Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 10: Prejudice 98 to 100 : The Meme

We see the black skin of the R.U.F., Siad Barre, and Mohammed Farah Aidid.  We see Rwanda, Chad, Darfur, Uganda, Kenyan elections and Eldoret churches.  Somalia is hacking neighbors to death when paid some insignificant amount of money to commit heinous crimes. 

Education is a life and death issue.  When people are not educated they are easily exploited and that is how we get violence and conflict.  The one educated kid is hope for an entire family; pressure.  Why even try when there is no money for a secondary school?  Why study by lamp oil when one cannot afford land?

Nigerian Pentecostal gospel pulpits vomit torture sentence accusations on witch-children to prompt confessions.  Helen Ukpabio and the Liberty Gospel Church speak.  See the parade of machetes, alive-burials, acid splashed faces, rock-ankle drowning’s, kerosene, fire, and barbed wire obliterate the possessed covens of six-year olds.  Pandemic poverty and environmental contaminants pulse in rivers from Nigerian delta oil externalities blamed on satanic witchcraft.  Profiteering exorcisms is done in the name of Christ. 

KCPE scores are sent via texts like lottery tickets to orphaned refugee children staring mothers in the face praying for salvation.  Killing assumes its own life.  Killing gun violence multiplies like sperm-bullets fathering vengeance in the brothers and sons of the deceased.  Ethnic cleansing mops in machine-gun Clorox.  Bacterium bifurcates in factions in Kikuyus and Luos.  These may be odd sounding names of other countries humans to melanin-deprived ears.  Pirates and torpedoes are sponsored by foreign investment firms.  Ignorance is the breeding ground for intolerance, misinformation, and violence. 

A Tunisian fruit vendor self-doused in gasoline and immolated himself afire.  He started a revolution in a ticking death.  He burned like a phoenix to reset the regime.  These oranges are no longer home-grown.  Spark in Sidi Bouzid, a place, Mohammed Bouazizi, a man, ethnic fruit cannot be sold here.  Confiscated his scale, had to pay a bribe to get it back.  Palm to the face of a government woman, just wanted his scale.  Gas station canister beer-can pop-top in the middle of the traffic; how do you expect me to make a living on ten dollars a day, a week?

One man made one illegal tender tsunami-slap to demonstrate an expression of anger.  A need for dignity became active in the uprising and spread to other town to obliterate lonely suffering of class in the interior like a liberating virus.  The government turned to police.  Tunisian people do not have guns.  Government asked police to sniper-shot heads.  Facebook was only visual of reality.  

A man self immolated in gasoline on the national mall in Washington D.C. on October 4, 2013.  The world barely noticed.  Twitter pictures were taken.  He was fanned to live as he did not seek demonstration to death.  Such heroics to snuff the flames are insulting.  The Meme did not cover, but a side article.  America keeps shopping and jogging. 

It is one thing for young people to over throw Middle Eastern despots.  It is another thing to form a working democracy.  ICC, if groups under their direct control can be shown to have committed these atrocities they will be prosecuted.  Who cares?  Repercussions, humans search for the ghost of justice to put war or evil in a Pandora tote-bag they can understand that makes sure “good” wins.  Someone is in prison now.  Someone has been held responsible.  The non-victim has a name tag.  

Tunisian refugee boats sail off for Italy like Cubans to Miami.  Boat parallel paths motor on for the simple justice of honest work.  Libyan, Italian treaties and investment fund tradeoffs, oil and arms.  People coming to find freedom where there is the fragrance of democracy.  “We will go there.  We hate it in Tunisia.  We want to be treated like humans not prisoners.”  The threat of a power-vacuum, Iraqi dictators absence creates chaos and the certain brutality for most and reward for the few.  

Recipe for Somali piracy is related to extreme poverty entwined with a weak or nonexistent government, readily available automatic weapons, no birth certificates, under-age machine-gun-toting sea-goers, busy maritime industry.  America side-jacking stragglers to Virginia courtrooms under century-old piracy laws on United States flagged vessels.  U.S. Navy Seals drop in on Iranian fishing boat to blast Somali pirates.

Who were the real pirates of the Caribbean?  Smut white-cap runner rouges on single-mast cutters hiding, killing, raping, and flushing the spoils on island whores and rum, are we all that different on the brink?  Resolving all this is like trying to drink every drop of water from a fire hydrant.  There are no non-extortionist fire companies when Rome is burning.  Sierra Leone launched stuffed ships corralled by Negroid hands brimming with provisions packed from the Empire of Mali.

