Friday, August 28, 2015

Title and Chapter Links: The Meme What and Why We Are

The Meme:
What and Why We Are:

The Ten Internal Commandments and the Humans are not Animals Meme:

A Philosophical Treatise

Introduction: The Meme What and Why We Are

The following is a treatise to analyze the underpinnings of sociological consensus rooted in the evolution of human consciousness to better understand the rules the empowered use and will use to perpetuate dominance to uncover what we are.  The treatise utilizes the biblical Decalogue and the meme at its root as a popular dominant playbook to decipher the structures of social decision making cascading across humanity for one human’s best attempt at a metaphysical interpretation of why we do what we do.  (A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.)  Each old testament commandment is stated in truncated veiled catechetical format followed by a more specific scriptural account.  These traditional legalities will be juxtaposed with a single word capturing the essence of what the original commandment pertains. 

This treatise is one flawed human’s small offering to decipher at least part of what the universe might be by interconnecting the Ten Commandments, which is used as an apex example of a well-known system of social and cultural constructs implemented by humans to shield humans from the reality that humans are no different than animals and see behind the veil of what we are.  We are no different than anything in the universe, living, inanimate, particle or energy.  We are all interconnected and in this we are not special because we are the same, merely an arrangement that for purposes of this treatise is stated as we are no different than animals. 

Other cultural examples of fundamentalist texts or legal superstructures exist which serve similar function as the Bible’s Ten Commandments, namely the Qur’an, the Bhagavad Gita, or the Buddha’s Noble Truths; however for the purposes of this treatise the Ten Commandments will be used as the primary example with others mixed where the limited knowledge of the author allows flirtation.  Some of the basic premise in ways goes back to Democritus 400 B.C. an Ionian with atomism and Aristarchus 300 B.C.  Other parts are an extension of science unmasking god in questions posed in the early 1600’s by Kepler, Galileo, and Descartes to Newton to Rousseau to Paine and Hume moving into the 1700’s to Kierkegaard to Darwin in the 1800’s to Freud to Jung to Einstein  in the 1900’s to Dawkins, Barthes, Derrida, and Hawking etc. in the modern era.  None of this is new merely a common continuing journey. 

The words are Socratic to prosper criticism and discussion, not dogma or absolutism, merely suggestions to prompt open discourse about human behavior and existential purposes layered in our behavior.  There is hope by seeing our similarity to, rather than elevated superiority over our animal nature that we can be closer to what our bond with the universe might be.  

In the end these are just one man’s thoughts standing on shoulders of books and voices, not saying this is right, but what the limited perspective of individuality in a blip of a life has shown to this individual.  I think as humans we all take a stab at trying to figure out what this all is; what are we doing here; existential crayon basics laughing that maybe 42 makes as much sense as anything.  That process shifts with age, this is where I am at now; so please do not take it too seriously.  If it leads you somewhere or prompts discussion or change, great; that is about it.  No one knows.  Hard data is presented where I have found it in the books of smarter humans than me who seemed to go through a formal citation process; do your own research and most of all continue to think for yourself and laugh. 

Humans choose the Meme in order to install a social hierarchy so that humans can live in consistent coordinated coexistent societies (rather than as singular vagabonds killing, stealing, and deceiving each other when convenient) for the long-term benefit of the species.  The Meme on the most rudimentary level is born from a complex-being’s fear of death inside the self. 

The treatise intends to point out the myriad of human decision making trees that serve to protect this “Humans-are-not-Animals” meme (the Meme), identify the detriments and benefits to society created by the Meme, and consider the potential ramifications on the mental evolution of humans if this meme was reduced to lower thresholds by exploring religious, economic, political, and psychological aspects.

This piece is intended to extract the pith of psychological manipulation in each numerated Commandment in the long-standing addendum to people influenced by the bible as an extension of the Pentateuch and reexamine the benefits and detriments of the content, phrasing, and consequences upon our planet.  The single-worded headers are intended to convey a neo-Decalogue of internal commandments generating not out of what one is commanded by an external authority, but by what one understands inherently by being a complex life-form and therefore abides and carries out rationally, logically, and willingly under a comprehensive autonomous station of volition.  A better understanding of these core psychological concepts and how each relates to wielding our volition represents a path to usurp human-hunger for the Humans-are-not-Animals meme.

The commandments will be shown for why they are connected to the central Humans-are-not-Animals meme.  The treatise will show how the Meme is so successful as it attempts to keep humans out of chaos and disobey the laws of the atomic universe by reducing entropy.  This treatise attempts to show that it is this violation of natural entropy that explains why the Meme cannot ultimately be sustained.  We are ordered machines designed to manufacture entropy.  Repressing this natural dissipation of ordered energy goes against the nature of the universe.  Heat must be free to release.  Beings must be free to choose. 

This violation of natural entropy may lead to humans accelerating human extinction if the Meme is not recognized for what it is if humans do not elect an alternative dominant meme based on empathy that universally acknowledges the fallacy of the first meme that can serve as a substitute to communicate human interconnection absent fundamentalism placing faith in volition and how we choose rather than the Meme or an idea of a theist’s god.  If we can begin to understand what choice is, the role choice plays in the atomic and in the journey/universe beyond the atomic we can then see what we are.

The treatise is an extension of many pieces I have read or been exposed.  Foundationally I encourage one to read Sigmund Freud’s The Future of an Illusion as a starting point for much of the framework of the psychological discussion included into the context of religion’s role in the psychology of humans.  This treatise hopes to continue large elements of the discussion held in that brief but powerful text. 

The treatise often presents humans in roles manipulating and being manipulated.  This manipulation is most often subconscious through vast historical infrastructures of self-identity and social standing imprinted by humanity upon ourselves.  There is no monster, only ideas which we either choose to believe or not. 

The treatise delves into the most dangerous ideas man has ever conjured, the ideas which hold society from chaos and mobilize the masses.  We are inherently cognizant on a species-level that humans must organize in a hierarchy.  We cannot all be ant queens.  We will all die.

Discussing these realities is perilous.  We are a living super-organism carrying out both physical and internal (spiritual) journeys.  We need exploitation in a sufficient measure so that we are not every man or woman scavenging alone in a wasteland or living day to day under a carnivore/herbivore arrangement of kill or be killed.  We see this in herds of buffalo and prides of lions creating order within and between each other.  So in we must understand this interplay within our species to not look first to jealousy, hated, anger, greed, or maniacal individuals, but between the nature of order and chaos in what entropy and choice are. 

We must look inward to what and who we are as a collective and as individuals wielding volition knowing that it is in each of our individual best interests to participate in a system of balance for mutual survival and love if we can muster.  This is where we uncover the genesis and value of the Meme. 

How do we as a cooperative society convince the bottom rungs to participate in a system designed to exploit the Poor if the complexities of the human mind recognize what is actually taking place?  The most common answers have been religion, patriotism, racism, and fundamentalism.  (The capitalized word Poor will be used in this treatise as a term to indicate the lowest classes of society in terms of financial wealth and social-power.)

Many may cry foul.  The ideas are like a shockwave piercing the shell of superego burrowing into ego and rattling who we are, why we do what we do, who is to “blame”, and scratching the mane of our animal-like id craving genetic replication.  We begin to question our addiction to the ego.  True growth is a continual shedding of the ego to recognize what we have always been.  If unveiled, if absent the disguised contortion, then chaos may ensue.  We may become enraged in rebellion at how we are tricksters and tricked balancing only in volition. 

We see glimpses in Arab Springs, Katrina rooftops , Darfur pickup-trucks, Kandahar caves, Occupy Wall Street encampments, Mogadishu Saturdays, Filipino typhoons, Boko Haram incinerated towns, Birmingham fire hoses, a box cutter on United 93, Michael Brown’s death, Juarez murders, Boris Nemtsov gunned down outside the Kremlin, Kenneth Lay, Abu Ghraib, Bangladesh sewerage treatment, Singapore billionaires, Mission Accomplished aircraft carrier banners, Tahrir Square 2011 & 2013, the Catholic church’s deposit for an island off the coast of Grenada, Israel debating extracting Nepalese earthquake surrogate mothers to gay Jews, L.A. Riots, Monsanto seed patents, Tiananmen tanks, and nightly newscast screen crawls. 

The self-initiated beguilement is the glue holding civility from splintering in a shamble of raw fear.  Nothing is really stopping craven wanton greed, destruction, and anarchy.  Nothing can stop death.  Humanity has always been only held by volition.  This is the crux of the Meme and the conflict between religion and science.  The power, importance, and role of volition is the key to unlocking purpose in the universe linking the atomic with the spiritual in the flow of energy between order and chaos.

Is there a god?  If there is, is this god a safeguard?  How do we define god?  This is why humans are so passionate on the subject of god and by consequence religion.  Controlling the concept of god is foundational to the Meme.

