Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 7 Avarice 54 to 59: The Meme

America’s most consistent play throughout the modern slave-lands (Central and South America, Africa, and East and Central Asia) is to use military force or funding to support the overthrow of regimes which threaten the Meme and insert conservative hardline dictators or police-states.  Next the United States will offer foreign aid or financing to the puppet regime, which creates dependency.  Like a master-slave relationship this ensures order, control and the perpetuation of the disparity with access to labor and raw materials. 

Communism goes against every one of these objectives of the Meme.  Whether it be Cuba, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. the laundry list of open or covert U.S. intervention in this regard is well documented.  From Woodrow Wilson to John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George Bush, to Barack Obama nothing has truly changed in the one-party Meme system.  

In Europe following WWII, America conducted similar installations.  The U.S. facilitated inserting Nazi collaborators in certain post-war governments to quell the anti-fascist populist movements.  Darlan was put in French-North Africa, Klaus Barbie in Germany, Walter Rauff in Chile, and Badoglio in Italy.  The Marshall Plan put billions of dollars into Europe to spend on U.S. exports from friendly regimes. 

The list of military actions by the United States to preserve or ensure similar trade dynamics is long.  Look at Korea in 1945, Greece in 1947, Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954 and 1963, Laos in 1960, Brazil in 1964, the Dominican Republic in 1963 and 1965, Chile in 1973, Grenada in 1983, and Iraq in 1991 and 2003 etc. etc.  These are a long chain of Vietnam-style conflicts attempting to prove that even the smallest country attempting to rise up or dictators not following the plan will be quashed. 

The specter of the Soviets made some of these campaigns easier to market.  The opposition made each side’s version of the Meme (democracy and communism) easier to market on the other side of the globe.  The U.S. could argue the Soviet-creep.  This was like the potential spoiling of one bad apple.  The Meme wants assurance for the ruling group of humans.  The United States inside the Meme wants foreign enterprise in all of these armpits and nose hairs of the Earth.  If nationalism takes root the Western-based corporations lose a percentage and the disparity so crucial to the Meme is hindered.

The Meme through the United States and countries like Britain will champion conceptual freedoms for the people against the evils of communism.  The top-countries expect their domestic audiences to not be privy to full history and to grow quickly exhausted to follow the story as media cycles rotate.  The Meme creates a surveillance state from COINTELPRO to the NSA to monitor and tilts media to spit out sound bites to manipulate.  During the brief focused message pertinent story lines are spread.  Good and bad characters are etched in the psyche of the population to avoid further inspection.

Some might confuse the repression of communism as the Meme supporting democracy in the Third-World.  Democracy is anti-Meme in Third-World countries and pro-Meme in First-World countries.  Third World countries are the equivalent of entire swaths of Poor.  The Meme, through the First World, installs or supports dictators either through direct financing or tolerance within a threshold of acceptable co-benefit.  The Third-World cannot be trusted with the outcome of democratic elections and are therefore granted dictators to provide certitude and order for the Meme.

The lack of separation between politics and religion can also keep true democracy from succeeding in most of the Third World as it did in the advent of modern-Europe.  Political voting blocks of fundamentalists can lead to theocratic law where basic human rights associated with gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion etc. can be criminalized or marginalized in a sanctified form of fascism costumed as democracy. 
The Meme has two major fronts of attack, dictatorships and conservative regimes supported by foreign interests and religious ideology to get the masses to either vote against their self-interest or to become distracted in meaninglessness to allow the Meme to operate in the background unabated.  Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have all taken turns around the globe participating in these tyrannies. 

The First World will not tolerate dictators.  There are too many resources and profiteers of the global Meme as a percentage of the population.  First-World rebellions to a dictator would produce a net-loss to the Meme.  As an alternative strategy inside the First World, the Meme installs the illusion of choice through a two-party democratic system.  This is two sides of the same coin alternating who is on top, but producing the same fundamental result.  This is in reality a one-party system.

This is a mob with a vig on a boxing match.  Red trunks or blue, no matter who wins the bookie keeps the cash.  The R’s and D’s are false enemies.  The Middle Class is taught to hate the Poor in distraction. 

Obstructionism by one party against the other is confused as a lack of cooperation.  The grid lock is actually the intended result of the Meme.  This is why each party considers eliminating the sixty-vote filibuster in the U.S. Senate the “nuclear option.”  Ending clogs would stop part of the Meme.  The Meme does not wish to resolve social problems.  The Meme’s power is rooted in these inefficiencies manipulating the daily lives of the Poor.  

