Friday, August 28, 2015

10) Prejudice: The Meme: What and Why We Are

10) Prejudice (insecurity)
[You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.]

What we hate is a mirror of who we are and more directly our fear of shedding the ego to engage in self-actualization.  If there was not some piece of us reflecting in the sentiment, the reaction would be impotent rather than rile our fervor.  Such despise has little to do with the object, person, or action sensed, but with the internal compass we choose.  Killing, fucking, violence, death, birth, embrace, encouragement, loving are a spectrum to which we find repugnance or compassion based on the security in our identity as part of the universe.  Disgust is the inverse image of self-identity of a healthy self-actualized person or the repressed desire of one who displays a façade to costume one’s core. 

First-world Christian heterosexual white-males have been stationed at the apex of the Meme for most of the world’s A.D. recorded history due to the possession of superior technology over competing cultures sustaining the nature of patriarchy perched on white privilege.  Some party has to be held at the top of the Meme, changing or diversifying that status is anti-Meme.  Race, ethnicity, religion, and gender alone do not determine status, but they often exclude one from being permitted to enter such supremacy competitions inside the Meme.  The anti-Meme does not utilize such surface demarcations. 

This position makes more first-world white-males insecure.  A human afforded such advantage at minimum subconsciously knows he is no more or less deserving of such status as any other iteration of human.  This confliction ranges from angry, self-entitled, judgmental, oblivious, to guilty.  The ability for humanity to conquer the Meme requires white straight males to recognize the advantages the Meme lottery win he was born with does not negate his accomplishments, but recognizes the step-stool he has been afforded to reach the shelf he accesses such accomplishments.  So often that stepstool has been the alternatives in gender, race, and sexuality crouched in curved spine bracing the weight of his prosperity. 

Opinions of who one is make it difficult for an individual to segregate one’s core personality from how one might differ if these fundamental variables of personhood were altered.  The anti-Meme asks those with white-privilege to comprehend first that it still exists and what white privilege is.  This is especially true for the role of the white American liberal as part of the anti-Meme in evolving the Meme.

It is probably imperative that well intentioned white liberals in the path of attempting to understand and participate in prospering a greater manner of equality and justice in the evolving social reality of people of color that it is a prerequisite to start from a place of foundational structural ignorance.  There is a base of knowledge that no matter what one witnesses, no matter what one reads, no matter who she or he speaks with, no matter who enters his or her family, no matter the racial identity of her or his children, no matter who her or his friends are, the white skin one’s genetics afford her or him provides a separation from understanding the basic reality of any manner of the systematic struggles of people of color with which one would attempt to participate in addressing as an ally. 

That mental step back acknowledges the precipice of white privilege on which one stands.  For many people in a white privileged position that same ignorance of what alternative derivations of a racial reality encompass on a lifelong basis precludes them from understanding the depths to which white privilege exists and how it affects America and the globe.  See the Meme in the American Republican Party as a prominent example. 

The role of an ally after listening before speaking in most public forums is to be vocal in certain private ones.  Many whites have heard the most racism in his or her life in all white environments, where one knew the shit being said would not be said if there were a person of color present.  Some of it overt, some of it an insinuation or a comment that may have hurt the individual and was torn between pointing that shit out or letting it be.  The insinuations can be a pseudo intellectualized circumstantial discomfort to avoid the overt.  The Meme avoids the overt and hides in passive aggressive implications.  The Meme then discourages multistep causal or motivational analysis.

The post 1960’s Meme does not directly say I hate black people.  I am afraid of black skin more than white skin.  One says that hair, that thug-look, that hip-hop.  The Meme airs a perfumed farcical non-equivalence bantered in rhetoric rather than fact.  Statistics, education, and truth are avoided.  This is the Meme.  This may be in a joke by a relative, a just-the-way-it-is comment.  The anti-Meme white liberal directly confronts the comfort of the speaker of such comments in these all or vast majority white environments.  In public ones the white liberal waits in silence acquiescing retort to the volition of the person of color and supporting where directed, but making a best attempt to recognize what white privilege is by understanding the proper arena of when to speak at the forefront.

The greatest role of the white liberal ally may be to speak in these alcoves of the problem where people of color are absent by the nature of the cowardice of the actors of overt and more subtle racist, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic intolerance in these almost purely white or Meme-apex derivation environments.  The passive allowance of such comments to keep people comfortable is a huge part of the problem.  As the Meme declines in time, generationally we can see the openness of younger generations pointing out prejudice in this way to eradicate the pernicious weed.

One of personal American whiteness does not know and never will.  The ignorance is carried by the nature of a European colonized America that terrorized and enslaved people of color to create massive amounts of wealth precludes one from getting a place at that table to speak.  White men get first dibs in the Meme.  Look at Congress, a sea of primarily white men dictate the laws on women’s reproductive rights and on basically pretending white privilege and its cascading effects on our educational, economic, healthcare, domestic security, infrastructure, and social systems do not exist or if they do exist they are downplayed. 

At the root every human knows racism is bullshit birthed out the fear of having someone else who they do not identify with be in power.  So as part of the Meme people have traditionally picked others who look and pray like they do to be in charge.  This is a vastly inefficient form of governance and explains most of humanity’s problems.  The evolved path is to a level of human empathy that transcends our physical reality for a spiritual one that transcends religion, government, gender, race, sexuality, and ethnicity for a common interconnected humanity as a part of the universe daring to capture what we are as beings, not the petty crap we argue over for the short time in these bodies. 

When we have the murder of Michael Brown, the quicker flinch in the reaction of the white cop probably comes from some buried sentiment in the white consciousness that in a scenario where the most obvious differential variable a police officer evaluates is race; that white cop’s fear surfaces and factors into his crime.  There is an underbelly of fear that affects American politics that somewhere white people in government encourage racist systems to perpetuate because of guilt about the Meme’s history of slavery and black equality might surface prospering a manner of recompense paid by the ancestors for the sins of the progenitors. 

That sin is felt in the nature of bearing such white privilege and the resulting resistance to acknowledge the privilege’s existence.  It is born in the cascade of the foundation felt in the way even a white-face transported into modern America has a layered benefit that a multi-generational black or brown American is not afforded.  That disparity is where a white liberal may sense the palpable macro-level fear in America which prevents much of the intimacy of having an honest discussion on race and the systematic changes still required in modern times to address the nature of what humanity has created to weaken ourselves by failing to embrace that level of human empathy to transcend our physical reality for a spiritual one that recognizes what we truly are and manifests in direct legal systematic changes in opportunities for education, affordable housing, and fair arrest, conviction, and sentencing ratios based on facts independent of race. 

The man said, “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.  Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.  Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”

Two thousand humans in Nigeria, a dozen in Paris, terrorism, murder, shameless evil and disparate global reaction; why: racism, classism, money inside The Meme.  Boko Haram indiscriminately razed human flesh like a slaughter house and over three thousand structures. 

Boko Haram wants an Islamic state forbidding Western society.  Assholes in Paris killed cartoonists for mocking the sacrosanct.  Free speech is threatened.  World leaders marched with almost four million people in the streets of France.  This was a multi-cultural solidarity, but it was primarily a white-washed solidarity as Europe risks the scent of Nazism rising to persecute Muslims in a twist of what America and Israel do to the state of Palestine in modern Germany and France.  The same persecution of Muslims in Islamic majority countries is seen as a given beyond such protest.

Traditional racially and predominate Christian homogeneous European nations are having their social and political systems rattled by the nature of diverse influx from immigrants shifting the preponderance of that homogeny majority.  The Arab Spring from Tunisians sailing into Italy to the spectrum of Syrians flooding Turkey at the root is that people want what they think they are comfortable and that is a lack of change and a preservation of power consolidated into people who look and pray like they do. 

The coverage, the response, of the divergent values the Meme places on a human life is so blatantly evident if the juxtaposition of fields of dead black bodies and an office of a few white ones getting canonized treatment with a t-shirt and pencil campaign, which although important, feels sadly just like another thing white people have stolen from black people.  Michael Brown and Eric Garner were murdered by police, whether that is a form of terrorism that is a debate to be had, but if we want a world where we really believe all lives matter, that black lives matter on equal footing than disparate global reactions to these two events cannot be inversed to the heinousness of each event. 

We must face the generational history of thousands of murdered people of color at the hands of state sanctioned authority over hundreds of years.  We must see the mutation of slavery plantations through Jim Crow to the modern privatized American prison system with disparate conviction and sentencing rates by race.  Humanity must spiritually and politically change to become the anti-Meme.

The Meme says what happens in Paris could touch white people, could touch the safe European homes the Clash once sang, commerce could be affected.  The Meme cannot have that.  The Meme is pro-religion but the dominate religion in that country and segregates different rules in the superfluous-human natural resource extraction countries the Meme uses to maintain global dominance.  Nigeria is treated as a natural resource depository by the Meme.  So the lives of the two thousand count less than the twelve by the Meme.  It is the program; the globe is not even shocked.  It is crazy and sad, but it is not surprising. 

Fundamentalism will cause our extinction if left unchecked.  Any being that thinks a book or a badge gives him or her a carte blanche for violence is our extinction staring us in the face of our group failure of empathy.  Religion fosters violence when specificities in that religion require divisiveness to substantiate the font of the religion’s self-awarded power.  This is the egg yolk of religious fundamentalism.

In June 2015 nine black people were gunned down in a South Carolina church by a white man.  If say nine white Episcopalians were gunned down by an Arabian descent human global security networks would have likely activated.  Connections would be sought and hunted.  A domestic white supremacist terrorist kills black Episcopalians, the Meme says lone mentally ill gunman.  The Meme controls panic through marketing.  The Meme spent trillions after 9/11, but this form of terrorism the Meme does little if anything.  One cannot be stopped from gunning down people in a public place.  The T.S.A., the C.I.A., none of the trillions can stop that.  It is for the preponderance and illusion of another ilk. 

The surviving family members of the Charleston terrorist victims show the dynamics of forgiveness inside of the Meme.  Some of the African Americans suffering loss from a racist terrorist seeing lines in his head echoing 16th Street Baptist at Emanuel Episcopal verbally forgave Dylann Roof almost immediately without request from the murderer.  The Meme media makes sure to blare this as the Meme is terrified of riots and reverse race terrorist scenarios.  The Meme uses the marketed image of the angry person of color different than the angry white.  Listen to Public Enemy’s “Prophets of Rage” and Bob Dylan’s “Only A Pawn In Their Game” for this form of marketing the anger of people color and how Poor whites are marketing to hate to sustain dual forms of control.  

The burden of judgment in this instance of the Meme appears to be transferred to god lightening the potential for hatred.  This assists the survivors to process injustice.  The idea of god represents a form of delayed punishment.  The anti-Meme knows there is no evidence perdition exists. 

Forgiveness is a duality beginning with the wrongdoer requesting forgiveness from a seed of acknowledgment of the pain birthed in the wronged by the volition of the wrongdoer.  For a son to forgive his mother’s murderer or a woman to forgive her rapist without the evil doer not only recognizing the echoing trauma, but fundamentally changing, any form of forgiveness is a one-sided parceled seed without soil. 

