Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 4 Hypocrisy 32 to 34: The Meme

Humans who survive the womb continue rudimentary survival under the plutocracy of international banks, energy harvesters, pharmaceutical distributors, land owners, and security enforcers.  Children are washed into compliance.  Caesarian section is preferable to vaginal birth, formula to breast milk, and a baby Einstein video to a face.  Submitting to the morphed authority figure of the Meme varies depending on what country one is blessed or burdened to be born into, let alone what house within that country.  

School brings Zyprexa and Risperdal to focus.  The lunch time cafeteria brings soy bean and corn subsidies, devastated permaculture, and mono-crops with Monsanto-pesticide bee disappearances and lawsuits over genetic-seed patents inside the ammonia-rinsed hamburger patty.  ADM, Cargill, Dole, Tyson grow and Coca Cola, Pepsi, Kraft, and Nestle serve. 

Traditional classrooms have students politely and orderly raising hands in lined rows with a lecture format.  Modern classrooms often split in pods.  The loudest speaker is valued over the best idea.  Ideas are often trampled in sound. 

In class, “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top” prioritize teaching to the test.  This voids critical thinking and innovation.  Mono-students are bred.  Americans are particularly incapable of acknowledging our tiered capabilities.  Intelligence quotients due to genetic capability are a dominant factor in educational aptitude.  The most important person beyond the self in educating a human is not the teacher, but the parent(s).  

A small array of teachers rotates by the hour and by semester as a child progresses in school.  Learning begins in the womb.  Socialization, environmental detours, which correlate with a young student’s sleeping, eating, and sequestration patterns for thought for both homework and observation of the value of education in daily life vary by what a child is privileged or subjected to label as family. 

The Meme ignores these realties because the answer is ownership of volition.  The Meme prefers to blame the education system first rather than genetics or home environment, which trump the often marginal differences between schools.  If the school can be seen as the determining factor, education can be marketed as a free market good and giant tuition bills can be extracted for private schools and all universities.  Religions also benefit from the degradation of the public school system.  This creates an educational system mirroring and distancing the wealth disparity the Meme craves.

If schools are seen as more crucial then parents, then parents can take a more passive role to education.  This creates politically docile citizens comfortable assuming the government, social system, and education are capable and performing due care of the education of their progeny.  The system is self-perpetuating.  A parent will often be less cognizant of what their child lacks in information if they were commensurately under-educated.  The Meme can recycle with less opposition. 

Instead of pumping funds into administrative evaluation of standardized knowledge, the more relevant issues of poverty such as child care, tutoring, the tools a parent can use to continue life-long learning such as integrated web-based educational infrastructure, nutritional assistance, and community violence should be viewed as the core of the knowledge gap in Poor communities.  This is entirely anti-Meme. 

Rather than designing schools to adjust for the limits of the many, we acquiesce to the futility of the few.  Rather than empower teachers to adapt schools and classrooms for limitations, the American education system often attempts to force round pegs through square holes.  This is directly correlated with the Meme. 

The Meme wishes to encourage a level of interchangeability amongst the masses.  The perception of potential achievement, the lottery-win ideal, is essential to perpetuating the myths of faith, hope, and eternal salvation.  If a human is told he has a seventy-five IQ and his best hope is minimum wage for the next fifty years, a revolt might erupt right there.  It often does in an indirect byproduct of the human seeing little value in the false pursuit of additional ill-fit education the school attempts to provide.  

Under god each soul is special and a unique creation.  The anti-meme acknowledges the mental runts of the litter.  The anti-Meme permits humans to be fallible and accepts the stark realities of stupidity.  

The Meme attempts to treat adults as children and adolescents as infants.  The Meme teaches non-college graduates are failures.  This sabotages trade schools, associates degrees, and non-four-year college post high school matriculation.  This shames the realms of the mechanic, cook, nurse, bus driver, etc. into being less human.  These role-fillers in society are not afforded the respect of a sir or mam.  (The very words sir and mam are pro-Meme.  The idea that an office, title, or position awards respect rather than innate life or humanity being sufficient to install mutual respect is pro-Meme.)

