Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 10 Prejudice 95 to 97: The Meme

The Meme installs cultural norms and obedience to those norms.  This leads humans to hate themselves.  We are most critical of our portrait.  We see savages at the other side of the Thanksgiving table.  We see a Jewish-Sioux parallel in the Meme conquering atheist-pagans through respective genocides.  We see the serving spoon of prejudice ladled from the cauldron of our insecurity. 

African, Incan, or Cherokee we see the anger and angst of what it is like when one’s version of the Meme (tribe or religion) is not adopted and another’s is imposed.  This masks over the original and feels unnatural.  The losing meme is dubbed pagan hocus-pocus.  The dominant meme is named religion.

This is one possible reason why African-Americans have such a strange passionate relationship with Christianity.  To some degree the negro-spiritual is another form of exploitation of the master’s meme emulating the Ubuntu Bamboula rhythms of Western Africa, but masked with Jesus. 

The black-Baptist Church typically includes musical exuberance, musical Amen’s, soul-claps, and ladies hats like crowns for Jesus.  Black Entertainment Television airs a religious singing competition reality show called, “Sunday’s Best,” which documents this partition of the Meme.  The Blues is in a way a secular offshoot of a similar musical sentiment.  

There is pain in the joy of songs linked to slavery which is inseparable.  Movies like Jumping the Broom, trace back the illegality of formal slave marriage.  Movies like Boyz in the Hood and Menace to Society examine the human suffering under the Meme and the near impossible choices afforded to the Meme’s constraints inside black ghetto America.  Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey have examined these striations of the African American meme on the grandest scale through media.  

This requires African Americans to own an interpreted identity by crawling out and still holding the guises of impression and retaining a self, which one’s family may have been extricated from for generations.  This is a Pyric-type struggle, where one must almost destroy all self-identity to find self-sufficiency and prosperity inside the inescapable Meme that sends so many amorphous and blatant messages that one’s identity is unworthy, lacking, and fundamentally less-than based on the systematic legalities perpetuated by the history of the dominant Meme which tries to use race as a broad-brush to sweep humans into Poor-status.  

This has created an angry and endless-vagabond culture searching for worthiness to see African cultural memes as good enough for global society, but more critically as worthy in the self.  The black-Muslim communities and rage of Malcolm X represent an alternative, but equally ersatz substitute for a scattered continent of so many stolen orphans. 

No place on the planet will feel like home to a vagabond people denied the dignity of internal identity.  Palestinians, African Americans, Jews, and Native Americans, Aboriginal, and other enslaved and conquered humans suffer such insult because the mental and physical concept of home was hijacked by the Meme generations ago.  The existence of the First World has prevented the isolation required for the privileged in these “pagan” lands to not take the incentives and rewards offered by the Meme through the First World for assisting the exploitation of their domestic Poor.

This prevents and postpones self-sufficiency from developing.  The First-World Meme will treat civil free democracy with healthy socialist controls in the Third World as a threat and deprive the nation or people resources.  The Meme will sabotage the Third World Poor through economic dependency to the First World through Faustian bargains with the IMF, foreign governments, or international corporations. 

The First World Meme will see the roots to self-sufficiency in the Third World or for an exploited minority living in the First World as weeds in a greater global garden of the Meme.  The Meme pulls the weeds out and annihilates the identity, dignity, and self and societal perception of humans in the process.  The Poor are the fertilizer for the larger Meme top-percent trees.  Ferns cannot flourish.

Religion is not real, but identity is.  Even if one feels love in such manufactured faiths, if one knows the faith was handed in the same basket as an ancestor’s chain how can one ever own who one is while seeing such a god stand idle to the passage of such atrocity? 

Africa as a continent is often treated as one country (one tribe) by the Meme.  Europe, Asia, and North America do not suffer such indignities, but the nations primarily populated by the Poor do.  This was the same done with the Sioux, Cherokee, etc.  To a degree this is true with American perception of East Asians (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese etc.)  Common physical features, as in mating, truncate thought and discernment, which is beneficial to the Meme.  This makes the Poor easier to dominate for the Meme because other humans become dehumanized in the perceptions of those atop the dominant Meme. 

Country borders are arbitrary.  Only the cultural memes of tribe, religion, patriotism, and language etc. are pertinent.  This leads one to make civil war with neighbors for no other reason but the perception of a difference which is viewed as a threat due to the individual’s insecurity.  This is two men in a standoff brandishing weapons refusing to yield for lack of trust that the other will abide a truce.  Both end shot in the street.  This is nuclear war.  This is the Nazi’s run amuck until sufficiently retorted. 

