Friday, August 28, 2015

I Can Admit Now

There has been a phase in the last few years where I blocked out
The possibility that you ever loved me
To compute how you could do what you did to a man you ever loved
Seemed impossible

How could you be that selfish, that cruel, that unrelenting
I have never seen you flinch in six years
I could not comprehend how I could completely offer my being
Only to use my consciousness as fuel to disguise your self hatred

I see you in your life and I realize your flaws are what they are
Monstrous to me, compensated in a saccharine kindness to the remainder
As you wish

I have struggled so with believing that love could ever be real
For if all those moments of attempting intimacy with you
Could lead to your actions to defile and defame, how could I ever expect better
And yet now, I think I do

I see what your successors have done in response to me
I accept my inability to let go of wanting to prove to our daughter’s future self
The town’s people in some extent of what you did, of who you are
Of what I am not guilty like a flag of innocence

I need not validation in the story, in the writing, in the documentation
I need but shed these evidential purses, the papers, the photographs
The representations of what was as if that is all I will ever achieve
As some sad pinnacle

I am beyond that now built with sticky pained ink illustrated in a beauty
Only darkness knows the contrast to what a white bread life leaves to blandness
I am so much invigorated and growing now outside of such myopic petri dishes
I am embracing fear as a lover’s call, to bed with this city of ruins making connection

In the isolation the loneliness no longer bears my pursuit of vengeance
And like Monte Cristo I ascend past into the eyes of waging a war with God through the self
I forgive me for not knowing what to do, but now I know how to go to my people

As best I can block to block and breathe the deep breath 

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