Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 8 Knowledge 76 to 79 : The Meme

The Meme seeks to truncate knowledge and control those charged with dispensing, translating, documenting, and utilizing knowledge.  This is why professions like theologians, politicians, journalists, and teachers are central to the Meme.  Scientists of every variant: psychologists, biologists, chemists, physicists, cosmologists, etc. are particularly dangerous to the Meme. 

One may ponder; why if education is universally understood to be so crucial to any society would governments elect to limit funding to education in favor of militaries, corporations, and religious organizations through tax deductions and exemptions?  The math should matter relative to the functional effect resulting on the humans choosing these budgets.  The extrapolating math is often discarded for sentiment.  Certain topics become forbidden akin to the second commandment to criticize.  The Meme is at the center of these quandaries. 

Why is there money for war, but not education?  There are no bake sales for B2 bombers.  The evolution of the Meme’s influence in the modern classroom comes in a conglomerate of non-teacher experts engineering political macro-level administrative solutions.  We see this in No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, standardized testing, curriculums, analysts, think-tanks, PHD’s who have never taught the fifth grade, the ratio of collegiate administrative costs to actual teachers in the classroom and foundations.  The local teacher is a surrogate member of the Poor under the Meme.  The local teacher is viewed as a drone due to the danger innate to the position.  

A rouge history teacher could undue generations of engineered versions of events.  Thomas Jefferson might be shown a deist.  Darwin could be unopposed by creationism or fundamentalism.  Holden Caulfield’s angst might be examined.  Einstein’s thoughts on religion might be discussed.  The flag pledge might comply with the bill of rights.  The American ideal of universally accessible class-ascension by progressing through the standard hoops of high-school to bachelor’s degree to debt to compliant entry into the industrial system might be detoured into rejection or rebellion.  The Meme’s role in the world might be identified. 

The Meme cannot have this.  Therefore the Meme places teachers under tremendous constraint.  Education like healthcare is a domain which maximally benefits from socialist-funded macro-level assets being placed into the volition of local-experts (i.e. teachers and doctors.)  Federally-funded web-based software that could empower each of these local-experts represents a boon to true-democracy, a key to the next evolution of the human-mind, and a nuclear-apocalypse type event to the current Meme if done absent sabotage.  If done incorrectly it represents a greater-shackle by the Meme to assert control.

If any teacher or doctor in America, and thereafter the globe through internet access, had access to the equivalent of the hive-mind of humans to assist their current task through software akin to IBM’s Watson made by teachers for teachers and made by doctors for doctors, we would see volition on the grandest stage.  Teachers could have testing, homework, lecture, research, conference, templates and publically owned assets at their fingertips that interface the globe.  Homework and classroom lectures could flip like the Khan Academy model extrapolated out to encourage more critical thinking during the day.  Classrooms could shift to laboratories focused on laptops and tablets serving as adaptable interfaces redirected by in-classroom educators and web-conferenced and pre-recorded educators and experts. 

Career day could be shifted to web-based videos on the practical realities of careers starting in junior high rather than one’s sophomore year in college.  Debt and earnings could be factored to craft career plans with a backdrop of critical thinking based on interest, aptitude, financial support, and integrate national need by area of study.  These types of logistics are paramount, yet repressed by the Meme.  

The Meme seeks to postpone individuals utilizing critical thinking, comprehending the connection between economics and social inequities, unraveling the untruths that spur noncompliance, and avoiding the profiteering of industry.  The Meme wants humans to drift through life never asking why and falling into last minute decisions based on a combination of desperation and ignorance.  The Meme condemns such a path as socialism, costly, and anti-freedom.  This prevents the Meme from carving massive profits and control from the process.  

The idea of web-based assets in local-control is sabotaged because the path to nationalized funding and local management requires multi-level contemplation and is easily lumped in the American psyche as communist or socialist. 
Ideas like the Common Core are hated for the same reason the Affordable Health Care Act is hated.  They are not the proper solutions, but potential steps on the path to a suitable web-based response.  Each also threatens the conceptual specialness and individuality the Meme tries to instill to cover up our animal-status.  Therefore each is anti-Meme and rejected at the impetus by the Meme as the government attempting to commander profit-driven industries.  In the past these assets would not be possible, but the internet is why the evolution is happening now and the Meme is more threatened than ever.  

Education should be designed by a congress of teachers across a background of mandated in-classroom experience voted on as representatives on a local level to have information technology experts, like IBM, create national web-based software based on the teachers input.  This tax-payer owned web-based software can adapt on a student by student basis to the level of that student inside that classroom.  Thus we create a best way to do fifth grade or sophomore year etc. that is broad enough to be paired down to any student, yet pertinent to the student’s level and fair to the available resources provided to the educator.

