Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 2 Fear 9 to 15: The Meme

2) Fear
[You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.]
{You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.}

Fear breeds an external nexus of motivation to operate based on punishment rather than internal volition.  Under commandment one, we discussed the macroeconomic global marketplace in the industries of public safety, healthcare, and energy to illuminate how the lack of love is a prerequisite for control.  Fear pits middle class against lower class and sections of each against each other. 

Upper societies and states are inflated by public safety budgets of police, military, and prisons which profit from recidivism rather than reformation.  Components are paid based on beds filled.  Judges are in league with payment streams as more bodies passing through courtrooms equates to greater necessity and permanence.  The military industrial complex engorges itself in a similar respect.  The greatest food to such a beast is fear.  Profit from this fear is created in the deflationary constraints on labor prices.

‘Caucasian’-suburban flight in America is linked to minds contemplating the appearance of theoretical and actual threats.  Theft, murder, rape, and assault spiral with the absence of self-interested property owners representing a threshold of similar parties lost given societal breakdown.  If a person owns a home and a threshold of assets, the individual is invested so that the avenue of criminal enterprise bears a more substantial countermeasure of loss beyond potential incarceration than a man with nothing to lose when he or she debates engagement. 

This threshold of assets is why the current for-profit American private health insurance market continues.  The fear and reality of bankruptcy of the assets inside this threshold to a typically healthy human who might go to a doctor once or twice a year is an unacceptable loss.  So middle-class America supports the current system absent envisioning another paradigm as possible.  The healthcare system is split into triple subdivisions of the Poor who are either in a governmental or non-system left to sickness, the Middle Class who fund it through both private premiums and taxes, and the Upper Class who profit from the exploitation flowing into stock prices.  The Upper Class also has the assurance of being able to buy into sufficient healthcare when deemed pertinent with low proportional health risk. 

Humans observe and congregate in alcoves of land in commensurate thresholds of perceived investment in reaction to these fears.  This regulates most property valuations.  This is normal to a degree, where it is linked to actual rather than theoretical threats.  At times panic can cause humans to become xenophobes.  This waving fear between false-assumption and fact is at the root of the second commandment.

Within the same linkage, easily-farmed drugs spread by the sun’s energy: marijuana, cocaine, and heroin are prohibited and controlled by strict government criminalization.  This prohibition, like that of alcohol before it, breeds poverty, violence, and dependency.  Free legalization would do the opposite. 

Marijuana being so easily grown could be as ubiquitous in American yards as centipede or St. Augustine grass.  The results of such a reality is that the vast majority of even slightly energetic consumers of cannabis could grow their supply and share or sell the excess at a fraction of the current street price.  The profit potential would be severed to a significant measure.  The risk has never been health; it is anarchy.

Addiction is titled as the grand vice to validate the drug war.  Addiction to drugs, particularly crack, correlates with poverty.  However, the appearance of addiction in this environment is also a function of alternative options.  Marijuana and cocaine, like alcohol, allow humans to make cost-benefit analysis for the pleasure and destruction from the brain chemicals released from the drug compared to alternative activities such as participating in gainful employment. 

The Meme wants to perpetuate the idea that drug addiction is insurmountable because this premise weakens the power of human volition.  The Meme’s nemesis is volition.

These drugs can kill, be toxic, or have variable consequences based on the users biological genetic reaction, but so can drinking bleach.  People choose.  Educated informed humans are more likely to make healthier choices with volition trumping prohibition in public policy with the economics of sun-based drugs.  Certainly there are biological deteriorations that occur to dopamine and serotonin responses produced by drugs, but there is a balance of the human body which the “war on drugs” and the Meme purposely ignore to establish an attack on volition and science.

Addiction whether it is gambling, sex, or alcohol, etc. is a balance between brain chemicals and volition.  The Meme wishes to install excuses to distance consequence from volition.  Self-help talk-show pop-psychologists like Dr. Phil and Oprah explain for the Meme how addiction-themed behavior is validated by a quasi-external nexus.  The neural domino-chains indemnify humans from asserting internal fortitude, which while conquering the addiction might also topple the Meme.

Ending prohibition would diminish public safety budgets.  The theoretical danger to society of such substances far exceeds the actual dangers created from the prohibition which is where the bullets and tax fraud occurs.  The culture of theists is best served in preserving the cultivation of such fearful hegemony of a security state akin to the omnipresent-eye monitoring drug culture. 

