Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 9 Energy 83 to 85: The Meme

9) Energy (introversion/extroversion)
[You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife]
{You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass or anything that is your neighbor’s.}

We will begin with a quote from Sigmund Freud from his general introduction to psychoanalysis at the conclusion of his eighteenth lecture.
“Humanity, in the course of time, has had to endure from the hands of science two great outrages against its naïve self-love.  The first was when humanity discovered that our earth was not the center of the universe, but only a tiny speck in a world-system hardly conceivable in its magnitude.  This is associated in our minds with the name “Copernicus,” although Alexandrian science had taught much the same thing.  The second occurred when biological research robbed man of his apparent superiority under special creation, and rebuked him with his descent from the animal kingdom, and his ineradicable animal nature.  The re-valuations, under the influence of Charles Darwin, Wallace and their predecessors were not accomplished without the most violent opposition of their contemporaries.  But the third and most irritating insult is flung at the human mania of greatness by present-day psychological research, which wants to prove to the “I” that it is not even master in its own home, but is dependent upon the most scanty information concerning all that goes on unconsciously in its psychic life. 

We psychoanalysts were neither the first, nor the only ones to announce this admonition to look within ourselves.  It appears that we are fated to represent it most insistently and to reconfirm it by means of empirical data which are of importance to every single person.  This is the reason for the widespread revolt against our science, the omission of all consideration of academic urbanity, and emancipation of the opposition form all restraints of impartial logic.  We were compelled to disturb the peace of the world, in addition, in another manner, of which you will soon come to know.”

The ninth and tenth commandments are concerned with the jurisprudence over thought-crimes.  One is not to want to have sex with another person’s spouse.  One is not to want another person’s property.  This would lead one on the surface to wish to be content with what one possesses, but like all prohibition this inflames human-want.  The commandments actually desires our desire, wants our want.  Without these the condemnation and corresponding control are less feasible. 

We will attempt to subdivide the ninth commandment to the concept of energy inside the self related to thought crime and the tenth to the idea of prejudice as a measure of human judgment taking on the role of god on Earth.  However the two pieces are the most inter-related as in some iterations of the Ten Commandments the two are entirely combined. 

The goods of the other become the subject of desire as immediately when one is forbidden from sexual relations with a person or imbibing a drink one is left to ponder why is the prohibited desirable.  The story of the apple as a metaphor for the vagina and the evolutionary origin of man as an animal shrouded in Genesis is the original biblical iteration of the ninth commandment.  The original sin of humanity and the ultimate banishment is the result. 

Guilt, regret, and in turn desire become great tools of the Meme.  The wanting makes thieves, killers, and adulterers into sinners.  Sinners are needed to sprout fear.  Fear is needed to instill control, which brings obedience, which brings order. 

We are drawn to an object as innocuous as a piece of fruit for the potential ignorance possessing it might obliterate.  What is it like to insert one’s penis into that vagina?  What is it like to drive that vehicle?  What is it like to enslave and whip that man?  What is it like to own that land and charge rents or interest on debt at such rates?  What is it like to be the controller instead of the controlled? 

In wanting we see the desire to be atop the Meme.  We see the energy shift from the internal to the external.  We see our native volition as inadequate compared to the communal power of a manipulated society in which if we make specified elections and oblige various parties we may in time be privy to be a decision-maker instead of a decision-follower.  We become a manner of god. 

This all occurs in our thoughts.  We elect to see the power of wanting present in others.  Crowds can be drawn like to the aroma of poppy fields to various crafted stimuli to play the game.  This is how one is taught that the Meme can be so beneficial and possibly attainable to an individual even in a low actual likelihood, when the perceived likelihood is so tantalizing. 

The Christian meme uses Christmas and Easter as reinforcement tools for wanting as described under commandment three.  Toys and chocolate set the permanence of wanting while faith is sufficient before mental acumen assembles.  Ritual passes the Meme through generations.

