Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 4 Hypocrisy 27 to 31: The Meme

4) Hypocrisy
[Honor your father and your mother.]
{Honor your father and mother that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.}

Respect is earned not given.  In Commandment four, god is ordained absolute parent.  We are biologically bred to obey, love, and find favor with our parents.  These individuals are our genetic blueprint.  Inherently any compliment or insult to either is inferred to us.  Any detected flaw in either can cultivate cancerous insecurity or vulnerability in an individual.  Such weakness is often reflected in the self through overcompensation.  To cancel or disparage the bond between our parents is tantamount to a message that we should not exist. 

We hunger for validation through our dynamic with our parents.  Honor your father and mother or god will take away what you have.  God grants us life as we came from the joining of spermatozoa and egg, but god’s allowance is intended to convey a life and variables beyond humanity. 

This creates an endless debt.  All human life came from the endless regress of god.  We are born in hock without consent and never leave.  We are purported to have freewill, yet have not the freedom to be pre-informed of our arrangement, the option of refusal, terms of service, or the liberty of suicide under the legalities of the bible.  This is the ultimate trap of hypocrisy by the Meme.

The Meme creates culpability before, during, and after our existence that negates even the love of our parents.  Parental love, absent adoption, typically is selfish.  Even adoptive love can be a surrogate form of appeasing the biological gene-transition yearning through memes.  Adoption is often a second choice after intercourse or artificial insemination has failed.  This is not always the case, but is common.  If most parents were truly non-selfish or the minimal of selfishness, parents would first adopt one of the many people sitting in human dog pounds rather than add another resource consumer to an overfilled horde. 

One can see this in the basic love of one’s child.  Would one trade their child for any other?  What does one exchange in sentiment in such a hypothetical?  Humans do not care in a commensurate measure for other human’s offspring.  Poor children rotting in slums, ghettos, or provincial estates are washed with apathy, a well-wish, or disdain in a distant context.  We compartmentalize our humanity to emphasize our genes and default to the Meme to suppress our interconnection.  If not, human orphans would be scooped up and raised prior to procreated-progeny as a logical species survival mechanism.

An anti-Meme society would make adoption easier.  Whether it is human or canine, the act of recognizing the needs of genetically unlinked others over personal desires is anti-Meme.  This will be discussed further in Empathy under commandment six.

Loving one’s offspring is beautiful and good, yet the act of parenting takes on a parallel to martyrdom under the Meme.  Children become creations of god and thus not an indulgence of the parent’s genetic programing, but substituted for a duty to be raised under the Commandments and ritual of the god-meme to become future carriers of the Meme.  The Meme clouds parents from seeing the luxury of offspring.  The selfishness of genetic transference is masked in duties to bring up civilized, obedient, and orderly replicas. 

Children are viewed as paramount to self or even partners.  Abandoning one’s personal existential internal journey for the primary priority of gene transference is saintly.  Children reach maturity to repeat the cycle through minimal existential expansion beyond the realm of parents.  When this occurs we create a factory of recycling regress prioritizing replication rather than progress.  Change risks the Meme.

A god who demands blind faith and obedience behind the wizard-of-Oz pulpit of a preacher wants to beguile and ingrain children behind their most basic instinctual love of their genetic predecessors.  Parents are the most easily understood symbol of authority.  The fourth commandment does not offer a rationale for earned authority, the Meme demands authority.

Weak parents often emulate the Meme in using phrases like, “Because I said so!” or “I had to so you have to.”  Children are not trusted with explanations prior to being ordered initially because their physical development cannot compute and does not wish to compute such a burden of decision.  The Meme wants parents to shelter children as long as possible and hide portions of society and reality which threaten the Meme as long as possible. 

Sexuality is at the forefront of this repression.  The Meme’s utmost maxim is to hide the biological truths of genetic replication inside suppressive folklore of religious dogma.  This controls sex.  It provided order to pregnancies in a pre-prophylactic humanity.  The inventions of condoms and birth control pills allowed humanity to achieve the wanted order without the dogma and spurred women’s liberation. 

This is why contraception is outlawed by Meme overlords like the Catholic Church, even in a marriage.  If Christians, Jews, and Muslims were allowed dominion over their sexual lives the Meme risks the humans abandoning other commandments of control.  They might be viewed as commensurately fraudulent and unnecessary.  This will be discussed further under commandments six and nine.

As children grow into adolescence and cognitive development accelerates past the absolutism of authoritarianism, the Meme combats potential rejection with parental authority and ritual.  Questioning adolescents are ostracized as brains begin to notice the first taste of doubting the Meme, despite ignorance to what the Meme is or even that the Meme exists.  The uncertainties of adolescence are ripe for rebellion and clinging to conformity. 

The social pressure to normalize with peers imposes the Meme’s hunger for order to squelch rebellion.  The Meme garners power from the solidarity of social cliques and supportive social standards of success as the Meme hijacks the biological urge for copulation with attaching a voluminous menu of requirements associated with the Meme’s continuation with sexuality and attracting mates. 