Forgiveness in a quartet of duality is always seed and soil.  Each plants a seed.  Each provides ground.  Forgiveness must be requested and forgiveness must be offered in separate acts.  The acceptance of each are separate acts.  Volition is the water to bloom the beauty of empathetic growth throughout the universe.  The wrongs of slavery are a wasteland.  The pain is a desert of black people offering seeds and the white individuals participating and profiting from the cotton-soft privileges cascading like a cumulative generational step stool choosing to be a dust bowl that hinders the world.  Turing desert into garden is the purpose of existence through empathy to acknowledge our interconnection as the anti-Meme.

Times are changing, but cell phone video of white officers holding guns to twelve year old girls in bathing suits or police headlocks asphyxiating or the boots to the skull or the bullets in chests disproportionately applied to black skin and a Confederate flag flying over South Carolina as a white supremacist terrorist murders nine black-praying humans hint at how deep the debt society has to acknowledge what white privilege is and to change by offering seeds to foster forgiveness.  To confront this is the anti-Meme.  This is speaking plainly on what slavery was economically, socially, spiritually, and emotionally and how those unplanted seeds create the barren arid pit we suffer in the present. 

Martin Luther King’s birthday was re-celebrated in the aftermath of Fergusson on January 15, 2015.  I wonder what he would say.  Would he tell us to breathe, to march, to sing?  Was his imprint in the ear of the families forgiving Dylann Roof?  Would he look at Congress and the privilege so many white citizens of this world wear like armor immune to the realities that he gave his life to foster empathy and love in recognition of what humanity could be?  Would he scold lack of voter turnout, civic activism, and lack of protest?  We are still so much a work in progress. 

If our race changed, would one still be as competent?  How would one’s education and station differ based on the cascading effects of such alterations flowing from parents of parents of parents into self?  How would ones interests change?  How would the looks of others towards one shift?  Would one have been interviewed?  Would the conversations one has been privy to in the journey of one’s life been muted or reworded?  Would anyone at the top of the Meme-pedestal really want to trade?  Would the bottom?

The thought crime of the tenth commandment of wanting what your neighbor has can be simplified to wanting to be who your neighbor is or to see one’s self as superior for not possessing what your neighbor possesses.  This includes demarcations of race, ethnicity, and gender.  These are often inscrutable possessions of biological human life. 

Humans are born either in body or mind to be these traits, which have greater or lesser value in humanity based on the interplay of perceptions in one’s environment.  The Meme wishes to order this interplay into a consistent predictable global or at least regional standard.  This is why those who first acquired the preponderance of wealth wrote the history books and never let go of the Meme.  

In his Autobiography of a Yogi, Parmahansa Yogananda wrote of his guru, “Wrath springs from thwarted desires.  I do not expect anything from others.  So their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine.  I would not use you for my own ends; I am happy only in your own true happiness.”  If we do not want what others have or to be them we lose the ego through the anti-Meme.

The Meme makes a thought crime out of wanting another’s home, which is surface.  The underbelly of the Meme is teaching us not only to want another’s goods, but to want to be like them, to want to emulate behavior, and finally to look, appear, and embody their life.  In turn the reverse is true, we are taught to not want to be like certain people or to emulate, look or appear or embody their life. 

This is the cult of celebrity, advertising products, heroes whether they are in a football pitch, street corner, you-tube video, boardroom, or holy book.  This is the defamation of the Poor, of the satisfied with what you have, of non-consumerism, of non-wanting, and of not fitting a beauty ideal.  This is the female African American hair industry.  These are distractions form the inescapable volition of the self. 

The Meme enhanced by the internet creates an inverse mirror image of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and religious persecution.  For every bridge built to cross these divides over the internet there is a troll.  Tweets, Facebook posts, electronic signature campaigns, and chain emails become stampedes to polarization whipping posts.  Politically incorrect accusations can fly in like poisonous ninja blow darts out of the fog if one is determined not sensitive enough.  The lack of a contextual prism to be dually explained can damn a human as sacrifice on the politically correct altar.

The Meme is empowered by insinuation over factual context or systematic causation.  The Meme wants us to look at the surface, make a quick assessment and resort to absolutism.  The Meme does not want gray or a person to be both good and bad or the subtlety of a subject permitted to be nuanced into the uncomfortable to bridge a greater divide.  The Meme uses identity politics and ramrod political correctness to meet this end.  The Meme does this more often in the Left than the Right.

The very people combating systematic social injustice can have the effectiveness of their attack on the Meme negated by a manner of Orwellian inverse politically correct Puritanism.  The absolutism of being dubbed as non-racist, non-sexist, non-judgmental, or infinitely tolerant can become a form of worship like seeking approval and acceptance from a form of a god.  Sensitivity can be flared like over stimulation to true social injustice.  It is as if a body has a broken leg, but every nerve fires off hiding what is worth attention and what is a distraction.  The Meme creates a sandstorm of false equivalences. 

Systematic social impact and causation is left less investigated.  Interdependence and empathy can be distanced and politically polarization enhanced.  Most often in this aspect of the Meme, huge swaths of kindness, empathy, and energy to combat the Meme from the Right are alienated in this form of rampant absolutism towards the political correct temple.  The Meme creates lightning rods of outrage to misdirect the energy of the anti-Meme.  People want to go to war, to have a face for an enemy rather than embrace the flawed collective we are.  We avoid acknowledging common weakness. 

A taxonomy of approved terms becomes mandatory for the internet or media.  One slip up is a plant shutdown.  A life can be ruined or an employee fired to avoid the taint of perceived intolerance to the associated company or group.  The context is muted for appearance.  Important social infrastructures around abortion, race, class, religion, and sex are handicapped from lack of open discourse because labels like military uniforms are shot across the bow to costume facts about finance and ethics in exchange for dogma and piety.

A released convicted felon is typically ostracized.  Employment and social interaction are adorned Hawthorne style scarlet-letters.  This variant of the Meme is most often adopted on the Right.  The accused non-politically correct offender is ostracized in a mirrored derivation on the Left.  The overreach of no apology, contrition, or explanation ever being good enough in either scenario is the Meme’s hunger for absolutism.  One can see this in how the Left is more likely to forgive a ‘criminal felon’ and the right is more likely to forgive or veraciously defend a politically incorrect offender particularly with the over-reaction of religious freedom laws to market this specter of being assaulted through sentiment. 

The ocean of pain that goes unpunished in racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious prejudice is the counterweight to the catapult to these boulder hurls of gargantuan political correctness.  The social media shit-storm to call out every phone-video or gerrymandered interview comment has a place in the dissidence required to combat injustice, but the reaction from the herd must also allow the accused to be welcomed back or to at least clarify and move forward without ruining their life. 

The anti-Meme human herd displays the empathy of context and contrition, to see the human accused of the infraction (whether political correctness or felon) as an acceptable member of the imperfect herd and not as an eternal pariah from the P.C. savannah.  This form of forgiveness and open-minded empathetic understanding is the anti-Meme.  This is to love the prisoner and in many ways the anti-Meme of Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. 

The alternative in the absolutism of ignoring the idea of reformation is a lust for concepts like godly eternal perdition.  We create a form of hell.  The diatribes of unrelenting criticism can become a discursive idolatry where the cogent and productive steps to combat actual social injustice are watered down for a religiosity to worship the ego.  The ego of the high-horse pulpit of political correctness seeks to be a mirror of the absolute good-liberal versus the absolute bad prejudiced-monster. 

This creates a new form of political correct piety to mirror the patriarchal sky-god religious piety so often at the root of what the political correctness is combating.  This is how the Meme commandeers both sides.  Christianity gets marketed as homophobic in the absolute because some people use Christian dogma to manipulate masses of people through homophobia to be more easily controlled for purposes that have nothing to do with sexual orientation or sexuality as a spectrum.  When this happens the Meme wins.  The bible does not condemn homosexuality.  It condemns sex outside of marriage through Commandment Six for control.

Christianity like Islam is about love.  Love trumps any anti-sodomy passage.  When the fundamentalism becomes absolutism where one phrase negates this greater message, this is the Meme winning.  Systematic analysis, the permission to be flawed, even a religious tome is the anti-Meme.  The anti-Meme accepts the bible and qur’an as flawed books written by humans.  The Meme cannot.  For the Meme these are the word of infallible god. 

The anti-Meme sheds thirst for absolutism, of infallibility, of perfection.  The anti-Meme sees that human imperfection is what creates the vulnerability for love to exist.  In this our mistakes become beautiful.  These are the fetid stench soil of true growth.  

True social justice comes from shedding labels of Left and Right to utilize a better mix of content, logic, and the veracity and efficacy of ideas along with the identity of the speaker in a cultural context.  White heterosexual Christian privilege exists as the apex of the current global Meme.  That cultural context is a piece of the prism of our human discourse, but not the negation or validation of the content of a human’s participation in that discourse as the entire prism.  If shifted too far we create accusatory lynch mobs where sentiment becomes the salient trait over contextual fact.  True systematic injustice can become more difficult to combat when flash mob boot camps of outrage can take out imperfect allies torpedoed by a singular verbalized error.  People are flawed.  The Meme manipulates both ends of the political spectrum.  We must broaden the horizon of empathy to embrace the fullness of the anti-Meme.

At the root of prejudice is human pain.  This is the pain that sprouts bullies, pummeling others to distance sensitivity to forms of the deep wells of hurt we all carry.  Most of us do not become bullies, but when a member of our common imperfect herd chooses such the proper path is to choose to love that bully, give that bully a space to embrace the internal pain and be loved in return in a systematic decision tree where that bully either chooses to accept being loved or continue to choose fear.  The anti-Meme requires this fundamental design in our prison and corrections systems for felons, and so to our response to prejudice inside our social media and personal communications.  Only in this do we achieve true growth to transcend the ego.

The Meme wants more than any emotion for us to be insecure.  The Meme wants us to define who we are and how much we are worth through the standards of pro-Meme society.  If morality must come from a book, rather than innate to the self, how could something so less imperative to existentialism like esteem be independent of how one feels one is perceived by others?  In this logic we have no identity, but that granted by others so in we live a significant measure of non-existence. 

The anti-Meme is recognizing that we are alone.  We are interdependent in life, but we are alone into eternity in the most joyous sense.  We have this finite illusion of time here to develop our self to make an impact good or bad to cascade not into a judgment or benefit that is ultimately selfish by leveraging salvation or perdition, but clean into the choice, the act, and the moment for its wholesome goodness. 

This alone gives us the power to do true goodness.  This goodness bears not the guilt of one’s position in the Meme attempting to pass through the eye of the needle or to please a sadist.  This goodness screams love at the universe demanding no requite.  This alone of the anti-Meme grasps one’s existence by the throat, startles our body into action to live in a weapon of unparalleled abandon in the universe. 

