Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 5 Death 42 to 45: The Meme

Suicide is outlawed by the Meme, because it provides a free thoroughfare into paradise to bypass the exploitation of the Poor, who are required to cultivate the order the Meme needs.  Correlated with suicide are the throw-away members of society: the homeless, prisoners, the infirmed, mentally-ill, etc. 

Why not offer prisoners helium suicide in the Meme?  Wouldn’t American Republicans salivate at the financial savings provided by offering desperate prisoners the outlet of a painless, self-initiated helium-inhalation suicide?  If a prisoner does hang himself by belt in prisoner, the first thing you are likely to hear, “good my tax dollars won’t have to pay for that sorry bastard.”  The self-preservation meme erupts in jubilation at being able to bypass the god section of the Meme.  Neither side of the one-party-system coin will utter such an outlet to prisoners, let alone the general public.  The Meme would be threatened and protests would rage.  Look at the struggles of Jack Kevorkian, the Hemlock Society, and other death with dignity measures in America. 

What if a human could choose to legally die when one wishes in the presence of family on video tape?  One might announce, “I am Thomas Jefferson intending to end my own life.  I am inserting this tube which I know will kill me voluntarily, sober, and without external influences.  I am doing so to send my life’s acquired resources to feed the Poor rather than be scarfed by the healthcare system.”

The Meme will vengefully order a man to death, but not allow the man the control and volition back to elect to peacefully consummate the act himself.  The Meme wants people to taste the vengeance of the fifth commandment.  God can kill.  Humans achieving permission inside the Meme can be god for a second.  If a human tries to disobey the fifth commandment through suicide it is an effrontery upon the first commandment in a human acting as god.  Vengeance has a measure of justice, which has order, which brings comfort from chaos.

If suicide was permitted the Humans-are-not-Animals meme would be threated due to the notion of inconsequence.  The inconsequence of living or dead presented in suicide is stark, abrupt, and tied to the manufactured mysticisms enshrouding death and humans toying with our societies with conceptual afterlives.  Heaven and hell sit like weights on a scale, which if removed unyoke the oxen.

The anti-suicide meme is to prevent people from taking shortcuts.  Without the anti-suicide section of the Meme, logical algebra could be processed that murder plus religious-reconciliation plus suicide equals heaven or that reconciliation plus suicide equals heaven.  In Catholicism suicide is a mortal sin.  In jihadist-Islam, this special form of suicide violates this section of the Meme, but is used to prosper greater fundamentalism given the absent god not doing more for an “oppressed” people.  The preponderance of Muslims view jihadist-suicide as what it is, despicable evil and a violation of the core of the Koran.

Ultimately the anti-suicide component of the Meme is so crucial, because without it the Poor could opt out and trade human suffering for the perceived joys of heaven.  If the Meme promises eternal paradise, why wouldn’t “drink-the-Kool-Aid”-type suicide cults spread the globe?  Even evangelicals doubt their “faith.”  The anti-suicide Meme gives the faithful a detour from exploring the logical contradictions of their faith and the Meme’s relationship with ordering society.

Religious people may indulge in the false comfort of absolution through reconciliation.  The Meme sells snake tonic in such ways.  The Meme grasps a powerful authority over guilt.  The commerce of indulgences in the history of religion is a prime example.  The guillotine that hell represents post-death is juxtaposed against a mythical wiped chalk-slate of a soul.  The currency of such economies of guilt is tithing and adoration of the Meme.

Humans entertain the notions of why not violate commandments of the Meme if forgiveness is so readily accessible.  Why shouldn’t malicious humans prey upon those who abide by the Meme and practice the fifth commandment without the exceptions?  The violators of the Meme or those indulging in in the crevice of exceptions for the fifth commandment can penalize those for their anti-murder, anti-theft, and anti-violence outside of diffused Milgram-experiment culpability thresholds. 

(A Milgram experiment is where one will default to the obedience of an authority figure when suggested that the rules require a violation of one’s standards of conduct, by associating culpability for one’s individual decision with the authority figure rather than the self.  In the experiment a subject was told to apply an electric shock to another subject for an incorrect answer.  When the shocker began to object, the responsibility for the application of pain was abdicated based on the idea of an authority figure.)

Humans will engage in the animal-like growth of unleashing the inner-persecutor.  Criminals of this vein often test the water line through lying, theft, physical altercation and ultimately into guilt-reduced or guilt-free murder of other humans.  The fraud triangle of rationalization, opportunity, and motivation computes in the psyche of the criminal.  Rationalization surpasses the restrictive Meme-mechanisms of the fifth commandment. 