Drugs so often breed out-of-the-box thinking.  Drugs shed oneself of the fundamental paradigms of society used to cloud why people created religion.  Drugs do not bring grand intelligence or often productive thinkers, but they may slip off irrationality from the indoctrinated.  Drugs have a wide-range of potential horrid side-effects depending on the human.  Consequences from hydrochloric acid disfigurement in the production of Meth to the psychotropic chaos of leaping out windows of simple pot are possible.

The war of drugs has always been about the Meme asserting authority in an arena where a human could grow a plant, smoke and be happy and not participate in society.  Non-participation threatens the Meme’s root (E.g. cooperative survival over solitary subsistence).  The drug war has never been about health or death.  The Meme does not care about bodies, only that order is maintained.

The Poor-man with nothing to lose represents a step closer to the animal within us.  He is the character of the eat-or-be-eaten inside each of us we are running away from.  This is the primary reason the throngs of Poor are treated as such on a global level.  The Poor are attributed self-induced problems rather than systematic ones at most intervals of conservative discourse. 

There is always a balance of individual volition and systematic causation.  To untangle the two is at the heart of common modern-American Democratic and Republic debates.  Undoubtedly faith sides on non-investigation of the system and powers into the volition of the individual as causing his or her plight.  This is one reason why racism and the belief that racism does not exist at significant levels are more likely to be held by a theist than an atheist.

Millions of Poor are incarcerated for drug related offenses in a cattle-yard of taxpayer-funded prison beds.  This begs the question why do so many poor Americans enter the supply-side of drug culture; the answer is overwhelmingly economics rather than the demand-side addiction.  Economic avenues allow humans to trade a fraction of the sun’s energy for ten thousand dollars in Peru, to thirty thousand dollars in Mexico, into a hundred thousand dollars in Chicago.  If prohibition ended, the linkage from the Peruvian farmer trying to feed her family and the gentleman being booked in Illinois would shatter.  In its place would be two humans subject to and awarded with greater legal self-sufficiency.

The hierarchy of god cannot control the sun.  Therefore such drugs are criminalized.  Complex chemical pharmaceuticals far more difficult for the average human to recreate are sanctified behind the immaculate shield of corporate culture, research and a stock ticker.  Just because fresh water is available in any lake or rain cloud, does not stop corporations from Nestle to Coca Cola from trying to sell humans bottled water.  Hell as George Carlin pointed out Evian is naïve spelled backwards. 

If marijuana were legalized in America to a broad enough extent, people would grow weed themselves.  The same is true for the opium farmers in Afghanistan, the coca farmers in Columbia, and the marijuana farmers in Mexico.  Corporations would and have attempted to brand particular ‘better’ iterations of such substances, but the overall profit-potential for such industries would be hampered by the continual abundant supply the sun represents and a reduced ability to repress the Poor.

This lack of profiteering is a Meme no-go.  Therefore the greater Meme-profit has been in the restriction and demonization of the products, the users and the marketers distributing the substances.  Doing so creates a priest-sinner profit dynamic.  The priest enjoys the presence of sinners, as without sinners the priest would be out of business. 

Public safety budgets, police officers, homeland security, the military, the FBI, and CIA all benefit by the presence of the drug dealers.  Public safety organizations are rewarded grants and often retain the preponderance of assets seized whether convictions occur or not.  This is why President Nixon implemented the American war on drugs with a shroud of the monstrous and devil-like connotations of drugs as organic as marijuana, aside from garnering votes.

The dubbed-criminal activities enlarge public-safety components numbers, power, and the centrality of fear-mongers to communicate their message and manipulate, monitor, and extract greater taxes and tithes from society which dwarf the commensurate profit private corporations could demand if they were to attempt to sell such sun-based drugs on the free market. 

In turn private corporations turn to more sophisticated pharmaceuticals to address many of the same issues humans choose to imbibe the sun-based drugs: depression, boredom, dopamine release etc.  We can have Paxil and Viagra commercials all over the nightly news but if replaced with Pfizer’s cannabis the unabashed effrontery to the audience of what was actually transpiring would be that bit more brazen as to arouse elevated suspicions.  That would threaten the system and the Meme.