We hunger for the comfort god represents against this inherent risk to being a living organism.  God represents order; death represents chaos.  Our cerebral cortexes crave this electrical-power-surge protector as we plug into the human-living system.  Less complex animal brains do not require such assurances operating on instinctual acceptance of physical reality to maintain the ordered system of a body and when possible to replicate an additional ordered system into being.  Less-complex animals are ready to eat or be eaten.  Death is the omnipresence and a release or transfer of order.  Animals do not costume the idea. 

The Meme informs us we are more complex and this vulnerability is inapplicable because of god and our unique-being status.  These are buffers to the entropy we create and establish permanence to the ordered machines we identify as self.  This self-assigned exclusivity is an offshoot of our suspicion that our concurrent mental journey to our physical may represent a spiritual interconnection which humanity struggles to define as we awaken through our concept of time under Newton’s laws linking increased entropy to the direction of time’s arrow we perceive.

Humans bury this debate of our uniqueness from animal status deeply within our id making taboos of cannibalism and improper burial.  We invented religion to pile layers over this risk in our superego so that we do not obsess in a deluge of fret over what is possible at any moment as a rat happens upon a snake.  The quest to be special shrouds us from the idea that it was never about the human body or individuality.  Shedding the Meme allows us to see that humans are animals and also acknowledges atomic equivalency in the physical, but may also be a path to seeing a spiritual commonality in all.

Culpability is only to the self as a member of the interconnected whole all life (human, animal, plant, microscopic, alien, etc.) belong.  Post death the illusion of individuality and specialness is lifted in the alleviation of biological consciousness.  This is our ordered machine dissipating its energy flowing entropy and dispersing into the whole we are always a component.  Universal atomic and spiritual equivalence are constants on separate planes independent of biological life or death.  Death changes nothing but the perception of a constant now in the form we inhabit in the now.

Our need to remain what we identify as “self” post-mortem is a function of the insecure ego.  So it is our true charge to understand the arbitrary and so often irrelevant mirages of our physical journey to tune into the paradigm of the concurrent mental-spiritual journey beyond time.  The Meme and fundamentalism represent divergent benefits and detriments in achieving this true awareness entwined in most religious pursuits which can both unite and paralyze humanity.

In tasting this power and peril, a portion of mankind manufactured the original Ten Commandments and to a degree all religion and various superstitions as maps to avoid chaos and safeguards to distance ourselves from these unsettling innate cogs to life.  To point out superstition’s absurdities is to jeopardize that fragile skeleton and bank on trust and love rather than deception and fear. 

We grow to notice things that are in many ways once seen unable to be unnoticed moving forward.  This may mirror Buddha’s awakening through ending the Dukkha, Hindu reincarnation (sanskara) to understand a zero karma balance, enlightenment, finding Jesus, Allah, self-realization of a common infinite god like Yogananda or whatever hat a human may seek to adorn, but underneath is a consciousness of what we are trying to achieve in full nudity without the confines of the hat. 

We grow to see life as a choice and an acknowledgement of love or fear in ourselves and others.  We recognize the constant malicious potential in our being and choose between empathy or vengeance when encountering the maliciousness of others.  Vengeance seeks order; empathy seeks entropy through trust in unconstrained volition.  We conquer death as the Meme attempts to do, not through the Meme’s false eternities preserving a manifestation of the ego, but by relishing the volition to love in our gene-vehicles operable life awakening to the illusions of self, justice, time, and separation we create to interpret both the atomic physical and the parallel timeless physical-less nature of what we are.

When we see into the workings of the Humans-are-not-Animals meme, we see how the Meme often influences us to choose fear and views love as human weakness to assuage our hunger for genetic survival and its psychological mirror of the ego in the traditional concept of soul acting like an eternal ego-purse.  We segregate, classify, and partition life into subcategories until we distance ourselves far enough from the initial love or fear decision that we are blind to why humanity operates the way it does. 

The Meme’s greatest benefit to human-evolution is that the Meme freed the human-mind from expending the preponderance of our conscious and subconscious thought on eat or be eaten and hour to hour survival as well as temporarily explaining scientific phenomenon.  This unlocked the computing-power of our collective cerebral cortexes.  The Meme communicates the illusion of an enforceable social contract.  This is the catalyst of our complex-brains domination of other Earth-species through mental evolution.  We trade eat or be eaten in physical sense of chomping human ribs for hoarding planetary resources on a macro socioeconomic level that risks accelerating human extinction. 

We must reevaluate our present needs, like a dinosaur into a bird, and shed the excess hindrances to provide a fresh allotment of freedoms to set our minds further along the spectrum-grindstone of the universe.  We are to do what all life is called, evolve as an ordered machine that produces entropy or suffer extinction.  That evolution must transcend the physical.  Physical extinction is inevitable to all biological life in the multiverse within the mathematical laws of each universe.  The common charge is an evolution of empathy which recognizes one’s interconnection to the totality of all existence beyond time, species, planet, universe as the interconnected all.  Empathy is the ultimate iteration of entropy. 

To continue this evolution we can imagine that life can be deposited in one of two baskets on a scale to add weight to the imbalance.  Currently the Meme has the preponderance.  Thus the Meme dominates.  This treatise will act as a guide on how the author sees events, points of view, reactions in the arenas of human life to either be pro-Meme or anti-Meme.

This treatise urges humans to develop awareness to group stimuli and human behavior according to pro-Meme or anti-Meme.  One may find the world of human behavior suddenly more thoroughly explained or chalked full of one man’s written bullshit.  That’s up to you.  Thoughts, bizarre logics, paradoxical behavior and reactions may appear connected through a formerly-hidden variable to complex-human life’s equation, which was previously unspecified, but is now glaring in how simple, yet pervasive the Humans-are-not-Animals meme is.  That is what it helps me see into a place beyond syllogism.  Once the Meme is seen then what we are can be seen.  It is like peeling layers to witness and be in what we always are.  

Conversely once one sees the folly electing the Meme’s perpetuation, one may inform others to see the Emperor’s nudity and openly speak in a mature discourse on the alternative replacement evolving meme.  One may see that it is not a naked overlord in the parade, but the entire crowd naked looking not at invisible fabric, but at a nonexistent figurehead.  We are the emperor.  We are the crowd.  There are only us and our thoughts in a single blinking consciousness standing on the pinhead illusion of time. 

We are all suffering.  We are all divine.  We are all capable of grand evils.  We all cycle through loneliness, uncertainty, faith, love, wrongdoing, and a grand journey.  We are all hiding bruises and treasures.  We all seek to be accepted and understood to bridge a separation that does not exist.  Solipsism is true sadness perched in the kiln of loneliness.  We are all balancing love and fear.  We are one.

The ten internal commandments are a suggestion to frame the groundwork for a replacement evolving meme and offered as reflective touchstones for individuals to contemplate inherent morality and an individual notion of what many might call god.  The number is irrelevant as the count of fingers on human hands was when stones were etched.  This treatise is about why we do what we do and what we are as a means of expanding consciousness.  The human concept of god is a giant part of that discussion.  The posts of the commandments are not meant to be an encompassing, complete, or restricted list, merely hubs for thought to grow.  

(For the purposes of this treatise the term god will refer to a theist interactive iteration, which is interactive with space-time.  The non-italicized god will refer to a non-interactive variation that could also just be ‘us’.  The capitalized Commandment and number will refer to the section of the treatise.  Non-capitalized commandment and number will refer to the commandment itself in the Decalogue.)

Let us continue.

Love, Fear, Faith, Hypocrisy, Death, Empathy, Avarice, Knowledge, Energy, Prejudice

Each original Commandment is stated under the following two formats:
[Traditional Catechetical Catholic Formula]

{Exodus 20: 2 to 17}

To Commandment 1: Love

1) Love: The Meme: What and Why We Are

1) Love
[I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.]
{I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  You shall have no other gods before me.  You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.}

Love is not jealous.  The primary commandment explicitly confirms the jealously of the old testament god who is understood to be the same god who is one in the same as Jesus under the New Testament paradigm.  The attempted delineation to segment the Old and New is like a two-party system pledging loyalty but respectful disagreement for the mutual benefit of a country where each has signed a common constitution straddling mutually beneficial margins of hypocrisy at opposite ends of the page.  A common flag cannot be parceled through revisionist stitching to spare one body of a bicameral congress for acquiescing to the will of the other. 

Jesus does not provide such segmentation.  Judaism does to retain its sovereignty.  Jesus was Jewish.  His ‘friends’ who wrote the New Testament as deistical word of god after Jesus’ life were Jewish.  Jews do not believe Jesus was the son of god and these are the people directly descended from the humans who were supposedly there to witness the supernatural end cap to a virgin birth. 