For in the anti-Meme, one sees today as the last day one may have not on Earth, not when convenient, but ever.  If not ever, for this cannot be proven or disproven, then one holds one’s self to the structure of a decision on the matter to live as if there is nothing beyond this speck of breathing for the arrangement we consider our self to wield this iteration of volition.  One invests the same totality whether an afterlife exists, for one has chosen and maybe delighted to be proven incorrect later, but nevertheless made the most of each day absent the vapid drain of worship and debate.

In the anti-Meme one is drawn to pay attention to one’s surroundings to see where one’s capability and availability fit into the puzzle not set upon the stage by a grand plan, but by the volition of all life including a worthy self.  Each is alone and choosing.  This majesty is the table of time knocking decision dominoes like a virus of mistakes and dumb luck to ram volition through systematic disparities to which one aids, acquiesces, and suffers. 

These are the cogs of community that life cannot be fair.  Fair is an illusion of the confluence of what one feels entitled, blessed, or cursed to endure based on the calculations of what one might experience if such fundamental accoutrements of self were different.  What if I were yellow, black, white, or brown?  What if I had a penis?  What if my genetic predecessors had copulated in a varied iterations to prompt my non-existence or if the ladder-rung combination of my combining parental gametes would have arranged in an alternative sequencing so that I was less like my older sister and more like my younger brother?  What if I knew her sacred words?  What if I was taller?  What if this subcutaneous fat did not demand this waist size?  What if my mother had not chosen suicide?  What if I had that abortion? 

These crimes of thought wanting to be who we are not or others to know what it would like to be who we feel we are parade and empower the Meme.  The anti-Meme is not concerned with appearances, what was, how tough or easy only what one chooses to do in the now.  There is this moment, what did we do with it?  What are we doing with the next in the ungraspable present?

The Meme installs cultural norms and obedience to those norms.  This leads humans to hate themselves.  We are most critical of our portrait.  We see savages at the other side of the Thanksgiving table.  We see a Jewish-Sioux parallel in the Meme conquering atheist-pagans through respective genocides.  We see the serving spoon of prejudice ladled from the cauldron of our insecurity. 

Zulu, Sunni, Incan, or Cherokee we see the anger and angst of what it is like when one’s version of the Meme (tribe or religion) is not adopted and another’s is imposed.  This masks over the original and feels unnatural.  The losing meme is dubbed pagan hocus-pocus.  The dominant meme is named religion.

This is one possible reason why African-Americans have such a strange passionate relationship with Christianity.  To some degree the negro-spiritual is another form of exploitation of the master’s meme emulating the Ubuntu Bamboula rhythms of Western Africa, but masked with Jesus. 

The black-Baptist Church typically includes musical exuberance, musical Amen’s, soul-claps, and ladies hats like crowns for Jesus.  Black Entertainment Television airs a religious singing competition reality show called, “Sunday’s Best,” which documents this partition of the Meme.  The Blues is in a way a secular offshoot of a similar musical sentiment.  

There is pain in the joy of songs linked to slavery which is inseparable.  Movies like Jumping the Broom, trace back the illegality of formal slave marriage.  Movies like Boyz in the Hood and Menace to Society examine the human suffering under the Meme and the near impossible choices afforded to the Meme’s constraints inside black ghetto America.  Tyler Perry, Spike Lee, and Oprah Winfrey have examined these striations of the African American meme on the grandest scale through media. 

This requires African Americans to own an interpreted identity by crawling out and still holding the guises of oppression and retaining a self, which one’s family may have been extricated from for generations.  This is a Pyric-type struggle, where one must almost destroy the superimposed self-identity to find self-sufficiency and prosperity inside the inescapable Meme that sends amorphous and blatant messages that one’s identity is unworthy, lacking, and fundamentally less-than based on the systematic legalities perpetuated by the history of the dominant Meme which tries to use race as a broad-brush to sweep humans into Poor-status. 

This has created an angry and endless-vagabond culture searching for inherent worthiness to see African cultural memes as good enough for global society, but more critically as worthy or non-encompassing in the self inside the Meme.  The black-Muslim communities and rage of the younger Malcolm X represent an alternative, but equally ersatz substitute for a scattered continent of so many stolen orphans. 

Black is beautiful.  Black is the most beautiful race ever to live on the planet.  It is no coincidence humanity started Black in Africa (Homo sapiens evolved in sub Saharan Africa in 200,000 B.C.) and how the Meme has traditionally treated Black people.  The universal task is to shed the self and recognize what we are.  Look at the unparalleled art of Black people: music, dance, stage, literature etc., and the history of the first great civilizations dwarfing anything Europeans could do in respective eras.  (Egyptian pyramids were built around 3000 B.C.  Much of Greek philosophy and mythology appear based on the Egyptian Mystery System.  The Meroe civilization had a modern writing system from around 300 B.C.  Sankore University was founded in 989 A.D.)  Peer into the vibrancy genuinely rooted in the origin of what humanity is repressed by the Meme. 

Black is powerful, but to the Meme, Black is a threat for change and chaos, because Black is what we all are.  Skin color is an evolutionary adaptation to the sun by a common species.  To recognize this is to see race as arbitrary, to shed the Meme’s connotations to race for a common rooted oneness.  To recognize this is to see our evolution, to see ourselves evolving as the animals we still are dating before we were black-skinned Homo sapiens tinting a rainbow of Homo sapiens.  To recognize this is completely anti-Meme.

No place on the planet may feel like home to peripatetic people denied the dignity of internal identity without the taint of the dominant global Meme.  Palestinians, African Americans, Jews, Native Americans, Haitians, Aboriginal, and other enslaved and conquered humans suffer such insult because the mental and physical concept of home was hijacked by the Meme generations ago.  The existence of the First World has prevented the isolation required for the privileged in these “pagan” lands to not take the incentives and rewards offered by the Meme through the First World for assisting the exploitation of their domestic Poor.  

This prevents and postpones self-sufficiency from developing at commensurate rates of First-World countries.  The First-World Meme will treat civil free democracy with healthy socialist controls in the Third World as a threat and deprive the nation or people resources.  The Meme will create surrogate pockets of Third World by race within First World America.  The Meme will sabotage the Third World Poor through economic dependency to the First World through Faustian bargains with the IMF, foreign governments, or international corporations.  The Meme will enforce austerity measures when the chokehold gets close to asphyxiation.  The Meme will market horrendous events of violence in the Third-World as generic Thursdays with the primary goal of encapsulating chaos to keep the First-World in line.  One can see the parallel of how the Meme markets prisons in America to how the Meme markets entire Third-World countries.

The First World Meme will see the roots to self-sufficiency in the Third World or for an exploited minority living in the First World as weeds in a greater global garden of the Meme.  The Meme pulls the weeds out and annihilates the identity, dignity, and self and societal perception of humans in the process.  The Poor are the fertilizer for the larger Meme top-percent trees.  Ferns cannot flourish.

Religion is not real, but identity is.  Even if one feels love in such manufactured faiths, if one knows the faith was handed in the same basket as an ancestor’s chain how can one ever own who one is while seeing such a god stand idle to the passage of such atrocity? 

Africa as a continent is often treated as one country (one tribe) by the Meme.  Europe, Asia, and North America do not suffer such indignities, but the nations primarily populated by the Poor do.  This was the same done with the Sioux, Cherokee, Houma nations etc.  The beautiful intricate cultures of indigenous nations are mashed together into one annihilated wiped slate.  Aboriginal people on the Australian continent suffer similar homogenized cultural obliteration.  To a degree this is true with American perception of East Asians (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese etc.)  Common physical features, as in mating, truncate thought and discernment, which is beneficial to the Meme.  This makes the Poor easier to dominate for the Meme because other humans become dehumanized in the perceptions of those atop the dominant Meme inculcating cognitive dissonance from participation in exploitation. 

Country borders are often arbitrary.  In the Meme the cultural memes of tribe, religion, patriotism, and language etc. are pertinent.  This leads one to make civil war with neighbors for no other reason but the perception of a difference which is viewed as a threat due to the individual’s insecurity.  July 4th and Bastille Day are bullshit nationalism pasted over historical revolutions long since numbed.  Globalism before nationalism.  Humanism before Globalism.  If each human on Earth could detach these attributes of their ego as pertinent there would be no wars.  Maybe if each human meditated on this detachment for just five minutes a day peace could be achieved.  Fireworks and sales of other exploding objects would plummet. 

Instead this is two men in a standoff brandishing weapons refusing to yield for lack of trust that the other will abide a truce.  The lack of trust stems from the perceived difference not an actual difference.  Both end shot in the street.  This is nuclear war.  This is the Nazi’s run amuck until sufficiently retorted.  

The prejudice breaks identity to make collective assumptions based on borders whether they are gridlines on a map, a face, or a house of worship.  Look at the list of those marched into encampments like WWII Japanese or the Holocaust, Darfur, modern Israel with the treatment of Palestinians confined in a smaller walled-away piece of land in a neurotic and despicable refracted parallel to the original German ghettos. 

Any area dubbed a ghetto on the planet can be viewed through a similar vein to some degree because of the psychology at play.  With slavery and such human-evictions and gross imprisonments, one will see the foul selfish cannibalism of the distorted insecure Meme to both repress and release the id at work.

In battling the id we see how we treat the most vulnerable Poor determines the foundation of who we are.  If we came from Sub-Saharan Africa and we are a species in denial of our origin through the Meme, it is only through a global focus on Africans empowered through equity to raise basic health, infrastructure, and educational standards assisted by the world, not in exchange of debt, but understanding that we are each other.  We are interconnected; otherwise we are merely accelerating our extinction. 
We overlay societal excuses for us acting like animals into the masks of institution and distance of interconnection.  Prejudice breeds as an excuse of one’s reluctance to oppose the Meme.  This is the horribleness of the silent majority and the apt Edmund Burke “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men do nothing,” and “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

The world would be more peaceful if we recognized the Meme attempting to establish the hierarchy of dominance as we recognized our common humanity and urge for why we act to achieve dominance.  In this step we unmask the dream-life distortion.  We see the ridiculousness and ration of religious cultural prejudice.  We see human equivalency and mitigate our fear bred by the Meme.  In this we find love. 

Thomas Paine in Rights of Man wrote, “First, that every civil right grows out of a natural right; or, in other words, is a natural right exchanged.  Secondly, that civil power properly considered as such is made up of the aggregate of that class of the natural rights of man, which becomes defective in the individual in point of power, and answers not his purpose, but when collected to a focus becomes competent to the Purpose of everyone.  Thirdly, that the power produced from the aggregate of natural rights, imperfect in power in the individual, cannot be applied to invade the natural rights which are retained in the individual, and in which the power to execute is as perfect as the right itself.”  Natural rights are independent of race. 

Whites (the top Meme-perpetrators) are often apathetic to the anarchy in the world’s ghettos and violate both the natural and civil rights of the Poor disproportionately in communities of people of color.  Whether it is the hoods of American cities or Third-World countries, the Meme keeps the cogs of the ordered-system distant.  The roles of race and ethnicity in the comprehension and discourse of the system are directed back towards self-causes rather than systemic-causes on an interconnected planet using simple lines of demarcation to install hierarchies.  To ask questions and explore why the system operates the way it does threatens the axiomatic threads of the Meme. 

