Friday, August 28, 2015

6) Empathy: The Meme: What and Why We Are

6) Empathy (interconnection)
[You shall not commit adultery.]
{You shall not commit adultery.}

The anti-adultery meme is about repressing the act of sex and our animal linkage.  The anti-adultery meme is a blatant suppression of the human drive to copulate and carry on our genes to restrict sex to pass through avenues conducive to the Meme.  The commandment imposes marriage as bearing a godly-threshold of confining one’s cum or clit load of devil urges.  We are supposed to hide the fact that we all want to have sex and only speak of it indirectly and participate in the act in private.  (Other animals will fornicate in front of other parties openly.)

The actual underbelly of the commandment is about empathy.  Empathy is repressed in how one and the other each want sex, yet are deterred from overt request.  Empathy is allowed to surface in the betrayal associated with adultery.  The inkling of pain of one’s gene transition being risked and threatened particularly for the male-uncertainty of paternity prompts wrath from the Meme.  This is chaos.  Thus we have commandment six.

We are to think about how our choices affect others when we engage ourselves in contracts.  The true contract is one of love through an agreement of what the sexual relationship entails.  Whether that is monogamous, polygamous or polyandrous, group, or open, the idea of marriage in any form is simply a social construct to communicate what is agreed upon in mental privacy on a public level.  The violation is always foremost on the spiritual plane based on the internal dynamics.  The act of sex is most dangerous when severing the spiritual bonds sex can so often form with the originally connected humans.

Bursting the bonds of the universe through intimate sex is the closest most humans can reach to transcend the atomic and merge with the spiritual.  The spiritual is the collective.  Anyone we are having sex with by nature is also a component of that whole.  In the organic of sexual reproduction we release atoms from within our bodies into each other.  The female’s fluids enter the male’s penis, mouth, and skin.  The cradle of our species is inside the uterus of the female with spermatozoa penetrating the egg generating biological life in the elemental cells dancing atomic footsteps.  There is no moment in the human experience where we are closer to being as god to merge our organized bodily vehicle with the universe to exponentially disperse entropy than the act of replication.  

Humans can have drunk meaningless sex, gratifying and emotionless, but the choice is there.  The platform of what our bodies are built even in a non-procreation or homosexual context to share intimacy with another human is to be the belly of a star.  The power plant of intimate sexual orgasm is like nuclear fusion for love.  That love can bond for a lifetime trumping all comers imprinting a focus of dedication that usurps the ego like nothing else.  To the Meme there really is nothing more frightening and nothing more important to control.  This is because in loving one being we are on some level in love with the entire universe and will relinquish the self to do so. 

The nature of individual perception sees one person, but they as you, are a component of a common whole.  We are all people.  We are all beings.  When we love one, we are in this way loving the entire universe.  When the anti-Meme peels reality back beyond our limited perception we see this. 

The commandment’s subtext is that one is not to engage in coitus, fellatio, sodomy, or cunnilingus outside of marriage.  The portal of the head of the penis invited through labia and into the vagina without the pre-approval of the Meme is a trespass.  The Meme’s limited definition of sex remains petulant.

The subtext of commandment six mirrors the subtext of commandment five.  In five one shall not kill, except for when god permits.  In six one shall not fornicate, except when god permits.  The Meme is enforcing authority.  

Humans each possess the animal instinct to replicate our genes.  We have evolved to have the most sensitive nerve endings on our bodies in our erogenous zones.  What does the Meme do?  The Meme encourages circumcision for the man’s most pleasurable cell-grouping that parallels the structure that is a woman’s clitoris in the prepuce.  If there is one thing Christian’s, Muslims, and Jews can agree on it is slicing off foreskin.  In some countries female genital mutilation and infibulation still occurs.  In most male mutilation is standard.  Pudenda are sacrificed in lieu of the whole.  This is like Isaac from Abraham in the foundation of human sacrifice melded to the triad of monotheisms.  If not the whole son, take the prized cell grouping of the son.  Quack science also marketed saving sperm by dulling stimulation.

A woman’s nipple is sheltered as pornographic, yet it is the first object humans put into our mouths for survival.  This banishment of the female nipple in comparison to the male is an abusive tool of the Meme’s patriarchy to connote blame to the woman for a source of power the male cannot have.  Free-the Nipple movements are anti-Meme.  The woman is capable where the male is inept from bearing children and directly nourishing offspring creating insecurity in the psychic identity of the mammalian male.  Abortion mirrors this in the Meme.  Meme males repressing abortion is retribution for the male inability to bear children as a tantrum of jealousy over the female body as a vessel of gestation.

Females under the Meme’s patriarchy are so often valued in what the male values: sex (body proportions, fashion, compliance, or servitude) and not what threatens the Meme (intelligence, functional aptitude, creativity, spirituality, art, strength, or leadership.)  Females were or are banned or restricted in religious hierarchies.  Unmarried men are bachelors strong, complete, and independent.  Unmarried women are demeaned incomplete spinsters.  The Meme’s root is the implication that women are the property of men and an unmarried woman above a perceived age represents anarchy to the Meme.