An asexual fetal uterine implantation is unverifiable.  To balance the absurd Jesus becomes a zombie corpus strutting around Jerusalem post spear and nail apertures.  Somehow his heart is pumping and nothing is flowing out his hand-holes?   He is breathing with speared lungs.  In between crucifixion and resurrection Jesus Houdini’d himself out and back into a cave-tomb for around forty-two hours of biological death though some sort of spiritual holy ghost adventure liberating hell and opening heaven gates.  Jesus back in his bones is suddenly flaunting his magical powers to tell the world to believe as if doing so in the first place or dying in some other manner than execution would have negated the liberation of perdition.  In the middle years we basically hear nothing of most of Jesus’ life as if the writers were short on details on who was supposed to be the most important character in human history. 

Jesus floats whole-body into heaven’s clouds.  Millions of 1980’s children saw the Challenger blow up on live television in elementary school.  It seems like god would have made ascension visible for more than a few Facebook friends or explained the ionosphere.  It seems like if the bible were the word of said god, the old testament would have gotten the proverbial it right in the first go round if the testament-linkage was divine.  I don’t know maybe god could have mentioned solar systems, microbes, or atoms? 

Maybe Jesus as a character was the ultimate anti-Meme.  The meshing of Jesus by the Meme into the old testament may be the ultimate pro-Meme.  Jesus as a character was a revolutionary Jew protesting the authority of a foreign Roman government.  Jesus advocated for empathy, do onto others as you have them do onto you.  Jesus was feed, shelter, and clothe the Poor.  Jesus was love without financial recompense.  Jesus was in modern political terms a socialist, the opposite of right wing policy.

Jesus was the antithesis to eye for an eye, wrathful god, and the old testament.  Maybe the character of Jesus was marketed into literature of the system he despised.  Maybe a lot of words were put in the liturgical version of Jesus’ mouth to stem uprising of empathy in favor of a sterilized compliance to populations of humans who could not own books or read in order to breed inactive pacifists obedient to authority.  Maybe releasing the pro-Meme fundamentalism encapsulating the anti-Meme messages of the characters of Jesus and Mohammed is the catalyst to evolve the anti-Meme.  Although Muhammed appears to endorse vengeance against one’s enemies in a way Jesus did not. 

Who knows, I certainly don’t, but if one can set aside the god part and view the stories as literature, maybe the population control aspects in the story make sense in such a manner.  The hypocrisy of churches, mosques, and governments profiteering off the Poor using Jesus or Muhammed as leverage is obvious.  Thomas Paine in Age of Reason wrote, “the church has set up a system of religion very contradictory to the character of the person whose name it bears.  It has set up a religion of pomp and revenue in pretended imitation of a person whose life was humility and poverty.”  This hypocrisy is the nature of the Meme. 

Islam is a similar game plan as Christianity syphoning Abraham-derived folklore through the tributaries of Moses and Jesus to channel resources through Mohamed to arrive at the same goal.  Each attempts to maintain compliance with the initial commandment as the god referenced is slightly shifted and portrayed as the original given time’s clarification.  If any member of the triad were to explicitly state a name to god, the conceptual god would inhabit an increased culpability of specificities beyond a name.  This would fissure the foundational integrity of the Bible and Qur’an and the beneficial corollaries.  Shiva or Athena lead to discounting polytheism as paganism while monotheism stays sacred. 

Each fragment of the pie is culpable for the poisons and nutrients in the common apples.  The storylines encourage such linkage.  The bond carries nicely the conversion of Jews into Christians and Christians to Muslims adding credence in the formative years of each piggy-backed religion.  Like an evergreen tree this supplants pagan ritual by mucking the waters to cloud definitive delineation in order to proselytize converts in the opiates of common bond. 

The limited connection of Jews to appear inclusive in Christianity has afforded the nationless-nation, Israel.  In addition Judaism is provided a hovering angel of protection in the form of the predominately Christian-formed United States of America on a northern-hemisphere dominated globe establishing the planetary definition of north as top and south as bottom. 

The biblical link of old and new testament between the two requires consistent reassurance.  The Vatican’s apathy and the ramrod anti-Semitism of Nazi Germany serve as reminders of how quickly vengeance for the accused regicide of Jesus could sever the tie given political convenience during a debt crisis.  The idea that such a human-deity’s volition to acquiesce to the prophecy of his grand plan, rather than oppose or prevent an assassination omnipotent Jesus saw coming, which makes the death more suicide than murder, was apparently lost on or a convenient omission in the propaganda of Hitler and various Popes.  A Jew or Jews is/are also written to have poisoned Muhammad with mutton. 

This Christian-Jewish bond is at the crux of the divide between a Palestinian people and the various slants of Islam.  These parties hold a confrontational two-chair game of duck-duck-goose over the three predominant Earthly monotheisms while simultaneously internally bickering over which strain of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam is the most-high house.  This is in reality a one chair game between Christianity and Islam as the current population of Jewish humans is dwarfed by either of the successor monotheisms.  The Holocaust stunted mathematics.  The ire of standing alone is correlated with the advent of global terror.  This fragmentally veils the divide behind notions of nation to substantiate taxes as surrogate tithes for secular militaries awash in the murky pond of crusade and jihad. 

The literal Earthly-representative of the symbolic gamed-chair is the city of Jerusalem.  The consensus of Western political and religious authorities abides for the ass cheeks of Abraham to wedge sitting room for Moses and Jesus on a single chair rather than include the competitor-prophet Muhammed.  The planet may be better to consolidate much of global conflict as imagining Abraham, the human father-figure god-representative of the dominating monotheistic triad finding favor between Moses, Jesus, and Muhammed.  

Abraham is a foundation of willingness to murder for god.  The sacrifice of one’s biological want for perpetuation (Isaac) is a laudable trait in exchange for piety over morality.  Jesus is a new testament version of Isaac.  Instead of god commanding Abraham to kill Isaac, god commands himself through Jesus to suicide through non-resistance to public crucifixion.  In this god becomes both Abraham and Isaac and seals the impossible to please sadistic hypocrisy of both blame and praise for the murder of ‘Isaac’.  Jews are blamed for the killing.  Christians celebrate the ‘blessings’ of man being willing to sacrifice the beloved son in barter of faith for salvation. 

We are to avoid introspection or doubt in the Meme for the absurd virtuous reward.  Faith trumps volition.  This is an absolute inside the Meme to rationalize the abstention of our morality. 

From Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, “The story of Abraham contains therefore a teleological suspension of the ethical.  As the individual he became higher than the universal.  This is the paradox which does not permit of mediation.  It is just as inexplicable how he got into it as it is inexplicable how he remained in it.  If such is not the position of Abraham, then he is not even a tragic hero but a murderer”.  Christians see “Jesus as god chose death (obedience to father’s command) [i.e. it is ok to murder if god commands] and process individual obedience in infinite regurgitations of crucifixion (pain is a blessing).   

The Abraham-monotheisms disregard the godly histories of native North Americans down the Central American isthmus descending through the Amazon and Andes, over to Africa, Australia, and Buddha and crew in the Far East through a Hindu Indian subcontinent occurring at similar periods.  South East Asia left itself to a separate game based on starting its own geographically distant theater centuries beforehand disinterested in Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean. 

This can be seen as the dominant Meme has arbitrarily assigned Jerusalem to be the hub of declaration for the dominant god.  Therefore including these other regions and parties to the triad of central monotheisms is deemed problematic and burdensome to such a farcical dance over order and chaos.  This cascades downward to treat the humans in these lands as equally superfluous and nonessential as the Meme wields global political power.  This fixation is frankly more attended to by world powers due to the locus of hydrocarbons rather than theistic tourist attractions, but it is rooted in Meme. 

This is a man-made illusion to impose the differentiation of humans in order to divert passionate conflict to external rather than internal fonts of authority.  This attempts to encapsulate order and prevent the dissipation of chaos (energy/heat) by instilling the idea humans are in control.  Our mental/spiritual journey becomes truncated like a roadblock when choosing teams or texts as absolutes rather than potential paths which absent such branded fundamentalism would probably lead to the same interconnected oneness.  The conceptual exclusivity in such fundamentalism is part of a greater gambit of global domination by a centrality of forces that bear few losses in the wars created over arbitrary specificities to inspire masses of humanity to surrender volition.  Births, deaths, blood, and diseases are fleeting compared to the immortality of the Meme commanding allegiance and with it power over volition.  The compromises to form and counteractions to assert dissent to such allegiances are the core of this first commandment to not have strange Gods before me.  The me is subjective and therefore a manipulative variable to be definitive or vague when convenient to the empowered. 

