Friday, August 28, 2015


 Line of bodies out in the snow
White up to the shins naked staring at each other’s pubic hair
Holding overcoats tailored for another torso

Temptation to dress oneself in the ill-fitting garment
Witnessing the frosted breath exit in cycles
Feet brave the surface of the compacted powder
Circle staring into the circumference and curvatures of the vessels

Cloth for a complementary fitting
Testing symmetry as the fabric extends over arms, hips, to ankles
Knowing one cannot offer if one does not receive
Hands get possessive like a stock market

Realizing some coats fit so many bodies
The wanting swarm holding return wares with smiles
Rounding goose bumps in the winter frost
Others stare at the torn fabric and haggard strands, oblong widths

The resignation, the understanding registers
Peering out after so many inquiries declined
The coat is better put on one’s body
Slid on part of an arm, not stretching the waist

Part of the cold kept
Blankly watching the trades
Heaviness in the chest, burning, slumping

The snow consumes a fortress, naked and honest 

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