A nun’s religious habit with tunic, scapular, veil, and cowl mirror a hijab for a Muslim woman inside the patriarchy.  These are emblematic of the root from which the modern expansion of the spectrum of what is acceptable by the Meme to restrict women’s fashion generates.  A woman wearing a bikini, growing her natural pubic hair, showing cleavage or wearing a hijab can be examples of feminist empowerment.  The key is the spectrum of socially acceptable reaction humanity allows the Meme to enforce in response to the volition of that human who identifies as female.  A woman can wear whatever the hell she wants.  A hijab can represent emancipation rather than oppression for a woman to reclaim her body from being over-sexualized.  A woman may prefer to be seen for who she is including her faith, her radiant eminence, and her sexuality, but may choose to been through the fashion of the hijab to take ownership to how she is viewed in the same way another woman might wear Louboutin heels or flats from Payless.

The monotheisms imply or state male godheads in Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, and Abraham, etc.  A matriarchy or female goddess at the head and feminism all are anti-Meme.  A shift away from patriarchal forms of governance and dominant social archetypes towards matriarchal is probably humanity’s best hope at avoiding or postponing human extinction.  The Meme in every way seeks to sabotage this change. 

Environmentalism is a form of feminism as seeing the Earth as mother, the oceans the womb and our birth from water as her blood.  Procreation control in female volition through valid healthcare systems which no longer devalues female care, but prioritizes female care chips away at the Meme’s ideal as male at the apex.  This threatens to bring egalitarianism and increase self-sufficiency.  Equality in any form threatens the Meme.  Equal voices make it more difficult for blind obedience to instill control. 

Equal pay for equal work is anti-Meme.  Maternity leave is anti-Meme.  The Meme is jealous of any perceived advantage unavailable to the apex of male in the Meme.  The United States, Swaziland, Lesotho, and Papua New Guinea are about the only countries without a law for paid maternity leave.  

The Meme is against required paid sick leave laws for Labor, especially minimum wage workers.  If the Poor get paid leave in any form it reduces the cognitive dissonance disparity the Meme instills in the upper and middle classes to treat the Poor like less than human.  Paid maternity leave publically points out the animal genetic perpetuation incentive the Meme obscures.  To feel a member of the Poor’s lungs aching or uterus recovering is to sacrifice the throne of judgement the Meme requires.  The Meme markets that if the Poor are given sick leave, the Poor will take advantage, lie, and stay home healthy stealing the owner’s resources. 

Mary is valued through her non-sexual pussy, her bloodlessness, her immaculate menstruation.  The idea that she fucked Joseph’s brains out after J.C. through god-sanctioned sex is buried in the stories of no successive J.C. siblings.  The Id root is in the idea that god impregnated Mary and that god does not cum second.  This virgin attribute is not a beatification of the woman, but a remark on the man who shall take the woman, that a powerful man, a god man takes a virgin.  This is the Meme’s patriarchy.  This is a tale going back to Horus and Zoroaster. 

Non-procreation sex is suppressed in the bible.  Mary is not to want sex.  Therein the Christian Meme and the other major monotheisms in the Meme through similar veins command women not to want sex and blame women for men wanting sex.  The entire animal urge to procreate is repressed. 

This is the Meme distancing the idea of volition for what is dubbed sin from the ego into the Meme’s legalities.  (i.e. Humans are incapable of empathy, respect, and deep contemplation of what is beyond the ego’s direct stimuli without a social structure in the Meme to control.)  The patriarchy profiting from the Meme retains its power position by reducing the penalties for male-on-female rape and abuse.  Females are blamed for sex.  Female healthcare and abortion services are suppressed and demonized by the Meme.  Look at billboards demonizing Planned Parenthood casting health services in myopic lenses.  The male role in sex is often indemnified to distance us from the biological reality that we are animals.  For the Meme fornication equals procreation. 

A priest makes weekly visits to a mother of daughters.  Three of the Catholic seven go to confession in a bedroom.  Cupped breasts, strokes: mother believes, yet does nothing.  This is the way it is, like the house painters two years before.  Anger bleeds decades.  Daughters are married to abusive men by the same priest.  Stories in Catholic parishes, transfers, murmurs, a pope abruptly retires. 

A pedophile told his mother died in childbirth, raised by maternal uncle, father disowned him, older he molests his wife’s sibling’s children.  Girls still cannot talk about it as they await nursing homes.  Each can admit the other, but not herself.  Told her father at fourteen asking, “Why didn’t he do anything?”

Woman saw her drunken father berate her mother, fists, thunder, and threats to leave.  She bottles the rum lighting to see him like Superman.  Repressed rage prompts adult girl to abandon her husband accuse him of abuse.  Maternal grandfather is warned not to be left alone with great-grandchild because of touching in the old country. 