The underlying belief in theism causes reflected ills in the West mirrored in Islam in the East, which are less likely to be determined to be interconnected under a non-specific god.  To fell Islamic terrorism in the world, humanity must fell fundamentalist theism and the hypocritical depravity required to proselytize the non-empirical with dogma to live a path to true empathy and love.  A Christian or Jew decrying the ills of militant-Islam ignores the dream-image of creed terrorizing a common planet with a common vice of ignorant capitulation in the common Meme shared in the West and swaddling the majority of nations in an anthrax-blanket to comply with the control of the Meme.  Any definitive assertion to the specifics of a theistic notion of god is grand arrogance of the ego.  It is this addiction to ego to dictate the specifics that is the pernicious seed, not the notion of god. 

Creeds must find the humility of de-sanctifying dogma recognizing the common spiritual journey of all life shedding frivolous time-blip recorded human histories to evolve and recognize a common place we have always been and what we are, which is at minimum to create true separations of church and state.  We must shed fundamentalist identification from our ego like weighted layers of armor to display vulnerability and see what we truly are.  We must accept and not cling to the entropy we create.

The wars we wage drenched in fundamentalism from tribalism inside rungs of Islam, to anti-Semitism, to Christian crusades of which the United States actions post 9/11/01 could be considered a variant are fought with the wrong weapons and soldiers.  Until an American president can give a speech without the words god bless America again and non-Christian advertising candidates can regularly win state and national elections including atheists or those who hold no tagged label the U.S. will continue to fail humanity.  We need to view someone who detaches theism not as persecuting theists, but as a rational and necessary detachment from any theistic notion of favor distributed by the traditional segregation of the Meme: creed, nationality, race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, etc. 

We must awaken as individuals and spread a common love that sheds our individuality and our ego’s quest for special rights or privileges based on these divisions protected inside the Meme.  Currently we need laws like affirmative action to counteract the histories of such segregation, but the true victory is a threshold of individuals comprehending where the true weakness breathes that makes such safeguards still unfortunately necessary based on the fear the Meme propagates. 

If the West can lead this shift and can avoid and counteract China’s stage wherein the State becomes the new theism to end this idea of creed, nation, or race bearing pertinence in public funding or legislative priorities we can foster a greater love within our species and accept our path.  For it is not the elimination of theism, but the acceptances of all views absent fundamentalism within those views that diminishes fear and emphasizes love within our common whole. 

One can look at examples like the Soviet Union, and the French and American Revolutions in quests for reason over religion to see how it is fundamentalism and the power of sacrificed volition, not theism which is the problem.  So much of fundamentalist dogma is drenched in flawed human history and the unending thirst for vengeance through the ego attaching thorns of the past in the paw of the present worshiper.  One must understand there is no thorn, because there is only one whole.  

This is our challenge and the point of our existence.  Our awakening or lack thereto is why we are here.  The process we choose to go about that may accelerate or postpone our inevitable extinction to our species.  Attempting genetic immortality is a false pursuit of the ego and is ultimately irrelevant.

The Decalogue was written by men.  One can look to Thomas Paine’s critique in The Age of Reason on if the Pentateuch was actually written by Moses.  The conceptual mythology of Moses on Sinai carrying stone tablets is mooted by the history of human editors spanning time.  .  This coincides with the brevity and simplicity of the statements.  The traditional iteration of the Decalogue is a concise predictable allotment to address human conduct which is both insufficient, a double-standard, and a glaring under-achievement if intended to convey the communication and documentation talents of a deity.

Whatever our longest-held verbatim account of such instructions that version is not the original.  What we see are a string of patriarchal seeds translated through oral and written history.  The timing of the gospels, written long after Jesus’ biological life, mirror such distance.  So even if under the belief of direct godly-pronouncement at the impetus whatever remains is a tainted derivation thereof spread by humans.

Given that infection, the Decalogue is corrupted with social engineering on the grandest scale.  The words’ inherent link to such a deity provides a deluge of automatic obedience amongst specific populations.  This causes those in a position of power to appear as emissaries for and symbolic representatives of the connoted and correlated beatitudes of the Speaker.  Therefore those advertising such commandments independent of the logic or actual wording of such salvation-dependent legalese could prioritize perception over reality in the grand lesson of the fable of The Emperor with No Close

The primary directive of a capitalist organism is to conquer, replicate, eliminate competitors, expand, dominate, and avoid its self-induced extinction by quelling internal rebellion as the risk expands with its portion of the market.  The economy of god holds an asset greater than oil, gold, water, land, or financial currency; the market is volition. 

A complex life-form’s free will is the crux of societal structure and how one acquires and expends resources therein.  No tool in the history of humanity has been more effective at explicitly and implicitly bearing weight to internal mental scales to sway the volition of man and womankind.  The arenas of eternal salvation or perdition, miraculous pardon or wrathful punishment, karmic chains of blessing and detriments, and superstitious ritual present a powerful playbook for those who choose to manipulate theistic-majority societies.

If one has control over free will resources of wealth follow.  The curtain of the Wizards of Oz becomes transparent with the perspicuity of science.  Floods, earthquakes, plagues, caverns, and celestial bodies once used as vehicles for the transmittal of godly ideologies are uncoupled with the empirical logic of barometers, telescopes, and microscopes.  The advancement of time threatens the internal composition of fundamentalism.  What we see in response is a televised-evangelicalism that consumes a palatable inclusion of science as godly-presence rather than absence.  This is the original gamble anew.

The whitewash of paganism (the inventors of the game) was rampant with the careful placement of Easter, All Saints Day, Ramadan, Rosh Hashanah, Christmas, and countless ritualistic festivals to supersede local habitual practices covering spring, summer, fall, and winter.  The adoption of selective science in a theistic paradigm instills comfort to stem the rebellion of the rational mind to continue obedience despite increasing evidence to the contrary.  It blurs the vast absolute contradictions between faith and science to shadow a pool of coexistence so that rhetoric can stand commensurate with fact.

Every day absent a clear deity-derived apocalypse leaves monotheism on a more precarious pedestal. The additional entropy represents potential additional doubt in the Meme, which must be counteracted.  This is in many ways why each religion boasts knowledge and foreboding regarding the end of days.  The threat of meteors, nuclear annihilation, or global warming to create an unsustainable human environment, whether teleological or anthropogenic grows by the hour.  The potential presence of a god is meant as a counterweight to human wariness of such a termination.  In many ways the argument regarding human obliteration via a deity is made as a blessing.  The obedient shall find a post-organic salvation and contrarians earn perdition.

This subconscious thorn of a meme is bed with the fundamentalism of Iran, Ireland, and America etc.  The U.S. Republican party’s commitment to deny the realities and ramifications of global climate change and the heating of our oceans is because such science undermines this godly-link.  It is therefore rebuffed due to its threat to the systems of global control maintaining, fueling and perpetuating the empowered and with it the organization of society.
The ramp of global ocean temperature coincides with the industrial revolution of the United States and Europe ascending to dominate global wealth.  During typical diatribes and discourses on global climate change, the end of humanity is often confused with the end of the planet.  The planet’s cessation is unlikely and deglamorizes religion’s version of the apocalypse. 

Why would humanity go extinct absent god showing his face “again,” while allowing the Earth and the remainder of the universe to go on like we would over the splatter of a mosquito on a windshield?  Resolving this conundrum in the subconscious mind is why a theist is so much less likely than an atheist to recognize the severity of the problem climate change represents.  To recognize no humanity in such a way questions the assumed existence of god.  The same principle applies to asteroid collusion.

Humanity’s demise is doubted in the face of the empirical in preference for matters of faith.  For if humans were instructed to base the potential inhabitability of our planet as a function of scientific comprehension other macro level variables could also become subject to such detailed inspection.  Therefore the science is so often denied, decried, and attacked as panic.  Science diverts the show from traditional avenues of human exploitation which have advanced the problem rather than collective points of action with less well-established profit-opportunities designed to reduce the problem.  

In comparison the Dalai Lama echoes the dramatic threat of climate change and urges that man has caused that.  So it is man’s issue to resolve.  Why look to god?  This is in no small part correlated with the absence of material-wealth or the gross manipulation of Earthly resources by Buddhists to a commensurate scale as the triad of monotheisms.  This is a natural evolution. 

Organisms will find a sustainable resource, whether it be the consumption of a fungus, a geothermal vent on the ocean floor, or parasitic bacterium; memes like religion are no different.  The peaceful harmonic observer status of Buddhism, although formed in relative Asian-Pacific isolation compared to the Western ethos generated from Jerusalem, is able to permeate the global surface of Western dominated economies based on understanding the meme-resources left available after the big-three have taken root.  The democratic avenue of the internet and the Dalai Lama’s numerous web-video broadcasts represent a dramatic shift in the media-power of religious thought, good and bad.  (The Dalai Lama still purports his holy generational spiritual linkage.) 

