far as this free will allows
I saw the interchange of god in peace to you is distance to me
I saw our children drowning in these bubbles and cried with you

I see the exodus of fallout of what a man once spoke to you and a woman to me
We were not each other’s miracle as if such celestial reverie exists,
But to this the journey is not futile, feckless, or insignificant but eternal in the right
Of human frailty to see the whispers break to concertos hinting at a unfinished symphony

So that is what you are to me, a system of notes playing in tone and melody inside my recollection
Knowing I have not the volition to hear this beauty until my finality as we are made in discord
To a degree not in acrimony, but in honesty that there are nutrients in these grounds
Which we each require, which cannot be supplied by the internal composition of the other

I give this truth to myself and mirror such speech to you out of my love
Extended as far as this realm will allow knowing if other sheets of time exist
Maybe we spent a lifetime together if I was not so scalded prior to our introduction
In the peace of my prior foundation pre-crumble

I hear your doubts, adventures, and wants hoping for your felicity
Knowing the day you find a man to share this with you in Christ
I will shed a tear jealous to a non-insignificant measure
Happy for the two of you; knowing such a stead cannot be transposed

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