Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 3 Faith 19 to 22: The Meme

3) Faith
[Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.]
{Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.}

Faith requires belief in what is not observed.  The unobservable is transfigured from the realm of pretend into the miraculous to validate presence in reality.  The miraculous becomes sanctified.  Faith therein becomes a structure of support for the superego to retain rather than dismiss the connected ideas.  Faith is convenient to dismiss negative information which contradicts prior volition or truths one consciously or subconsciously chooses not to face.  The fact we evolved from and still are animals who could eradicate each other at any moment is the ultimate fact buried under the Meme.  This perpetuates religious faith. 

Faith prompts people to utter the dubious, “Everything happens for a reason.”  This mantra keeps only supportive stimuli and converts non-supportive stimuli into optimism, selective editing, or attributes the event to a later proposed consequence in the judgment of a higher being whose knowledge and planning shall not be questioned and need not be comprehended due to faith. 

Questioning the logic or planning of god, harkens back to the second commandment and will be punished.  The very idea of thinking of questioning god could then be attributed as the cause for the non-supportive stimuli.  The omnipotent-being knew such questioning was approaching and modified the events of history to preemptively compensate.  The Meme preys on this human-neurosis.

All presuppositions of a theistic society require faith in an improvable unverifiable insensible deity.  Stories are carried through memes in oral and written history to convey events where such a deity has violated the void of empirical evidential matter to confirm the existence and interplay of deities inside space-time.  This is conveniently truncated prior to recorded audio or visual technologies.  

Given the isolation in historical timing, one is left to question if the entire contents of the Bible and Koran are edited scripts.  Not only is the miraculous tautology impossible, but the characters (e.g. Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed etc.) may have never existed.  The players in this theater may be amalgamations of people who did or fictionalizations of those with alternative agendas.

Religious faith often begets ritual to affirm faith in the presence of others.  (E.g. Church requires at least two be gathered in His name.)  Pageantry, exercises, kneeling, standing, arm-flapping, chanting, stage-shows, megaphones, banners, stained-glass windows, ornaments, relics, sacred spaces, aromas, holy confections and brews, recitals, karaoke, and readings are all core elements to religious faith. 

Faith by itself is a feeble, fragile, feckless conception.  Faith’s clay is mutable and powerless without consensus.  One can believe in the flying spaghetti monster, jesus, or cthulhu.  Without others around there is no vessel to fill with faith; there is no traction.  Myth, lore, consequence and representations similar to evidence must be required to magnetize the faithful.  See the deceased faiths of Zeus etc.

The third commandment presents ritual to the center stage.  Ritual is critical to solidifying blind obedience in the lack of empirical evidence which would be used in its place if available.  The faithful are commanded to go to services every seventh day in number three.  Not attending or observing the various iterations of abstinence associated with the arbitrary window of time (whether it is not consuming mammalian muscle tissue, bowing to the proper longitude and longitude of a historical city, or not puffing a cigarette) the thought-control is in consummating obedience in the devotee to reaffirm faith so that the Meme’s power rejuvenates. 

Parents instruct ignorant children to replicate such behavior, often inside a microcosm of a single flavor of organized ritual.  This mutes the adults rebuttal once aged.  An adult is much less likely to reveal criticism in a large group setting and even less likely in one that includes minors.  The smell of absurdity is sublimated as Christians with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are taught to outwardly lie to their children for their children’s “benefit.”  Adults are hampered from amending their ideas on the parting of the Red Sea or metaphor of Jesus turning water into wine at Cana to parallel transubstantiation.

Adults are taught to observe, create and not speak of the make believe around humanity.  The cult of holiday is in every way an insidious beguiling of the populace to usurp pagan ritual with religious obedience in a macro level effort for compliance to social norms to repress individual volition and maximize consumerism, patriotism, group-think, and fundamentalism. 