(Based on the good old internet and who cares about numbers because we are all human and who knows if these numbers are right, but at some point Buddhists represent around 350 million or six percent of humans.  Christians 33%, 2 Billion, Islam 18%, 1.3 Billion, Hindu 16%, 900 million, Nonreligious 16% 850 million, Chinese traditional 4% 225 million, Judaism is less than 1% around 15 million)  The internet estimates in 2015 the Earth has about 7.3 billion people.  The figures above are for about 6 billion.

India, after extracting its splintered Islamic-appendix Pakistan, comingles a long-history of Hinduism and Islam under a nation of modern make-believe.  Hinduism has its own trinity or the Trimurthis in Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), and Shiva (destroyer).  India lives in a hereditary feudal monarchy rather than a true-democracy representing its massive throngs of Poor.  The British Raj after the 1850’s split half the country into princely states until independence in the late 1940’s, but the taint still lingers.  India has mystified itself with notions of computer assistance and call centers prancing under the ballyhoo of Bollywood trailing with mismanagement by the upper-remnants of castes with a mirage of parliament scions uttering in the tongue of semi-expelled imperialists. 

The once British colony has yet to evolve through the anti-Meme-part of Gandhi as India is still a buffet of malnutrition.  America struggles with obesity as America similarly still has yet to understand the anti-Meme in some of Martin Luther King’s words.  Memes of India’s polytheism and karmic internal blame to rationalize wealth and blight for the choices of ancestors pour forth directly from a key meme akin to the first commandment which is a centrality in a parallel karmic-infused theism.  

Christianity and Catholicism spread like cannabis plants throughout South and Central America with Spanish domination plowing through “pagan” lands harvesting gold and plants in some cases on the backs of African imported slaves in lieu of natives.  What remains are natural resource farms for the northern hemisphere and squalors of dependent poverty where elements like basic water rights are sold by governments to private entities who exploit citizens in the return bill.  The sun, the land, the cocaine, the marijuana, the oil, the produce, the blood, the coffee, and the sugarcane are all saleable.

The influx of cheap migrant workers engaged in a modern form of civilized slavery have built over half the roofs in Texas and picked flat after flat of strawberries in California.  In return immigration reform is protested as the ‘criminals’ are the humans hiding in cargo containers to slip past armed wall-watchers.  The battle is really about farms and corporations keeping cheap labor and the veil of anarchy swarming the gate in drug-towns like Juarez.  This is the same as Charleston resisting ending slavery and the garnered profits or San Paulo being the last to cease slavery in the Western Hemisphere in 1888. 

The Meme sees immigrants as a lever to pit the Middle against the Poor as a marketed threat to ‘limited’ resources to distract from the Upper.  The Meme employs fake mass hysteria as prestidigitation to slip dollars and control in its pocket. Undocumented exploited Labor is a modern Jim Crow.  

The irony with modern immigration is that in both the United States and Europe the aging population of Baby Boomers approaching retirement and then death creates a need for Labor to fill a massive number of jobs opening over the next couple of decades to bolster rather than drain those economies as the domestic Middle moves up.  The industry of human smuggling created around keeping brown and black humans out will probably in the not too distant future switch because of economics.  Of course it is likely the Meme will still exploit those humans once entered, but the tone of the conversation will change and immigration reform will suddenly be politically tolerable by the Meme.

The Central and South American Poor refrain from revolution behind the promises of Madre Maria and Jesus.  Zapatistas may surface, but are crushed or starved out through political quagmires.  People are placated to be content with the nothingness while televisions are assembled for and sold in an American Walmart making a pittance rather than nothing.  Be happy with what you have and do not ask about who keeps the differential

China holds Earth’s largest atheist population.  To compensate the state adopted the communist party as a surrogate god paired with traditional religion.  The communist-state attempts to control the tone and content of media, business, and politics.  The Chinese communist party abuses human rights and conducts covert violations of the State’s laws to maintain control. 

Traditional middle age Chinese see the progress of the globe seeping into China as a positive and tend to believe in the slow change of the system having been taught to protest equals death or repression.  Youth primarily through digital technologies connecting the globe are more anxious to fight for human rights.  This is the nature of the young slowly acquiescing to the comfort of wealth accretion (more to lose) or stridently concentrating ardent fervent rebellion like aged whisky in the tenacity of a dissident. 

One can see how the State is threatened by religion in how the Chinese government treats Tibet.  China, possibly more than any place on the planet, demonstrates the true danger of the first commandment and the fallacy of any conceptual god. 

Religion is merely a mechanism to facilitate this control.  God is the vehicle to which free-will is abdicated no matter the book, clothing, or curtain in exchange for placating our fears of inconsequence to our existence on a psychological level and death on an organic one.  This includes the State.

The same apocalyptic balancing act is true for the military industrial complex and energy sectors.  The continued construction of mechanisms of war including: missiles, submarines, rifles, tanks, bullets, armor, aircraft, ships, encampments, trajectory systems, chemical agents, etc. are found irrelevant without conflict.  Look at the corporate cattle-brands on flying drones.  Fundamentally connected with this system is fuel of a controllable derivation.  There is no more uncontrollable fuel than the sun. 

Renewable energies such as solar and wind threaten theism.  As once conceived as being controlled by god, our scientific understanding of and ability to capture and provide a socialized ubiquitous font of cheap energy to the planet is stymied rather than stridently obsessed over for the reality that once the cork is removed from the genie’s bottle to transport cheap solar or wind power to the masses, trillions of dollars and societal control will be lost.  Public ownership of sun or wind farms would likely be pilfered by the Meme into private corporations as a counterbalance to the potential anarchy of dispersed prosperity. 

The same is true for water supply.  Look at California depleting its aquafers at an alarming rate drilling wells for crops.  Collectivism would organize tax incentives to put water collection stations on every roof to allow rain to fill the aquafers to grow plants.  Instead the Meme avoids cooperation and seeks inefficient solutions like desalination (uses too much fuel) or water tubes from elsewhere (water gets polluted or stagnate along the way) because these bear more order.  The Meme can own the desalination plant or the water highway of tubes but not the sky.  If every building had solar panels, a wind turbine, and water collection to a common source shared by all how would the Meme hoard profit or control?  Water is the new oil. 

One can look at hydraulic fracking for gas corrupting ground water in a similar capacity.  The practice puts chemicals into humanity’s most precious natural resource.  Denton Texas made a local fracking ban and the state outlawed the ban in 2015.  The gas companies claimed the city had to pay them for their ownership of the resource.  The Meme through the state stomped the idea of rebellion, of people’s collective action of mutual empathy for the idea of clean drinking water for a community. 

Some countries will adapt renewable sources under the meme’s zest for monetary advantage over other countries, but this is done for economic reasons to garner more control given the global market of fossil fuels in spite of the potential loss of control domestically.  This is why isolated countries like Germany or France are more likely to adopt renewable energies than oil and gas rich nations like the United States or Russia.  It is not so much that renewable energy cannot work.  It is that the Meme inside countries rich in fossil fuels prefer to sabotage, delay, and stymie renewable energy to milk the product lifecycles of compressed Paleozoic carbon for temporary wealth and power advantage rather than lose the profit to obsolescence under a paradigm shift as useless ground goop.  

If renewable energy becomes dominant, a primary rationalization for war, energy supply, will be vacated and less profitable peaceful environments will spread or be required to apportion control based on other variables.  More independent people will be less hungry to consume as basic needs of food, housing, and clothing will each be more easily met at a higher standard with cheap available reliable energy which can be farmed anywhere the sun shines, which is not owned or controlled by private parties.

Happy people are less likely to support militarized conflict or abdicate volition to a central authority.  
Desperation in a people leads to lower labor costs, tolerated product quality standards, and thresholds of circumspection to those offering wares.  War and crime are therefore intentionally kept as a specter to maintain a sufficient threshold of fear to command obedience and maximize profit margins and with it the economic disparity that solidifies control.  If nations do not schedule or participate in military conflicts on a regular basis military budgets will seem largesse to the citizenry and this fulcrum of exploitation and control will be sacrificed. 

This is primarily done on a subconscious level.  Majorities of populations have rationalized the savior of other lands through the very annihilation of the infrastructure of those lands.  The key is the “at least it is not me” logic of a foreign war.  Better there than here.  Soldiers often believe god is on their side despite contradictions we will discuss later. 

The Meme is correlated to the current state of the Republican Party in the United States of America and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions of functional apartheid in Israel egging nuclear war through Zionist rabble subsidized as a U.S. military outpost.  This is correlated with the interconnected role of oil in the Middle East, in particular the regimes of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait in context to the United States.  Global sanctions oppose the fundamentalist Supreme Leader in Iran who operates behind a puppet secular government.  The growingly more moderate and democratic Iranian people say and do in their homes what they fear to do openly in public. 