This cultivation of society encourages energy towards extroversion over introversion.  Humanity is estimated to contain approximately two-thirds of primary-extroverts compared to introverts.  This varies based on the dominate iteration of the Meme.  The United States is maximally extroverted.  China is more introverted, but still predominately extroverted.  This correlates with China’s greater adoption of atheism. 

The biological psychological predisposition for introversion comes from an over-active amygdala in the limbic system.  The amygdala processes threats as humans as animals evolved to react to unfamiliar objects, sounds, smells, tastes, and sights.  It is tied to our facial reactions and pliability to enter, navigate, and process novel social situations. 

This tends to make the human more sensitive to the stimuli in his or her environment.  This can be confused as introverts being misanthropic, but this is ultra-sensitivity and awareness to the depth of stimuli accrued from social interaction presenting an influx to compute, decipher, sort, document, and analyze.  This brings introverts to questions and dilemmas which may bypass extroverts. 

Introverts tend to be less reward driven from social status, sex, money or prestige.  This comes from the interconnection between our ‘old-brain’ where the amygdala is stored with the pleasure-center mitigation controls with the nucleus accumbens in the neocortex or ‘new-brain,’ which in part regulates dopamine along with the medial orbitofrontal cortex.  The buzz or kick from rewards tend to register less in introverts.  Extroverts tend to suffer more addictions and help explain the profit-now mentality of Wall Street.

This level of internal analysis is the primary reason why introversion is anti-Meme.  The inspection’s relative absence in extroverts replaced with varied notions on pride, status, achievement within a group is why extroversion is most often pro-Meme.

The Meme evolved as a social-asset to bring humans together in societies for a better chance at survival.  The Meme does not want outsiders, loners, or quiet.  The Meme is escaping the chaos of nature.  The Meme is attempting to control nature through order.  Introverts breed unpredictability, questions, and potential rebellion or the scattering of the tribe.  

The Meme will display rage at a man attempting to unchain humanity from the Meme.  Purported psychological maladies are directly correlated with the dysfunction created by humans not being able to accept what we are (animals.)  Introversion risks humans seeing this humans-are-animals link.  The Meme might collapse and have to establish a new paradigm of order, which could result in the extinction of humanity depending on the ensuing panic.

In Freud’s quotation, we see humanity first confront our place in the universe as non-special.  Second humanity confronts the implications of evolution as our species is not special.  Third we confront the idea that our animal status, combined with manipulations humanity has chosen to mask it, has hijacked our psyche.  Freud’s psychoanalysis forces the inner-animal with its sexual and kill or be killed urges to the forefront, which makes psychoanalysis anti-Meme.

The parasitic emissaries of the Meme enter our psyche to manipulate our understanding of our identity and individualism.  Freud speaks of the third and greatest irritation posed to humans is diving into our psyche to where we see how our volition has been compromised and sacrificed in so many iterations to the Meme.  We feel like we are making choices, but we are actually capitulating to the foundational choice, to follow the Meme.  By following the Meme we operate more like a computer operating system with predictable reactions, responses and elections all meant to avoid accepting death and our animal life.

We will examine popular culture and humanity’s iterations of positive versus negative body image in context to the Meme.  The Humans-are-not-Animals meme is paramount in guiding various activities, hobbies, and elements of social nuance to veil the animal and promote order.  Popular culture’s foremost contextual prism is sexual reproduction.  It may be helpful to first find how sex applies and then the Meme is easier to spot producing this type of programing throughout our societies to sway our volition.

Men support their inner animal in competitions of physical dominance to replace two deer thrashing antlers in a glade, walrus tusks on a beachhead, or gorillas pounding pectoral displays.  See football, soccer, basketball, hunting, fishing, and body building etc.  

Biologically the shame of a six-foot five-inch male in a hypothetical world of eight-foot alpha males would detail that size is relative to the perceived difference in the available potential mate selection by the fewer-larger gamete gender.  This drives the Meme toward the valuation models that have little to do with productive aptitude in a demonstrated or demonstrable sense, but in a mathematical formula of assumptions, inferences, and illusions.  

