Sunday, November 17, 2013

Part 7 Avarice 68 to 70: The Meme

Lawrence Taylor (L.T.) is possibly the greatest defensive player to ever play in the National Football League.  L.T. played outside linebacker for the New York Giants.  Lawrence Taylor was a supreme natural physical specimen ideal to move past another gargantuan human to quickly and forcefully crush a ball carrier.  Lawrence Taylor would push the line as far as possible to enjoy his wealth and celebrity with sex, crack cocaine, and partying and all sorts of anti-order indulgences. 

L.T. knew he could stretch the rules as far as possible.  He would pay the pittance consequence imposed by his coach, maybe a small fine of his humungous salary and still play on Sunday.  L.T. would do what he wanted and then do it again.  The New York Giants and the National Football league made billions to his millions in the process.  

The concepts of lip service and unenforceable laws to present the appearance of order over themes of the Commandments which large organizations denounce in theory, but care very little for in technicality was in clear display with L.T.  Governments do not care about dead soldiers if the threshold does not sway the ultimate objective.  Billionaires do not care if their star-player smokes crack as long the image of the league is not fundamentally tarnished.  As long as the trend is profitable, all is good. 

C.E.O.’s and management of Wall Street corporations and firms like Kenneth Lay of Enron operate in a similar manner.  If taxpayers care more about the Southeastern Conference (S.E.C.) football legalities than their government’s Securities Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) investment legalities then the Meme is working.  The company may get fined, but it does not risk going out of business.  The individual fraudster may go to prison for a short-term or be fined a small portion of the amount collected during their tenure at the corporation, but in most cases the average convenience store robber using a gun who stole a few hundred dollars is getting a longer sentence than the C.E.O. or investment banker who pilfered millions with corporate culture and computers.  This differential in perception versus reality is how we know the Meme is working.  Physical (external) crime takes priority over internal (mental) crime in the Meme. 

We try to pass laws like Dodd-Frank to address this disparity from the anti-Meme, but the laws are often toothless.  Dick Fuld still has hundreds of millions of dollars.  The culture of Wall Street is reigning over all time market-highs.  Why shouldn’t it?  The Meme is still in place and unless logistical clogs like the massive retirement of Baby Boomers peaking around 2025 to 2030 occurs how would humanity galvanize a threshold of social activism and revolution to overtake the current Meme?  

The Federal Reserve in the post 2008 fallout reinforced a massive level of quantitative easing (buying bonds to indirectly keep interest rates low) to spur economic growth and prevent another Great Depression.  This was to keep the flow of capital in the markets lubricated so that banks did not cascade into a constipation of non-lending.  The problem is that, because of the Meme’s preoccupation with taking care of those who guide the system, much of the cheaper capital has gone to accelerate the same consolidation of wealth at the root of the weakness in the global economy.  

The true consequences and costs of poverty are not internalized into the profit equations of Wall Street.  America’s federal and state budgets are being used like Enron for Enron’s Special-Purpose-Entities. (SPE’s)  The same dynamic between debt and equity was in play with the housing market crash.  The American government in this case would represent the now bankrupt Enron and the SPE’s are the banks and other corporations that utilize massive government subsidies as discussed before.  

The U.S. taxpayers held the responsibility to cover the debt on much of the defaults on subprime housing lending.  The SPE’s collateralized risky and highly profitable investments with Enron’s stock, but because of unique rules, were allowed to put the debt on the SPE’s profit equation and the reported earnings and cash proceeds in Enron’s profit equation.  However the housing market is just a piece of the larger toxic-waste hot potato the American taxpayers hold. 

Housing in this instance is the same as environmental issues, medical costs, and poverty-assistance programs for part time employees, etc. etc.  The ultimate insult is that the taxpayer’s liability includes many of the giant corporations in indispensable industries as we saw with the auto bailout.  Big agriculture, hospitals, energy producers, defense, information technology facilitators, and banks etc. also potentially fall into such categories due to how entrenched the economic arteries of such giant companies are to the heart of the American gross domestic product and tax base. 

The U.S. government needs to create web-based common accounting software to consolidate local, state, to federal GASB 34 accounting in a seamless hierarchy that can provide timely reporting with audits the public already pays for.  This data could be fed into per capita service ratios to award grants and projects to reward economic efficiency rather than spending equals a bigger budget up from taxpayer down from federal to state to local.  Currently such tools are confined to CAFR voluntary disaggregated pdf-file reporting that is limited to islands of data. 

Common web-based software for every government utility, police department, emergency communications district, fire department, hospital, classroom, municipal office, department of motor vehicles, etc. to function in an integrated cloud environment would save billions.  