Inter-religion turmoil from the Shiite regional dominance in Eastern (highest oil concentrated) in Sunni majority Saudi Arabia is a threat to U.S. energy supply.  This dictates Western endorsement of a plutocracy for the flow of oil despite Wahhabism being a central vein to Islamic fundamentalist slants like ISIS derailing the preponderance of peaceful Muslims.  The instances of Muhammad advocating vengeance against infidels and enemies in the qu’ran has to be acknowledged as a substantial theme in the guiding text.  Only in a healthy acknowledgement of the fallacy of vengeance by all Muslims birthing from within Islam will true Islamic fundamentalism reduce intra-faith violence.  In Iraq nationalist protests are squelched post occupation to keep the Arab Spring subdued.  The relief of sanctions with the July 2015 Iranian nuclear inspection agreement may be the oxygen for the fire of Iranian democratic ideals as money flows into the domestic economy.  Certain countries are more central to the Meme as inter-Islamic and tribal friction undulates in violence and social oppression: Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia most so due to oil.

The Meme wants to blur the lines between Zionism and Judaism and fundamentalist slants of Islam like Wahhabism and Islam.  The Meme wants to ignore the inspection and discernment of the text could be wrong or that the absolutism has flexibility.  The Meme wants the polarization to control people.  The Meme hedges right in global politics because of this including the United States. 

The U.S. Democratic Party and other global left-leaning parties have traversed ever more central in policy despite being lambasted as far-left in media cycles.  True American liberalism would be championing a single-payer universal health care system including the decriminalization of marijuana, cocaine and to a degree heroin to form intergovernmental raw materials purchasing programs with foreign governments to supply regulated distribution industries inside America. 

America would impoverish the black market distribution networks and combat poverty as a social issue through education and prison reform while encompassing addiction mediation in a comprehensive medical system focused on wellness rather than profit by using IRS adjusted-gross-income fluxing deductibles and copays.  However, none of this is even suggestible on a national stage due to the dominance of the cascading subconscious ramifications of the first commandment created by the Meme.

So many industrial mechanisms profit from the manipulation of free-will by utilizing the exponential human-consumption of limited and functionally irreplaceable planetary resources.  This includes: water, oil, marijuana, cocaine, opium, land, habitat, forests, fisheries, coal, methane, and gold etc.  To internalize the collective scientific and societal costs of such actions externalized from the individual market-players profit equations increases the risk of human volition electing to assert an internal nexus rather than the centrality of religious and political establishment. 

Few businesses will elect to voluntarily incur a tax which provides marginal benefit to the collective and substantial fiscal detriment to the individual who is exploiting the collective.  Enforceable market-laws must be established to assure the market shortcuts are encompassed in a collective profit-equation.  To not do so is self-destructive and in the best individual-interest of the wealthiest humans, absent either planetary human unsustainability or a threshold of atheism or divergent election of religious brand which the empowered cannot control.
One can see how the first commandment presents unilateral obedience to an absolute authority.  Love is promised for those who abide.  However love cannot exist absent mutual vulnerability.  Love can only exist when chosen; a choice cannot be made without free will. 

Therefore one could argue that the idea of an infallible theist-god (an interactive god as in the bible) is incapable of love.  The entity does not first exist in time.  The being always was and will be and is therefore parallel rather than tangent to time.  The god knows and is part of all that ever was, is and will be.  Therefore the god does not have the platform of choice for a before, during and after for a choice to take place.  The god does not possess the vulnerability of the unknown due to the foreknowledge of any outcome by nature of such a god’s omnipotence.

Free will is biblically presented as granted by god, yet it is the one psychological construct that such a god beyond time could not possibly possess.  Free will is an inherent balance of genes and memes being weighed in the cerebral cortex of a human or the parallel brain of an organism performed in our illusion of time inside the atomic universe.  To assign free will to such a god is anthropomorphizing the deity as one might do with a talking ocean.  The paradigm is inapplicable and can only be contrived as an illusion. 

Any perceived pronouncement would only appear as a realization by the non-deity within the illusion of the self.  The universe communicating is reflecting the motion of a constant encompassing all.  What could possibly be communicated from god / the universe always was; it did not begin after the non-deity’s question was uttered.  Revelation is an understanding unveiled in the constant all which all life in the atomic universe dances.  Revelations require the platform of time.  Any god could not exist in time.

Choices cannot be made in all-time at once.  At the moment of being made, choices are simultaneously yet-to-be made and been-made.  This displays the prelude and the epilogue outside of space-time.  Such a god would have to exist outside of space-time.  For if such a god created space-time, implying space-time has a beginning and such a god is inside space-time, then the god created itself.  This would be an infinite regress.

In a paradigm outside of space-time (where time is irrelevant) for such a god, everything that ever was or will be occurs in a single instant platform.  Therefore what we perceive as time is entirely inapplicable.  (i.e. There is no past, present, or future only what is as everything.)  Inside space-time, like a human viewing the past through light traveling from a star, the appearance of a now is an illusion dependent on vantage point of the processing unit (i.e. the brain of the viewer.) 

If one was ever to be outside of space-time and become an observer of the universe, and assuming the boundlessness or bound could be held in one’s palm, the bauble viewed would be in dimensions unfathomable by humans.  The universe would simultaneously be all width, length, height of all of the atoms as either mass or energy at all moments of time occupying every coordinate of space-time each atom has ever, is, or will ever inhabit and we (the observer) by definition would simultaneously be part of it. 

One can ponder in such scenarios that this might be held by a being called god or by a being in another tremendous loop of energy and matter to regress until such a god is uncovered.  One can fathom the infinity of there being no end.  One can fathom that the totality of energy and mass inside space-time is god, that we are that which we seek; we are god in a pantheistic epiphany of the atomic.  To ponder any is irrelevant as the result in humanity is what it is absent additional evidence despite the names attached. 

When god is seen everywhere and defined as everything, the concept of god loses all credence as what traditionally defines god.  Certainly something like the patriarchal sky-god, to borrow Gore Vidal’s term is abandoned.  When a human says, god is energy; god is love; god is the flow; god is the all; god is the universe; these are actually tautological statements of an atheist absent an implication of the god’s sentience.  The word god has lost all meaning.  Words have become flappable amorphous mutations appearing like a squeezed salve to caulk every aperture.  This treatise will use the words ‘we are god.  We are the universe,’ without any implication of sentience but in these words what is intended is that we simply are, which requires further elaboration throughout this piece.

The symbol of a soul was established as a scorecard and representation of an eternal ego documenting the record of judicial debates of elected volition.  The soul post-death is converted as a vehicle of transference to provide eternal consequence based on the ego’s need to define ourselves as a self rather than a perpetually transposing arrangement of a collective.  A soul’s culpability under the Meme is meant to act as the deciding fifty-first percentile vote for lifetimes of decision making resulting in obedience with the primary commandment and ensuring control over human volition.

The classic cosmological argument has been made to assert basically that something outside of existence must have created existence, but that regresses into an infinite loop of who caused the causer.  (How did god come to be outside of space-time?)  The concept of boundless and beginning-less space-time makes more logical sense independent if there was ever a force, presence, or god unlinked to the impetus relevant to the process.  Furthermore the concepts that everything including us is a timeless arrangement of god which is not severable on a physical level through the reality of atoms and interconnected on a spiritual level shedding space-time through what god is beyond atoms each correlate with the potential truth that we are the god we seek, have always existed and probably will always exist on both a physical and spiritual level.

If the universe always was on a platform of space-time supporting some measure of energy which was transferable into a measure of mass in at minimum the four dimensions of length, width, height, and time on an atomic level than all that ever will be always was in the allotment of that pool of energy and mass.  What comprises each of us today was in that.  Every cell of our body, assuming we are at least eight, was not present during our fertilization or birth. 

The elements in our body are shared with our planet and the atoms with our universe.  It is probably not coincidental female menstruation and lunar cycles coincide.  Our bodies are mostly water.  Our moon shifts the oceans’ tides.  We are no different.  Our evolution is from the water.

If the universe never began, then we never began.  So in when we were conceived, we were not created.  The atoms in our parents merely shifted as a half chromosome allotment gamete from each of them became our first cell.  Our parents were created from their parents into an atomic-level regress going back to the creation of the universe which never began.  The atoms in all of these bodies move in and out from living humans to any potential piece of the universe (animal, plasma, plant, mineral, light, etc.).  This has always gone on in each of us.

We are genetically our parents and to a degree we are atomically our parents for a time.  We are also a constant transposing mix.  Part of us may be shared with a shark from ten thousand years ago, an alien from a planet a billion light-years away, or a rock at the bottom of the ocean.  Part of us may be an atom in another being a million years from today. 

Atoms know not time or the limits of self.  In this way we are truly physically interconnected.  When an atom is destroyed the mass converts to energy.  That energy has the potential to once again become mass.  We are recycled temporal vessels awaiting reuse on a physical level.  On a spiritual level we are a similar constancy shed of both the atom and the illusions of time and self.