The mind favors perceptions due to expedience.  A peacock’s tail is an illustration.  The human-female breast is another.  Humans are our own apex predator; therefore unlike animals lower on the food chain, the display-based (lure-based) sexual role of the species has substantially swapped from the male to the female in humans.  

In nature the male cardinal’s crimson feathers risk a greater chance of being noticed and eaten in exchange for a greater chance for mating.  Humans do not face this conundrum, therefore women wear more cosmetics.  Men still lift weights as a physical strength display.  Although this is less critical given the advent of the microchip, but still ingrained in the human psyche. 

The Meme makes wise work to devalue the prioritization of cerebral faculties in comparison to quickly-communicated instinctual surface-level triggers.  Since we are animals these physical triggers are less costly to communicate and more effective because they can supersede context.  The use of alternative internal variables correlates with a complex-organism’s evolution of the mind against the Meme. 

This is why non-physical beauty (i.e. ugliness) often correlates with an individual making internal investment.  Nerds, geeks, and dweebs who are limited in expedient external-attraction potential more readily divert time and energy into scholastic and philosophical pursuits like mathematics, science, and psychology.  A beautiful-human need not shift paradigms to the internal if external avenues can meet the needs of the inner animal and the Meme.  

Intelligence is primarily a genetic inheritance of capability.  A person can be both sexy and smart, but sexy takes less work.  When one is blessed with an optimal eye circumference to face ratio, facial symmetry, curvature, figure, pectoral physique or height, one simply genetically is or can approximate a beauty-ideal with less natural effort say to socialize and make friends than to obtain a graduate degree in physics.  

Maximization of aptitude can vary in an environment due to a human choosing partying or studying.  However if one is dateless, inner exploration can become one’s solitary option.  This is one reason the Meme attempts to keep humanity preoccupied with the sexual pursuit. 

A breast or a bicep is explicit.  Comprehension of empathy, science, finance, and self-esteem require more work and self-reflection, which leads to reciprocating vulnerability.  These computations are more common in long-term rather than short-term mate-selection.  Therefore the game plan of the Meme is to capture young adolescents and cascade forward based on the external rather than the internal. 

Modern females also compete in sports, but females primarily support their inner animal in competitions of mate attraction through physical beauty, the lure.  Waist size becomes a common female contest, counting calories as if units of character to induce a male given the nature of body image and the Meme.  A pretty-young-thing walking into a room makes the males stare in desire and the other females stare in jealous-hatred.  Older-females see their death and inability to remain competitive in the younger female’s smooth cheeks and perked bosom.  This correlates with the evolution of a crowd of smaller gametes being filtered and striving for the larger gamete.  

Preoccupation with crash and fad diets is pro-Meme.  Miracle diets represent a search for an answer other than basic biology, which is the inner-animal.  Nutrition, genetics, and exercise appear too simple.  Humans want a savior, which can be processed similar to the Meme, like a pill or a thought which does the thinking and active volition for a person.  One either chooses to consume a given food or not.  One chooses to move one’s limbs or remain idle.  One does not choose genetic composition, but one’s denial of immutable biology leads to such futile Argonaut quests. 

Inside the realm of body image and body control is the abandonment of jurisdiction over all decisions.  If one’s body mass index and percentage of body fat begets victimization rather than recognized culpability for an organism to make or not make decisions to affect one’s health, a person can default to the Meme in other arenas.  Fast food drive-through lines are an observable interface of this Meme dynamic. 

Work ethic, discipline and education can spiral downward into apathy, lethargy, and callousness.  One can see the effects of such default to the Meme in the audiences of the Jerry Springer show, Ronco infomercials, pro-wrestling events, Tony Robbins self-esteem seminars, Golden Corral buffets, or most places of worship.  Basically the Meme is at work in any place where people are lining up to indulge themselves in why the bad thing is not an individual’s fault and requesting a quick solution or commiseration.

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