Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 6 Empathy 46 to 50: The Meme

6) Empathy (interconnection)
[You shall not commit adultery.]
{You shall not commit adultery.}
The anti-adultery meme is about repressing the act of sex and our animal linkage.  The anti-adultery meme is a blatant suppression of the human drive to copulate and carry on our genes to restrict sex to pass through avenues conducive to the Meme.  The commandment imposes marriage as bearing a godly-threshold of confining one’s cum-load of devil urges.  We are supposed to hide the fact that we all want to have sex and only speak of it indirectly and participate in the act in private.  (Other animals will fornicate in front of other parties openly.)

The actual underbelly of the commandment is about empathy.  Empathy is repressed in how one and the other each want sex, yet are deterred from overt request.  Empathy is allowed to surface in the betrayal associated with adultery.  The inkling of pain of one’s gene transition being risked and threatened particularly for the male-uncertainty of paternity prompts wrath from the Meme.  This is chaos.  Thus we have commandment six.

We are to think about how our choices affect others when we engage ourselves in contracts.  The commandment’s subtext is that one is not to engage in coitus, fellatio, sodomy, or cunnilingus outside of marriage.  The portal of the head of the penis pressing past labia and into the vagina without the pre-approval of the Meme is a trespass. 

The subtext of commandment six mirrors the subtext of commandment five.  In five one shall not kill, except for when god permits.  In six one shall not fornicate, except when god permits.  The Meme is enforcing authority.  

Humans each possess the animal instinct to replicate our genes.  We have evolved to have the most sensitive nerve endings on our bodies in our erogenous zones.  What does the Meme do?  The Meme encourages circumcision for the man’s most pleasurable cell-grouping that parallels the structure that is a woman’s clitoris.  (If there is one thing Christian’s, Muslims, and Jews can agree on it is slicing off foreskin.)  In some countries female genital mutilation and infibulation still occurs.  In most male mutilation is standard.  Pudenda are sacrificed in lieu of the whole.  This is like Isaac from Abraham in the foundation of human sacrifice melded to the triad of monotheisms.  If not the whole son, take the prized cell grouping of the son.

A woman’s nipple is sheltered as pornographic, yet it is the first object humans put into our mouths for survival.  Sodomy and the stimulation of the prostate via the anus are banned.  Non-missionary sexual positions (e.g. non-face to face) emulate animal copulation and thus are rebuked by the Meme. 

Homosexuality is made to be a blasphemous affront to god who hung out with twelve men and supposedly never took a wife, but Mary Magdalene was always around.  (One might consider either she was a Gabe to J.C.’s gaggle or his wife.)  By its nature the opposite-gender marriage prerequisite to sex makes all homosexuality impermissible under the biblical-meme.  However one is left to wonder the technicalities of human touch, is a hand on a forearm sex; a mouth on a mouth, a toe in a palm, a finger in an anus?  Many would argue it is the ban of sex by cloistered men and women that creates the Church’s obsession with sex and homosexuality.  Prohibition is so often a mirrored lust for the prohibited.

The Catholic Church’s issues with gay priests and nuns, pedophilia, abortions for nuns and the taboo of priests bearing children with parishioners are long documented.  The marriage ban for priests and nuns is a descendent of trapping wealth transfer inside the coffers of the Church rather than leaking out to the progeny of priests.  This comes back to the authority compulsion of the Meme.

The religious-meme will use homosexuality as a powerful dividing line to reinforce control over sex.  Homosexuals are a low-hanging branch for control.  Homosexuals represent a minority of the population.  The threat of homosexual-rights revolutions were low until the world could see how an attack on homosexuals, like an attack based on race, or religion is vile fascism capable of spilling to any member of society. 

Homosexuality exists because it strengthens the whole of humanity.  What if every human were an engineer and we had no dancers or doctors?  The Meme intends to instill industrialization, patriotism, and complacency.  The Meme wants us to believe we are not interdependent, but Meme-dependent (i.e. god-dependent.)  These require conformity and uniformity.  Minorities whether they are sexual, racial, or ethnic threaten those base-level psychological disseminators, which deter internal investigation and allow humans to make quick surface level conclusions.  The Meme craves this type of peripheral-thinking. 

Criticizing homosexuals is a veiled assault on heterosexual sexual acts.  The Meme does not want us to pull out penises and vaginas in public.  The Meme does not want to tell adolescents how offspring are created.  This is deemed taboo.  Condemning homosexuals is an easy-access way of going along with this tyranny of commandeering the power of the drive for genetic-replication to influence human behavior. 