Wall of silence on one side of the room is on fire.  Light up the entire house to hide the spark.  Octogenarian baggage, luggage for the way grandpa would look under dresses at tuck-in time.  Over a dozen others, men thumbing through underwear drawers, stories of cousins: lies are the most pernicious of idolatries.  Worship invented-reality reducing the horror of face to face transgressions in direct eyesight.  One animal peering into another, this is the Meme repressing what we are.  The act of not talking about rape, the ills of patriarchy, punishing victims afraid to speak encouraging repression is the Meme. 

Entwining god into half-gamete and half-gamete forming a full cell destroys the grand permission in that a human is only here because god’s permission was granted on some psychological level in our consciousness.  A relationship exists in the Meme, wherein we begin in debt.  We owe the Meme (god) for our impetus as the precept of parent in a pre-relationship to our biological parents.  Our parent’s choices and our choices become distanced from the autonomy of our volition.  When struggling we ask the Meme, why or for assistance rather than accept the collective volition of our species and the flow of an interconnected indifferent universe which is beyond the control of ego’s flawed plaudits to manipulate the volition of others or the universe on an atomic level.

Sodomy and the stimulation of the prostate via the anus are banned.  Non-missionary sexual positions (e.g. non-face to face) emulate animal copulation and thus are rebuked by the Meme. 

Homosexuality is made to be a blasphemous affront to god who hung out with twelve men and supposedly never took a wife, but Mary Magdalene was always around.  (One might consider either she was a Gabe to J.C.’s gaggle or his wife.)  By its nature the opposite-gender marriage prerequisite to sex makes all homosexuality impermissible under the biblical-meme.  However one is left to rhetorically wonder the technicalities of human touch, is a hand on a forearm sex; a mouth on a mouth, a toe in a palm, a finger in an anus?  The Meme attempts to define sex merely as coitus, which is ironically comical as the limitation is counterproductive to the Meme’s fundamentalism.  This paradoxical limitation exposes the Meme’s prohibition of sex is not really about biological erotic stimulation.  Many would argue it is the ban of sex by cloistered men and women that creates the Church’s obsession with sex and homosexuality.  Prohibition is so often a mirrored lust for the prohibited.

The Catholic Church’s issues with gay priests and nuns, pedophilia, abortions for nuns and the taboo of priests bearing children with parishioners are long documented.  The marriage ban for priests and nuns is a descendent of trapping wealth transfer inside the coffers of the Church rather than leaking out to the progeny of priests.  This comes back to the authority compulsion of the Meme.

The religious-meme will use homosexuality as a powerful dividing line to reinforce control over sex for this form of order.  Homosexuals are a low-hanging branch for control.  Homosexuals represent a minority of the population.  The threat of homosexual-rights revolutions were low until the world could see how an attack on homosexuals like an attack based on race, gender, or religion is vile fascism capable of spilling to any member of society.  Just as homosexuality and the non-gender binary benefit our collective, an attack on homosexuality or the non-gender binary is a detriment to our collective.  

Homosexuality exists because it strengthens the whole of humanity.  The prevalence of homosexuality and in a separate sphere the reality of the human gender identity spectrum have always existed.  It is only human awareness primarily driven through our increased ability to communicate on a global level outside the Meme through avenues like the internet that spawn much of our progress to craft empathy and openness to counteract the Meme.

What if every human were an engineer and we had no dancers or doctors?  The Meme intends to instill industrialization, patriotism, and complacency.  The Meme wants us to believe we are not interdependent, but Meme-dependent (i.e. god-dependent.)  These require conformity and uniformity.  Minorities whether they are sexual, racial, or ethnic threaten those base-level psychological disseminators, which deter internal investigation and allow humans to make quick surface level conclusions.  The Meme craves this type of peripheral-thinking. 

Criticizing homosexuals is a veiled assault on heterosexual sexual acts.  The Meme does not want us to pull out vaginas and penises in public.  The Meme does not want to tell adolescents how offspring are created.  This is deemed taboo.  Condemning homosexuals is an easy-access way of going along with this tyranny of commandeering the power of the drive for genetic-replication to influence human behavior. 

Take the fast-food chain Chick Fil-A.  The Christian corporation is always closed on Sunday in compliance with the third commandment.  The chief operating officer made public comments in opposition of same-sex marriage in 2012.  Chick-Fil-A’s charitable tax-break WinShape Foundation donates millions to oppose LGBT rights.  Protests were made against Chick-Fil-A.  However in the long-term response from the Meme, patrons self-identified with the Humans-are-not-Animals meme and produced record-breaking sales to reassert the Meme.  Chick-Fil-A shows the power and the polarization of the Meme and how it can divide and magnetize humans with something as simple as the consumption of a chicken breast.  See Louisiana Senator, a known adulterer posing with a sandwich for a Chick-Fil-A kind of day on Instagram in June 2015 when gay marriage was functionally legalized by the Supreme Court to reinforce the Meme.

The Meme’s war for religious liberty is a doubling-up on the assertion that humans are not animals by stating religion is special, thus we are special.  The absence of this exclusivity on special reveals that religion does not have a morality trump.  Marriage inequality based on gender is plain mean, it is we learned right and wrong on the school yard first golden rule pre-dating bible, qur’an, we-know-in-our-beings mean.  The anti-Meme victory through SCOTUS on June 26, 2015 recognizes this cruelty as well as natural and civil rights.