After American Labor Day the assault begins with Halloween which mocks paganism and bifurcates make-believe into monsters and religion.  This segregates religion as sacrosanct and monsters as ludicrous to convey the two are not equally fantasy.  In Thanksgiving, patriotism mocks pagan natives and honors imperialism.  Christmas, Hanukah, etc. confirm faith and religion to the serotonin release of capitalism.  This coincides with college and professional football, hockey, and the World Series in baseball to encourage the populace into passionate zealot-like behavior.

The waste of resources to rejuvenate the cultish meme of faith by ensnaring capitalism is the central American cultural ethos.  It is in no small way linked to the American brand of fundamentalism.  America is brash, vengeful, and arrogant in asserting its separation of church and state as long as the U.S gets a large helping of god. 

God is understood to be Christian by most Americans.  Jews can tag along as long as the gimp allows abuse when convenient.  Hanukah like other non-Christian northern hemisphere solstice religious holidays in the West is lumped as a smokescreen of inclusion.  The marketing campaign of the intentionally ambiguous slogan of Happy Holidays diffuses the Meme so that its religious tentacles ensnare with a public skin display of mirthful constriction and the hardened muscle of generations of population control. 

Kwanza and Ramadan are corrupted into the commercial herding just as the Shia Ashura resembles the Christian Easter “Holy Week” to the Jewish Passover before it.  As long as humans designate these apportioned times as special or a holiday, the Meme is working. 

To an atheist every day is an equal holiday in such regard.  To the anti-Meme, time is an equal platform; the specificity for historical mandated elation to commemorate an arbitrary calendar’s numeric placeholder is an abduction of volition.  Such memories and thoughts could be had at any moment and are bias to the false-exclusivity on individuality to the celebrators. 

Veterans Day in America of soldiers vanquishing enemies is the inverse end of barrels and shrapnel to bodies beyond borders.  The event is about protection from fear and marketing death.  Thanksgiving is amnesia for imperialism and slavery given vantage point.  So in the religious and secular designated histories find conflict born into the Meme, rather than the absolute of goodness or badness.  Symbolic ideologues of such holidays like: Uncle Sam, a kind pilgrim and cooperative pagan, Santa Claus, cupid, or a Leprechaun represent Meme-masters roping and whipping cows to the slaughterhouse or fenced confines for alternative purposes conducive to the Meme’s greater objectives sheathed inside the costume of holiday.

The Torah was abducted inside the Christian Bible.  Jews get to stay as long as Jews don’t get too loud.  The world need only look at 9/11/01 to witness the glaring divide and America’s ignorance.

The intentional hijacking and converted missile status of four commercial airplanes struck a level of panic and irrational level of fear in America that the amped up xenophobic fallout prompted invasions of Iraq (who played zero part in 9/11) and Afghanistan.  The entire department of Homeland Security was created.  America passed corporate-friendly tax policies against its long-term self-interest to stimulate its economy as if the financial security of the world’s largest superpower was threatened by the loss of four airplanes, two and one quarter buildings and about three thousand citizens.  Worse carnage was avoided by the volition of astute humans accepting death to plummet in a Pennsylvania field rather than the Capitol building.

The Patriot Act has led to Americans violating the U.S. constitution to spy on domestic and foreign people on a massive level without prior cause.  Snowden and Manning are condemned on a global level for uttering truths.  The collective superego denial of facing the reality that at any moment a group of small individuals could convert an airplane into a bomb and cause mass destruction set off a tidal wave of self-debilitating, self-defeating, economically-cannibalizing compensating behavior in theist-majority America.  Brittan followed suit.  The Humans-are-not-Animals meme was in full panic or glory depending on how one views the aftermath.

A non-Meme reaction would be to step away from over-reaction and focus on what the realities of why and how America is subject to such threats from militant Islamist-based country-less terrorists.  Where does their power and money come from?  (The ultimate answer is the power from the fear inculcated by theism.)  How could their numbers grow or decline based on how we proceed.  America has chosen to combat a figurative hydra in a nationless rouge-terrorist threat by attempting to cut two of its heads (Iraq and Afghanistan).  Mushrooms sprout in the side-casualties of drones to haunt the surviving descendants of the World Trade Center.  Yemen becomes an egg sack.