Instead these roles are dehumanized into faceless losers of the communicated common goal of the Meme, which is not productive value, but the perception of achievement.  Ultimately the order of humans striving for a college degree can serve as both debt-noose and profit-hammer.  

Modern children are taught to be monitored by their parents to all sorts of cell phones and GPS devices as if child abduction is rampant.  The Meme thrives on this obsessive fear where a potential threat can exploit a mythical reality.  The true threat is not kidnapping, but disobedience.  Trusting an adolescent’s volition is anti-Meme.  Law and order is required, which necessitates the monitoring of the fourth commandment. This makes adult humans more pliable to the surveillance state by our governments.

Sports teach kids about authority watching.  The spectrum of attention from authority figures including parents, coaches, and the crowd directs everything a five year-old will need to process stepping on a soccer field.  Children learning football, baseball, or gymnastics etc. span from the extrovert extreme of impressing to the introvert extreme of disappointing authority figures.

Sports train younglings that reactions to that spectrum are not only relevant, but paramount.  The ability to pass or kick a ball is secondary to the observable reactions from authority figures when one does so proficiently or not.  Rule consciousness, dependency, submission and dominance are learned.

Athletes may make the sign of the cross after scoring.  If one equates one’s athletic ability and success to god’s will, then what is god conveying to invalids?  What do we make of the five-foot-five try-outs who never make the team?

Pro Meme sports encourage parents to pay for photographs of their kids’ preseason and post season with commemorative frames and trophies.  The focus is on how it looks, as if the play time was not worth remembering without the dignity of a conformity photograph.  This is a helicopter-parent not letting go and allowing the time was worthy to just be internal.  The value is in the external to the Meme. 

Sports or fraternity-related hazing rituals of replicated experiences of torture, embarrassment and ignominy equate to subjugation to the central authority.  Teammates and brotherhoods demonstrate replicated submission. 

A school principal witnessing the violation of other school rules by athletes or frat-boys hazing may tolerate the act.  Implicit encouragement of such behavior overlaps the common authoritarian meme.  Look at how the baseball team shaved his head and made him wear it to class for the week!  (Oh isn’t that against school rules?)  Technically it is, but the Dean likes it!”  This is all under the authority of the fourth commandment, obey.  

(In an aside to the third commandment, if theists really believed in prayer, theist-schools would compete with each other through prayer.  Two teams could each pray to god for a cure, a result, or a sentiment to pass.  This is sacrilege to the second commandment.  The hypocrisy inside the fourth commandment that god is always monitoring prompts the prayer.  If one is to expect no measurable response then one is left wanting to validate the purpose of prayer beyond fueling the Meme.  In this instance we can see why the Meme is anti-prayer being used as a sport.  One is taught to pray and leave to god’s discretion.  If one demands or never asks one is left fruitless.  If something happens that correlates with the prayer it is a blessing, if not that is also a mysterious disguised blessing.)

The other major component of afterschool has been television.  Television needs little elaboration as to the easy indoctrination, commercialization, obedience, comfort, order, and systematic control the screen can provide for the Meme.  Television keeps humans calm, occupied and far less likely to revolt against authority and more likely to go to war for authority depending on the current dominate discretion of the Meme.  Television can help the Meme entwine institutional messages in a steady global stream.

Modern college students are taught about inescapable debt to faceless banks.  Unlike home or vehicle debt, student-loans are linked with a special un-severable manacle.  This debt funnels young people to serve the Meme.  Volition must submit to Sallie-Mae’s monthly extraction.  The contents of one’s brain become owned by another.  Whether such knowledge was useful, productive, or valuable, the tithe must be paid. 

Passing a test and getting a degree and a transcript from a marketed billboard with words like Harvard-as the pinnacle, even if Harvard taught you the same as the University of Kentucky, the knowledge is less valuable than the perception of knowledge.  We are taught to become vessels of the external rather than the internal.  The Meme does not want us diving internal.  Fashion, certification, and resumes trump knowledge, capability, and the chaos of critical thinking.

Once one is hooked into paying the student loan payments, the credit cards, rent and eventually a mortgage one is numbed to protest.  Activism is subdued.  This serves the Meme whether it is under the parental fourth-commandment of a dictator or the illusion of democracy behind a one-party plutocracy.

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