This is why the American government tries to burn fields of drugs across the globe.  Simply buying opium from the Afghan farmers to win their support, while simultaneously disrupting the Taliban’s primary income stream, would be too dangerous to the underlying memes to ward off the greater chaos of the world caused when Americans contemplating why a purchase-program process was so effective. 

Doing so would shine light on the fallacies of the global drug war and with it risk religion and the military industrial complex.  The criminalization of drugs is like a cancerous tumor winding its tentacles through the organs of our super-organism’s body.  To rip it away, even from America, would cascade a level of potential chaos across the planet that risks the empowered slipping out of power or utter anarchy of thought, politics, and economics.  If not done carefully, specifically, and to address what the drug war actually is we may do more harm than good.  We would require suitable substitute well-communicated mechanisms instituted to facilitate the resulting form of society our super-organism would live under. 

Decriminalization is possible, but we should understand the reason the world is not up in arms to decriminalize sun-based drugs is the preservation of the Meme.  Murders, larceny, tax-losses (excess spending and reduced revenue) are not the reason we criminalize.  They are the collateral damage we choose to endure to avoid the risk of the greater danger of disorder and preserve an illusion of justice.

Theists are less likely to see addiction as a medical problem compared to a criminal issue.  Theists under the Ten Commandments are taught to obey absolute authority.  Under this line of thinking, humans absent a law forbidding a practice would indulge and engage in any practice independent of the volition to determine if the practice was good or bad on themselves or others.  Theists are therefore more Draconian, litigious, and concerned with sentencing in trials, sensationalism, and vengeance.  Partitioning volition to shift rationale for choice from an external law to an internal compass threatens theism. 

If the overwhelming majority of humans could lead healthy productive lives, despite these substances being regulated substances rather than criminal offenses like in Portugal then like alcohol before it, the necessity of god, holy books, and religious law become more obsolete in light of such libertarianism.  (How much did theists protest the devils of alcohol in the 1920’s?)  If the fear of prosecution and incarceration is removed how can a theist have a moral code? 

The second commandment forbids the mere utterance of god’s name in a derogatory manner.  The omnipresent god will instantaneously detect the idea forming and find the individual culpable as the larynx vibrates to sound the initial syllable.  The deed is done.  The commandment violated so quickly instills mind-control and a surveillance-state in one swoop. 

This monitoring instills an even greater indignity in one’s assumption that the images and thoughts netted by god will bring about a common referendum of justice from the wrong-doing of others.  This is the chimeric-guardian of human oppressors hedging exploitation in the minds of the enslaved and functionally enslaved to see perdition as the future of the blatant evil doers. 

Hitler, Hussein, Bin Laden and Pol Pot burn on one wing and bank, energy, and pharmaceutical company presidents fry in another.  Some would argue Dick Cheney and his Darth Vader taxpayer-funded heart will be included.  That requires usurping a Western bias, but ultimately whatever assumptions of god’s vengeance for the volition of man, the result is the same.

This assurance is false.  The very digestion of this lack of consequence often prompts a figuratively nauseated public discourse into qualms over why am I doing this then?  Why do I abide?  How can these mother fuckers get away with this?  Please tell me they are going to burn in hell!  Why do I show up for work each day?  Why do I not go on strike or start hurling bricks through windows when I work sixty hours a week for a pittance and cannot still feed my family without state-based assistance or period, can’t feed us and we are starving.  Where is my god-damn head on a spit? 

My kid is not fed, but at least I have a moral high ground!  There has to be a reason for this war!  There has to be some good that will come out of it!  We have to be in Vietnam, Germany, the Philippines, the Falkland’s, Iraq, Kosovo, Afghanistan etc. for a reason!  Peace, freedom, helping humans, preventing more deaths than we cause, at least of our citizens; there has to be a reason Einstein helped the nuclear bomb.  Madmen exist and they will be punished!  At least give me this comfort.  The second commandment provides this comfort through fear. 

Once one fears that the over-arching god is watching and seeing all, comfortable synthetic justice is installed.  The current hierarchy of society functions.  The Poor tithe to churches placating in theatrical roles of humility at various intervals in order to achieve the better envisioned end of this brand of justice.  To some this is done out of fear; to most this is done out of an inherent goodness innate to humanity.

