Friday, August 28, 2015

The Limpid Mirror

Sometimes it really is that simple no one wants to have intimate sex
All this psychological babble internal analysis to understand existential
Who one is; what are we doing here inquiries
Squash the line and admit

Nah, animal body wants animal bodies
Tried and failed so few and the tales
Pain, pressure, and power relinquished
To wanting what does not want 

To let it go wanting of that divine place 
body and spirit both dying
Just god damn dying hoping for the sanguine truth of acceptance
In that moment to have love reverberate with honest release

Self-doubt and criticism that no matter how beautiful
A heart, a body one may imagine one has
Loneliness takes over after so many years
Like a vehicle run out of gasoline, the engine turbine rusted

The rubber caramelized sticky in the cracked concrete
The imagery to explain why this façade and these caverns appear as such
Whispered away in uncounted midnights
Hoping in between as bodies reject invitations to get to know

The voice asking, the face in the picture gallery
Makes a mask and a body elects evisceration
Rather attempt the irrelevance of the self
If a self is to be unrelentingly alone when embodied 

That in a mind where possessions, status, the Meme are so irrelevant
One knows the value of love so much more intimately by its absence
Hardened in the sips of years and the mirage ocean of desert decades
Sandy lips attempting to love living

Stupid ass stories, irrelevant, cancel, blare a know-nothing horn
Just be, to let it go, see possibility staring like obligation to remember
Wanting balance equation and shed

Empty carnage rotten and mangled wanting the faith to hope
And not have to prove, to try, to participate so inequitably
Margin for error under a pile, trying to pretend the pile doesn’t matter 
Pale-faced and limpid in solitude wondering if this is all there is

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