Outward appearance is preferable to inward depth.  If one does not peer inward, one will not unmask the Meme.  Superficial linkages to fads intentionally shift in an ephemeral notion of fashion in clothing, music, hairstyles, formulate a fleeting definition of popular culture that hovers around sex, youth, the illusion of uniqueness, and obtaining wealth.  Obtaining wealth is a symbolic quest for the purpose of life.  The Meme purposes several false purposes: getting into heaven, living as long as possible and obsessing over youth, procreation, prestige, and finding a way to acquire resources to sustain biological requirements and avoid boredom. 

These are false purposes, because life does not need a purpose.  The very limitation of a purpose is subjective as if there is a grand answer beyond the possibility volition provides in an available moment of an ungraspable present.  The Meme preys on our inquisitive and insecure nature by imposing god who has a purpose for us, which is unspoken and meant to be seen through revelations imprinted into our reality whether we be a trust-fund Ivy-Leaguer, paycheck-to-paycheck roofer, AIDS fetus, or Mogadishu pirate. 

There is only living now and an empty alternative of death.  Our genes can travel on beyond our organic shell.  Our ideas can mix into various memes and traverse through writing, speech, video, music etc.  The atoms in our body will exchange in life and depart as our body decays post death.  However to self-aggrandize our existence as an irreplaceable cog, solemn and revered beyond that of an ant in the hill is arrogance beyond measure.  This is the foulest solipsism of the Meme.  Even Einstein did not qualify for such indispensability. 

The grand conceit mirrors that of the god the Meme teaches us to emulate.  We may live humble and loving lives of giving benefiting others, but we are all replaceable.  The Meme comforts us with this notion of uniqueness, but by our nature we are a copy, of a copy, of a copy etc.  We are merely rearranged rungs on a ladder match, after match.  The bravery to still find morality, passion for life, and accomplishment under non-Meme paradigms is the grand gift of the anti-Meme.

None of the Meme’s components are generally anchored to an immutable notion of substance, as to do so would require specificity.  The Meme favors vagueness over specificity.  The distortion can leave a trail of mystery as to why someone is or is not popular other than a synthetic chain of then he wore this or people seem to like her or the most simple he or she is hot (i.e. she has large eyes, child-bearing hips, petite stomach, large breasts, symmetrical face or he is tall, straight jaw line, with large upper body strength and frame to indicate a thick and elongated penis.) 

These calculations of human-worth expand little, but set the standard bar of mental exploration in adulthood low in terms of expected priority change.  We are taught to be materialistic, want sex, and to expect approval or rejection based on the preponderance of our adolescent experience.  If in adolescence we are preoccupied with these calculations rather than the Meme.  The Meme can rest in the backdrop soaking in more years under our parent’s often oblivious tutelage. 

By the time we leave our parent’s home the rituals will be hardwired.  If we reject those rituals, many of us are taught by our social structure in school what to think, not how to think.  This breeds a slew of adults who have little interest in changing norms or the Meme.  Apathy-inducing tools like alcohol, sport, fashion, and child-rearing obsession breed the political complacency to assure the Meme’s norms.

Some adolescents when confronting the Meme will rage in rebellion.  The sophomoric reaction may be to enact anarchy against the god-representatives mother and father through sex, violence, and all manner of obstinacy.  This may continue far into adulthood and lead one into sabotaging one’s education, mental development and devote a large measure of energy to assault a false external-enemy.  Some refer to the root of the Meme as the machine or the man or the government or some dominant centrality of authority. 

However the true root of the Meme is and will always be internal.  Within each individual is the choice to abide to the Meme.  Therefore the developing adolescent can shortcut a large detour of human development by remaining calm, observing and then conducting an internal discourse.  Writing, contemplation, music, visual arts are formats to dive internal.  By doing so one can confront the Meme on the only interface one has access: volition. 

One can then offer insight for others to do the same if one chooses, but it will always be under the volition of the other to explore him or herself.  This is the nature of macro level change and all revolutions and viral debilitations of a mental strain.

On a macro level of human interaction in governments comprised of individuals, the U.S. government and Brittan’s preoccupation with acting like the world’s parent is directly linked to the fear sprouting from religiosity inside the Meme piggybacking off the fourth commandment.  Invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, the actions related to the civil war in Syria, Vietnam, countless operations in South and Central America during the drug war, rebel uprising and dictator overthrows in Africa, and British colonial rule in Nigeria and India, etc. are each, to some extent, examples of this portion of the Meme. 

Brittan and the United States are paramount in their exploitation of other countries under the Meme due to the imposition of the English language on the rest of the globe due to military dominance, despite the linguistic dissimilarity to so many other tongues which contain overlapping similarities which English excludes.  One need only look at the various translations of the English word pineapple. 

This extreme form of sensorial manipulation shows the immutability of the cultures and their empiric central ideologies to create global systematic disparity by forcing other people to become more like the English-speakers so that the non-English-speakers could be demoted and stay demoted as quasi-pagans, godless antichrists compared to the fundamental order to the Meme. 