Thomas Paine in Rights of Man wrote, “Natural rights are those which appertain to man in right of his existence.  Of this kind are all the intellectual rights, or rights of acting as an individual for his own comfort and happiness, which are not injurious to the natural rights of others.  Civil rights are those which appertain to man in right of his being a member of society.  Every civil right has for its foundation some natural right pre-existing in the individual, but to the enjoyment of which his individual power is not, in all cases, sufficiently competent.  Of this kind are all those which relate to security and protection.”  Marriage equality is a civil rights issue with significant moral and fiscal ramifications. The Meme conducts this industry of stupidity to hide its vulnerability of what acknowledging pulling away this thread of prejudice over sexuality and gender would do to the system of control the Meme has established.  On a fiscal level the inability of the U.S. to implement universal healthcare makes legal marriage a gigantic employee benefits issue.  The Meme’s repression of gay marriage is a sub repression of the empathy of universal healthcare which acknowledges human interconnection.  

Seeing gender as a spectrum rather than polarized absolutes threatens the Meme.  The Meme uses a gender binary as a codification tool to organize society.  Like restrictions, prohibitions, or legalities based on race, ethnicity, country of origin, or sexuality, similar attempts with gender are flush with the hypocrisy of stamping any human with special rights based on the shell we inhabit to institute order.  These classifications are ego worship.  The Meme wants us to see specialness in our identity linked to our: body, organs, nation, and ultimate conformity with a global, national, and local system of preventing the chaos of constant unpredictable volition jeopardizing a return to humans are animals.

We all begin female.  Some of us biologically form male bodies.  We gender identify like a shifting wave as we interact with the universe.  There is beauty in the dexterity of seeing the ideas of “being” male and female as a shared malleable ability by all members of our species to slide as each human sees fit.  The anti-Meme acknowledges that if human life begins at conception than every male was not always male.”

The biological function of gender through our sexual reproduction evolved from asexual reproduction to produce more powerful and diverse genetic material.  This diversity is enhanced by seeing all humanity as a common family in union with the universe.  The Meme wants our ego to think only or primarily of our blood as our interconnection.  The Meme may branch out to common country, race, or ethnicity, but homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered, or queer humans are ostracized by the Meme because like atomic space between us the spotlight of this section of our common humanity transcends this gap to connect us all on a spiritual level beyond the rudimentary paradigm of procreating genetic blood.  

We cannot see the atoms in the air, the atoms shifting out of a tree and into our skin, out of a star and into the cells that form our fathers.  In some ways a transgendered homosexual artist embracing the freedom of love is the most beautiful sight in the human spectrum to show us the possibility of usurping the Meme and the shell of traditional expectation inside what any of us have to be.  Listen to Antony and the Johnsons.  The spectrum is what is important, being whoever one is male, female, or anywhere in the spectrum.  The same goes for sexuality and the relationships and forms of commitment engaged.  It is the empathy and love that matters.

Non-gender binary (non-cisgender) humans are estimated to be 2 to 5 percent of the global population.  Many are closeted due to the Meme.  The gender binary and heterosexual norms riveted into the Meme through Christian and Islamic traditions may attempt to drown out this reality or use words like disorder, but heroes like Chelsea Manning show the beauty of humanity can be asserting identity to highlight the arbitrary and capricious nature of condemnation done in coordination with those norms inside the Meme.  Transphobia like racism or homophobia is simply a reflection of self-hatred in the part of the fearful denying what humanity is.

We love the spectrum of love so much because love is the ultimate shedding of the ego.  The Beatles, Rumi, Shakespeare, Etta James, and unlimited artists have extoled the power font of love because love is the vulnerability to want what is best for the other and release the self.  Sometimes this is done in trust that the other will reciprocate so that like two lines /\ leaning in on each other the universe finds symmetrical and eternal balance in the moment that love is actively chosen. 

Romantic love, like forgiveness, exists only in duality.  Like our gametes we are meant to form together, our bodies on a biological level enter or envelope one another.  On an atomic level we exchange.  On a parallel spiritual reality we are all one and this act of love is like a movement of tides beyond the atomic.  This is an intimacy beyond time, distance, or occurrence.  It simply is an awakening to the constant awe inspiring presence that is shared inside the universe as a whole in constancy.  Our lovers act as doorways in this manner.  We feel a glimpse of what we are.  We are drawn to love even more so than the sexual act that so often allows us the vulnerability to enter that dominion. 

Love does not need to be sexual.  Love in many cases does not even need to be reciprocated in the traditional sense.  Humans can reach states or windows of consciousness to love the universe through the self in ways that shed the bodily shell of the ego to transcend even sex.  This love of humanity, any other, the universe although seeming unreciprocated or solitary is nothing of the sort.  Humans like Mohandas Gandhi, Paramahansa Yoggananda, John Lennon, or Martin Luther King were flawed emblematic paragons of what that sort of love or at minimum communications of what that love is in their best human efforts.  Jesus was probably similar and then hijacked by the Meme.  The Meme wants to suppress that. 

