Friday, August 28, 2015


First night in my new home.  Tenth move since 2003.  Drinking a Rebirth pale ale cold, like never obliterated such a parched throat, might have to get another, house full of boxes, a bed I still have to finish making, christen the shower, a magpie nest to unravel collections to parcel the buttons and string over the next few months.  The last week, Sunday at yoga and Jazz Fest it hit me how stressed I was about this process, selective mutism in batches.  How many memories inked there in mailing tape, sharpie notes scratched over and years of what is in the cardboard this time.  Thank you father, brother, cousin and friend, hugs and hands reminding me I do not have to do everything alone and sometimes it is ok to ask for and receive help.  The numb of my head as I type, the beige walls soon to be painted in a NOLA rainbow.  So good to be home, might Odysseus smile.  Bottoms up, cheers New Orleans, I love you. 

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