There is no self or individuality when we see the universe on an atomic level.  There is only energy and mass creating the illusion of severable organisms.  We may cease respiration.  Our cognitive function will end so that our volition is truncated with a last thought and choice, but during this life we do have volition, we do have choice.  

However as we did not come into existence at birth, we do not cease existence at death, because there is no we, there is no us.  There is no I.  There is no you.  Physically there is only the universe, the everything and what we choose to call pieces of the universe as we rearrange our atomic parts temporarily capable of wielding volition.

We only bear the illusion of individualism based on the vehicle of an organism with cognitive function allowing sensorial reception and volition.  Humans can fathom an after-life and a before-life, which may be functionally identical.  Some may imagine a heaven of beauty in a paradigm of our five senses acquired based on volition or that our biological task is that of a workbench to determine placement. 

Most people would probably treat this as a best interpretation.  We know saprogenic bodies decay in organic permanence.  What many may mean to express is an ethereal spiritual rejoining to what some dub god in a realm beyond the limited human senses in a paradigm we are incapable of fathoming, which cannot interface with our universe.  This would be a presence outside of space-time.

If there is a physical after-life one might imagine it is on an atomic level.  Maybe we are experiencing it now in an inescapable continuum as we have done before in other forms and will do again.  Our brains truncate function at death.  Therefore our grouping holding our current concept of self can never be privy to this explanation in memory.  However, as the atomic collection we held at birth is long-gone, the collection we hold at the time of our death will commensurately shift despite those atoms being in a non-breathing organism. 

So in whatever we fear of death, we have already experienced death on a physical level through our traveling circus of atoms.  What we experience as rebirth, we as an “individual” (meaning some assortment of atoms which have been part of what we think is “us”) has already moved on and into other amalgamations in the universe which may include other humans currently living or dead piloting volition. 

Under this premise the totality of energy equaling mass times the speed of light squared in the boundless universe functions like a grand finite equation.  Einstein’s equation is not the equation of everything (combining gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear force) that the Higgs particle and field of how mass is added on a subatomic level may lead or M-theory may explain, but the idea inside the current human comprehension of physics is critical.  Our universe functions on laws of math between forces.  Maybe in a multiverse other universes function off of varied math.  So the specific math is not the point.  The interconnection that the mathematical laws establish is the point.  Therefore what we are, were, and will be continues to recycle for an infinite iteration over boundless or bound space-time inside this math.  Maybe to some this finite equation defines god in a pantheistic notion.

Maybe light is not what we think it is.  Light is an electromagnetic wave, but what if light is photons mapping the extension of choice inside the theater of quantum physics?  If a particle can be anywhere in the universe, what if we in membership as an illusion of huddled particles are everywhere in the universe all at once.  We are simultaneously all choices.  We are all possible histories like a photon inside a quantum uncertainty principle reflecting the grand interconnection.

The speed of light is a constant, not relative to position in the universe.  Maybe light operates under massless laws to paint the illusion of time.  Maybe nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light, but what if we are simultaneously massless only in this biological form we cannot perceive it, yet we are it.  Maybe that is what death reveals?  Maybe in meditation like a refracted light ray through a glass of water altering our view of reality we are more aware of a small bit of it, all light (choice) bumping into each other in this constancy. 

The entire unbound universe, does it move?  What of infinite mass, all the energy of atomic everything, does this balance all mass moving in constancy so that at the speed of light squared equates to stillness.  Nothing could ever view this, but maybe it simply is.  Maybe we as everything are in constant motion and constant stillness.

If our spiritual reality is truly independent of space time it would make sense that E=Mc2 attempting to explain space-time could not account for the parallel spiritual journey with variables that include space-time.  What if we do not transfer between the two, but we are constantly both.  What if the constancy of each balances the other like Newton’s law of reaction involving the entire atomic universe with the spiritual universe based on equilibrium beyond comprehension?  What if in so many ways this was the mathematical proof of science and faith?  Who knows?

Our false experience of living and deceased self would be irrelevant to this constancy.  What would be relevant is that each universe simply always is.  In this understanding we can quit searching to reach a place we already and will always inhabit.  Only the we is the universe and our self is merely an illusionary combination of a parcel moving inside the atomic universe mirrored in an identity-less whole within the spiritual universe. 
The x-factor in these iterations is volition.  Even an ant has a manner of volition, despite adherence to pheromones.  Does our volition matter to a presence beyond space-time?  Even if our volition does matter, why is it important that we as humans be concerned with the whim of such a potential presence or our collective judgment of our individual self beyond the harm we do to our self as a member of that collective?  The Meme certainly is obsessed with volition as the nemesis to all human culture.

If that presence (god) cannot interface with space-time, then any theistic religion is an unproven hypothesis.  The specifics beyond human assumption that “moral” is preferable to such a god are entirely guesswork.  To go further without evidence is detrimental and a goose chase. 

One might think it better to set the unanswerable aside as hypothesis rather than conclusion and simply be the good for intrinsic ration.  This is atheism.  Some may costume the idea as agnostic deism, but this requires the faith that the presence definitively exists as at minimum the creator and to a degree that the presence is not us (as in we are an arrangement of such an agnostic deist’s god.)  An atheist states there is no evidence that the presence exists.  Therefore an atheist does not conclude it or anything exists outside of space-time, but if such empirical evidence did surface, an atheist would reconsider. 

Humans are also only aware of a tiny fraction of the content in our potential space-time universe.  One can imagine our universe may be one of many like sheets of paper comprised of alternate frequencies of space-time in an infinite count.  The universes may be perpetually parallel incapable of interface on an atomic level residing in a severable platform of space-time.  If moments of tangency or forces approaching each other as the universes exist like waves were possible to affect the others, the reverberation produced may initiate the contraction of a boundless universe or produce an equally incomprehensible result.  In any of these, the hypothesis of a presence (god) outside of space-time remains roughly the same absent empirical evidence of interface beyond faith or the non-answer of agnosticism. 

One might also find that if such a presence found preference for arcane or harsh elections through volition, one might prefer a rebellion through goodness.  One while living may think this was desired by god, but in truth angered god.  One might also find despair at such a presence’s ambivalence in a similar manner the way humans may have, do, or will pray to the sun, moon, or rock formations.  In each iteration what we may actually be worshiping is the human-ego.  To anthropomorphize god into a mirror of us and assume that such a presence would think and operate in a human-paradigm is the ultimate solipsistic arrogance to see humans as special or pertinent.  Jesus as a full human and full deity is the ultimate example of the human-ego embodying god and the Meme’s hunger for human specialness.  If such a god exists and was to manifest in the atomic, why would such a god utilize a human form? 

Human hypothesis on god is a confusing spectrum which creates apples to oranges comparisons for this treatise.  The first commandment assumes an interactive god, which is a greater leap then the typical agnostic not-sure abiders to the classical cosmological argument entertain. 

The idea that god is the universe, energy, or exists in some dimension beyond human comprehension outside of space-time incapable of or choosing not to interact with the human universe is a possibility no human should have the audacity to bear knowledge of existence or not.  Definitively asserting to such or the nonexistence of such represents a grand arrogance.  However, there is no evidence that such a god outside space-time exists or that belief in such a non-interactive god is in any way relevant to any human choice or activity.  Therefore stating nonbelief absent definitive evidence is atheism.  Maybe that is not an encyclopedia’s or your definition of atheism, but it is what I go with (who knows?)

The partitioning of the idea that one should place value in faith (i.e. a good in belief in a non-empirically-evidenced presence in or outside of space-time) is a manipulative tool of the Meme.  This distorts volition to make malleable humans.  One is to believe that one may regret the absence of such faith post-death or in the future.  This implies vengeance and insecurity that mirrors humanity, not the logical inference of a symbolic ego in a presence attributed with the creation of life and the laws of the universe.

The point of this treatise is not to argue whether any deist-style god outside of space-time exists, only that if one did not, human activity would result in the same end if the god did.  Basically any form of non-interactive god is irrelevant on our known paradigms.  Behaving to please or interface with such a being is moot and a waist of precious time given there is no evidence that such a being exists, has preferences, or what those preferences are. 

Many humans may assume we should treat others the way we would like to be treated with peace, love and a cognizance of our interconnection.  Whether this pleases such a conceptual god or not, may or may not matter, but as far as humanity is concerned this seems like a decent recipe for a better world for all.  One could imagine an inverse altruistic compensation system: hurting equals heaven and helping equals hell.  If a god utilized such consequences would one’s definition of moral change?  Is such relative morality not the Abrahamic lesson with Isaac?  A soldier of the state or jihadist retains morality in such ways inside the Meme.