The Meme tells us we need the structure, the material possessions, the rules based on race, gender, nationality, body image, or sexuality to be who we are, to conduct love within an acceptable ordered context.  We are meant to indemnify ourselves from the cruelties, hypocrisies, ambivalence, and active ignorance the Meme creates to sustain stability from potential chaos.  These are the trades we make. 

Humanity continues in our spiritual and mental evolution to better understand the tremendous presence of our concurrent atomic and spiritual realities to be and publically recognize what we are through a collective empathy before our inevitable extinction.  This is our charge.  Whether we can do this is a function of volition in the self, in each of us choosing how we do what we do. 

The Meme is a secondary function of that decision inside our volition.  It is not mandatory that we evolve or that we shed the current Meme.  We could go extinct as a species prior to doing so.  It is not about contributing to or saving ourselves or the universe.  It has always been about simply being, just being who we are as open and vulnerable and pure as we will always be eternal in both the atomic and the spiritual.

The Meme represses our relation to animals.  Modern society will show full female breasts of pagans in National Geographic magazines, because the Meme interprets these humans as less human.  The taboo has never been in the organ or the act of sex.  The taboo is in the threat of chaos to order.  The Meme must control the act of sex in a doctrine of specific umbrage.  The population of the world is at stake and balances must be maintained in order for the control of global economies.

Nudity is deemed dangerous.  Nudity risks us seeing ourselves equivalently as animals.  The white-pinkness in the labia of a Negro female is a stark and powerful symbol of universality.  The magnanimous identical features to Caucasian females contradicts and triggers every meme of racism, gender and racial taboos with the striking basic biology of human sameness.  The Meme represses this parity.

The Meme represses animalistic sex.  This makes parents less inclined to discuss sexual health, biology, hormones, organs, and reproduction with nine to twelve year olds.  This leads to more sexually related problems as sexual activity begins. 

The refusal of frank discussion about sex carries on as unsuitable public discourse.  Animals hunger to mate.  Admitting such, threatens the Meme.  Therefore sexual repression goes with the Meme.
Prostitution is anti-Meme.  Therefore it is criminalized by the Meme.  Sex is controlled.  Volition is prohibited.  Another economy, like drugs, is suppressed to pump a medical issue into public safety budgets.  Venereal diseases, violence, economic exploitation and non-taxed income result from the prohibition of prostitution.  Legalized regulation such as in Holland reduces, but does not eliminate these negative byproducts.  Neither prohibition nor legalized regulation can commander volition.  Consensual fun sex is beautiful.  The condemnation of prostitution is often jealously by the Meme to repress acknowledging this fundamental sensorial relation of pleasure with continuing generations of animal life. 

We are not to understand that we are animals or such a simple commercial product could satisfy our urge to mate in an emotionless, physically functional paradigm of penis, clitoris, and anus etc.  This violates the sixth commandment.  Prostitution is argued as degrading the family. 

Humans having sex without marriage makes humans more difficult to control for the Meme.  Humans are more likely to acknowledge what we are.  We want to emotionally bond, however sometimes we cannot find or do not want such tethers, yet still urge to copulate with or without contraceptive measures to prevent gene replication.  Contraceptives and sex for fun are anti-Meme.

Sex inside the Meme is about the social control and repressing the link to the universe inside the self through the love and vulnerable openness and awareness sex so often creates.  The ideas of emotional intimacy occurring through non-monogamous sex may seem contradictory, but it is a function of the volition of the individuals involved.  Who is to say what is normal or right between consenting mature humans; no one but them. 

Burlesque is anti-Meme and also about matriarchal consent.  Even in a homosexual male derivation, the concept is feminine control over what the masculine is permitted to view.  The rate and volume of exchange are controlled through art.  The anti-Meme says, “I own my body.  The Meme does not decide.  I present.  I lure.  I own my sexuality, but create no Eve-like culpability or debt that the viewer’s inner-Meme animal in denial of his or her volition has any entitlement to see past the line of my choosing or ever touch.”

For a burlesque-dancing male for a primary heterosexual female audience, the anti-Meme overt external recognition of the female libido supersedes the patriarchal denial of the male dancer as a sociological construct.  Such an environment is not the inverse of the burlesque-dancing female but the natural complement to both sides of feminine sexuality (to be desired and to desire) giving a licked middle finger to the Meme. 

This idea of consent threatens the patriarchy of the Meme (e.g. foremost in the idea that a woman can have sex with whomever the fuck she wants that consents to have sex with her and a woman can be sexual and not converted into property or accrue a debt to the patriarchy.)  She does not need the Meme’s permission to be unjudged. 

The concept of a double standard under a gender binary for sex insults and controls males as well.  The self-entitlement of the male ego to participate in slut-shaming, violence, body-shaming, or derogatory diminishment of females into a body suppresses the mental and spiritual wealth of males and with it humanity.  This creates arrogance in the patriarchy that makes males more susceptible to being controlled by the Meme.