Ivory Coast Bakbo, fair election would not leave, French and U.N. Forces required to get him out.  Nelson Mandela’s ex-wife Winnie, opera in South Africa, mixed militancy even after Nelson was free, notorious Mandela United Football club abductions; what happens to a splintered soul, not wounded by individuals, but by the world? 

Millions of parentless South African AIDS children are born into death sentence condemnation; not asking for pity, but understanding.  The cruelty of orcas toying with the free-breathing seals flipping them around before consumption and South African Great Whites get all the bad press.  

Serra Leone tribunal courts on fires in Freetown to try marauders.  Generals funded through Charles Taylor to Foday Saankoh.  General Issa Sessay sits there to take account.  Weigh his remaining life for fifty-two years.  Measure the preservation of peace against chopping off appendages to account for all the missing limbs and phantom fingers that can no longer cast purple-thumb ballots against a war.  

The special United Nations court is computing the human skeletons, bones strewn from a rebel cutlass, raped civilians, decapitated heads in a bag, rebels asking the could-be-next carriers to laugh at the expressions on the dead facades.  The Rebel Nation United Front igniting civil war, the fear, the thugs invading one’s own country through Liberia.  R.U.F. if you choose not to fight with them they will kill you, bush wives and yellow-jacket child trained-terrorists.  All this played out in contemplation on the Serra Leone Amputee Football Association field. 

Gaddafi marched on his own pretending King Idris was a peasant with self-portrait Dinars buying LIA bomb downs and a NATO no-fly zone.  How long before the oil oozes up and on: Syria, Bahrain and the sshh?  Kingdom of Saudi’s, world would be at war and destined for hell if there were not so many Riyals to go around from this gel.  Behind it all laughs the Meme.  

Japan is drowning in a nuclear ocean and an aging population.  Global post WWII retirees are barking unionized-defined death threats.  London riots with idle men burning boutiques.  Neapolitan lifetime employment booms Croatian shipyards.  Indonesian beach vacations.  Haiti is in hell.  Is California falling into the Pacific next or is it a shining light to stem the tide of America and the Meme post-Schwarzenegger?  

Mocando inked up Plaquemines in an American splendor south farmed by African slaves.  The Delta land was bought and sold in Congo Square belting out empathy in Mardi Gras day Indian costumes for understood Diasporas genetically inherited in a drowned out Treme.  The Meme is long and its distortion thick in why we have done and continue to do what we do. 

We see the white skin of Adolf Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic, or Joseph Stalin.  The Meme pretends to see a difference in pigment as if it represents character.  The sentiment spread by the Meme to perpetuate such nonsense is the same as if the god chosen by the man determines his goodness.  

With the persecution of Jews and Auschwitz deaths, Viktor Frankl wrote his theories of meaning in suffering, of suffering well with Logothearapy.  There is no difference to the suffering of a man based on his skin, language or ethnicity.  We all die and suffer pain.  The Meme would rather give us heaven and hell as an equilibrium we choose to deny ourselves in life.  We want to believe Gandhi and Hitler have divergent eternities; there is no evidence that they do.  Whether this bleak truth saddens us or not is irrelevant.  Only the lives and choices of Mahatma and Adolf upon our planet are relevant.  The alternative is preposterous delusion based on wishful insecure thinking to assert human hunger for justice.

In the pondered absolutism of great heroes and villains, the Meme teaches us to eradicate a bit of our humanity.  Certain humans are far more worthy and less worthy of the title human and our interest. The Meme teaches us to value ourselves in how we compare to such extremes.  We steer away from volition and towards how we measure up to perceptions of people we will probably never meet.

In turn, humanity becomes obsessed with celebrities, particularly train-wreck tabloids and instant-celebrities due to crimes or sensationalism that interfaces with the core of the Meme in trials.  Lorena Bobbitt dismembered her man’s penis.  Joey Buttafuoco had sex with a Lolita-Amy Fischer and she shot his wife in the face.  Timothy McVeigh and the Uni-bomber blew government shit up.  John Gotti finally got it.  Colin Ferguson sprayed bullets on a train.  Casey Anthony murdered her daughter.  Martha Stewart insider traded stock.  Terri Schiavo got a feeding tube.

Scott Peterson offed his wife and unborn.  Michael Jackson was accused of child molestation.  Enron went fraud.  John Allen Mohammed sniper-shot humans from a car trunk.  George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin for the way he looked.  Jack Kevorkian was found guilty of second degree murder.  Baby Jessica fell down a well.  Black O.J. Simpson killed his white wife.  Charles Manson read Dale Carnegie, had a harem, and killed.  Bernie Ebbers stole WorldCom.  Bernie Madoff tricked the market.  Rodney King was beaten on video, cops walked and L.A. burned.