Take the fast-food chain Chick Fil-A.  The Christian corporation is always closed on Sunday in compliance with the third commandment.  The chief operating officer made public comments in opposition of same-sex marriage in 2012.  Chick-Fil-A’s charitable tax-break WinShape Foundation donates millions to oppose LGBT rights.  Protests were made against Chick-Fil-A.  However in the long-term response from the Meme, patrons self-identified with the Humans-are-not-Animals meme and produced record-breaking sales to reassert the Meme.  Chick-Fil-A shows the power and the polarization of the Meme and how it can divide and magnetize humans with something as simple as the consumption of a chicken breast.
The Meme in each of these instances is repressing our relation to animals.  Modern society will show full female breasts of pagans in National Geographic magazines, because the Meme interprets these humans as less human.  The taboo has never been in the organ or the act of sex.  The taboo is in the threat of chaos to order.  The Meme must control the act of sex in a doctrine of specific umbrage.  The population of the world is at stake and balances must be maintained in order for the control of global economies.

Nudity is deemed dangerous.  Nudity risks us seeing ourselves equivalently as animals.  The white-pinkness in the labia of a Negro female is a stark and powerful symbol of universality.  The magnanimous identical features to Caucasian females contradicts and triggers every meme of racism, gender and racial taboos with the striking basic biology of human sameness.  The Meme represses this parity.

The Meme also represses animalistic sex.  This makes parents less inclined to discuss sexual health, biology, hormones, organs, and reproduction with nine to twelve year olds.  This leads to more sexually related problems as sexual activity begins.  The refusal of frank discussion about sex carries on as unsuitable public discourse.  Animals hunger to mate.  Admitting such, threatens the Meme.  Therefore sexual repression goes with the Meme.

Prostitution is anti-Meme.  Therefore it is criminalized by the Meme.  Sex is controlled.  Volition is prohibited.  Another economy, like drugs, is suppressed to pump a medical issue into public safety budgets.  Venereal diseases, violence, economic exploitation and non-taxed income result from the prohibition of prostitution.  Legalized regulation such as in Holland reduces these negative byproducts. 

We are not to understand that we are animals or such a simple commercial product could satisfy our urge to mate in an emotionless, physically functional paradigm of penis, clitoris, and anus etc.  This violates the sixth commandment.  Prostitution is argued as degrading the family.  

If humans could have sex without marriage, humans would be more difficult to control for the Meme.  Humans would be more likely to acknowledge what we are.  We want to emotionally bond, however sometimes we cannot find or do not want such tethers, yet still urge to copulate with contraceptive measures to prevent gene replication.  Contraceptives are anti-Meme.
Empathy is used as a weapon inside commandment six.  We are meant to put ourselves in the position of our spouse or the spouse of our sexual partner.  What feelings would we have in knowing another human’s genitalia entered or was allowed to enter the genitalia of our companion? 

Humans are pair bonded as an evolutionary adaptation due to the long-term advantages to the survival and health of offspring.  Penguins mate for life for similar reasons.  A male penguin feeds while the female gestates the egg.  The male then holds his egg on his feet to prevent the egg freezing on the ground.  The female goes out to sea to feed, replenish and bring back regurgitated food for the hatchling.  Different animals copulate and predominately mate with the alpha male because his virility represents genetic survival likelihood. 

Humans dip into both strategies.  This can be seen in the different types of mates humans seek when looking for sexual stimulation compared to a partner.  It’s the bad-boy versus good-guy shift.

The sixth commandment profiteers off of the pair-bonding advantage for human offspring that require a prolonged adolescence.  The linkage in human-love that is forged through the psychological brain releases during mating provide a somatic chain to a mental-fortitude that is crucial to human survival as the environmental logistics of rearing offspring challenge a father-mother pair-bond.  The struggles of single-parents are a testament to the biological root of love itself.  Certainly single-parents can and do succeed, but so often the process is eased with a solidified co-parenting duo.

Adultery typically hurts all humans involved, because it assumes deception.  If a couple were to have an open-marriage and forewarn and receive permission for one or both of the married individuals to fornicate with humans outside the marriage, is this adultery?  Technically yes, but one can argue adultery is a commandment against dishonesty.  The crucial differentiation of the Meme is as a matter of permission. 

If one is only allowed to have intercourse inside a marriage, then even if both parties to that marriage wish to and agree to happily have intercourse with a party outside that marriage, god (the Meme) still deems this non-permissible.  This is where one can see the true passive-aggression of the Meme.  The Meme was never worried about sex as much as keeping sex like death, in its discretion, not in the volition of the individual. 