Listen to Somalia and the lyrics of K’naan.  Listen to America and Yasiin Bey, NWA, and Chuck D.  Listen to England and Joe Strummer.  Listen to America and Bob Dylan.  Listen to Jamaica and Bob Marley.  Listen to Fela Kuti in Nigeria.  The list is boundless. 

How can humans socially confined in ghettos not become more violent?  The “law” systematically through the prohibitions of sun-based drugs, welfare-abortion mismanagement, and profiteer prisons erodes volition and self-sufficiency to breed apathy.  This encourages communities to stay dependent and dysfunctional.  This ostracizes and dehumanizes the Poor.  This alienates the Poor from the political process.

Even after Martin Luther King in America where voting is not restricted by race, the Poor continue to be disenfranchised on state and federal levels because the threshold to get a candidate to stand up to the Meme in such a theater is rarely if ever offered the nomination of the bifurcated heads of the one-party system.  Yes turnout by the Poor in non-presidential elections vastly affects the composition of red and blue in congress, but the representatives of the anti-Meme among the blue are rare and non-existent among the red.

The Meme requires a large exploitable underclass whether is in Detroit or Delhi.  International corporations salivate to dominate any emerging market (i.e. one that is not yet completely full of McDonalds, Texaco stations, and Coca Cola etc.).  This typically occurs by giant-Western advertising companies buying and controlling marketing in these countries to twist what locals want to wear, eat, drink, consume, etc.  Under colonial rule like in India local food plots were converted to corporate interests by selling opium to China while Poor starved.  This is no different than New York or Parisian handbags made by humans who could not buy one with years of wages or what the U.S. does with Mexico.

Look at global macroeconomics and double standards of labor in places like Bangladesh, India, and Guatemala.  We blame the Poor rather than understanding that we have collectively chosen this mimetic system to institute a world-order so that we are not chaotic solitary vagabond humans absent a system dying off hunting each other alone gasping blood-thirst to sustain an animalistic existence.

This is done through economic systems discussed under Commandment Seven and media systems discussed under Commandment Nine.  The Meme’s marketing of African American images is a busted riverbank still flooding the world since the inception of slavery to rationalize to those in privilege the cognitive dissonance and abandonment of empathy to rationalize participation, passive acceptance, and or non-confrontation to terminate slavery.  This is fundamentally spliced into word, tone, and photograph choices inside articles, newscasts, and videos ever since.  The bias is a systematic mathematical counterweight to the absence of empathy.  The internet assists in interlinking human to human to get to know each other and facilitate human relationships.  Physical conversations led by people of color help educate humans in privilege the depths of human ignorance to what it means to live in a society sculpted by the waters overflowing the banks of that generational river. 

The Obama’s may be a real life example for Millennial’s of the Huxtable’s from the 1980’s for people in privilege to conceptualize a broader spectrum of what it means to be human to combat the girth of the Meme’s marketing.  The key to the anti-Meme is to digest a common empathy on what it means to be human underneath the societal exoskeleton the Meme has grafted to the human experience.  That shell represents layers of burden inequitably applied to the respective fiscal derivations of Poor, Middle, and Upper for people of color. 

Only in the consciousness of what white privilege is and what the weight of that exoskeleton does can the proper threshold of human empathy arise.  This empathy must surface from the depths of consciousness in a preponderance of humanity to burst those layers of burden on people of color and the commensurate cognitive dissonance used to repress that empathy by Whites.  Each of these are parts of the same Meme exoskeleton.  The cognitive dissonance in Whites generated in slavery from the abject failure to relieve the suffering of fellow human beings.  Sometimes this is termed White Guilt. 

Consider a Princess and the Pea analogy.  The cognitive dissonance is the result of a pea in the mattress of comfort white privilege affords.  For whites to acknowledge white privilege is to acknowledge the mattresses, not the discomfort of the pea.  The discomfort is the guilt.  The hesitancy and the obtuse potential reaction that to acknowledge white privilege is to blame descendants for the sins of their ancestors is the over sensitivity of the princess to the pea. 

White privilege is the stack of mattresses.  The stack of mattresses is glaring and obvious to many humans, but some of us only want to focus on why the fuck a back hurts.  Some do not notice the mattresses or the pea, only the discomfort from the pea and have no clue why that discomfort produces all sorts of ridiculous persecutions and prejudices inflicted or imposed on people of color through both systematic and direct racism by the sleeper’s reaction to the pea.  The vitriol, abject willful ignorance, or insulating apathy that perpetuates such systems or protects such direct assaults is a function of the magnitude of the heinousness of slavery and the output of guilt.  The inability to see or address this is the cognitive dissonance in that Meme exoskeleton.  

The mattresses exist whether or not one’s ancestors ever owned slaves based on the manner in which one’s cumulative bloodline was and one’s self is perceived in society.  How many mattresses someone with privilege has can be a direct result of owning slaves in the forms of inherited wealth, but simply having white skin is a form of mattress.  This evolution of empathy is required to combat and postpone human extinction. 

A common Meme assertion by someone in denial of white privilege (the mattresses) might sound like this Facebook post I read, “I am offended that everyone is offended by something.  I’m offended that because I’m a white male, people automatically classify me as privileged, regardless of knowing where I’ve come from or what I’ve been through. I’m offended that our First Amendment has turned into freedom of speech [just as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings]. I’m offended that people assume I’m racist because I believe in economic development by way of Capitalism and a free-market economy.

I’m offended that people who are too afraid to ask for food stamps, disability, or unemployment (because they don’t want a handout) are probably the ones who could use it most, yet the majority of recipients who do in fact receive handouts abuse their “privilege” and continue to make frivolous purchases.

I’m offended that people care more about taking down an outdated Confederate flag but don’t get riled up when their American flag is being burned in the street. I’m offended that people care more about blocking homosexuals from getting married than fixing their own, broken and unstable, heterosexual marriages. I’m offended that fast food workers get paid more than soldiers yet still expect to get paid more than nurses.

I’m offended by people who claim how offended they are, while they do nothing but gripe about it on their phones or laptops, when they could be writing or calling their respective representatives to actually get something accomplished. I’m offended by the lack of initiative, hard work, and tenacity in this country. I’m offended by complainers who pity themselves and just want to take as much as they can. I’m offended by those who have in fact “made it” yet are too rude to give back to the communities in which they’ve come from.

I’m offended by people who vote for a person based on the party they represent, the race or gender, age or a religion of a candidate… instead of how the candidate proposes to address each issue, respectively.  I’m offended by people who aren’t open-minded and think they’re always right, no matter what. I’m offended by people who don’t listen and read and legitimately try to understand unfamiliar concepts before brushing them off. I’m offended of what our country has become.

I don’t claim to know solutions to these issues… eventually maybe we will. I just pray that we can one day change our country for the better. And hope that our offenses can turn into progress.”

This is an example of the Meme and the anti-Meme in a real human.  The themes of personal freedom and responsibility, patriotism, religious faith, race, social assistance confront the idea of the ego and the empathy of recognizing interconnection across a myriad of points of tangency as the Meme continues its decline.  The apex Meme character here feels attacked as if a lack of economic or other privilege can disqualify white privilege.  It can’t.  Racial privilege exists through the systemic history of the Meme described.  The mattresses are there.  Maybe this human has only received one mattress, but that mattress exists where even President Obama did not get that mattress.  Obama has a white mother, but even biracial Obama is perceived as black.  It is not about blame; it is about the empathy created in acknowledging the mattress.  The Meme wants a person in white privilege to misconstrue the pursuit of empathy is about blame for slavery.  The Meme will say, “I was not there.  None of us were.  Let’s move on.  I’m not responsible.”  This is the ego. 

The person is not homophobic or racist; the person is a loving human, but the benefits from white heterosexual Christian male privilege in the Meme exist.  The empathy is not to claim to understand what it is to be homosexual or colored or female or all of the above, but to acknowledge sometimes a flag or a statue has to be taken down, systematic corrections made, word choice has to be identified as perpetuating the suppression of acknowledging privileges which hinder our collective ability to manifest the empathy so necessary to the purpose of our existence and to a lesser degree our survival.  Systematically disparate arrest, conviction rates, and length of sentencings cannot be correlated to race.  The connotations of the words Jamal and Jason cannot shuffle resumes into separate piles.  This is the Meme.

In relating the music-meme to the prejudice meme to examine how certain perceptions are shaped, corporate radio playlists are particularly pernicious in minority communities where gangster rap, which was once a font of frustration with the Meme, was twisted in on itself as a tool of the Meme to reinforce stereotypes and behavior of an inescapable repression.  Gangster rap lost the uprising and political activism of Bob Marley and Public Enemy and became an economy of farce with corporate sponsors. 

The intellectual contribution of gangster rap making cash-money millionaires is emblematic of NASCAR drivers festooned with stock-ticker patches claiming to relate to the F150-driving buck-hunters in the parking lot spawned from the rebellion of bootleggers fighting prohibition.  Maybe one day the Meme will come full circle and find corporate sponsors to recreate a version of the 1980’s Dukes of Hazard moonshine running rebel flag Dodge in orange, but the layer of racism and manipulation of Poor whites inside the Meme through the Confederacy might be too blatant and sacrifice Wall Street profits.  After Dylann Roof the Confederate flag finally got the full politically incorrect contraband taint it had long deserved to bed its malignant linen closet with the Nazi cloth.  The general public became that bit more aware of the taste and aroma of the Meme’s systematic racism and white privilege due to the murders. 

The gangster-rap industry focuses on wealth, glamorizing the prison system as a surrogate family, domestic violence and remains a surface level self-degradation of ghettos as a badge of honor.  This musical-meme merged with raunchy sexual overtness to become hybrid pornography of ass cheeks and gun barrels.  The lack of a living-wage in employment which does not require advanced certifications holds a mental scale of wealth acquisition between drug-prison culture and minimum-wage struggle with various strands of governmental assistance.  This prospers legacies of dependency rather than uprising pacified by a false revolution anesthetized by the greed of marketed fool’s wealth adulating the ego rather than revolutionary spiritual empowerment of community at the heart of true hip hop. 

The pacification of the welfare state makes offspring into pay-raises which emboldens the sexual-Meme often redirecting the angst of the middle class against the Poor rather than the upper class.  Humans are pardoned from partial fiscal responsibility for volition to the all mighty gene-replication cult.  Babies are held as tributes to absolutism.  Abortion occurs but is not empowered with the true volition of economic consequence as discussed under Commandment Five.  Males are neutered as feckless-providers creating arks of single-mothers with too few healthy father-figures to rise above the tide.  Meme propaganda through disparate economic engineering of the welfare and incarceration systems create more rather than less absent fathers in poor families as parents navigate the Meme.

Volition can be elected if a quarantine of stability can fertilize an individual’s education.  Such serene alcoves most often require strong families, which the cycle tends to destabilize.  Ultimately humans need to eat, have a home, health, and respite.  Welfare, food stamps and housing assistance address these needs in America better than most countries.  The issue is when someone from outside a ghetto, afforded a threshold of stability cannot find self-sufficiency through gainful employment even after obtaining a college degree, then what hope does a human without that initial stability have? 