Other debt reduction tools should include raising bottom end compensation to attract candidates but cap and disclose compensation by position so experienced employees can stay, but not wreck the system due to COLA’s.  End all governmental defined benefit retirement.  Ban congressional aids and congress people from lobbying congress for a decade.  Link TV and radio campaign spending to a capped per capita-based pool which requires candidate approval in any race with only two candidates.  End religion’s non-profit deduction status, require segregation for social aid.  End the drug-war.  This is all anti-Meme.

The Meme inside Wall Street externalizes the entropy created by paying labor below living wages, profits in subsections of itself through an inflated dysfunctional pharmaceutical and medical sector, and the increased incarceration, depression, violence, and angst created from desperation from working humans still unable to make ends meet.  This is at the root of America’s potential bankruptcy and the bankrupt and near bankrupt governments already seen in the European Union in countries like Greece, Cyprus, Spain, and Italy etc.  This is the Meme collapsing in on itself. 

A living wage to support families is honorable, freedom and an American bumper sticker.  Stockholders keeping the difference deliver state welfare and federal disability in scores of people dubbed demonized freeloaders. The two are entwined; the human condition is the same.

The most direct redress is increased progressive income taxation.  The Meme’s standard response is if the public taxes the rich more, the rich will charge the Poor more for products.  The Rich will also jump ship from country to country (state to state) seeking the lowest common denominator.  

Economies do not function so elastically, because the top marginal tax rate for example does not go from 36 to 75 percent, it goes from 36 to 45 percent or 39.6 in American reality, yet so many middle and lower class humans believe this farce.  Also corporate deductions morph the bottom line tax rates.  Such empirical data is disregarded and avoided by the Meme.  The Meme prefers the rhetorical. 

The public’s reluctance to raise effective progressive income tax rates, net of common personal and business tax-deductions correlates with the idea that tithing brings favor or benefits under the third commandment.  People demonstrate faith in the trickle-down and appear oblivious to the idea the firm owners would consistently keep the difference each time profit expands.  To demand assurance from owners under the Meme is to demand assurance for the existence of god via god demonstrating presence through evidence.  (I.e. to challenge the trickle-down equates to stating prayer is feckless.)  

Labor’s trust in corporate profits of the owner being shared parallels the blasphemy to get a yes or no answer from god for a prayer beyond anecdotal coincidence.  Labor knows demanding direct answers to questions equates to banishment (termination).  This is why trust in trickle-down economics and trust in prayer often overlap inside the Meme in top-down power structures.  

The Meme’s responses are: austerity, cut the budget, keep progressive taxes low, raise regressive taxes, we need to use national defense and big-agriculture and other such industries to spur economic growth.  Regulation kills business.  Socialism is the great evil.  This is despite the Bolsheviks placing power in Lenin and Trotsky and not the people.  This is despite Israel trading the secular nationalist PLO for terrorist fundamentalist Hamas.  The Meme would prefer fundamentalism to nationalism.  

The Meme says: pray, blame, polarize, divide and remain desperate.  The trickle-down theory is championed.  The Poor will persist on the table scraps.  Quit taking the glazed carrots off the Rich’s steak plate or the Poor will never eat.  Throw another filet on that pile!  The idea of the Poor eating the Rich’s feces becomes palpable.

Deregulate that industry.  Take the compensating controls off to let British Petroleum (the Anglo-Persian oil company) breathe.  Put Shal Pahlavi in.  General Electric cannot pay its light bill because the union goes to the doctor too much.  Put the gonads back in Glass-Steagall of 1933.  The Great Depression of 1929 happened for a reason.  The Gramm-Leach-Bililey Act of 1999 is economic poison from the Meme.

Pro-Meme political organizations like ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) which claims to be a nonpartisan group that supports federalism and conservative policy, drive the American legislative process.  Tax deductions are made through multinational corporations to hold the purse strings of Republican politicians to accomplish these tasks.  The list of corporate tax loopholes, voter suppression, expanding guns to broker fear, private school vouchers, anti-abortion, anti-living wage, anti-union, anti-right to work, anti-renewable energy, anti-stem-cell research, anti-euthanasia, and anti-socialized medicine are the foundation of ALEC and similar organizations inside the Meme.

ALEC has supported and seen-passed hundreds of bills across America to meet these objectives in the biggest corporation of them all, the United States government.  Major structural reform can be glossed over with debt ceiling debates used as leverage.  The reasons the debt is so substantial in the first place are framed in the rhetoric of the pro-Meme rather than the reality of the anti-Meme.