Males having led most of the world’s governments have been complete tools initiating wars, repressive regimes, fostering debilitating economic disparities in part because the male psyche inside the Meme’s patriarchy does not value females with equivalency.  Male insecurity for this incongruent hypocrisy shows outwardly as patriarchal entitlement in inefficient Meme-sustaining legislation centered on the ego attempting to retain “traditional” power banks.  Empathy steering towards gender equivalency threatens this on every level.

Just as the internet and viral cell phone videos expose violence on racial lines waged by authorities, the same is true for violence against women.  Look at March 2015, Farkunda, 27, Kabul Afghanistan, killed by a mob in front of a mosque she worked as a religious teacher falsely accused of burning the qur’an to violate commandment two.  A group of men beat her, pulled her off a roof as Farkunda attempted to flee, pummeled her with wood, ran her over with a car, then burned her body.  Social media of the hour long murder led to one of the first death sentences for a Mullah and three other men for violence against a woman in the history of Afghanistan.  However in the Meme the other 20 or so involved were set free.  The consensus is if she actually did burn the holy book the frenzied murder would have been justified.  This is the Meme, only complying in the face of cell phone exposure, because to not do so would be so blatant the thinning foundation might topple. 

Empathy is used as a weapon inside commandment six.  We are meant to put ourselves in the position of our spouse or the spouse of our sexual partner.  What feelings would we have in knowing another human’s genitalia entered or was allowed to enter the genitalia of our companion? 

Humans are pair bonded as an evolutionary adaptation due to the long-term advantages to the survival and health of offspring.  Penguins mate for life for similar reasons.  A male penguin feeds while the female gestates the egg.  The male then holds his egg on his feet to prevent the egg freezing on the ground.  The female goes out to sea to feed, replenish and bring back regurgitated food for the hatchling.  Different animals copulate and predominately mate with the alpha male because his virility represents genetic survival likelihood.  Humans dip into both strategies.  This can be seen in the different types of mates humans seek when looking for sexual stimulation compared to a partner.  It’s the bad-boy/girl versus good-woman/guy shift.

The sixth commandment profiteers off of the pair-bonding advantage for human offspring that requires a prolonged adolescence to develop advanced cognitive function.  The linkage in human-love that is forged through the psychological brain released during mating provides a somatic chain to a mental-fortitude that is crucial to human survival as the environmental logistics of rearing offspring challenge a mother-father pair-bond.  The struggles of single-parents are a testament to the biological root of love itself.  Certainly single-parents can and do succeed, but so often the process is eased with a solidified co-parenting duo.

Adultery typically hurts all humans involved, because it presumes deception.  If a couple were to have an open-marriage and forewarn and receive permission for one or both of the married individuals to fornicate with humans outside the marriage, is this adultery?  Technically yes, but adultery is a commandment against dishonesty.  The crucial differentiation of the Meme is as a matter of permission. 

If one is only allowed to have intercourse inside a marriage, then even if both parties to that marriage wish to and agree to happily have intercourse with a party outside that marriage, god (the Meme) still deems this non-permissible.  This is where one can see the true passive-aggression of the Meme.  The Meme was never worried about sex as much as keeping sex like death, in its discretion, not in the volition of the individual.  Controlling volition is the Meme’s imperative. 

Humanity goes along with the Meme of the sixth commandment in part to avoid the lines of bastards unprotected random sexual practices create.  Apes, dogs, fish, turtles and the line of organisms humans openly label animals copulate for survival in a numbers game.  In poorer countries and more rudimentary times when life expectancy was shorter, humans similarly operate and operated. 

We rarely discus the onanism of primates or humans, but we are aware that the sexual nerve endings of these animals fire-off neurons and brain chemicals similar to our serotonin when copulating and masturbating.  The power and ration of libidinous excitation needs little elaboration as to why the Meme is so preoccupied with the matter.

Humans are able to talk about species, which are not at the top of the global food chain copulating for survival, but we cannot talk similarly about ourselves.  We conspire to engineer a hierarchy of obtuse moral and social restrictions and regulations over human copulation.  The dichotomy between these two sets of mental platforms for sex distances ourselves from our animal nature and is at the core of the Humans-are-not-Animals meme. 

Humans orgasm to sponsor a potential internal awareness of possible fertilization.  Males particularly need paternal reassurance as the child is born through the mother’s body.  This can be tied to the typical solitary, but consistent male-orgasm compared to the multiple, but mercurial female-orgasm.  Animals do not wish to unwittingly invest energy perpetuating the genes unlinked to their own.

In the realm of psychoanalysis, conflict in the human psyche and dreams are fixated on being at peace with one’s sexual drive.  In dreams we experience our infantilism, the roots of our sexuality spawned from our fertilization, mitosis, meiosis and what we are which cascades into why we do what we do as complex-brained humans.  This includes creating and perpetuating the Meme.

