Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 9 Energy 86 to 89: The Meme

In these veins the gallery of Cosmopolitan and other fashion and cultural sex-obsessed magazines parade female jealousy of stolen mates and insecurity for being the abandoned.  Humans are explained what to feel guilty about and what to absolve self-criticism in context to the Meme.  Male magazine like GQ, Esquire, Muscle and Fitness, and Sports Illustrated do the same thing under a male paradigm.

Make-up and clothing are akin to male height and muscular bulk.  The orgasm principles, previously mentioned under commandment six, release powerful bonding and happiness hormones which are discussed like a mysterious power in such magazines, but rarely the why behind the biology that females have multiple orgasms and men generally do not.  

The Meme would rather humans replicate, want, and purchase while avoiding science.  These two strands of gender identity dominate one’s attraction to the opposite gender.  Each communicates gene quality most directly.  In so doing, the influence to mask the Humans-are-not-Animals meme becomes blatant.  

A woman is afforded the equivalent of one-hundred percent assurance that the fertilized embryo inside her uterus is a byproduct of her, a man is not.  This is why males have more certain but singular orgasms with ejaculation and women have less certain, but potentially multiple.  This male paternity-uncertainty prompts misogynistic laws in context to adultery, historical stoning of women and the entire double-standard by gender.  This emblematic array of male-dominated, male-engineered society and Decalogue instituted via the physical dominance and larger body size is associated with the smaller higher-numerated sexual gametes associated with male versus the larger single-celled sexual gamete egg of female.  

Evolution from a microorganism level led humans and most all complex life into one group to replicate in such ways.  The many smaller-gamete members (males) are to mate with as many of the fewer larger-gamete members (females) as possible.  The males are less selective than the females, who bear the bulk of the cost of gestating the progeny.  Species have developed successful strategies for replicating the genes including males continuing presence during progeny development to maturity or complete abandonment post-fertilization.  Humans are no different in these calculations as we discussed in the penguin example under commandment six.  

The Meme has popularized books like Fifty Shades of Gray and Twilight and shows like True Blood to capitalize on the taboo of sex to females inside the Meme.  Women want sex, but are told not to want sex.  Females want to win, beat each other at sex as much as males want to demonstrate physical stature and prowess for sex.  These storylines express the female sexual desire to be taken, dominated, to unleash vulnerability and bloom like a flower whether it is to bondage in a bedroom or the pierce of vampire fangs emulating penile penetration.  This is healthy as long as it is within a range of safety and does not cross the border into rape.  A female is vulnerable to the male with her body, but maintains her volition in entirety.  If the sexy vampire or werewolf is told to stop, he stops.  

The Meme clouds the idea of female volition in such ways.  The mixed messages and misunderstandings between male and female roles make the submissive and dominate roles taboo.  Male-society commands women to repress and express animal sexuality in a comfortable paradigm for men.  This creates neurosis (eating disorders, insecurity over appearance, etc.) and conflict in society.  This is not a measure of the depravity or innocence of gender, but linked to the animal evolution of our gametes, the roles these push into society and our denial of why we do what we do through the Meme.  

Afghan and Saudi women are jailed due to the conjecture of infidelity.  Fundamentalism makes sex the enemy.  Sex has power and the Meme must control sex.  Females face the specter of the slut-label, while males are seen as admirable for the same activity.  Look at Saudi Arabian female driver’s license laws.  This is all related to the inner-animal and the Meme.  

Psychologically this is linked to human obsessions in the oedipal complex transitioning through adolescence.  The Meme denies this natural awakening and complicates puberty through false-knowledge and repressed truths. 

The Meme wants to control desires through prohibition.  Polygamy is banned by the Meme.  Polygamy causes chaos and is overtly animalistic like a lion and his pride.  A female with a harem of males is almost incomprehensible as a sustainable construct in nature based on the innate violent competitive-to-the-death instructional genetics of the male gamete.  An alpha-male with a preponderance of females is common.  This occurs in humans.  This makes sense biologically since a single-woman in the presence of multiple males can only produce one offspring at a time, while a harem of females and an alpha male can create a colony.

However, when the societal ordering tool of marriage is applied, the Meme rejects the chaos.  When a male is casually dating and fornicating it is the ideal of the dominant-male inside the Meme.  This hypocrisy is a threat to the Meme.  Therefore the Meme avoids inspection, by emphasizing the importance, solemnity, and glorification of marital rituals.  This is where commandments six and nine come into play.