Opportunity presents itself in a desirable resource: money, dominance, sexual stimulation, and rebuke of the Meme for hedonistic temporal consumption.  A human will engage in murder, theft, battery, rape, or what is often confused as sacrilege.  The blasphemy is often the internal conflict of attempting to escape the Meme.  The individual does not realize the totality or full presence of the Meme in terms of social structure, control variables, and influences upon him or her.  The conflict results in brash actions societies dub crime: killing, stealing, rape, and other iterations of fraud and dishonesty. 

The Meme implements prison and perdition to counteract volition when systematic disparities required for order fail and individuals choose acts of evil.  Atheists take away heaven and hell.  This threatens the control mechanism.  This represents taking away a toy, a cushion teddy bear, or a friendly comfort in heaven and a security guard in the removal of perdition.  The thought that when you die you are dead in totality is rejected with immense vitriol from the Meme. 

The Meme pushes death back into a more palatable and distant prism.  Death is controllable through mitigating violence through legalities and incarceration.  Recidivism is seen as advertisement for the Meme.  Prisons are marketed as camps of suffering to reinforce the message of noncompliance.  

The idea of prison rape is quietly tolerated in the Meme as if a prisoner is deserving of becoming victim to a crime potentially worse than the offense generating his confinement.  Prison-status equates to absolutism similar to perdition.  Once labeled pariah, a Poor-prisoner is garbage and less-human.

If prisons were factories of reformation or correction towards civil life, the Meme would have to address systematic disparities.  The Meme’s underpinnings to these interrelationships cultivate prisoners.  There can only be so much wealth circulated.  There are only so many legal-jobs that can generate self-sufficiency to feed an economy.  There are even less when economic disparity is so key to the Meme.  

Sections of the economy are better served through socialist paradigms, others through capitalist.  However discussing why these differences exist often threatens the Meme.  Therefore they are compartmentalized through political partisanship rather than empirically determined.  

Humans inside prison systems are often absent the comprehension and capability of a suitable non-exploitive purpose given their intelligence quotient, socioeconomic background, or perceivable future capabilities that could generate self-sufficiency.  A man without a purpose is dangerous to us all.  

Purpose is central to the Meme.  The Meme promises, but does not deliver a special purpose to each life.  The closest the anti-Meme gets to a life purpose is self-sufficiency.  Thus if a human can solve self-sufficiency in a way that does not exploit fellow members of the species past a threshold of harm, then for the most part that human is peaceful, moral, and functional in organized human society. 

Human obsession with motive and finding the identity of murderers puts killing in a comfortable box for the Meme.  (Look at the popularity of the Law and Order and C.S.I. variants across television and their counterparts in crime based books and movies.)  If murder has a motive than death is less likely to escape the box we put it in to grab us randomly.

We lust after the gangster-ideal as a dream-like indulgence to express our inner animal and relish in the id’s indulgence to kill randomly.  (See stories of anti-heroes like Goodfellas, Scarface, and the Sopranos.)  This is acceptable with the hint of the mask of social acceptance as long as it appears to be fantasy.  Video games accomplish the same task.  The hypocrisy between police officer and felon dances before us as the Meme asks us to be less concerned with right and wrong, but with legal and illegal.  

The fourth commandment presents the god-parent killing infidels, but telling us not to kill.  God punishes those for not giving god what god wants, but asks us not to want.  Political ideologies are formed on these principles of being both the gangster and the cop.  The god is the killer and the law to say killing is wrong.  (God-killing does not exist, but the idea of sanctioned killing through the idea of god does.)  This hypocrisy is dangerous to the Meme, so careful differentiations are made to protect the Meme. 

Look at the hypocrisy of abortion in America.  Shouldn’t Republicans be pro-abortion and the Left be against it?  Abortion leads to fewer poor people, who overwhelmingly vote Democrat. 

What if The Left admitted: life begins with mitosis and meiosis from half-cell and half-cell to become the unique combination blueprint for a single-cell.  The multiplication and replication of this cell results in an inevitable fully-formed human.  The single-cell is human.  Abortion is killing that human, but we as in other actions of human life choose a form of sanctioned sanctified killing. 

The Meme attempts to hide this from us and puts god into play with souls to disguise our similarity to animals.  We are killers.  Look at militaries, murderers, state execution, and our systematic apathy to make choices which could save lives, but sit idle.  We are carnivores.  To admit our killer-status is to violate the original meme (dog eat dog) (We are animals.)  We are ok to admit when a fertilized cell of a lion becomes a lion, but somehow we shield our psyche to ordain humans as special.