The individual would have chosen to be a good person and a similar morality independent of being a particular brand of theist or an atheist.  Religion often buries this reality as it is a significant adversarial threat to the perpetuation of the Meme.  Under religion god is the font of morality.  Without comprehension or instruction from god humanity would engage in wanton debauchery. 

This is where the lie spins into truth like an inverted dream image.  Religion is one of the primary tools of humans mitigating the chances at such chaos, but this is not god, but the concept of what god represents.  We use religion in our superego to bury this truth in our id through our societal super-structures. 

This is subconsciously why so much of the Earth’s population is religious.  Not to worship a real god, but to mitigate this internal risk of what we are capable.  So for centuries people have created god after god to assuage this fearful concern of man killing man capriciously like beasts.  

Therefore the church, synagogue, mosque, or temple is lying to the follower on the surface, but the person believes the idea as truth because the idea is answering the internal craving.  The human mind is hungering to be satiated that animal-eats-animal is banned in humans in our superego, but our id will not allow us to accept this untruth.  Our id knows dog-eat-dog is not only continually possible, but at times craves to act on this impulse in frustration and anger. 

The key to acceptance is to control the fear in a divergent open avenue by accepting our vulnerability to other humans and our universal environment.  This has little to do with Zeus watching us and hurling lightning bolts.  This has to do with individual volition overcoming fear of the other and choosing love in a perpetual prisoner’s dilemma with every other human.

The Meme uses a banned set of curse words inside human languages as part of the dominion of the second commandment.  In English not only can we not utter god damn it or I hate god, but we have to add the words straight from George Carlin’s routine: shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.  Other words include asshole and bitch.  America has the Federal Communications Commission regulations for public broadcasts to assert the Meme. 

All of these words are related to the human body or sex.  The Meme wants to repress our animal status.  Like in other prohibitions, the words are empowered by their forbiddances, particularly for adolescents.  The word fuck has become a ubiquitous nuclear weapon of speech to become all parts of speech and all-meaning.  Humans will taunt the Meme, by inserting fuck in all sections of a sentence to convey aggression, intensity, and contrarianism in lieu of a more apt lexicon. 

In doing so the Meme loses an asset of control.  If the Meme can create a vocabulary list of unspeakable words, these words can be used as social identifiers to classify and segregate humans like with race, gender, or fashion.  This creates order.  If the words are widely used and mocked as feckless, entropy occurs in the vernacular and the Meme weakens.

The Meme restricts discussion of body parts.  The Meme will even prompt grown adults to giggle in the presence of biological frankness.  The age at which children are told about sexual reproduction is glossed over as the birds and the bees in a hidden discourse, which followers of the Meme find embarrassing and awkward.  Some parents never have the talk, and assume kids will just figure it out.  

For the Meme this creates an irrational verbal abstinence to mirror the physical.  If humans do not speak of reproductive sex, then the animalistic connections to sex do not exist.  Meme mothers may tell their daughters keep it closed and do not talk about it, if mentioning anything. 

This parallels the part of the Meme that humans speak of god therefore god exists.  Humans teach each other to understand the acceptable forms of make-believe appropriate for public discourse as long as specificities are avoided.  This disinclination of specificities travels towards sex and our bodies.  If humans engage in frank, realistic discourse about our bodies we will inevitably get to the role of gametes forming full cells, deoxyribonucleic acid chains, the folly of the virgin birth, creationism, and all manner of historical conjecture born of holy-books, which were similarly born out of a combination of scientific ignorance and a beguiled public inside the Meme.  
We are taught to monitor fear through ridiculous precautionary rituals like prayer and the phrase, “god bless you” after sneezes.  Modern humans do not even contemplate past the automatic utterance after their respiratory spasm catapults mucus.  We have veiled the Meme’s assertion that a demon cranks our maw and powers inside our skull during the vulnerability of a sneeze. 

The counter-curse is echoed from bystanders as if one is risking perdition to dare sneeze in solitary.  The Meme teaches us in this way that blessings are weapons.  It also publically asserts itself.  One of the most glaring anti-Meme acts a person can do is to refuse to say “bless you” or to insert an equally ridiculous retort of “sneeze time” or a sardonic “demon be gone.”  There is nary a colloquial phrase on this planet that does not include a deity in response to sneezing. 