This is why Meme systems, which do not address what humans need to self-empower on a basic level fail our species.  This is why systems like the Meme, which in reality if the complete interconnections of why we do what we do are dissected, actually exacerbate poverty rather than seek to eliminate suffering.

Are there fewer murderers because criminals know they might be killed if caught?  One would gather yes to some degree.  However defaulting to the base-level surface response of physical violence through the Meme is short-sighted.  A true death penalty would be the option of suicide or terminal non-stimulation.  This way the penalty sheds hypocrisy.  The murderer continues to own his or her volition to kill knowing the presence of choice now extends into the self. 

The alternative is a prison organized on a national level with no visitors, no reading (including religious tomes), no writing, no television, and no news of the outside world.  There is rudimentary food that will keep a human alive with a basic threshold of nutrition.  No shaving only a barbershop run by the guards where beards and hair are shaved completely while handcuffed once a month (male and female).  No weights, no basketball, time in the sun, no paper, no pens, and no music.  The option of self-administered helium suicide is available on request after a week waiting period. 

Broadcast the boredom of the end of the line prisons on an internet channel around the world and in every other U.S. prison as threat for disobedience.  Give regular prisons access to the web-based educational system through self-directed videos on skills, job training, history, language, roots of crime, empathy, etc.  Flood the environment with learning self-sufficiency through media, art, music, discussions, counselling primarily through digital paradigms to lower financial costs, coordinate this with a segregated offshoot of the Facebook of Learning discussed in Commandment Eight tailored to help prisoners.  

Show the anti-Meme.  We are animals, but we retain our civility.  Prisoners are not tortured or malnourished.  They are simply ignored and left to the echo of their internal thoughts and the limited exchange with fellow prisoners with no hope of parole.  The very presence of such a web advertised prison changes the paradigm.  Society in turn can become more humane by avoiding hypocrisy.

The investment in making regular prisons more humane and the alternative sterile option would naturally reduce recidivism and likely pay for itself.  Look at what Norway does as a semi real world parallel.  Given options a human who currently perceives no options is more likely to reform than volition abdicated to a black hole.  The United States has to decide would it rather spank the child or allow the child to learn how to choose self-sufficiency by a prison system demonstrating empathy that recognizes a common humanity.  A human who has done a horrible thing more often than not does not encapsulate that human as unsalvageable.  The Meme seeks absolutism such a revised prison system would be anti-Meme. 

Mandatory minimum sentences expand disparate racial disparities in prisons evident in sentencing and conviction rates.  These laws are a perverse form of affirmative action due to the nature of perception of a crime rather than societal damage.  Private prisons benefit from such Meme policies.  The GEO Group, Management Training Corporation (MTC) and the largest Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) profit in the millions.  States sign contracts with private prisons in which taxpayers pay for unused beds. 

Taxpayers are effectively fined for low crime rates.  Sheriffs in local jails like in Louisiana, the world’s highest per capita incarcerated population, profit in a similar manner to keep heads in the beds.  Slavery is pro-Meme.  These types of prohibition-driven incarceration factories are the modern-Meme slavery equivalent.  The plantation mutated.

Affirmative action would not be necessary without the fearful insecurity of the tenth commandment.  We create a prejudicial policy to combat prejudice.  This is akin to the death penalty to kill people who kill people to prove that killing people is wrong.  The innate hypocrisy will always leave such policies as marginally effective supporting actors in the progressive history of humanity. 

Affirmative action brings opportunities to humans who simply would not have them.  Targeted grants based to any college are better than admissions quotas.  Today’s affirmative action is about financial opportunity, not steps of the University of Alabama with bigots denying qualified students.  The true victory is to make grants based on wealth.  Unfortunately the racial disparities in wealth will most often serve the same purpose absent the taint of hypocrisy.  Ending affirmative action because of this evolution would honor MLK and Homer Plessey far more than seeing the policies as a permanent necessity.

Affirmative action will never work in private sector employment.  The assertion that qualified candidates in 2013 only got to where they are because of race is damaging.  However, there are a lot of racist people on all sides.  The innate Meme compulsion for a human to surround him or herself with other humans who look and pray like she or he does exists at the Meme’s pursuit of order (what is perceived by the ego as safe) over chaos.  Maybe America is not to full release yet, but at its root affirmative action is pro-Meme.

Sweat on a labored scrotum on black, brown, yellow, or white skin acts the same.  Soaked perspiration in pubic hairs drenches underwear.  The open air as a man urinates releases coolness.  An evacuated bladder sheds the heated liquid waste.  The Meme would like us to believe there is a difference in the temperature of the bodies as if we are not common animals.  “There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man’s notion that he is less savage than the other savages.”  Mark Twain

We see the black skin of the R.U.F., Siad Barre, and Mohammed Farah Aidid.  We see Rwanda, Chad, Darfur, Uganda, Kenyan elections and Eldoret churches.  Somalia is hacking neighbors to death when paid some insignificant amount of money to commit heinous crimes. 

Education is a life and death issue.  When people are not educated they are easily exploited and that is how we get violence and conflict.  The one educated kid is hope for an entire family; pressure.  Why even try when there is no money for a secondary school?  Why study by lamp oil when one cannot afford land?

Nigerian Pentecostal gospel pulpits vomit torture sentence accusations on witch-children to prompt confessions.  Helen Ukpabio and the Liberty Gospel Church speak.  See the parade of machetes, alive-burials, acid splashed faces, rock-ankle drowning’s, kerosene, fire, and barbed wire obliterate the possessed covens of six-year olds.  Pandemic poverty and environmental contaminants pulse in rivers from Nigerian delta oil externalities blamed on satanic witchcraft.  Profiteering exorcisms is done in the name of Christ. 

KCPE scores are sent via texts like lottery tickets to orphaned refugee children staring mothers in the face praying for salvation.  Killing assumes its own life.  Killing gun violence multiplies like sperm-bullets fathering vengeance in the brothers and sons of the deceased.  Ethnic cleansing mops in machine-gun Clorox.  Bacterium bifurcates in factions in Kikuyus and Luos.  These may be odd sounding names of other countries humans to melanin-deprived ears.  Pirates and torpedoes are sponsored by foreign investment firms.  Ignorance is the breeding ground for intolerance, misinformation, and violence.

A Tunisian fruit vendor self-doused in gasoline and immolated himself afire.  He started a revolution in a ticking death.  He burned like a phoenix to reset the regime.  These oranges are no longer home-grown.  Spark in Sidi Bouzid, a place, Mohammed Bouazizi, a man, ethnic fruit cannot be sold here.  Confiscated his scale, had to pay a bribe to get it back.  Palm to the face of a government woman, just wanted his scale.  Gas station canister beer-can pop-top in the middle of the traffic; how do you expect me to make a living on ten dollars a day, a week?

One man made one illegal tender tsunami-slap to demonstrate an expression of anger.  A need for dignity became active in the uprising and spread to other towns to obliterate lonely suffering of class in the interior like a liberating virus.  The government turned to police.  Tunisian people do not have guns.  Government asked police to sniper-shot heads.  Facebook was only visual of reality. 
A man self immolated in gasoline on the national mall in Washington D.C. on October 4, 2013.  The world barely noticed.  Twitter pictures were taken.  He was fanned to live as he did not seek demonstration to death.  Such heroics to snuff the flames are insulting.  The Meme did not cover, but a side article.  America keeps shopping and jogging.

It is one thing for young people to over throw Middle Eastern despots.  It is another thing to form a working democracy.  ICC, if groups under their direct control can be shown to have committed these atrocities they will be prosecuted.  Who cares?  Repercussions, humans search for the ghost of justice to put war or evil in a Pandora tote-bag they can understand that makes sure “good” wins.  Someone is in prison now.  Someone has been held responsible.  The non-victim has a name tag. 

Tunisian refugee boats sail off for Italy like Cubans to Miami.  Boat parallel paths motor on for the simple justice of honest work.  Human smuggling, refugees, Libyan, Italian treaties and investment fund tradeoffs, oil and arms.  People coming to find freedom where there is the fragrance of democracy.  “We will go there.  We hate it in Tunisia.  We want to be treated like humans not prisoners.”  The threat of a power-vacuum, Iraqi dictators absence creates chaos, certain brutality for most and reward for the few. 

Recipe for Somali piracy is related to extreme poverty entwined with a weak or nonexistent government, readily available automatic weapons, no birth certificates, under-age machine-gun-toting sea-goers, busy maritime industry.  America side-jacking stragglers to Virginia courtrooms under century-old piracy laws on United States flagged vessels.  U.S. Navy Seals drop in on Iranian fishing boat to blast Somali pirates.

Who were the real pirates of the Caribbean?  Smut white-cap runner rouges on single-mast cutters hiding, killing, raping, and flushing the spoils on island whores and rum, are we all that different on the brink?  Resolving all this is like trying to drink every drop of water from a fire hydrant.  There are no non-extortionist fire companies when Rome is burning.  Home aflame; hose is $3,000 for us to help.  Cancer; pill is $100,000.  Detroit, Chicago, Harlem, New Orleans, Charleston: Sierra Leone launched stuffed ships corralled by Negroid hands brimming with provisions packed from the Empire of Mali.

Ivory Coast Bakbo, fair election would not leave, French and U.N. Forces required to get him out.  Nelson Mandela’s ex-wife Winnie, opera in South Africa, mixed militancy even after Nelson was free, notorious Mandela United Football club abductions; what happens to a splintered soul, not wounded by individuals, but by the world?

Millions of parentless South African AIDS children are born into death sentence condemnation; not asking for pity, but understanding.  The cruelty of orcas toying with the free-breathing seals flipping them around before consumption and South African Great Whites get all the bad press. 

Serra Leone tribunal courts on fires in Freetown to try marauders.  Generals funded through Charles Taylor to Foday Saankoh.  General Issa Sessay sits there to take account.  Weigh his remaining life for fifty-two years.  Measure the preservation of peace against chopping off appendages to account for all the missing limbs and phantom fingers that can no longer cast purple-thumb ballots against a war. 

The special United Nations court is computing the human skeletons, bones strewn from a rebel cutlass, raped civilians, decapitated heads in a bag, rebels asking the could-be-next carriers to laugh at the expressions on the dead facades.  The Rebel Nation United Front igniting civil war, the fear, the thugs invading one’s own country through Liberia.  R.U.F. if you choose not to fight with them they will kill you, bush wives and yellow-jacket child trained-terrorists.  All this played out in contemplation on the Serra Leone Amputee Football Association field.

South Sudan, Dinka versus Nuer Hene, horizontal gaar forehead scarring, Nilotic peoples, hundreds of thousands of refugees, Rumbek, Bor, Bentlu, Malakal violence, ethnic civil war, boy castration, girl gang-rape, hiding in swamps, tension, history of atrocities, gun accessibility, what hell have we not seen? Democracies do not come without violence.  Compound camps: cholera, tuberculosis, typhus outbreaks.  Genocide, ritualized rebellion, a woman expresses breast milk into the grave of her child, a field from which slaves were harvested, Sudan Christian South, Islam North, war, kleptocracy governments, piles of burnt bodies.