This is why Republicans are so vehemently anti-abortion because of the religion superstructure around the We-are-not-Animals meme.  Democrats understand the political suicide of threating the core of the Meme about the myths about the origins of human-life and god and souls.  Humans understand abortion reduces the inescapable suffering of the Poor, but religion sacrifices economic for genetic prosperity drenched in the Meme’s control of the Poor.  Religion encompasses the majority of both sides of America’s one-party system and the globe. 

The rational answer regarding offspring of non-self-sufficient parents is that no taxpayer should fund money after the first kid is requesting state funding to a mother.  The first share can be split under the discretion of the mother and restricted through digital purchases to nutritional based uses.  (Societies cannot do this under fathers due to the nature of paternity.)  Taxpayers will fund abortions, which are exponentially less expensive than childhoods of taxpayer-dependency.  

Every time we move away from individual volition and correlated self-sufficiency, given a reasonable safety net, our societies suffer.  If we do not understand the macroeconomic exploitation occurring inside the Meme we will misconstrue the absence of a proper safety net to compensate for the exploitation created for the absence of volition.  This is where we collapse as a society by engineering systems which perpetuate the problems the solutions attempt to solve.  

The underlying social issue of abortion is tax-payer subsidized children and the parents of those children created who become less self-sufficient to expend resources rearing them.  The answer to this social issue is contraception, science-based sexual education, and abortion post-fertilization.  

When the first layer of contraception fails and abortion is demonized by the Meme, we excuse sexually active members of society to act as prepubescent innocents who did not indulge in the single drive of all life (to replicate one’s genes) and not have to invest the energies to raise the offspring.  This social convention has created masses of human-cuckolds.  

(The cuckoo bird will lay its egg in the nest of another non-cuckoo bird.  The other mother bird will warm the egg.  When that bird hatches, often earlier than the mother’s genetic brood, it often will innately shove other eggs out the nest if it can.  The bird is engineered to mimic the natural offspring and obtain food and growth.  The genetic parents of the cuckoo hatching are left free to mate more and more absent the wasted time caring for their egg.)  

Humans must look at death and life directly and break these cycles.  Abortion-candidate mothers must be forced to accept a tax-funded abortion or achieve a greater level of self-sufficiency in parallel to the countless middle-class Americans who use contraception because the sexual partners understanding adding a genetic-vehicle in an additional offspring bears financial, emotional and logistical costs, which must be internalized to the work of the sexual partners rather than externalized.  Millions of middle-class Americans choose abortion every year with this as a dominant rationale, while paying to raise countless Poor birthed humans.  

Billions of Chinese are forced to abortion as population control.  Millions of Latin and Central Americans are denied access to abortion due to the dominant Catholic-meme as an ancestor from Spanish colonization.  This creates a tiered system.  Those with money pay for sanitary conditions and a back-door hush-hush doctor.  The Poor imbibe roulette wheel concoctions to prompt miscarriages and coat-hanger equivalent botch jobs.  Without Norma McCorvey’s odyssey the U.S. may still suffer the same.  

The American debate on abortion is paralyzed from conducting this discourse on a national level because even the party which is supposed to be able to openly engage in the factual natures of science cannot fully do so because to state the obvious (human gestation is similar to all mammalian gestation) puts into question the concept of a soul, which questions god, which questions the We-are-not-Animals meme. 

Human life takes on a sacred and sanctified indispensability inside the Meme.  To request tax-payer funded abortion through a realistic approach is to risk political outrage from the Meme’s constituents.  The biological-gene replication meme and the Humans-are-not-Animals meme work together.  Abortion and suicide overlap in this regard.

Right-wing American Republicans are anti-abortion and anti-poverty assistance; as well as anti-social healthcare safety net for seniors and anti-euthanasia.  The biological meme says replicate.  Both memes (politics or religion) do not care about one’s wellbeing after that, with the exception that one perpetuates the Meme by submitting to order. 

The Meme’s anti-abortion status traps the Poor to have more offspring to increase dependency.  Abortion acts as a safeguard to preserve self-sufficiency.  Making mothers into Meme-cattle does the opposite.

The Meme cannot allow humans to believe we have volition of life and death.  There must be severe perceived consequences to a human applying volition to even his or her own life (being forced to grow a human inside one’s body, then raise that human one does not have the resources or desire to raise) or (continuing to live in a body one wishes to cease operating.)  To permit such effrontery to the Meme would invite chaos and a disorderly society.  The Meme can craft exceptions to the fifth commandment, but regular humans cannot. 

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