In dreams we install distortion through a mirror-universe forcing our repressed thoughts and complexes on sex, incest, death, homophobia, bestiality, rape, torture, murder, blasphemy, and all sorts of Meme / anti-Meme expressions to the forefront up from our subconscious.  The distortion presents these ideas through symbols which our conscious mind can temporarily accept.  This allows us back into the privacy of the womb, accepting how we got here and who and what we are before we tricked ourselves to believe we were handy-work of god and thus inferred as quasi-divine based on that uniqueness.  All life is divine as the universe, but for entirely different reasons than god.

In our dreams we can be animals and see that animals are no different from people.  The unconscious mind can then process our conscious choices in the regression of sleep.  Our dream fabrications can be part real-life, memory and distortions into the unreal.  We clothe the thought in another name to be able to digest the spread of desires, joys, and pains inside the dream.

The bible and the qur’an conveniently used dreams as an avenue of god to human communication so that these semi-hallucinatory experiences were the domain of the Meme.  The Meme was even watching dreams transposing the imaginary into instruction.

The sixth commandment seeks to subdivide the human species by our most powerful logical drive to connect, sex.  Sigmund Freud wrote,

“Sexuality is the only function of the living organism which extends beyond the individual and sees to his kinship with the species.  It is undeniable that its practice does not always benefit the individual as do his other performances.  For the price of ecstatic pleasures it involves him in dangers which threaten his life and frequently cause death.  Probably peculiar metabolic processes, different form all others, are required to maintain a part of the individual life for its progeny.  The individual who places himself in the foreground and regards his sexuality as a means to his gratification is, from a biological point of view, only an episode in a series of generations, a transient appendage to a germ-plasm which is virtually endowed with immortality, just as though he were the temporary partner in a corporation which continues to persist after his death.”

Sex is the number one reason humans congregate.  This can be inferred in a church, synagogue, temple, or mosque as well.  Religion is a portal for the Meme to approve of sex through ritualized marriage.  Inner-faith marriage and the gene-replication drive are intertwined.  Ultimately the species could live isolated peripatetic lives if asexual replication were the dominate form of perpetuation.  This is weaker.  Therefore the multitude of smaller numerous gametes in the character known as male and the larger singular gamete character known as female cooperate and reign supreme.

Humans are taught to fear our libidos as if we are uncontrollable beasts and unsure of what we might do.  We install commandments as a surveillance state in our psyche to mitigate this risk.  If we cannot see ourselves for who we are, how are we to understand others?  We are taught to focus on punishment to ourselves first, not empathy.  This truncates our human experiences and journey.  If we cannot see outside the limited box of the imagination to engage in the complex pattered meme of empathy then we cannot grow past the dominant Meme.  For if we saw out into the eyes of others we can see the limited reach of the flavor of the Meme adapting to current and foreign parties.  The dominance of Islam in the Middle East compared to Christianity in the West is the ultimate example of arbitrary religion acting as a controllable portal to sex in the Meme.  

If we can accept our individual sexuality then we can see our universal commonality.  This empathy would not be limited to subsections of the Meme (our individual religion or ethnicity or the dominant iteration in our immediate environment), but could be spread to all humanity and all life.  The bondage of the Meme can be broken in such ways as the chains will be shown as feckless and non-beneficial compared to the maximum potential of the anti-Meme. 

Sex would open to the empowerment of the gender spectrum enacting volition to take ownership of what we are and what we choose beyond the Meme.  The biological stimulation in the atomic to connect with a physically present human could awaken to see that person as all people.  We are all people. 

Adultery inside the Meme is an egoic focus; in the marital promise we are making a mirrored eternal promise.  This infuses that in the Meme the ego is eternal, that we are this self and that we are always this self.  Wherein we are never just this self; we are a constantly shifting mesh of components in a whole.  The illusion of two single individuals loving in monogamous commitment may most easily be seen in the ideas of unrequited love or the cessation of requited love. 

Volition can shift at any moment.  The crucible of the now holds that any relationship including marriage exists only in the choice in the now.  The Meme, god, the marital contract, or sex do not manifest or perpetuate the bond.  The bond is created in the choice on the table of the now.  When love shifts from reciprocal to unrequited our ability to morn a broken heart and love another displays our most beautiful universal potential.  Love did not have to be encompassed in that individual.  We were never only loving that individual.  They were never only loving us.  Love is not encompassed in the self or the self we perceive our being to be. 

Some may choose to only love one individual, some a few, some many.  The options are not as pertinent as one understanding that only what is empathetic to all that we are (our self, partners, others, progeny, society, (i.e. the universe)) is the love that truly connects us as the whole.  This requires the release of individuality our own and our partners.

We are in love and she or he leaves us.  She is engrained in our ego, a solidified envisioned component of our mandatory self.  Extracting her damages our ego, carves it out unimaginable that only she can fit.  Depression, rationalization, bartering through a grief process may try to stuff fluff into that whole or control an impossible scenario to plug her back in there, but that is all ego, all self. 
The path of love is to love as deeply and as passionately as one chooses in the moment of now.  Hearts break, volition changes or continues, but all one can do is have our say to let the other know how we feel and let that human go to choose us or not.  Pining and wanting and torturing the self to comfort that part of the ego one has placed specificity outside the individual as part of the ego only shows the non-necessity of the ego as an entirety.  The whole image of the ego, the whole painting, the words chosen, the faces chosen, they are all optional and a discretionary illusion.

