Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 8 Knowledge 73 to 75: The Meme

8) Knowledge
[You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.]
{You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.}

Human knowledge is accumulated on the shoulders of time.  The totality of that knowledge could be obliterated to nothingness in an instant.  Species with greater and lesser allotments of understanding dot the universe in distant rarities.  We are to them what they are to us, dust of a common atomic infinity. 

Even the elements of our Earth may bear a species wiped from the ledger with no remaining comprehended evidence which previously exceeded what humanity ever will achieve.  These potential summations are irrelevant.  We are animals evolved for extinction.  

What we do in the interim is a function of our interconnected reliance to see our complex brains as portals to peer into the universe.  The cells we each extrapolated into these brains bearing the volition to choose are capable of contributing more than all previous generations of our kind to our collective assurance of why we do what we do and what we are.  In these honesties we find a framework of immortality to be animals who unravel the mysteries innate to life. 

For if we are capable of such beauty, so is any being capable of the cognitive development to assert volition over instinct.  We can assess in which avenues we are still instinctual beings.  Instinct remains abundant.  However in these depths we see the Meme overlapping this knowledge repressing our honesty for a manipulated derivation of untruth posing as honesty.  

The eighth commandment states, you shall not lie.  Dishonesty is banned unless one does not understand that one is lying.  This is the Meme’s exception.  The Meme creates the make-believe that a lie is truth and truth is lie.  Knowledge is skewed with these honest-lies. 

Knowledge considers the fact that such untruths are believed, yet factually false.  Knowledge requires the empirical to substantiate a fact to be considered truth.  Knowledge can commensurately be comprised of falsehoods absent the empirical, yet the ideas are still knowledge.  Knowledge is both true and false.  Serious-loving-joyous theft and murder occur in these waters of false-knowledge.  

We are made to forget what we are.  The shoulders of time stack generations with whispers to infants, parent to child to grandchild extending.  The Meme breathes in such words.  The victors of wars write history books in dominate languages.  The truth becomes such a distant memory like a species that cannot be fathomed to exist, by those who are either descended from it or grown to be just like it without ever knowing a single piece of evidence of their rise, glory or extinction.  Science can peer into carbon and genetic mapping to hypothesize and at times prove linkages.  Science is anti-Meme.  

The Meme wishes us not to contemplate, to see the answers in absolute and in shortages of time.  The age of the universe matters to the Meme.  Time is the ultimate chaos.  There must be a start.  There must be a border and a limit to the distance.  The universe cannot be boundless and assault the order of knowledge.  To be boundless is to admit that there is space un-seeable, place impossible to get to, and answers unattainable as questions bombard in endless precipitation.  Similarly a finite universe is equally as perplexing.  To definitively claim knowledge of either variation as absolute is pious conceit.  To label that definitive knowledge god is a short-sighted simplistic equivalence costuming a solipsistic assumption that one’s mind bears power to determine metaphysical fact from an improvable epistemological hypothesis.

Entropy is the antithesis to the Meme.  Disorder is progressing as this iteration of the universe we inhabit is expanding.  The Big Crunch could follow the Big Bang.  The universe could contract into itself into a singularity only to be spit out through Planck time to expand again.  The atomic energy in our planet and bodies may have been through this countless times before.  Whether this is valid or not, the factual context is functionally irrelevant to the choices before humanity. 

The Big Bang need not be perceived as the beginning or the Big Crunch the end.  Black holes or wormholes or some paradigm of the orchestra-interplay of the universe yet discovered or ever discovered by humanity does not need to be a complete answer to be part of the answer.  The contemplated impetus, although a fixation or an obsession, is irrelevant.  Whatever it was, if time ever began, is independent to a similar infinite time and universe which always was. 

For in this we approach the infinite regress of calling the universe god and god the universe of a concept existing beyond what humans comprehend as time.  The Meme can misguide us in this dichotomy by hungering for an anthropomorphized universe deemed our father-god rather than the cold faceless-expanse deemed universe.  Anthropomorphizing brings comfort, definitiveness, magnanimity to humanity and a cessation to contemplation beyond our planet and individuality.  What would such an imagined father-figure do with genitals?

There need be no command to spark the universe for knowledge to exist.  We can continue our next thought knowing that we do exist in this iteration of the universe in these dimensions, perhaps interfacing with others in manners we cannot perceive, contemplate or ever bear awareness.  However these potential segregations of the consequences of our volition are life, not spirituality or magic, but scientific normality given the full spectrum of the universe.  The Big Bang and Crunch represent focused pit-stops in a journey of infinite time to create the illusion of relativity. 