Humanity goes along with the Meme of the sixth commandment in part to avoid the lines of bastards unprotected random sexual practices create.  Apes, dogs, fish, turtles and the line of organisms humans openly label animals copulate for survival.  We rarely discus the onanism of primates or humans, but we can contemplate that the sexual nerve endings of these animals fire-off neurons and brain chemicals similar to our serotonin when copulating and masturbating.  The power and ration of libidinous excitation needs little elaboration as to why the Meme is so preoccupied with the matter.

Humans are able to talk about species, which are not at the top of the global food chain copulating for survival, but we cannot talk similarly about ourselves.  We conspire to engineer a hierarchy of obtuse moral and social restrictions and regulations over human copulation.  The dichotomy between these two sets of mental platforms for sex distances ourselves from our animal nature and is at the core of the Humans-are-not-Animals meme. 
Humans orgasm to sponsor a potential internal awareness of possible fertilization.  Males particularly need paternal reassurance as the child is born through the mother’s body.  This can be tied to the typical solitary, but consistent male-orgasm compared to the multiple, but mercurial female-orgasm.  Animals do not wish to unwittingly invest energy perpetuating the genes unlinked to their own.

In the realm of psychoanalysis, conflict in the human psyche and dreams are fixated on being at peace with one’s sexual drive.  In dreams we experience our infantilism, the roots of our sexuality spawned from our fertilization, mitosis, meiosis and what we are which cascades into why we do what we do as complex-brained humans.  This includes creating and perpetuating the Meme.

In dreams we install distortion through a mirror-universe forcing our repressed thoughts and complexes on sex, incest, death, homophobia, bestiality, rape, torture, murder, blasphemy, and all sorts of Meme / anti-Meme expressions to the forefront up from our subconscious.  The distortion presents these ideas through symbols which our conscious mind can temporarily accept.  This allows us back into the privacy of the womb, accepting how we got here and who and what we are before we tricked ourselves to believe we were handy-work of the Divine and thus inferred as quasi-divine. 

In our dreams we can be animals and see that animals are no different from people.  The unconscious mind can then process our conscious choices in the regression of sleep.  Our dream fabrications can be part real-life, memory and distortions into the unreal.  We clothe the thought in another name to be able to digest the spread of desires, joys, and pains inside the dream.

Even the bible conveniently used dreams as an avenue of god to human communication so that these semi-hallucinatory experiences were the domain of the Meme.  The Meme was even watching dreams transposing the imaginary into instruction.

The sixth commandment seeks to subdivide the human species by our most powerful logical drive to connect, sex.  Sigmund Freud wrote,

“Sexuality is the only function of the living organism which extends beyond the individual and sees to his kinship with the species.  It is undeniable that its practice does not always benefit the individual as do his other performances.  For the price of ecstatic pleasures it involves him in dangers which threaten his life and frequently cause death.  Probably peculiar metabolic processes, different form all others, are required to maintain a part of the individual life for its progeny.  The individual who places himself in the foreground and regards his sexuality as a means to his gratification is, from a biological point of view, only an episode in a series of generations, a transient appendage to a germ-plasm which is virtually endowed with immortality, just as though he were the temporary partner in a corporation which continues to persist after his death.” 

Sex is the number one reason humans congregate.  This can be inferred in a church, synagogue, or mosque as well.  Inner-faith marriage and the gene-replication drive are intertwined.  Ultimately the species could live isolated vagabond lives if asexual replication were the dominate form of perpetuation.  This is weaker.  Therefore the multitude of smaller numerous gametes in the character known as male and the larger singular gamete character known as female cooperate and reign supreme. 

Humans are taught to fear our libidos as if we are uncontrollable beasts and unsure of what we might do.  We install Commandments as a surveillance state in our psyche to mitigate this risk.  If we cannot see ourselves for who we are, how are we to understand others?  We are taught to focus on punishment to ourselves first, not empathy.  This truncates our human experiences and journey.  If we cannot see outside the limited box of the imagination to engage in the complex pattered meme of empathy then we cannot grow past the dominant meme.  For if we saw out into the eyes of others we can see the limited reach of the flavor of the Meme adapting to current parties and foreign parties.  The dominance of Islam in the Middle East compared to Christianity in America is the ultimate example.  

If we can accept our individual sexuality then we can see our universal commonality.  This empathy would not be limited to subsections of the Meme (our individual religion), but could be spread to all humanity and all life.  The bondage of the Meme can be broken in such ways as the chains will be shown as feckless and non-beneficial compared to the maximum potential of the anti-Meme.  

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