Gaddafi marched on his own pretending King Idris was a peasant with self-portrait Dinars buying LIA bomb downs and a NATO no-fly zone.  How long before the oil oozes up and on: Syria, Bahrain and the sshh?  Kingdom of Saudi’s, world would be at war and destined for hell if there were not so many Riyals to go around from this gel.  Behind it all laughs the Meme. 

Japan is drowning in a nuclear ocean and an aging population.  Global post WWII retirees are barking unionized-defined death threats.  London riots with idle men burning boutiques.  Neapolitan lifetime employment booms Croatian shipyards.  Indonesian beach vacations.  Haiti is in hell.  Is drought California falling into the Pacific next or is it a shining light to stem the tide of America and the Meme post-Schwarzenegger? 

Mocando inked up Plaquemines in an American splendor south farmed by African slaves.  The Delta land was bought and sold in Congo Square belting out empathy in Mardi Gras day Indian costumes for understood Diasporas genetically inherited in a drowned out Treme.  Carlos Alcis, Wendell Allen, Jordan Baker, Sean Bell, Rumain Brisbon, James Brisette, Michael Brown, Aaron Campbell, Kenneth Chamberlain, Chavis Carter, John Crawford, Reynaldo Cuevas, Amadou Diallo, Patrick Dorismond, DeAunta Terrel Farrow, Malcolm Ferguson, Jonathan Ferrell, Eric Garner, Henry Glover, Oscar Grant, Freddie Gray, Derrick Jones, Prince Jones, Manuel Loggins, Ronald Madison, Kajieme Powell, Tamir Rice, Tamon Robinson, Yvette Smith, Alberta Spruill, Timothy Stansbury, Victor Steen, Timothy Thomas, Shem Walker, Victor White, Steven Eugene Washington, Tarika Wilson, Tyree Woodson, Ousmane Zongo

The Meme is long and its distortion thick in why we have done and continue to do what we do.  We see the white skin of Adolf Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic, or Joseph Stalin.  The Meme pretends to see a difference in pigment as if it links character.  The sentiment spread by the Meme to perpetuate such nonsense is the same as if the god chosen by the man determines his goodness.  

With the persecution of Jews and Auschwitz deaths, Viktor Frankl wrote his theories of meaning in suffering, of suffering well with Logothearapy.  There is no difference to the suffering of a man based on his skin, language or ethnicity.  We all die and suffer pain.  The idea of a chosen people will always fail us.  We must honor our history by being objective to our history through honesty to our universal interconnection breathing beneath the insecure shell of our ego.

The paradox of Christians digesting the biblical story of the prodigal son is that yes everyone can enter “heaven” even the asshole, the prick, the fucker who raped you or shot your son.  The wrong is to the whole we suffer in the now.  The place we seek, we are already there in the atomic and spiritual sense.  There is no reward or punishment other than what is.  Our egos do not “go” with us.  Our consequence is only in the now.  We must release this quest for “heaven”, vengeance or accolade.  This pent desire to put others in bins is a false road.  There is no bin, only what is. 

The Meme would rather give us heaven and hell as an equilibrium we choose to deny ourselves in life.  We want to believe Gandhi and Hitler have divergent eternities; there is no evidence that they do.  Whether this bleak truth saddens us or not is irrelevant.  Only the lives and choices of Mohandas and Adolf upon our planet are relevant.  The alternative is preposterous delusion based on wishful insecure thinking to assert human hunger for justice.  The beauty and horror of each man’s human actions is obvious and valid enough to be shown as the effect on the whole.  This is its own “hell” and “heaven” permeating iterations of the now far beyond either of the individual biological lives of either man.  The extrapolation of our own lives cascades or dims in such ways.  To deny this is to deny our divinity as part of what we are.  All we can do is be.

Feeling like one is blessed with struggle is a leap of the Meme when connecting it to an ego’s reward post death and anti-Meme in seeing it like exercise for the muscle that is part of the whole in the now.  Having it hard, financial difficulties, eating bottom barrel or scrounging rent in basic survival mode is a blessing is a bunch of bullshit only people who do not struggle in such ways would utter.  There is a basic threshold, Maslow’s hierarchical base of food, clothing, housing, personal safety: necessities that once met the basic levels of what creates happiness changes. 

Most people in America reach some manner of that threshold that trumps the vast majority of the rest of the world.  Billions of people struggle with the predictability that makes an animal wary, watching for the floor of that basic threshold to fall out, the food, the safety, the housing to be taken away at any moment for some capricious or random fucking reason.  People living on that edge deal with freaking out and stress other humans just don’t.  Americans can look in the faces of homeless humans staring at them at interstate exits to see that edge peering like a common well of personhood. 

Dealing with the lack of such a threshold is an entirely different animal when living in war.  That makes the existential and shedding the ego that much more difficult; it is possible, more beautiful when it does occur, but people wading in those high waters have to re-prioritize to be available for the now. 

Once that threshold is met fairly consistently, animalistic death is staved off.  Under semi-predictable conditions absent some swift acting disease or bullet through the window etc. a person may look out saying, “Damn it I wish I was rich, I wish I could retire and just sit and be idle or do whatever it is the fuck I want because money is less of or no longer a worry about gathering resources I think I need to acquire to coast to when I plan on dying based on natural causes some diminishing count of hours from now.”  That dilemma, that place, it is probably better not to be the rich fucker, and not for some biblical through-the-eye-of-the-needle with a camel bullshit to make people relish poverty.  It may be better to have that above the threshold form of struggle, but still have to work, to face the grind. 

The struggle is the point.  How we approach the moment, how we embrace the way our car breaks down, or we get the flu, or we lose our job, or the hurricane rips off our roof, or he doesn’t love you that way, or you get lied to, or your kid dies, or your cat vomits bloody hair on sofa, whatever the fuck it is, the beautiful struggle is how we approach whatever that is.  We long for the love in the struggle, the ability to put our blade to the stone in the struggle and true growth occurs in the universal spiritual journey. 

The Meme is to sacrifice contemplation for ‘another day another dollar’ in stacks of hours laid upon each other to flow sand into glass hardening into the luxury of doing nothing.  Maybe in ‘retirement’ we lounge, we travel, take up deltiology, we read, develop a lawn mower fetish, we ingest, but the Meme begs subsistence to see labor as the purpose for all the preceding years so that in labor’s absence we are to dwell in gratitude for the removal of the burden rather the constant presence of artistic beauties.  To recognize this openness removes the control of the paycheck to nutrients to the mouth and shelter for secure rest from the threat of attack during slumber. 

In this openness of the anti-Meme we breathe in the full blessing of the constant now in this biological form to make the most of and appreciate the moment for what is.  We accept both fear and love.  We dwell not as retirement as a starting point, but as a shift.  We see each day’s labor as a beautiful tool to interact in the universe shedding and growing what we are in a flowing interrelationship. 

We have opportunities to add to that pile of days worthy of remembrance.  Is it wonderful to get raped, to be enslaved, or to be shot into paralysis from the waist down so your scrotum is a useless bag of sterile cum?  How far would one go to unlearn the lessons and the growth that survivors of such horrors brew into the universe through the illusion of the self? 

What if your cousin molested you put his lips on your labia or his fingers on your penis at six?  What if your mother cut off all your father’s fingers for pinching her ass in the kitchen right in front of four year old you?  What if at sixteen you get off your sister’s mattress after ejaculating in her vagina?  After the years of incest she shoots herself in the stomach to try to kill herself. 

What if you get married and put that secret molestation down inside like a bubble in a distended spiritual intestine?  What if you bash your eight month pregnant wife in the stomach with a broom stick?  What if you act normal, to be decent in public, but develop a crack habit, steal from your kids, neighbors.  Dealers threaten to kill you, your wife and kids.  No one realizes it.  What if you force your wife to kneel on rice and face the wall in a corner?  One day you are sitting in substance abuse recovery staring into the water of a toilet reflecting.  You get divorced and become a stalker. 

What if you have one true love in Mogadishu and a man with a gun changes it all?  What if your wife dies for a flag and the Marines will not recognize your place at her funeral?  What if you cross a border and die silent oxygen-less in a cargo container opened and ignored, dumped in a sand pit huddled, forgotten?  What if you are a Rohingya Muslim on a boat from Burma?  What if you a Haitian refugee in the Dominican Republican ostracized in a generationally layered argument over Spanish versus French slave masters crippled by semantics in a common injury?  What if you watched your husband die of Aids and the hospital would not let you in after his body ceased respiration?  What if you saw your father lynched by a rope in a tree and no one was ever arrested?  What if your world of insides is so big and wild and chock full of thoughts that you think you are the only one who could hold such immensity afraid to ask for help or to be heard or to share as if it was all about doing it alone? 

That is the universe you know, the world where people judge or appear to ignore you in bits and pieces.  We walk through the aisle at Walmart measuring each other; the way a mother handles the younglings who appear to be her kids, the card she pulls out of her purse to fund the register.  We think we know; we don’t.  We are all this feeling sorry for ourselves and umpiring occasionally trying to breathe something fair.  We ask the universe to just give us something fair for five minutes like that is what it is about. 

One can get all ego and say why me, can’t somebody else have that beauty, build and be burned by that fire?  Well yeah and they were to some extent in their own fires.  Maybe as worse as you, maybe not as much, but no one cares.  No one cares about your wounds or their wounds in the big picture, none of that is the point.  All the stories will be forgotten after the illusion of time throws dust on all the bodies and all the histories scuffed up in more subway tubes of egos moving forward.

What matters is just the moments in the now in which one processes those hardships, those hells, those slices to face that no one can see, but stay with some people marked in the beyond, beyond doing beautiful and horrid things to one’s perspective for the rest of one’s human life. 

There is the point, how one does it, how one breaths it, is aware of it, lets go of it, clings to it, owns it, destroys it, gets destroyed by it, passes it on to family, to friends, to random fuckers in line at the coffee hut, drinks it down and pretends the past is still present, keeps it alive, gives it CPR so that self-identity remains a pity case, narcissistic, or altruistic or a mummy.  One can just be a god damn stammering mummy if one chooses or one can be in the now and accept that horrible things happen to us.

It is not being joyous someone we love got murdered or we lost that physical asset in the stock market, a car wreck, or divorce or who the fuck cares, but if we accept it, process it, and keep in the now yeah then we’re living; then we’re doing; then we are aware of both journey’s and that is an opportunity to be god damn beautiful.  We are all breathing libraries.  Ob la di Ob la da

One has to release time, to release the idea that something has to happen when one wants or when one plans.  One can choose with volition or set intention through focus, but one cannot manifest or have god as representative for the ego through the Meme manifest reality.  One must see the eternal of the now and let go of the idea that one is owed or deserves.  One must simply be and accept the shifting nature of volition interacting inside the universe.  Whatever the result we always are; in this there is no worry, no pain, only awareness and acceptance.  If we can in the human form smile in the totality of the implications of these concurrent realities typically this increases our human concept of joy.  That can be a wonderful, beautiful, transcendent thing.

