Monday, November 11, 2013

Meditation Before the Maze

How does anyone meet anyone?
I have never felt more like Spock when entertaining this question

Greetings, posturing, the faces are a relative infinitude
There must be a filtering system
Primary of which is sexual attraction

However who one wishes to mate and who one wishes to converse
Are so often divergent characteristics and seeking to entwine the two
Is a conundrum given so little available data

Setting bears a placeholder of communication that one is unlikely to be in a place
If one is not receptive to being subjected to misinterpretations of one’s status
Such seems exhausting like knocking door to door to see if someone
Might wish to sell their domicile to a homeless person

Rather than a realty system of yard signs and internet postings
Wedding rings are like sold and cleavage is hocking open
What I would really like to discuss I know takes such time and probable foundational constructs
Which are apparently rare as is my yearning for them that I would prefer

The silence of the numb absolution of masquerading a mirror of apathy
As if the garden enjoys the basement’s lighting, the vitamin supplements are fine
Whatever was learned in sixth grade to senior year I apparently failed in the school yard
The principal demands my return and a truancy of internet-gaming tastes like the lager on draft

The alternatives are barstools of ambiguity, ordering, glaring around Frenchmen Street
For a darkness on the edge of maturity and contemplation beyond fabric and texting fixation
The turned-heads, the kids and tales, the spilt scotch and fairy wings clipped
Maybe if I could sit there and read and see who might perk fancy, but the light is low

Maybe this kindle will burn the forest of no shows
Of speaking past Hitchens and the voices of the dead
Trade a jacket pocket for a faith that things do not have to be on other’s terms
If I am the one who is to claim

This life, this space, this isolated raft for pioneering over resignation
To go through movement and be a contrarian as part of the crowd not as insult, but
As the genuine vehicle of a man who knows not who to speak, but is aware and confident
In what to say once the lane is apparent

For a body is doomed to walk the maze without the cartographer’s work
Better to mediate in the alcove than wander aimless, the monsters will find one first and oh what bites!

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