The United States’ credence to such a Meme is directly related to being a former British colony and the U.S. oedipal-usurping of its father-figure.  English order goes back into the Protestantism the British Isle whetted to the grind stone of wars with alternative religious derivations whether it be Ireland, France, or Spain through Catholicism or Islam through the Crusades.  America’s declaration of independence against its parent was only possible after assuring the assistance of French-Canadian Catholics and numbing the internal tumult of Baptists and other Protestants to find a common enemy in Brittan in protest to taxation without representation and being controlled.

These pressures forced alliances to usurp the Meme.  Thomas Jefferson’s deist tendencies brought forth the separation of church and state in the Bill of Rights.  Jefferson attempted to truncate slavery by ending its expansion on a given date and letting the vice phase out.  However he was politically rebuked in his hypocrisy (i.e. Sally Hennings).  The Civil War was set into an inevitable maelstrom.

America’s slip towards fundamentalism is lubricated with forgetfulness of the danger of applying specificity to religion inside the Meme when piloting a super-power and uttering such mandatory salutations as god bless America.  The danger was recognized by Thomas Jefferson, “Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other religions, may establish with the same ease any particular set of Christians, in exclusion of all other sects?”  Jefferson also said, “Our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions, more than our opinions in physics or geometry.”  One sees the fear of Christian sects of each other in the U.S. foundation of a land forged in limiting suffrage to white-males who were ever so tempted to use the Meme-specificity of Jesus.

The planetary colonization by the Spanish, Dutch, French, British and Americans through offshoots like Hawaii, Alaska, and territories like Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico correlate with the fourth commandment as parenting.  America’s insecurity has led to military bases scatter-plotted over the planet.  Such forms of imperialism are pro-Meme.

The dominant countries of the Meme, currently the United States and Western Europe, adorn the empiric presumption that if we do not take on the enemy, if we do not do it, no one will.  The arrogance of this assertion is due to the Meme’s commitment to order.  

The United Nations represents a consensus as a non-authoritarian forum for discourse to release the individual global powers from this responsibility.  However the fear for noncompliance with treaties and the non-authority of the United Nations is most threatening to global powers and therefore countries like the United States are the most likely candidates to take action without consensus approval and the most likely to block action with consensus.  They are also the most likely to brashly spy on allies.

The citizens of empires are encouraged to demonstrate a threshold of contempt for the value of global consensus.  Like the exploitation of the majority by an empowered minority, it is in the best interest of those on top to do what one wishes to maintain control and power, rather than to value macro-level consensus, satisfaction, empirical-based decision-making, or peace.  

Levels of war, turmoil, and civil unrest in foreign nations ensure the perpetuation of the global hegemony.  Militaries are the easiest tools to set such domination.  This is why chaos can be isolated in places were the “pagans” live.  This dehumanizes the resulting suffering by differentiating biological humanity by derivations of the Meme.  

The reverse is done in many Muslim countries by marketing the tyranny of enemy humans in Western cultures.  This is the inverse image of the Western iteration of the Meme imposing its domination.  This galvanizes the power of spiritually-based hierarches and is the number one opponent to having strong secular democracies in countries where this mirror-image of the Western Christian-meme has dominated global economics since the invention of the combustion engine began to use the Middle East as a plantation. 

This two-sided domination of the Meme is not the result of grand design of cognizant illuminati.  It is the natural result of the volition of tiers of humans following the Meme.  It is not like the political, religious and business top-percentile leaders have uncovered the id-animal meme and are secretly plotting to exploit the remainder of humanity.  They are in preponderance as ignorant, if not more so, than the rest of the populace.
They are acting out what the Meme protecting itself motivates them to do, which is to sustain the order the Meme craves.  This requires the exploitation of the masses.  This creates priests and sinners to cooperate in a mutual system of circulating energy.  Exxon-Mobil’s CEO, the U.S President sit on one side of the table facing a rabbi, an Imam, and the Supreme Leader of Iran.  The two groups are symbiotic.  A revolving current of power flows through the oceans of our small globe’s masses in such ways.  

Each side of the table needs the other to maintain power, whether this is consciously comprehended or not.  The Meme understands and subverts volition that would jeopardize each of their spheres of influence.  The Meme filters itself downward to the greater population through ritualism, legalities, faith, and convenient explanations for systematic disparities to maintain order which is essential to humanity.  We are taught to see each other through the system rather than as common animals. 

Therefore at every turn if one sees every human on the planet as a carrier of the Meme and comprehends the fears it generates as shields in the superego to protect the ego from the id, then in this regard we can, like an opposing coach, see our opponents move before he or she makes it.  

We know how the Meme will react to: war, sex, gender, lawlessness, anarchy, chemical weapons of mass death, oil and its shortages, environmental protection in a capitalist global market, profiteering, greed, banking, religion, piousness, abortion, incest, murder, rape, theft, and the uncontrollable demand to know why.  Understanding the Meme’s logic would help any human navigate being a complex life form.

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