Women prior to the current generations were denied formal education at expansive rates compared to men.  This disparity continues in the Third-World, where the Meme has relinquished less control in context to gender.  The Meme attempts to use gender as leverage to create dominance, which it has done masterfully. 

As the First World progresses towards shedding the Meme, women control more of the Meme.  So the Meme must relinquish these tools over time.  The exploitation of the Poor mirrors these logical correlations.  Any uprising by the masses in the Third or First World originally accomplished based on sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, xenophobia, or any easily accessible stereotype becomes more difficult.  The absences of such tools will be discussed in commandment ten in context to the Meme.

The Meme through popular culture prompts us to value our individuality, yet conform to orderly standards of behavior, appearance, and compliance.  The Meme installs a vague irreplaceable status to our identity, which is to grow and truncate further thought after gene replication.  Life-long learning might jeopardize the inter-generational transfer of the Meme.

The Meme would like us to imagine our unique individuality is eternal, rather than a rearranged version of a copy.  The Meme would like us to believe at fertilization we are historically-marked with a soul in the eternal.  This selfish craving for individuality leads to protest abortion.  The cells developing are recorded at the impetus and like our notch cannot be undone in the annals of the Meme’s reality.  

To abort a child is killing a developing animal.  However, there was no record, not for the aborted fetus, not for us nor for any of the chickens who perished to form our drive-through nuggets.  This is disheartening if not devastating to the Meme, but to register the depths of our non-uniqueness, our lack of eternal individuality deflates some manner of exclusivity the Meme provided as a measure of pride. 

We face the debate if this is all we are and are we enough?  We never needed an after-life or a past-life to be relevant.  No one ever had or will.  Such potential destinations are indeterminable lagniappe.  Life is enough and more powerful once one can live beyond the current dominance of the Meme.  

We are forced to confront our conceptual goodness, who we are and why we do what we do, and if we should feel guilt or not.  This sort of confrontation leads to an internal repression and a passive aggressive external socialization costumed in a mirage of: rituals, social institutions, avoidance, piousness, jealousies, sycophancy, and loneliness mixed in a pot of celebrity to find identity through human-symbols rather than innate organic realities.  This leads to the Meme.

The Meme discourages people to look others directly in the eyes.  This is an inherited trait of the fight or flight response.  Prolonged eye contact is understood as an act of aggression or sexual dominance.  Humans who cannot look others in the eye often have difficulty accomplishing the figurative or sometimes literal task of looking at their self in the mirror.

The Meme senses the animal inside and avoids such encounters.  Direct eye-contact might prompt a rival to theft of physical assets or mates or to become a mate.  Prolonged eye contact says I want to fuck you or I want to kill you depending on the gender, sexuality, and context.  Both ways it is overtly animal and anti-Meme.  These are highly animalistic urges which are repressed to encourage distancing of rashness and encourage order.  

Acknowledging that we are animals does not sacrifice morality or a healthy notion of civility.  To the contrary acknowledging that humans are animals brings morality and civility as inclusive to the domain of the animal kingdom.  Altruism exists in our previous notion of animals as under the Meme as it always has in humans. 
This is related to humans asking “how is it going?” or “what’s up?” when greeting to instill order into initial confrontations that could prompt chaos.  The very greetings, “How are you?  How are you doing?” are pro-Meme.  The obligatory functional response is “Ok.”  Detailed or elaborated explanations are not expected or encouraged.  

In the vast majority of the population the interrogatory is actually a declarative sentence.  It is asking to demonstrate an image of the internal externally.  The Meme does not wish to dive internal or to discuss that mental space.  The charade is referring to it, but not talking about it. 

This is a check; are you a threat?  Fellow animals are you about to kill me?  Are you friend or foe?  The security is fake.  We always have the option of human deception.  Lies are intended in the ritual.  When asked, “How are you doing?”  If the person is truly sad, the respondent often still says, “Ok.” 

This theater prompts surface-concern to replace true concern.  The Meme can encourage the First-World to treat the Third-World the way it does in related imagery.  The anti-Meme often wants to answer, “Actually I am having a horrible day, my brother died, but you are asking for you not for me.  My true answer does not fit the dynamic created through the Meme.  Therefore I am frustrated that you even asked because you have now made me out to be liar, by giving you an ‘ok’.”  This on a grand scale, allows us to smile, say everything is fine, avoid diving into interrelationships, or to start revolutions to disrupt the Meme’s order.

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