In the pondered absolutism of great heroes and villains, the Meme teaches us to eradicate a bit of our humanity.  Certain humans are far more and less worthy of the title human and our interest. The Meme teaches us to value ourselves in how we compare to such extremes.  We steer away from volition and towards how we measure up to perceptions of people we will probably never meet.

In turn, humanity becomes obsessed with celebrities, particularly train-wreck tabloids and instant-celebrities due to crimes or sensationalism that interfaces with the core of the Meme in trials.  Lorena Bobbitt dismembered her man’s penis.  Joey Buttafuoco had sex with a Lolita-Amy Fischer and she shot his wife in the face.  Timothy McVeigh and the Uni-bomber Ted Kaczynski blew government shit up.  John Gotti finally got it.  Colin Ferguson sprayed bullets on a train.  Casey Anthony murdered her daughter.  Martha Stewart insider traded stock.  Terri Schiavo got a feeding tube.

Scott Peterson offed his wife and unborn.  Michael Jackson was accused of child molestation.  Enron went fraud.  John Allen Mohammed sniper-shot humans from a car trunk.  George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin for the way he looked.  Jack Kevorkian was found guilty of second degree murder.  Baby Jessica fell down a well.  Black O.J. Simpson killed his white wife.  Charles Manson read Dale Carnegie, had a harem, and killed.  Bernie Ebbers stole WorldCom.  Bernie Madoff tricked the market.  Rodney King was beaten on video, cops walked and L.A. burned.

The Meme coats the First World obsession over a single baby in a well, while millions of Poor die.  Taboos of pedophilia, euthanasia, terrorism, and basic murder infuriate the Meme.  Sex and adultery dance.  Race dangles.  Corporate fraud peeks when it crosses the line between legal profit and getting noticed.  People make choices and we trade panic for rational reactions.

We have the rhetoric of mass shootings, gun rights and NRA inside the Meme each avoiding fact for sentiment.  Absolute prohibition doesn’t work, but we should not sell missile launchers or machine guns at Walmart.  Statistically guns in homes are more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder.  One can look to Australia after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996.  One can look at the black market price of the banned firearms in Australia and the licensing of other firearms.  One can look at murder by firearm statistics before and after the change in the law and international statistics that greater rational gun control statistically produces fewer gun deaths.  The Meme represses these facts. 
Most people don’t have their holsters ready when perpetrators invade, who most likely want physical objects not to murder or rape.  Most breaks-ins statistically are during the day while owners are more likely to be at work.  The idea of a constant potential attacker is a function of the Meme elevating the ego to perch on a pedestal of fear that one is so important others are focused on his or her murder.  There is a film of covetousness over the idea that one must protect one’s possessions: biological and inanimate.  The anti-Meme accepts that there is probably little that can be done to defend someone randomly holding another person up at gun point.  One cannot always be ready and still function in a normal life and whatever minimal level of caution should be commensurate with statistically likelihood given environment. 

Common sense should prevail based on the black market reality.  Fixing drug prohibition would be the most sensible anti-automatic weapon legislation coupled with rational firearm control mirroring a U.S. version of what Australia accomplished.  This might include a functional mental health database combined into criminal background checks to restrict purchases, banning certain automatic weapons designed for war, and ending the gun show loopholes.  Doing so would reduce the opportunities for bullets to rush through neighborhoods.  Americans often confuse the second amendment with the right to form a militia to deter domestic tyranny.  No amount of domestic firearms could battle the massive military industrial complex of drones, tanks, bombs, jets, and helicopters assembled.  Muskets are obsolete.  Let alone the power of the volition of a volunteer military choosing to disobey orders to cease such behavior.

The pro-gun lobby and the anti-gun lobby are both pro-Meme.  The anti-gun lobby is pro-Meme because it is prohibition and denies volition.  However sensible legislation would not prohibit most guns.  The true problem is the cultural marketing of fear by the Meme for the necessity for guns in denial of statistics.  The battle of guns is an internal battle with fear itself, trust, and, empathy that mirrors what the Meme is. 

The pro-gun lobby is pro-Meme because it fuels the fear that one must to be able to protect oneself to an extreme.  This encourages paranoia over ration.  Rational fear is healthy; paranoia induced with the Meme’s political marketing is not.  This fuels the Meme inside the weapons-industry and patriotism via fear of Big Government.  One sees the Meme in Stand Your Ground and Open Carry legislation as the Meme encouraging a hyper awareness to a phantom basis of crime rather than fact.  The facts about the number of gun crimes by country based on implemented laws or trend in statistical occurrence are intentionally ignored by the Meme to promote fear over interconnection.

The irony of the Meme is that Big-Government is actually controlled by industry, which is the NRA.  The value of the American second amendment for the right to bear arms is not that each citizen has a gun, but that it is possible that each citizen might have a gun.  When this value is distorted, by both the pro and anti-gun lobbies, the Meme wins.  

The anti-Meme is that yes some random human could kill you and the idea that you might also have a gun can produce peace without one actually having or firing a gun.  The Meme is concerned with the omnipresence of fear, of the constant what-if that a holstered gun, pepper spray, or knife can at times represent.  The Meme wants people to be afraid.  That overdose of fear is the replenishing font of U.S. gun culture.  The sheer volume of firearms in the U.S. is a warlord genie out of a bottle extremely unlikely to retract in any productive capacity outside of the partial aids of common sense gun control additions and changing drug laws.

Hunting and eating one’s kill is anti-Meme.  Hunting for sport past a threshold of doing so in excessive wealth expenditure of land use, resource consumption where the food harvested is an afterthought is pro-Meme.  However the idea of a human killing a non-endangered animal is definitively anti-Meme. The idea of a human sitting in the woods and tracking a deer to eat is anti-Meme.  To hunt a tiger or a rarer animal for sport or the thrill of the hunt is where the pro-Meme is accentuated.  Hunting deer lowers the threats to an over-reproducing herbivore with few natural predators, which have been removed by humans.  So it is anti-Meme for the deer hunter to fulfill that role.  Hunters are some of the most anti-Meme conservationists and environmentalists.  The Meme markets the political polarizations that works inside the blue to alienate red allies to foster the empathy required to address the climate change crisis. 

In terrorist-type shooter scenarios (i.e. outside the ghetto where a non-Poor goes or is perceived to go) the shooter is almost always given a psychological report card.  The shooter was crazy and unstable therefore the shooter is in a box which the average person we refuse to make direct eye contact with on the street does not reside. 

Mental illness and isolationist tendencies were the reason.  This was not volition.  The Meme says sane people do not gun down crowds.  The mental illness represents a veiled Satan, an external force that was guiding the human towards the evil.  The evil was not simply chosen and thus possible from any of us at any moment.  The Meme strives to keep this reality of volition from registering in our collective psyche. 

This is ultra-evident when the perpetrator is white.  The Meme is use to portraying white people as the safe external symbol to ward away chaos.  When say a white man shoots up a movie theater, house of worship, or co-pilots a German plane into a mountain mental illness is spouted in every news clip.  When people of color kill mental illness is much less likely to be mentioned. 

The white murderer is more often referred to as a shooter or a gunman than a killer or a thug.  The white murderer is rarely described as a terrorist.  Terrorist is almost exclusively reserved for brown or black faces to coordinate with the special violations of civil rights the government uses in the name of combating terror.  Sometimes Eastern European sounding names of white people might also get the terrorist label, but even that is slower to roll of the Meme tongue.  If the U.S. government started spying on suspected white supremacists under the Patriot Act and water boarding or rectal feeding them like at Guantanamo to get ‘answers,’ domestic citizens would be more likely to question the lines the Meme uses to control. 

This color scheme rationalizes the inefficient use of resources to combat terrorism through ineffective methods that enrich those at the top of the Meme: corporations and governmental bureaucracies.  This inspires control over the populace and false control over terrorism.  A man walking into a movie theater or a church and gunning humans is a terrorist.  If a random white man, who might look like the apex Meme character is also a terrorist, than anyone could be a terrorist.  One might think, “Anyone could just kill anyone at any time!  Holy Shit! We are animals!”  The Meme would be more likely to get exposed.

When that man plans before or hides after he is not insane, he is a human choosing to do evil acknowledging what he is about to or has done is wrong.  Mental illness is broad and in most instances not indemnification from comprehension of moral or ethical volition.  The Meme wants mental illness to be a misunderstood lump of reasons violence occurs especially within the prototype apex Meme character.  Mental illness does not fit in a single box.  It requires the anti-Meme internal inspection and analysis to comprehend and interface.  This is one reason the Meme when operating in healthcare systems will defund or not cover mental healthcare whenever possible.  The mind’s volition and complexity is an enemy of the Meme. 

Psychoanalysis is particularly despised by the Meme.  We are not supposed to see our similarities.  We are meant by commandment ten to want what our neighbor has.  Through visualizing an ideal, when other neighbors or ourselves do not meet such or do not seek such an ideal, we are meant to think ill of our neighbor or ourselves.

One can look at the Batman comic to see our internal confrontation of volition to deal with the chaos at the center of the gun debate.  Batman and the Joker are two sides of the same chaos inside us.  Batman chooses to help, but still be the chaotic vigilante the police attempt to control.  The Joker chooses nihilistic wanton destruction as a mirror to the systematic absolutism the Meme instills to create the tenuous illusions that display a costume of order.  Volition nests in the pith of chaos. 

The Meme’s inability to have a reasonable balance in its absolutism is what threatens society, not the actual guns or the character in us who holds the trigger.  We may be Batman (the hunter, the police officer, the homeowner defending his or her stead).  We may be the Joker (the felon, the terrorist, or the nihilist).  The solider can be both; we all are both by at minimum benefiting from the systems which employ the efforts of each side.  This is what inescapable interconnection is.  This is the universe.  The crucible to determine the beauty of our existence in the present moment and the potential extension to postpone the extinction of our species resides in our ability to take ownership of volition and choose empathy over absolutism. 

Anti-theism stares in a pale mirror where one could take off one’s race, ethnicity, gender and religion for a minute.  There is potentially so much less anger for an enslaved man, an abandoned spouse, an orphaned child, a widowed lover, etc. peering into such a looking-glass.  There is no plan, passive allowance, or unanswered prayer.  There is only the alone of volition, which is not as cold.  There is warmth in the starkness, less loneliness realizing there is no responder ignoring the bereft. 

We are all one thing, one might say in that sense there is a god, everything, all of us is in that respect are god.  That god however has no central thought, no central decision power like a sentient mind.  There is no dominant plan or intention.  There is only the collective in the now choosing. 

The self is at the precipice of constant choice cycling through strength and weakness.  The flow of the spiritual universe does not progress in time.  The spiritual universe is not choosing the collective choice made in that instance.  The collective spiritual universe is all choices in all time done in itself painted in stillness.  There is no movement when the totality is as one.  Only the parts inside the atomic universe move.  There is no place to go.  The spot of the needle on the record in the atomic is irrelevant to the spiritual.  The spiritual is the whole damn record all at once in a single tone, which human’s like Parmanhansa Yogananda might refer to as “aum”.  The horrors and magnificent artistries of all beings simply are resonating.