The prejudice breaks identity to make collective assumptions based on borders whether they are gridlines on a map, a face, or a house of worship.  Look at the list of those marched into encampments like WWII Japanese or the Holocaust, Darfur, modern Israel with the treatment of Palestinians confined in a smaller walled-away piece of land in a neurotic and despicable refracted parallel to the original German ghettos.  

Any area dubbed a ghetto on the planet can be viewed through a similar vein to some degree because of the psychology at play.  With slavery and such human-evictions and gross imprisonments, one will see the foul selfish cannibalism of the distorted insecure Meme to both repress and release the id at work.  

We overlay societal excuses for us acting like animals into the masks of institution and distance of interconnection.  Prejudice breeds as an excuse of one’s reluctance to oppose the Meme.  This is the horribleness of the silent majority and the apt Edmund Burke “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men do nothing,” and “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

The world would be more peaceful if we recognized the Meme attempting to establish the hierarchy of dominance if we recognized our common humanity and urge for why we act to achieve dominance.  In this step we unmask the dream-life distortion.  We see the ridiculousness and ration of religious cultural prejudice.  We see human equivalency and mitigate our fear bred by the Meme.  In this we find love.  

Whites (the top Meme-perpetrators) are often apathetic to the anarchy in the world’s ghettos.  Whether it is the hoods of American cities or Third-World countries, the Meme keeps the cogs of the ordered-system distant.  The roles of race and ethnicity in the comprehension and discourse of the system are directed back towards self-causes rather than systemic-causes on an interconnected planet using simple lines of demarcation to install hierarchies.  To ask questions and explore why the system operates the way it does threatens the Meme.  

Listen to Somalia and the lyrics of K’naan.  Listen to America and Mos Def (Yasin Bey), NWA, and Chuck D.  Listen to England and Joe Strummer.  Listen to America and Bob Dylan.  Listen to Jamaica and Bob Marley.  Listen to Fela Kuti in Nigeria.  The list is boundless.  

How can humans confined in ghettos not become more violent?  The “law” systematically through the prohibitions of sun-based drugs, welfare-abortion mismanagement, and profiteer prisons erodes volition and self-sufficiency to breed apathy.  This encourages communities to stay dependent and dysfunctional.  This ostracizes and dehumanizes the Poor.  

The Meme requires a large exploitable underclass whether is in Detroit or Delhi.  International corporations salivate to dominate any emerging market (i.e. one that is not yet completely full of McDonalds, Texaco stations, and Coca Cola etc.).  This typically occurs by giant-Western advertising companies buying and controlling marketing in these countries to twist what locals want to wear, eat, drink, consume, etc.  Under colonial rule like in India local food plots were converted to corporate interests by selling opium to China while Poor starved.  This is no different than New York or Parisian handbags made by humans who could not buy one with years of wages or what the U.S. does with Mexico.

Look at global macroeconomics and double standards of labor in places like Bangladesh, India, and Guatemala.  We blame the Poor rather than understanding that we have collectively chosen this mimetic system to institute a world-order so that we are not chaotic solitary vagabond humans absent a system dying off, hunting each other alone grasping blood-thirst to sustain an animalistic existence.

This is done through economic systems discussed under commandment seven and media systems discussed under commandment nine.  In relating the music-meme to the prejudice meme, corporate radio playlists are particularly pernicious in minority communities where gangster rap, which was once a font of frustration with the Meme, was twisted in on itself as a tool of the Meme to reinforce stereotypes and behavior of an inescapable repression.  Gangster rap lost the uprising and political activism of Bob Marley and Public Enemy and became an economy of farce with corporate sponsors.  The intellectual contribution of gangster rap making cash-money millionaires is emblematic of NASCAR drivers festooned with stock-ticker patches claiming to relate to the F150-driving buck-hunters in the parking lot. 

The gangster-rap industry focuses on wealth, glamorizing the prison system as a surrogate family, domestic violence and remains a surface level self-degradation of ghettos as a badge of honor.  This musical-meme merged with raunchy sexual overtness to become hybrid pornography of ass cheeks and gun barrels.  The lack of a living-wage in employment which does not require advanced certifications holds a mental scale of wealth acquisition between drug-prison culture and minimum-wage struggle with various strands of governmental assistance.  This prospers legacies of dependency rather than uprising. 