To imagine an omnipresent omnipotent voyeuristic god is to imagine a neurotic capricious power-drunk authoritarian swapping from friend or foe depending on compliance with arcane dogma.  This is just the kind of representative men who grow to run countries, militaries, and multinational billion-dollar corporations harvesting the volition of humanity would install as it is reflective of the patriarchal qualities required to accomplish such domination based on the parallel lie of a verified deity. 

The culpability for the macro level decision trees to enact such events is diffused through so many wills that whistle blowers are treated like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning and thrown in prison.  Those murdering and violating constitutions are consistently pardoned behind the veil of statehood.  Holding national security administration officials, pedophile priests, congress, or multinational chief executive officers and prominent shareholders accountable is far riskier to the Meme. 

Conviction shines light on the exploitation of human and civil rights and defalcating trillions in the global economy by religious and governmental control systems.  Sentencing a man to a life sentence or death for one gunshot or the theft of two-hundred dollars at a convenience store is standard practice.  Imprisoning humans for systematic hatched-plans resulting in the distant death of thousands or the exploited profiteering or direct fraud of billions of dollars is considered obscene inside the Meme. 

The key variable is the direct versus indirect linkage of cause and effect.  The subconscious mind acquiesces to distance ourselves from being animals to become holy-images made in the likeness of god.  We are hesitant to investigate multi-level causations.  The Meme encourages this reluctance.  Doing so risks unraveling society and diving into the things we would be more comfortable not seeing under the surface of our minds.
One is taught a foul manner of love by the first commandment.  Like an abused spouse one is taught to be the submissive for the dominant.  We engineer ourselves to be masochists.  Those slipping behind the curtain or passively working in the industries of public safety, energy, finance, agriculture, housing and healthcare etc. intertwine good intentions with perpetuating a system of control and exploitation. 

This is done with soldiers taking orders under the auspice of protection when the conflict is often manufactured, futile, or a divergent objective rather than the human aid that prompts fire fighters to rush into burning buildings.  This is done with doctors concerned for their patients performing surgery under hospital administrations with ramped costs in every pill, medical device, and administrative fee inflating the system blamed on elements like free-care for the Poor and frivolous lawsuits. 

This is done with every oil roughneck running pipe for crude to make ends meet for his family, while that rig does not encompass its full environmental impact into its profit equation included in its owner’s stock price or OPEC government’s people’s best interest.  This is done with every police officer not speaking up behind the blue shield on the streets and in incarceration facilities when the line between civil authority and tyranny is crossed. 

This is done with the disregard for usury laws in complex derivative investments defaulting to taxpayers in times of convenience and stockholders in times of luxury.  Excessive interest is based on the difference in rates for access to capital that banks borrow from governmental reserves and then charge the public.  

This is done with tax subsides of corporations selling fighter jets to governments.  This is done with farm bills incentivizing mono-crops of corn and soybeans using GMO hybrids to subsidize a fast-food culture demolishing our health and healthcare system at the expense of the nutrients in our soil and depleting our acquirers.  This is done with fines for a foreign corporation polluting the entire Gulf of Mexico less than the profit that company makes in an annual quarter. 

This is done with minimum wages adjusted for inflation less than fifty years ago and shrinking.  This is done with auditors sanctifying the accounting.  This is done to consolidate the measure of wealth retained by those in control and expand their power while avoiding uprising at every turn.  This is done to maintain the hierarchy evolving to do what the Meme we have installed has instructed us to do so that we do not revert to anarchy.

For the god of the first commandment is a paranoid god, incapable of true love.  So are those that use this commandment to their advantage.  Look at the panic in the stock market evaluating in a frenetic pulse.  Prices fluctuate based on rhetorical sentiment and large scale overly simplified rationale despite hyper-evolution of nanosecond computational algorithms to consummate buy or sell decisions which are so often independent of human intervention and supposed to be correlated with the actual audited financial statements of the entity. 

The price of oil on the planet is explained as increasing not on supply and demand, but on temporary exploitable panic to explain the price the market can extract.  Like the medical system it does not matter what the product costs to provide, the crucial variable is how much the cartels holding the industries hostage get humans to sacrifice before either a member of the cartel jumps ship to lower their price for temporary advantage, massive rebellion ensues, or an energy paradigm shift occurs. 

OPEC and industries will create shortages to maintain this type of control.  The human detriment of fuel or a drug absent from the marketplace for the short-term is small consequence to the long-term profit-potential of a sustainable market where everyone is happy with their larger piece because of commiseration.  Political stories of the day are spun for the industry to extract more deeply.

If one does not believe this to be true simply look at the most profitable industries on the planet and one will see finance, energy and pharmaceuticals.  Certain industries have more precarious free market variables, which lead to higher public subsidization, which leads to higher profit opportunities to hide this reality.  An industry’s profit potential is often directly correlated with the level of fear the industry commands when players, including governments, consider the consequence of its potential absence.  This is to some degree the definition of a price. 

Health is not a free market good.  Healthy humans do not indulge in additional healthcare for recreation.  The polarity of healthcare is reversed from the traditional free-market economy.  Banks borrow money from taxpayers and lend it back to us at exponentially higher rates.  Energy companies extract finite planetary assets and should be held as a form of caretaker of that resource, yet so often behave as if management owns the planet and should not be held accountable to that role when found to be negligent by the social and legal contracts of caretaker whether it be Alaska or Bhopal.  If management owned the planet the liability for the long term damage done to the asset owned would also be on the balance sheet of that entity.  They are not; the taxpayers (citizens of the Earth) retain the preponderance of liabilities, the stock-holders retain the profits.

Energy, health, and public safety are false free-markets.  Purchasers do not really have choice; only an illusion of choice.  The price per gallon at the gas pump is a relative uncontrollable purchase.  The price for medical care is not communicated beforehand or often an option.  Citizens cannot veto the purchase of a missile, its firing, or the wage of the humans facilitating its launch.  The majority of the U.S. and global economy operates in such prestidigitation of quasi-choice. 

The arrogance to ignore these interconnections under the Meme is to assume the reign of god on Earth.  (i.e. We (humans) are not choosing these consequences, but this systematic output is the result of something outside humanity (god).)  This is the essence of the unloving that the first commandment instills.  The god is put before the others.  Jesus attempted to clarify this with the golden rule.  However in the books he also claimed to be the infallible god purported to espousing the initial commandment.  Jesus cannot disconnect the contradiction. 

The lesson of the first commandment is love for these reasons.  If we love ourselves and others innately for who we are on a universal level, not what we are convinced that we are filtered through the idea of self, then we can shed the divisions of religion, race, gender, politics, education, and ethnicity to see bare humanity including the core risk shared by all living beings without panicking into chaos as we conduct our biological journey. 

This is made more difficult by the concept of a partial god beseeching our mental labor to segregate redefining love as something that is not love.  Our volition is watered-down into bloodless wine until we are a besotted lot sabotaging our happiness for the enrichment of those profiteering off the Meme’s perpetuation.  All of this is done into bank accounts most of us will never witness.

This leaves little doubt that we (all life) are the god referred to in the commandment, but this does not make us god.  All correlated blessings and punishments, roles of oppressors and oppressed, we do to ourselves.  This is human love’s contract flawed and frangible not to exploit, but to install order under the surface, which is why we as a collective super-organism choose over and again continued participation.

We invent a mixed image of god’s absolute goodness.  Absolute evil is thrust into the construct of a devil to rationalize godly love.  Disassociating perniciousness from god and transplanting such elections into the character of satan bifurcates the volition of god.  A perfect (i.e. sinless) god is thus functionally inept of this duality, yet if such a convenient machine as the devil is available, such an instrument’s viability is a function of god’s allowance.  Such a device would be limited to a paradigm tangent to humanity.  Like a nuclear launch button, omnipotent god need only figuratively press for any such anti-god’s encapsulation of evil to be obliterated.

Therefore, one cannot disavow this god of culpability.  Attributing perfection and benevolence to such a loving Lord-god are problematic.  This is choosing to see a portrait with one eye closed or to view the image from the waist up.  The god might have a head, torso, arms, but no genitals or legs.  Biblical tomfoolery may imagine a back of angel’s wings and goat legs.  Each party may own a gonad.  There may be a halo of horns and hand holding a pitchfork-harp etc.

This anthropomorphized amalgamated holy-monstrosity is but preposterous to imagine except for the human demand to see portioned flocks of angels and devils serving as enslaved-militias for masters bearing the ideal of each set of personified absolutism. 

The sooner humanity sees the nonsense in play; the sooner we take the reins on the runaway carriage of our volition before we careen into the valley of extinction.  We plunge in a democracy based on assumptions that a single vote makes no difference.  Negating our volition to negligible contribution bonds humanity with shackles in a burning prison.  We must awaken to what our volition truly is on a universal level.  The crux is visualizing that no key need exist.  Our collective participation to prioritize our mental/spiritual journey usurping the Meme’s grip on our so often arbitrary physical journey is our charge