The Meme wants segregated fiefdoms across regions so that the corporations can act as a myriad of human enterprises whether they be profiting in the First or Third worlds.  If humans were to coordinate with each other across borders explicitly then the total profit collected by all the separated enterprises feeding from the Meme would be reduced.  Humanity could be seen as one giant economy of scale.  

Corporations can be gargantuan, but not labor-cooperation.  International corporations can pick and choose laws and pit the lowest common denominator labor and raw materials source against each other.  Nothing is wrong as long as the practice is intended to increase profit.  If labor set international standards to reduce exploitation and common rights the Meme would veto, destroy, or deny such integration.  The populace rarely connects Wal-Mart’s profit margin is substantially created by the reduction of self-sufficiency in its lower-rung employees and vendor supply chain forced to comply to get on the shelf.

Profit-centers inside all the industries of government-subsidy in areas like national defense, healthcare, energy, and agribusiness etc. would be sacrificed to both national and international governmental cooperation on a finite planet that prioritized citizens over firms.  Although creating efficacies in basic safeguards to assist the Poor and Middle Class might seem like creating order, this form of interrelationship actually challenges the very foundations of fear, faith, patriotism, ritualism, and blame that fuel the systematic disparities that keep people placated through centralized control. 

True economic interrelationships playing out which do not syphon out vigs, tithes, and tolls to parties who do not add fundamental value to the prosperity of the masses highlights the leeches’ superfluous nature.  This threatens to divulge that we are not that different.  A human could be just an animal no matter his or her religion, country, or social status.  Death is just death.  We only have our volition and there is no grand protection from the volition of others.  The Meme would die.

Occasionally installed despots get power-drunk over the resource the Meme is exploiting such as with Saddam Hussein in Iraq.  The U.S. will take greater military action to maintain order.  The elite of Saudi Arabia understand this premise well.  Other U.S. backed murderous dictators have included: Mobutu in Zaire, Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, Ceausescu in Romania, Marcos in the Philippines, Duvalier in Haiti, and Suharto in Indonesia.

Other U.S. supported leaders posing as trade partners who may be populist, are turned against when convenient like Noriega in Panama in 1987.  The U.S. finances corporate profits through criminalizing drugs.  The laundering of drug money is a gigantic profit center through global banks.  Noriega helped the U.S. against uprising in Nicaragua in the early 1980’s, but once Panama sought independence from the U.S., Noriega’s brutality and string of stolen elections, which was a non-significant issue before, became international crime. 

Economic sanctions begin and foreign characters join the ranks of a most-wanted list to the American public: Quaddafi, the Ayatollah Khomeini, Idi Amin, and Noriega.  Opinions are framed, the U.S. role in the long-term equation becomes murky and history continues inside the Meme.

America is obsessed with the perception of the country’s exceptionalism.  Any assertion to point out the insecurity of the global police state is a direct result of both the American military and the American people’s preoccupation with controlling or manipulating the activities of foreign nations is rebuffed by the Meme. 

America and Western Europe’s obsession with the Middle East is tied to its dependence on crude oil and adoptive ownership of Israel as the assumed origin of Jesus.  The billions in annual diverted funding from the governments and citizens of these foreigners to Israel is the greatest evidence of this Meme at work.  The actual physical threat is greater to Western Europe compared to the isolated United States.  However the linkage through the Meme trumps rational threats for a mental one.

America therefore backs Israel, which includes the repression of the Palestinian intifada with the Jewish occupation of the West Bank and Gaza strip beginning in 1987.  The Meme and America’s policies to support the enhanced militarized state of Israel and not a two-state solution is a direct result of the Christian-Jewish biblical tie inside the Meme and the idea if Jesus were to “come back,” the dominate world Meme would want this patch of desert in the control of the Jews rather than the Muslims, if Christians are a non-option.

This is only-important for Meme reasons.  The U.S. would have more practically offered the Israeli Jewish settlers portions of Utah or Nevada, but because of the Meme this would be preposterous, yet make logistical and practical sense.  This perverse priority system traded the PLO for Hamas, led to Hezbollah in Lebanon and other increased terrorism shrouding the post 9/11/01 globe.

The Meme’s favoritism does not label the state of Israel as imperialist.  Israel, like America created a Diaspora of dark-skinned natives. To confront this hypocrisy threatens the Meme.  So it is avoided as labels are applied about water rights, land use, and rhetoric-driven triggers that will increase Western political (i.e. fiscal) subsidization of Israel through lobbies like The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).  Israel serves as a U.S. military outpost and island of the Western-meme.  