Eructation, flatulence, laughter, and queefing are absent such boomerang responses.  This shows the phrase is about making the fears we have as humans fade into the background so that the overt control in the foreground of the Meme looks normal.  This also shows how weak the Meme really is to continue a franchise on the foundation of human politeness.  

Politeness is in itself a function of the Meme.  It is a way of demonstrating social report and customs in a public setting to convey, “I am not an animal.  I said hello.  I asked you how you are doing; therefore I will not stab you in the neck, kill you, rape your mate, and take your harvest.”  These are false assurances as the duplicity of humanity is a potential constant, but the social structures surrounding it inside the Meme are part of the power of the Meme to veil our violent animal nature.

Country after country has installed various misogynist, racist, and oppressive regimes to protect the brittle Meme.  America, as the world’s current empire, has assisted the implementation of many tyrants while purporting to the opposite. In the process the U.S. has created many of the world’s drug cartels: training the Kaibiles in Guatemala, backing Jorge Rafael Videla and Reynaldo Bignone in Argentina, supporting the coup of Joao Goulart in Brazil, the contras against the Marxist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, funding the Columbian military and intelligence service, the overflow of the Guatemalan government in 1964, backing the Salvadoran military in the 1980s, invading Haiti in 1915 and 1994, backing Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, etc. 

America has repressed revolutionary and socialist leaders across the globe: Fidel Castro in Cuba, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Salvador Allende in Chile, etc.  The very nature of potential free democracies is almost crippled to obliteration at the impetus because of the sabotaging double standard of democracy required by the Meme for the Poor of Third-World countries and the role of First-World countries.  (We will expand on this under commandment seven on stealing.)

Humans are taught to see the other through lenses of absolutism to perpetuate the Meme.  He is in that country and must be fine with the squalor.  She is happy making my shoes or cutting my sugar.  She is a whore for dressing that way.  He is a Jew.  I am black.  He was born into a slum because his greatest grandfather stole.  The wind speaks through the night sky when we light the fire.  Jesus is my personal savior.  Jesus and I have a deep unique relationship as I walk through life.

Americans burn the Koran.  Infidels urinate on our flag.  Water-board those bastards until they tell us what they know!  They are evil doers plotting.  Their machinations will blow up our children’s schools!  Our country will become like their country if we do not cross such lines!  Praise Allah/Jesus!

Force feed the hunger strikers.  Out right murder would be inhumane.  I was sitting at Starbucks and a man walked up and started shooting; the cappuccino spilled red.  The box cutters on the airplane hijacked Islam.  Once you walk into the square you will instantly be in paradise.  You will feel no pain.  You will not need the sacred funeral for your body splattered like jellyfish across the remnant infidels will be the most beloved.  Crusader, reclaim the city with a lion’s heart!

The demagoguery of pulpits fans such flames whether the other religion, nation, or alternate ethnicity as to the majority of their congregation is mentioned.  Tithers are washed in the absolutism of the preacher claiming to have the answer.  Any religion requires such absolutism to present the god whose name shall not be uttered in vain, as well as to set the religion proposed as superior to alternatives to validate say the ritualism of Islam over Hinduism. 

Atheism does not claim such certainty, only an inherent morality founded in individual volition.  Atheists acknowledge that the id is correct.  (i.e. People could just move into anarchy at any moment, but the only thing stopping this is individual volition.) 

Atheists do not believe that something is unquestionable, even the potential existence of god.  An opinion has been formed, but this is not faith.  This is a deduction in the presence of evidence and a lack thereof.  Many atheists adhere to an internal code against lying, killing, theft and other abuses.  In the case of confronting a deity atheists would point to their moral adherence in spite the lack of dogmatic adherence. 

An atheist’s lesser-viewed pertinence of ritual, if found equitable to morality in the view of such an insecure deity, would be contemptible and a validation of atheist’s iteration of morality over that of a theist’s willing to kill, lie, or steal if god was believed to have commanded such actions.  The foundational allegory of Abraham being asked to kill his son Isaac is the ultimate emblem of such a warped and tainted morality that is linked to the Earth’s three grandest monotheisms.

The second commandment states the name must be held sacred and sanctified into a revered contextual prism so that no one dare glare at the lettering for prolonged periods without reverence in the way one must not stare directly at the sun.  Least of all is one allowed to speak such thoughts openly in public.

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