In such a place, there is no goal, no pursuit, no end, no beginning.  The self needs the task, the objective, the quest, or the bridge.  The true spiritual universe is a challenge of stillness, of acceptance, of no requirement for breath, for ingestion, for excretion, for decision, for explanation.  We are it.  Being it we are called to simply be that paradox of movement and stillness, creating and completed, alive and dead, inhale and exhale, female and male, elation and suffering, timed and timeless, star and moon, love and fear; this is the beauty of the universe. 

One can see the prejudicial decision trees of the world break down in the hypocrisy of the Meme that try to hide this from us.  We can look at the potential reality of the universe and feel completely or never alone depending on how we choose to perceive our existence.  One can quit blame and start to accept the only piece one has control is what one chooses. 

This includes like Viktor Frankyl through the Holocaust where every member of his family died, in us choosing how to suffer.  One can be stripped naked and robbed of every possession which others may wish to take, but one can still choose how to suffer.  One can choose how he or she responds. 

This includes like Chinua Achebe through the crossroads of Igbo and Christian in Things Fall Apart journey through war, language, starvation, clan, independence choosing the path of oral tradition to break through the systematic muting of colonized indigenous people to see the universal.

There is no thought-crime in choosing to be empowered through hatred.  There is a line where what one invests in wishing the detriment of the other becomes a detriment to the self.  So one must decide if hated is beneficial and worthy of one’s limited biological time. 

One can embrace the alone of the anti-Meme and shed all prejudicial yearnings to hold firm a light in the bleakness to be who one is.  One can hold innate morality, certitude, and security independent of anyone else watching, judging, or wanting.  One simply is. 

This is existential growth making the most of every minute.  This is living in each moment one is biologically afforded.  This is placing regret as the energy one uses to fuel the next choice.  This is placing one’s faith in volition, that of one’s self and others.  

This form of faith in volition is the greatest fear of the current Meme.  It was the collective lack of trust by humans in the volition of the individuals comprising humanity which originally created and perpetuates the Meme.  Therein the reverse is the Meme’s death.

The ultimate form of prejudice humans have traditionally carried is religion claiming exclusivity on the grand question as to what is life.  For the Meme, religion substitutes understanding what we are with who is the force stopping the chaos of volition.  The Meme is the detour, the what-we-are is the truth. 

I have decided to include some words from another human to attempt to show the commonality I think most religions seem to seek from the point of view of an imperfect human who seemed to touch millions of humans in the modern world interpreting some of these ancient texts which have confounded humans for far too long inside the Meme.  I do this to show the irrelevance of religious debate, of religious prejudice, of religious conflict on claiming exclusivity on love itself through doctrine.

The following is an extended excerpt from the conclusion to an Autobiography of a Yogi by Parmahansa Yogananda.  The quote is included as a means of conveying the communality of what god might be, of what we might be.  No one knows.  I certainly do not.  This treatise is a best interpretation so far with the years I have had.  I do feel from reading Yogananda that the man was opened for something few humans ever have in terms of a sense of love, divinity, and understanding of life.  After the excerpt I will attempt to express what the words mean to me in context to this treatise of expressing what we are. 

“No man hath seen God at any time (no mortal under ‘time,’ the relativities of maya, can realize the Infinite); the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father the reflected Christ Consciousness or outwardly projected Perfect Intelligence that, guiding all structural phenomena through Aum vibration, has issued forth from the ‘bosom’ or deeps of the Uncreated Divine in order to express the variety of Unity), he hath declared subjected to form, or manifested him.”

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, “Jesus explained, “the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things so ever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.”

The threefold nature of God as He demonstrates Himself in the phenomenal worlds is symbolized in Hindu scriptures as Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer-Renovator.  Their triune activities are ceaselessly displayed throughout vibratory creation.  As the Absolute is beyond the conceptual powers of man, the devout Hindu worships It in the august embodiments of the Trinity.

The universal creative-preservative-destructive aspect of God, however, is not His ultimate or even His essential nature (for cosmic creation is only His lila, creative sport).  His intrinsicality cannot be grasped even by grasping all the mysteries of the Trinity, because His outer nature, as manifested in the lawful atomic flux, merely expresses Him without revealing Him.  The final nature of the Lord is known only when “the Son ascends to the Father.”  The liberated man overpasses the vibratory realms and enters the Vibration-less Original.

All great prophets have remained silent when requested to unveil the ultimate secrets.  When Pilate asked: “What is truth?”  Christ made no reply.  The large ostentatious questions of intellectualists like Pilate seldom proceed from a burning spirit of inquiry.  Such men speak rather with the empty arrogance that considers a lack of conviction about spiritual values to be a sign of “open-mindedness.”

“To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.  Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice.”  In these few words Christ spoke volumes.  A child of God “bears witness’ by his life.  He embodies truth; if he expound it also, that is generous redundancy. 

Truth is no theory, no speculative system of philosophy, no intellectual insight.  Truth is exact correspondence with reality.  For man, truth is unshakable knowledge of his real nature, his Self as soul.  Jesus, by every act and word of his life, proved that he knew the truth of his being – his source of God.  Wholly identified with the omnipresent Christ Consciousness, he could say with simple finality: “Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice.”

Buddha, too, refused to shed light on the metaphysical ultimates, dryly pointing out that man’s few moments on earth are best employed in perfecting the moral nature.  The Chinese mystic Lao-tzu rightly taught: “He who knows, tells it not; he who tells, knows it not.”  The final mysteries of God are not “open to discussion.”  The decipherment of His secret code is an art that man cannot communicate to man; here the Lord alone is the Teacher.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”  Never flaunting His omnipresence, the Lord is heard only in the immaculate silences.  Reverberating throughout the universe as the creative Aum vibration, the Primal Sound instantly translates Itself into intelligible words for the devotee in attunement.

The divine purpose of creation, so far as man’s reason can grasp it, is expounded in the Vedas.  The rishis taught that each human being has been created by God as a soul that will uniquely manifest some special tribute of the Infinite before resuming its Absolute Identity.  All men, endowed thus with a facet of Divine Individuality, are equally dear to God.

The wisdom garnered by India, the eldest brother among the nations, is a heritage of all mankind.  Vedic truth, as all truth, belongs to the Lord and not to India.  The rishis, whose minds were pure receptacle to receive the divine profundities of the Vedas, were members of the human race, born on this earth, rather than on some other, to serve humanity as a whole.  Distinctions by race or nation are meaningless in the realm of truth, where the only qualification is spiritual fitness to receive.

God is Love; His plan for creation can be rooted only in love.  Does not that simple thought, rather than erudite reasonings, offer solace to the human heart?  Every saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists and that it is beautiful and full of joy. 
To the prophet Isaiah, God revealed His intentions in these words:

“So shall my word [creative Aum] be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands (Isaiah 55:11-12).”

“Ye shall go with joy, and be led forth with peace.”  The men of a hard-pressed twentieth century hear longingly that wondrous promise.  The full truth within it is realizable by every devotee of God who strives manfully to repossess his divine heritage. 

The blessed role of Kriya Yoga in East and West has hardly more than just begun.  May all men come to know that there exists a definite, scientific technique of Self-realization for the overcoming of all human misery!

In sending loving thought vibrations to the thousands of Kriya Yogis scattered like shining jewels over the earth, I often think gratefully: “Lord, Thou hast given this monk a large family!”

An interpretation:

Yogananda was a normal human.  Human prophets are on par with all life bearing a common presence.  Although Yogananda may bear deistic, if not theistic implications the underlying meanings can be taken as one sees either or neither connotations in that god is love and we are the vessel if not the embodiment of our expression of love to be as that god. 

We cannot see god inside space-time (under ‘time’).  God cannot be sensed with the five human senses.  Yogananda shares the idea of human as the child and divine as the parent using god’s perfect intelligence outside of the atomic expressed through consciousness inside the atomic.  We can grasp the spiritual beyond space time in thought and emulate the Aum vibration through Yogananda’s Kriya meditation.  (This does not connect us to the spiritual, but is a vehicle that works well to shed our ego to get closer.)  The application of the term intelligence to god implies contemplation, however the spiritual nature of that god is.  In this sense we are that intelligence, a spiritual whole of knowing beyond the concept of an atomic brain, but in consciousness.  The consciousness we concurrently are to our atomic presence is the balance that represents our participation in perfection.  In this we are already perfect; we are that god.

In saying the son can do nothing but what he sees the father do, this is to me that we are god, part of a oneness in our being.  In this we are our own father and must parent ourselves, teach, show, reveal to ourselves what we are, (how to be).  

Yogananda links the Hindu and Christian trinities.  The vibration of the aum is an expression of god.  The pursuit of truth or an ultimate secret is a false road answered by simple openness.  The aum, the Kriya yoga, the mediation is Yogananda’s path, not the only path. 

Yogananda quotes a biblical Christ as an expression of that openness as the truth.  One can see what one seeks by example of the openness.  All is expounded from that lack of thinking anything is earned or journeyed for, but merely opened in the constant now.  “Truth is exact correspondence with reality.” (We find our truest way of being by letting go all the layers we put on over what reality is, what we constantly are.)   Yogananda states “distinctions by race or nation are meaningless.”  Both are such layers.

Yogananda extends to Buddha and Lao-tzu that there is no secret to tell, merely to be, to attempt attunement in the silence, in the hum of the universe.  Yogananda’s absence to mention Islam in these words may be a personal omission based on the intimacy of faiths in India.  Yogananda echoes the equality of all life, all humans, all faiths, in a common divinity.  Love is the choice to embrace the one god we are. 

Yogananda quotes religious texts not to extol the perfection of that religion, but to highlight the presence of what we are in the various forms humans have attempted to document the divinity we all hold.  In his life Kriya Yoga mediation awakened humanity around Yogananda on a global scale.  Yogananda interprets the bible’s New Testament through an Eastern lens flushing with love.  This was his human journey, the yoga, the mediation, while beautiful and helpful practices are not absolutes, just as we let go of our ego, our religion, our nationality, our individuality, then we can embrace what we are.  We do this not to travel to our spiritual home or to get closer to a segregated sentient divinity either through the workbench of biological life or post mortem, but to comprehend that the god we seek, the divinity is constantly not a function of distance or our form (body, race, gender, sexuality etc.).  Alive or deceased in the atomic, the atomic is not trying to get to god (the spiritual energy.) 

The spiritual is always the same in the constant illusion of now.  Our place is to understand we are it, we are in it, and we are of it in a way beyond time.  The human quest to figure it out is echoed by Yogananda in the responses from other notable prophets in Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha, the ultimate truth is not something meant to be proven.  A definitive link between the atomic and the spiritual is not meant to be made or revealed.  The interconnection we all bear as god is not a function of proving or disproving, it is a function of accepting what we are as love. 

To Conclusion

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