The Meme coats the First World obsession over a single baby in a well, while millions of Poor die.  Taboos of pedophilia, euthanasia, terrorism, and basic murder infuriate the Meme.  Sex and adultery dance.  Race dangles.  Corporate fraud peeks when it crosses the line between legal profit and getting noticed.  People make choices and we trade panic for rational reactions.

We have the rhetoric of mass shootings, gun rights and NRA inside the Meme.  Prohibition doesn’t work, but we should not sell missile launchers or machine guns at Wal-Mart.  Common sense should prevail based on the black market reality.  Fixing drug prohibition would be the most sensible anti-automatic weapon legislation.  Doing so would reduce the opportunities for bullets to rush through neighborhoods. 

The pro-gun lobby and the anti-gun lobby are both pro-Meme.  The anti-gun lobby is pro-Meme because it is prohibition and denies volition.  The pro-gun lobby is pro-Meme because it fuels the fear for one must to be able to protect oneself to an extreme.  This encourages paranoia over ration in most instances, which fuels the Meme inside the weapons-industry and patriotism via fear of Big Government.  The irony of the Meme is that Big-Government is actually controlled by industry, which is the NRA.  The value of the American second amendment for the right to bear arms is not that each citizen has a gun, but that it is possible that each citizen might have a gun.  When this value is distorted, by both the pro and anti-gun lobbies, the Meme wins. 

Hunting and eating one’s kill is anti-Meme.  Hunting for sport past a threshold of doing so in excessive wealth expenditure of land use, resource consumption where the food harvested is an afterthought is pro-Meme.  However the idea of a human killing an animal is definitively anti-Meme. The idea of a human sitting in the woods and tracking a deer to eat is anti-Meme.  To hunt a tiger or a rarer animal for sport or the thrill of the hunt is where the pro-Meme is accentuated. 

In terrorist-type shooter scenarios (i.e. outside the ghetto where a non-Poor goes or is perceived to go) the shooter is almost always given a psychological report card.  The shooter was crazy and unstable therefore the shooter is in a box which the average person we refuse to make direct eye contact with on the street does not reside.  

Mental illness and isolationist tendencies were the reason.  This was not volition.  The Meme says sane people do not gun down crowds.  The mental illness represents a veiled Satan, an external force that was guiding the human towards the evil.  The evil was not simply chosen and thus possible from any of us at any moment.  The Meme strives to keep this reality of volition from registering in our collective psyche.  

The Meme wants mental illness to be a misunderstood lump of reasons violence occurs.  This is one reason the Meme when operating in healthcare systems will defund or not cover mental health care whenever possible.  The mind’s volition is an enemy of the Meme.  

Psychoanalysis is particularly despised by the Meme.  We are not supposed to see our similarities.  We are meant by commandment ten to want what our neighbor has.  Through visualizing an ideal, when other neighbors or ourselves do not meet such an ideal, we are meant to think ill of our neighbor or ourselves. 

Anti-theism must stare in a pale mirror where one could take off one’s race, ethnicity, gender and religion for a minute.  There is potentially so much less anger for an enslaved man, an abandoned spouse, an orphaned child, a widowed lover, etc. peering into such a looking-glass.  There is no plan, passive allowance, or unanswered prayer.  There is only the alone of volition, which is not as cold.  There is warmth in the starkness. 

One can see the prejudicial decision trees of the world break down in the hypocrisy of the Meme.  One can quit blame and start to accept the only piece one has control is what one chooses.  This includes like Viktor Frankyl through the Holocaust where every member of his family died, in us choosing how to suffer.  One can be stripped naked and robbed of every possession which others may wish to take, but one can still choose how to suffer.  One can choose how he or she responds. 

There is no thought-crime in choosing to be empowered through hatred.  There is a line where what one invests in wishing the detriment of the other becomes a detriment to the self.  So one must decide if hated is beneficial and worthy of one’s limited time. 

One can embrace the alone of the anti-Meme and shed all prejudicial yearnings to hold firm a light in the bleakness to be who one is.  One can hold innate morality, certitude, and security independent of anyone else watching, judging, or wanting.  One simply is. 

This is existential growth making the most of every minute.  This is living in each moment one is afforded.  This is placing regret as the energy one uses to fuel the next choice.  This is placing one’s faith in volition, that of one’s self and others.  

This form of faith in volition is the greatest fear of the current Meme.  It was the collective lack of trust by humans in the volition of the individuals comprising humanity which originally created and perpetuates the Meme.  Therein the reverse is the Meme’s death.

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