The Meme works inside the Left in organizations like Move and campaign funding leashes.  Democrats push alternate pro-Meme-biased agendas including not admitting the truth that abortion is killing, yet America kills.  Instead we get irrational debates about trimesters and when a human is a human.  A human is human post fertilization and we still allow termination.  We get welfare assistance based on how many kids a uterus produces, rather than saying kill the baby or pay for him yourself.  
We have welfare food-assistance to purchase almost anything in Wal-Mart rather than a national sku-code linked database for retailers based on maximizing nutrition per pound per dollar to limit purchase options to the Poor through a healthy nutritional filter paired with cost-efficiency for the public.  (E.g. No soda, chips, or candy, but beans, broccoli, and chicken the store’s inventory system shows as near surplus is getting bought by the taxpayers to feed the Poor.  Big data talking could be a win-win for taxpayers and the Poor, but not the Meme.)  The Meme and the corporations who pilot the Meme: Wal-Mart, Nabisco, Coca Cola etc. would never allow such taxpayer subsidy of stock-price to be risked.  The Poor must have taxpayer funded Dr. Pepper, Doritos, Hershey’s, and Oscar Meyer.  Wal-Mart and its 4 family members in the top 17 on the planet demand it.  The Koch Brothers, 2 in the top 7, agree. 

We get environmentalists not acknowledging a rational balance between fossil fuels and renewable energies for our reasonable consumption.  Humans won’t admit the planet will be fine it is humans that will go extinct.  Over ninety-percent of species go extinct and so will we. 

We get pushes for a double standard of continued defined-benefit retirement plans in all levels of government despite private sector America showing how delinking market risk from retirement plans causes massive inequities.  The American auto industry almost collapsed due to this issue and the American government awaits a similar fiscal Armageddon.  

So many of its state and federal defined-benefit plans are substantially over-promised and under-funded with taxpayers’ money in standards private sector taxpayers would rarely if ever enjoy outside executives.  Rather than admit the excess generosity taxpayers are expected to fund, government employees are made to be heroes: policemen, firefighters, soldiers and teachers.  

The life of a retail employee is as valuable as a doctor as a teacher as a copy.  We are all animals, all human.  We make choices of vocation and should not expect special compensation beyond market pay rates.  We should not rig markets to externalize costs from profit formulas to assist fraudulent compensation models.  

Promising government employees excessive retirement and health care benefits at much lower than private sector retirement ages (30 years of service or 55 years of age) and defined compensation at a percentage of the highest three years of pay is excessive fraud.  This is especially insipid when the plans go unfunded, present governments effectively push the bill to future generations and governments and critical services go unperformed because the police force, the school board, and the fire department are paying for one retired employee for what they could get two or three active working employees.  The spots go unfulfilled and budgets go negative.  Crimes increase.  Under-education expands.

The Meme is fed by the duplicity of the double standard insulating the very group of people who could actually do something about issues like retirement, social security, Medicare, and healthcare in America.  Because the government employees have better than average special arrangements the problems never get functionally addressed.  The Democrats are far more culpable than Republicans in this regard.  

We get an inability to recognize the frauds of affirmative action despite racism still being present.  We get race-baiting and race-consciousness as a constant.  We get feel-good do-nothing gun control legislation that is an un-passable piece of prohibition legislation, rather than admitting humans chose to kill. 

We get unions and labor movements that got fat like communist leaders rather than understand that the only labor movements ever worth making were national minimum-wage inflation updates and employee benefits standards, not individual corporate fiefdoms with disparate tiers for policemen, firemen, autoworkers and stand-alone fast-food cashiers.  

Labor got fat and lazy and ate the cheese of the Meme in times of prosperity.  The inability of the national labor movement to focus on national employee benefits rather than segregated wages made national labor divisible and subject to collapse based on economic globalization.  The influence of the Meme inside the Democratic Party through political donations through corporate interests focused on the rhetoric of the business world: pride in the American worker, the exceptionalism of American products, and ultimately the support of rampant commercialism over the inflation-adjusted buying power of the Middle-Class led to Labor’s collapse.  This is this one of the Meme’s grandest victories in modern America. 

We have a One-Party system, which can be understood to be the Meme.  Neither party will touch the drug war, congressional term limits, campaign finance reform or truly go after Wall Street in a manner which demands white-collar crime be held to more rather than less stringent standards than blue-collar crime.  If we look at the list of things the two-parties tend to agree on using the military, not disappointing big-business, and never really fixing healthcare, education, or energy, we will see the Meme.  The Meme is in firm control through prioritizing the fifth commandment fixating on physical vices rather than the exceptions to the seventh commandment allowing systemic economic exploitation. 

One should not confuse free-market capitalism as an evil.  A healthy balance and awareness of where capitalism and socialism excel due to the nature of the goods and services being facilitated is key.  The same can be said for terms such as conservative and liberal.  Although conservatism is generally more pro-Meme and liberalism is more anti-Meme.  The hypocrisies and strengths in each are not absolute.  

The most crucial variable is focusing on ideas not who speaks them.  The Meme wishes us to see characters spouting scripts so that the Meme has already implanted our reaction either for or against the potential idea based on our preconceived connotation of the speaker.  In this way the Meme has hijacked: our thought, our volition, our mind.  This is the crafty masterwork of the Meme.

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