The path out of heartache like that is to take that specificity out of the image of self one carries, trading the next body in to mask the pain is a common solution.  The psychologist William Glasser might call this the person we picture in our quality world in Choice Theory.  The better option is to accept the now, to lose the ego entirely.  Love where one can.  Love the universe through the self when no one is there. 

When facing that vast warehouse of loneliness, when the darkness crimps its prognathous jaw, we try to see the unending possibility, the lack of lines in the darkness, the absence of ego in what can be.  That is the beauty of the darkness loss can bring a person, the possibility that in the absence of the other the self perceived as so mandatory, so essential, the complete opposite is a place of growth.  The predecessor image of the beloved acted in ways as a limit, a box our love had to conform.  She or he was a line to construct a peristaltic wall in the warehouse constricting and challenging us to either evict such malignant addictions or suffer a lack of growth.  With him gone in the nothing, the universe opens, and that at times can be god damn beautiful.  

In this broken hearts are some of the most powerful and gorgeous experiences in the human journey.  We grow to shed the ego by understanding the blurred lines of the self dissolving into offering our volition fueled love to the whole in the consenting form that presents in our now.  We learn to let go, not to attempt to own another or be owned, but to be, to simply be.

The sexual act reverberating through our most powerful mental process of orgasm may be a representation of the potential concurrent emotional portal connecting the single-self as the spiritual universe opening through sexual connection.  We are eternal in both tangent planes, but the closest some of us may come to tangency is through intimate emotional sexual bonding exploding through the orgasmic transcendence of our biological form.  The flood and aftermath is often love.  This act, this experience is at the core of human social structure for so many reasons, but none more so than this.  We cannot control love.  We cannot control the universe.  All we can do is choose and be.

We attempt empathy.  We do our best attempt to understand what it is like to be the other, but no one can ever get there.  Empathy is like calculus approximating to a position on a constantly moving curve.  Getting there is not the point.  The point is the attempt, the honest genuine attempt.  Sometimes that means giving up one’s life, resources, dignity, pride, indulgences to simple try to empathize with another.  How selfish that empathy is depends.  Do we do it because we want others to know we are ‘good’, that we care, that we are not one of these other fuckers destroying the world through thought or do we do it so no one notices? 

Sometimes that is a function of difference that lives and dies in our ego; our ego does not matter.  What matters is if our actions in the now register in the energy of others we interact to spark that exponential positive reaction that love can bring like E=Mc2 atoms exploding love in an awesome conversion that one’s attempt to understand and bond and better another changes things to open and flow.

That is what matters.  It does not really matter if one got props or not or if one prioritized looking good in front of family, friends, or the general public.  What matters is if love was created and that can fall either way in the end.  If we or those we empathize with feel less lonely, just that bit less fearful or terrified in the world than maybe that is all that matters.  

No one gives a fuck about heroes or villains.  Sure some people make a tiny spotlight mostly meant to keep people in line, sacrifice a few resources to display that some mythical member of the masses might occasionally win the lottery or get rewarded for kindness rather than punished.  However the majority, the trillions of tiny miracles of heroism and true-evil malicious tyrannies of action go unnoticed, un-advertised, un-marketed, un-rewarded or un-punished.

Children get raped; soldiers get PTSD and cease to function ‘normally’.  Some kid gets a role model to tilt the trajectory of her future days.  Some anonymous person gives altruistically.  Somebody gets cancer.  Somebody does not.  Genetics, choices, it is all murmured or not discussed at all.  The truth is no one gives a shit.  No one cares.  No one really wants to hear the great-great story or the sob story.  On occasion someone will listen for thirty or a thousand seconds hoping to have their turn to speak or to feel like a decent human to help another human feel heard.  Sure it happens.  Sometimes it is bloody wonderful. 

But ten minutes later another million stories pile up.  Maybe one of those might come your way to choose to focus on for a maybe a window.  The point is to be in the moment.  Notice what you can.  Be present for others while you can.  The point is not our story or their story or any of the stories of help or hurt.  The point is the awareness of the connection of loving what you can knowing it is never going to be fair.  It is not supposed to be.  It is not supposed to be controlled.  It is not supposed to balance within the self.  The universe balances as a whole in the constancy beyond time simply being what the universe is.  The universe does not balance in a moment of time or in the individuality of a being or the collective species of that being.

All one can do is shed the ego to let go of the fears and pick love and be.  Be with the universe through others, with others, alone.  Fuck the loneliness, the self-focus, or the worry about justice.  That is all any of us can do.  In that moment of freedom the universe shifts, love is created.  Things like revolutions happen, art happens, empathy happens, better happens, love happens.  The anti-Meme laughs off death staring the beauty of the now straight on embracing the all absent of applause.

To Commandment Seven: Avarice

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