The welfare state makes offspring into pay-raises which emboldens the sexual-Meme.  Humans are pardoned from responsibility for volition to the all mighty gene-replication cult.  Babies are held as tributes to absolutism.  Abortion occurs but is not empowered with the true volition of economic consequence as discussed under commandment five.  Males are neutered as feckless-providers creating arks of single-mothers with few healthy father-figures to rise above the tide.  

Volition can be elected if a quarantine of stability can fertilize an individual’s education.  Such serene alcoves most often require strong families, which the cycle tends to destabilize.  Ultimately humans need to eat, have a home, health, and respite.  Welfare, food stamps and housing assistance address these needs in America better than most countries.  The issue is when someone from outside a ghetto, afforded a threshold of stability cannot find self-sufficiency through gainful employment even after obtaining a college degree, then what hope does a human without that initial stability have? 

This is why Meme systems, which do not address what humans need to self-empower on a basic level fail our species.  This is why systems like the Meme, which in reality if the complete interconnections of why we do what we do are dissected, actually exacerbate poverty rather than seek to eliminate suffering.

Are there fewer murderers because criminals know they might be killed if caught?  One would gather yes to some degree.  However defaulting to the base-level surface response of physical violence through the Meme is short-sighted.  A true death penalty would be the option of suicide or terminal non-stimulation.  This way the penalty sheds hypocrisy.  The murderer continues to own his or her volition to kill knowing the presence of choice now extends into the self. 

The alternative is a prison organized on a national level with no visitors, no reading (including religious tomes), no writing, no television, and no news of the outside world.  There is rudimentary food that will keep a human alive with a basic threshold of nutrition.  No shaving only a barbershop run by the guards where beards and hair are trimmed while handcuffed once a month.  No weights, no basketball, time in the sun, and no music.  The option of self-administered helium suicide is available on request after a week waiting period. 

Broadcast the boredom of the end of the line prisons on an internet channel around the world and in every other U.S. prison as threat for disobedience.  Give the regular prisons access to the web-based educational system through self-directed videos on skills, job training, history, language, roots of crime, empathy, etc.  

Show the anti-Meme that we are animals, but we retain our civility.  Prisoners are not tortured or malnourished.  They are simply ignored and left to the echo of their internal thoughts and the limited exchange with fellow prisoners with no hope of parole.  The very presence of such a prison changes the paradigm.  Society in turn can become more humane by avoiding hypocrisy.

Mandatory minimum sentences expand disparate racial disparities in prisons.  These laws are a perverse form of affirmative action due to the nature of perception of a crime rather than societal damage.  Private prisons benefit from such Meme policies.  The GEO Group, Management Training Corporation (MTC) and the largest Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) profit in the millions.  States sign contracts with private prisons in which taxpayers pay for unused beds.  

Taxpayers are effectively fined for low crime rates.  Sheriffs in local jails like in Louisiana, the world’s highest per capita incarcerated population, profit in a similar manner to keep heads in the beds.  Slavery is pro-Meme.  These types of prohibition-driven incarceration factories are the modern-Meme slavery equivalent.  

Affirmative action would not be necessary without the fearful insecurity of the tenth commandment.  We create a prejudicial policy to combat prejudice.  This is akin to the death penalty to kill people who kill people to prove that killing people is wrong.  The innate hypocrisy will always leave such policies as marginally effective supporting actors in the progressive history of humanity. 

Affirmative action brings opportunities to humans who simply would not have them.  Targeted grants based to any college are better than admissions quotas.  Today’s affirmative action is about financial opportunity, not steps of the University of Alabama with bigots denying qualified students.  The true victory is to make grants based on wealth.  Unfortunately the racial disparities in wealth will most often serve the same purpose absent the taint of hypocrisy.  Ending affirmative action because of this evolution would honor MLK and Homer Plessey far more than seeing the policies as a permanent necessity.

Affirmative action will never work in private sector employment and the assertion that qualified candidates in 2013 only got to where they are because of race is damaging.  However, there are a lot of racist people on all sides.  Maybe America is not to full release yet, but at its root affirmative action is pro-Meme.

Sweat on a scrotum after labor on black or white skin acts the same.  Soaked perspiration amongst the pubic hairs drenches underwear.  The open air as a man urinates releases coolness.  An evacuated bladder sheds the heated liquid waste.  The Meme would like us to believe there is a difference in the temperature of the bodies, as if we are not common animals.

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