If we misinterpret how Al-Qaida fits into the Meme, we risk compounding this form of terrorist threat.  Al-Qaida’s is ultimately pro-Meme in the same way churches, mosques, and synagogues work as partners with governments to perpetuate the Meme through control.  Al-Qaida uses the fear from the Poor exploited by the systematic economics and governmental policies to gain power.  Al-Qaida teaches external volition as one is abdicated from responsibility for murder via religion and is righteous in doing so to infidels labeled as the West (non-Muslims).  This is despite most of the humans killed by Al-Qaida also being Muslim.  Al-Qaida utilizes the values of the third commandment in imposed obligatory behavior commanded by Allah.

The threat of killing spreads fear in the same way dictators like Saddam Hussein are used by the West.  Although far less controllable due to the loss of a skeletal economic system for the Meme to manipulate, the rogue actions of Al-Qaida allow the Meme to implement a broader security state, military-industrial complex, and correlated profits across the globe. 

Although the potential chaos of Al-Qaida being outside a government is less than ideal for the Meme, this particular brand of fundamentalism’s evisceration of volition through martyrdom makes Al-Qaida for its majority pro-Meme.  This is like the Catholic Church which supports other forms of martyrdom whether in a coliseum, Crusade, or family planning center. 

The chaos of a militant dictator imposing fear in the Poor to submit is pro-Meme.  This mirrors Al-Qaida.  This is something the First-World derivation of the Meme would want to impose on the Third-World.  The Meme does not want chaos in the First-World.  We will discuss this further in commandment eight under theft.  This is why such terrorist organizations are both ally and foe for the Meme depending on how well the physical destruction can be confined to the Third World.

Prayer, ribbons, and flags for troops and victims are ritualistic placations to the Meme in the third commandment.  A U.S. president cannot give a speech without uttering god bless America.  This is a juvenile mocking of the citizenry.  Our pledge of allegiance and pre-testimony swears are adapted to require god’s inclusion.  A politician intertwining such a self-destructive meme with public policy discourse coddles the people as if god is on America’s side or that this phrase brings favor like the third commandment. 

America cannot tolerate films or media presentation where the hero fails or that the hero is not of a Western-overtone.  The hero can only be Eastern if the conflicting enemy is also Eastern.  The images of Jesus and his apostles are coated in illogical European features.  To insert a darker face or a tyrant-America out of anomaly context is to present a flawed god to the West and thus to the dominant meme.  This insecurity to face the full circle reality of the American and Christian empires brings about constant requests for godly blessings coordinated with the Meme in the third commandment.

The god-bless phrase must be ritualized or mythical penalties will be had.  If the word god was replaced with any sort of specificity, the phrase would be condemned.  The ambiguity allows a broad untruth.  Each listener is provided sufficient subjective interpretation to find tolerance over protest.  The knowledge if the word Jesus or Allah were used in “god’s” stead shows the immaturity of the phrase, the politician, and the people the politician purports to represent.   

The U.S. god is understood by the preponderance of Congress and federal and state governments to allude to a Judeo-Christian paradigm.  America’s steadfast support of Israel and cricket-chirping support of the Palestinian people in comparison clearly communicates this bias.  The Meme benefits from this lack of specificity in overt language by explicit endorsement in action to coalesce power behind a religious consensus in America as a microcosm of the planet. 

The opposing iterations of consensus in Western Europe and America, the Middle East, and East Asia actually aid the Meme.  A single global religion would be more easily toppled.  The segregated ideas of god represent varied product lines to sell and lines of defense to protect the Meme through infighting over semantics rather than the flawed commonality.  Diversification makes most corporate entities, viruses, and investments stronger to prevent collapse.  Jesus and Mohammed work the same as having both stocks and bonds in the Meme’s portfolio. 

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