For as probable as such a universal accordion may be as part of the story, humanity will most as certainly be extinct before or at maximum as a result of this process.  We do not need to exist.  This check to our ego is daunting for the Meme to confront.  The greatest lies of the Meme are a direct result. 

For the idea that we-are-not-animals also covers up the primordial soup the protein chains we came from before.  Whether we rode to Earth on a meteorite or not, the sun’s rays evolved the beginning of cells in water.  The billions of years to consolidated energy into mass backtrack in reverse from planets in a system to galaxy to nebula to a universe blinking.  The Meme gives us many stories as discussed in the third commandment, but ultimately each is dodging science to see a before the before. 

Either we have an unanswerable question or the universe always was.  The Big Bang is simply a yawn to the greater universe to appear large to us, when our entire known universe could be but the brain cell of a larger being.  Striations of energy and matter may act like nerves.  Even if that being were to exist this would still not make such a being our god or that being or its perceptions the limitations of totality.  It is probable that the complete atomic reality of the universe is a structure of improbabilities comingling so that the collective confluence dwarfs any thought humanity will ever be able to contemplate prior to our inevitable extinction.

The idea to link god as both creator and after-life haven are segregated mandates.  A concept of god is the name given to the spectrum of life giver, observer, arbiter, taker, compensator, and punisher.  The amalgamation of these roles is done by the Meme to simplify that any exist given the inextinguishable ignorance to such derivations of thought beyond human sensorial capability.  Since none can be proven or disproven the monopoly of such potential powers are consolidated in the name god.  These are refuted by that which exhibits no evidence can be refuted without evidence.  This is similar to the tooth fairy, centaurs, or zombies.  

God is a concept this treatise attempts to define in terms of the Meme.  The greatest attribute of a human-god is that such a god provides exactly what one feeds the god, sentiments.  Religion’s god is entirely separate.  God is the thought like a mirror of one’s ego, superego, libido, and id interpreting the universe and reflecting back every stimulus into an internal canvas.  We choose what we paint there across the spectrum of what we choose to perceive.  

Morality, honesty, respect, stealing or not, killing or not, loving or not are measurements of volition not god.  The Meme sabotages this reality for its own distortion of truth to make the human condition easier to handle given the uncertainties and certainties of death.  We cannot accept death, so the Meme cannot accept death.  The duality of such similar dynamics is why the Meme is so prevalent. 

We are taught by the Meme to seek god for a special relationship to mitigate these fears.  We are to never ask god for a manner of performance.  Those depicted in holy books are sufficient.  The anti-Meme is as the anti-apostle Thomas.  The anti-Meme wants to finger the wound for blood and finds the attempt for verification rational and fair.  The anti-Meme sees this as an admirable request to avoid a chaotic detour for humanity into ghostly dirges and ethereal cloud-carriages for a lack of due diligence. 

The untruth of commandment seven includes a claim of exclusivity on individuality.  Individuality is an illusion based on the consciousness of an organic brain.  Humans are a single cell divided into a network of cells like a rat, lion, turtle, fern or albatross.  The notion of seeking a god or god buries the simplicity of this biology with a fantastical division.

The result is boats of Meme-dependents holding the comfort of godly passports self-imposed to wait for a nonexistent jailer, judge, or jury.  There is only volition.  The cliff-dropping nothingness of such absolutism prompts fear and is the foundation of the Meme.

Misguided puppies are whimpering at the doorway of a never-seen master for a meal that was never and will never be prepared.  The canine’s stomach enzymes are eating itself appearing plump.  The pound is full of un-adopted pups euthanized all certain the master would come.

The Meme has become a colossal traffic accident having gawkers stare at Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, Zeus, etc. slowing down human action from accomplishing rational growth.  The sideshow is stopping the thoroughfare of knowledge.  Traffic can barely budge.  We are sidetracked by knowledge that is not knowledge or better false-knowledge that is not empirically-true knowledge. 

Even if such false-knowledge is a valid commerce of faith post-organic life, the Earthly consequences of such an economy are overtly detrimental.  The morality sacrificed by the collective to achieve the hypocritical morality of the valid-faith negates the benefit to humanity by including so much manipulation, maliciousness, and fraud in the means to such an end.  We lose our greatest asset, volition to a taint of absolutist irrelevance swaying every thought.  Humans are better not knowing and not attempting any definitive behavior, laws, or systems based on any commerce of faith or worship.

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