Elections by the local teacher adapt the information and method of instruction to that pupil.  Not all information has to be used.  Not every student in the same class has to have the same breadth of knowledge presented over the course of a semester.  The child’s performance will determine progress.  Some kids will never perform past a sixth-grade level.  

Students, parents, and teachers can be linked to the same web-based asset to coordinate in class-work and homework.  Books could be read to students in certain instances.  Video guides to help parents help their kids are imbedded.  Lobbies of after-school Skype-tutors on the same lesson could be waiting to help.  Audiobooks of classics or government contracted digital book purchases could be available to every child on-demand to every student.

The spectrum of a grade level is agreed upon and revaluated on a perpetual basis by an electronic caucus of educators and available for public inspection over the web.  Students can prove evaluations wrong and transcend levels upward or downward based on performance.  In this way a common-base is maintained but adaptable to the student.  Standardized tests could be tiered by aptitude for layers of students.  When school boards focus on group results the classrooms become homogenized as if every student is destined for college.  This is how the Meme asserts order and control, the illusion of reward.  

True thinking and learning is a balance to the local reality of capability of students, the home-lives of students, the funding to the classroom including not only the teacher’s salary but the informational technology.  If no public school in America ever had to buy a direct textbook, because they were replaced by federally-funded updated web-based software owned by taxpayers on a national level with variations local teachers could elect, the administrative costs to the American taxpayers would plummet.  The knowledge available to the average student would skyrocket.  The same is true from preschool to PHD programs.  The major reason this does not happen now is the Meme. 

This adaptation is only possible with the use of the internet and the anti-Meme conquering the legacy of racism and religious fundamentalism linked to mandating that education be a states’ rights issue that kept segregation as a foundational construct into schooling below the Mason Dixon line.  The Meme sabotages this from occurring by viewing a federal solution as a one-size fits all solution.  This is exactly the opposite of what this type of bottom-up approach entails.  

The logical methodology of such an educational web-based software combined with local electives mirrors what is ideal for a modern single-payer universal healthcare system as previously discussed.  Both of these types of arrangements are completely anti-Meme.

The Meme will condemn the expenditures of education, healthcare, food and housing assistance, including free breakfast and lunch programs for students.  The Meme does not wish to do the math to compare this to missile stock piles, tax deductions, or corporate welfare.  The Meme knows that order requires inequity.  Math exposes the inequity.  

A significant percentage of the masses must be convinced they either possess or will one day be capable of possessing a threshold of upward mobility where the progressive taxation levels rebuffed by the Meme might apply to them.  The masses are encouraged with the lottery mentality and game and reality shows described earlier to view wealth as attainable.  

Even if the top taxation rates in America only apply to individuals making more than four-hundred thousand dollars a year, a person making one-hundred thousand a year will see this as pertinent to their individual expenditures.  The mathematical differential between a billionaire and an individual making six-hundred thousand a year is intentionally avoided by the Meme.  

Hyperbole is crucial.  Being anti-freedom, anti-free enterprise, and anti-jobs is the translation of the Meme responding to, “Could the lion keep a smaller share?”  The hyperbole is a lie in plain sight by the Meme.  This is false-knowledge.  When international trade treaties or contracts are signed or publicized, politicians and company spokespeople speak about job-creation.  What the Meme really means is profit-creation (i.e. Chevron’s stock price is going to go up.)  When upper percentile tax cuts or increases are discussed the Meme pitches the same job-creation or job-destruction spiel. 

The Meme does not want the masses to collectively pass a threshold of education.  If there were no desperate masses, who would do the Poor’s work?  The order of the Meme requires a dysfunctional education system, which leaves a large percentage of the global population marginalized.  The Meme doesn’t want the average person to be more intelligent and pass a threshold of skills that will presumptively equate to a level of independence and demand for labor compensation and a rejection to farm a field or toil in a factory.

If everyone had a college degree, where would the exploited masses come from to maintain the hierarchy and order?  This is one reason some stronger champions of the Meme are so irate at food stamp and social assistance recipients on a subconscious level.  Those at the top of the Meme understand that education and social aid are paths that destroy the foundation of order and the top of the Meme’s pedestal-status. 

This is why one sees the 2013 United States Republican House of Representatives acting the way they do.  There is no other game plan, but protection of the Meme.  The Democrats, who on an elected level, are also at the top of the Meme, understand this as well.  Ideas will get suggested but the ideas are like the Affordable Health Care Act, not a legitimate single-payer system.  The Meme allows a quasi-solution that looks semi-plausible, but is ultimately deficient and can be sabotaged behind public-view.  

The Democrats in power are only there through a filtered system controlled by the Meme, which requires submitting to the Meme to wield legitimate candidacy.  Occasionally you get a Senator Elizabeth Warren, a former Harvard law professor to push the anti-Meme or the openly gay former Representative Barney Frank or Senator Bernie Sanders, who is the first open socialist in decades, but they are few.  Most Democrats just tow the business and Meme line. 