The Afghan war and 9/11/01 terrorism consciousness are directly related to the rebels the United States installed to combat the Soviet threat during the Cold War.  The Soviet Union threated to take over as the lead-protagonist of the global Meme or to bring about mutual annihilation.  The U.S. defeated the Soviets through economic suffocation through an arms race.  The collateral damage done by the United States to itself made the Cold War a Pyric victory.  The Cold War, like the Vietnam War before it cascaded into the trillions in national debt America owes.  America is incapable of considering shrinking rather than expanding its military that dwarfs the next fourteen combined militaries on the planet.  This represents the number one threat to topple the empire, but not the Meme.  

One should also note that current U.S. federal defense spending is approximately half on healthcare for active and retired military personnel according to statements made by U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.  The spillover inefficiencies of the inflated healthcare system hide inside the mathematics.

If this cost disparity causes U.S. economic collapse, the Meme would naturally resurface and feed off the desperation to refuel itself.  The United States spot at the top of the Meme may temporarily weaken, but may never be relinquished given nuclear war or environmental unsustainability. 

China, the next largest military, represents the apex-predator of the U.S. in the global economy, but also an indispensable economic partner.  America lets events like the Tiananmen Square killings go functionally un-criticized.  If China could maintain domestic stability, it might have a chance to overtake the U.S. given the leveraged debt the U.S. owes in banks and imports of raw materials and labored-goods from China’s Poor.  

However, China in 2013 is in the process of losing its low-wage advantage as thresholds of middle and upper-class status are exceeded.  China is trending towards free-market principles inside a state-run economy.  Chinese affluence breaks traditional conservative political intransigence of the communist party to permit more private company presence to satiate a growing consumerist Chinese population.  However China still suffers from massive overpopulation.  Maximum birth rates are maintained.  This is China’s and most of the world’s greatest weakness in comparison to the United States.  

When America was formed the immigrant Europeans committed genocide against a native population, imported an exploitable slave labor force from Western Africa, and had the world’s greatest free land grab, which was naturally insulated by oceans from invasion.  The low population to wealth ratio created from the natural planetary advantage coupled with its relative infancy, a meager two hundred years to China’s thousands, is an almost insurmountable lead that keeps the United States as the longest-tenured empire in the history of the planet.  This is also basically true in comparison to any European country.  After WWII and even despite the European Union, the United States is a ten-foot man forcing the world to play basketball. 

Domestically inside the United States, the Meme uses classism, racism, patriotism, holidays, the adulation of military service, and class warfare to create untruths, inferences and systematic disparities to keep a cheap labor market at home.  This is growing ever more prevalent as the average level of wealth in foreign countries inches upward.  Western corporations are re-computing financial equations to utilize a greater share of domestic production which was so quickly shed a few decades before. 

The Meme inside industry naturally manipulates the wealth-gap differential through marketing, positioning, compensation models, and politically lobbying to expand the Meme’s control by gathering resources.  Ninety-Nine percent of the World is a cattle-lot of cheap-labor awaiting processing.  The Meme wants the Rich to buy politicians through campaign donations.  Democracy morphs into plutocracy in such ways.   

Corporate advertisers preserve the Meme.  People watch commercials during television broadcasts and follow the advertisement’s instructions to achieve profit and churning the Meme.  We are influenced in what to buy, think, wear, eat, and how to view subjects and others and ourselves as beautiful, ugly, threatening or normal.  We are offered partial information and easily digestible conclusions.  Goods are traded for currency and a greater portion is retained in fewer hands each time.  

The system is obsessed with two issues: consumer spending and economic growth.  Absent more humans retiring than attempting to enter the workforce on a given day the economy needs to grow to avoid expanding unemployment.  Much of the heightened exploitation in the current markets of 2013 is due to the threshold of Baby Boomers yet to retire due to the timing of the end of WWII and the cheap available labor of the large number of over-educated and underemployed Gen Xers, Gen Yers, and Millennial’s in America and Europe.  

If the Poor and Middle Class do not consume and purchase goods, the economy would crumble.  The Middle Class wage earners work harder than ever before and get nowhere.  Inflation, college costs, healthcare, and childcare, with dual incomes and eighty-plus hours a week and people are barely breaking badly even.  Almost all of the post 2008 recovery has gone to the top one-percent.  

Consumer spending is the circulatory oxygen in the economic bloodstream.  The top percent consolidate wealth like an expanding blood clot in the arteries of the economy .  The Poor are high-blood cholesterol.
The Poor and Middle Class need to have resources to spend and do.  This churns the economy far more than the top one-percent because this money moves.  If money does not move (i.e. it sits in banks) the economy has the equivalent of cardiac arrest.  If the Poor cannot make ends meet the entire body of the economy dies and those which are on top of the Meme are blind to see why.  This usually results in the Meme blaming the Poor for poverty.  

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