Candidates must sacrifice volition for the greater good of passing the requirements of partisanship to be placed on the ballot.  An individual with balanced ideas untethered to a party-platform threatens the Meme.  Even if post-election one was to play the game to get elected and then hatch volition on the floor of Congress denying partisanship, the Meme would ostracize and condemn such a politician.  

This is one reason why we have politicians processing obstructionist filibusters, proposing legislation which has no chance of being passed, but guarantees public spectacle to assert the Meme.  Democrats and Republicans proselytize political ideology the individual politician in private may acknowledge as flawed or disagree.  However in the public space, individual volition is neutered.  We become costumed clowns slathered in cosmetics.  

The will of the politician is hijacked by the Meme.  Consciously they may be oblivious, because the mechanisms that maintain their political power is the perpetuation of the Meme.  The politician’s actions are chosen.  The man or woman is choosing, but the choice is shrouded in ideologies that are subconsciously associated with a reward system that says, “When I follow the Meme I am rewarded.”  Therefore Republicans and Democrats follow the Meme, whether they ever considered what the Meme is or that it actually exists.  

If America ever instituted a web-based proxy voting system for significant floor measures in legislative bodies from town, county, parish, state, and federal levels, then true democracy would stand a chance.  Through verified identification logins at least as secure as those used by banks, we could revolutionize advisory voting suggestions to our traditionally elected representatives to bypass the flawed campaign financing and marketing process to make our D and R elected officials as functionally subordinated to the will of the people.  One’s registered zip code could determine what measures one could proxy-vote on through a web-application.  Actual votes would be compared to advisory votes and render a reckoning come re-election given thresholds of authentic public participation. 

We could tie votes through linked American bank accounts and shift pennies back and forth through electronic fund transfers linked with the individual’s tax payment account with the IRS.  Basically the federal government could put a penny into a taxpayer account every time the person voted and then remove the penny.  This would verify the identity of the individual for voting and potentially lead to a full digital shift for the facilitation of government payments and receipts through the accounts used.  Most people would use their normal checking account.  

It is not perfect, but it would deter foreign parties or domestic groups from flooding votes through hacking accounts and concurrently provide incentive for people to protect their login.  If America so wished it could coordinate with banks operating in the United States to produce a mutual secure login link from the bank to the voting database.  This would cost taxpayers money to design and setup the system, but banks would benefit from increased traffic, and could be forced to comply based on federal law and public good.  There are few assets more valuable than democracy.  Politicians could conduct traditional polls in less internet-savvy constituency populations such as the Matures and Seniors to compensate.  These groups are the primary remainder of residential landlines anyway.

A web-based public policy interface could include other added benefits.  The government could coordinate a system of nonprofit and governmental volunteer and community opportunities creating a digital-town-square and public forums.  Up until now this has primarily been left for each separate city, state, and federal department.  This is a disjointed and more expensive approach.  Utility billing systems could also be integrated, which would save the American people millions of dollars. 

Most humans are not defined by the polarization of political partisanship, yet post-election the opposite citizens’ views of the D or R elected are most-often entirely ignored.  Such an internet based system like that described for education and healthcare is at the heart of the modern evolution to the anti-Meme.  

Religion assists the Meme to get people to vote against their self-interest fiscally and socially.  The eighth commandment presents an air of thou shall not lie from one’s government and church, yet most people have a low opinion of congress and organizations like the Vatican. 

Why then do people wave flags and crucifixes if the administrative bodies which regulate their memes on Earth are held in such low opinion?  The reason is that the Meme segregates reality from sentiment.  We feel pride and love in the sentiment and repress and disconnect the reality.  We attach our individuality to the marketed ideals of the associations: the brave soldiers, the kindness of Jesus or Mohammed, the heartland, our senator (but not Congress), and the comfort of heaven.  We distance ourselves from Nagasaki, the crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, or the realities of the Dustbowl and the Great Depression.  

The Meme wishes us to avoid such truths because they hurt to face compared to the comforting sentiment.  Our government and our churches have initiated wars and the exploitation of the Poor.  The American healthcare system profits from human sickness, not wellness.  Loan fees and risky subprime housing lending does not incorporate wages with a specialized mortgage deduction.  Instead upfront fees create Poor renters labeled home-owners on property that reverts to banks and debt that reverts to taxpayers. 

These hard-truths are traded for sentiments.  The Government and the Church have the Poor’s best interest at the center.  The healthcare system wants me to feel better.  Society wants me to be self-sufficient with the dignity of a home.  If I work hard I can have the dream.  Belief in sentiment is key for humans to bury our inner animal.  Our animal status wants to dominate others.  Sentiment allows for the domination without the disturbing overtness that would uncover the Meme.

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