Friday, August 28, 2015

4) Hypocrisy: The Meme: What and Why We Are

4) Hypocrisy
[Honor your father and your mother.]
{Honor your father and mother that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.}

Respect is earned not given.  In commandment four, god is ordained absolute parent.  We are biologically bred to obey, love, and find favor with our parents.  These individuals are our genetic blueprint.  Inherently any compliment or insult to either is inferred to us.  Any detected flaw in either can cultivate cancerous insecurity or vulnerability in an individual.  Such weakness is often reflected in the self through overcompensation.  To cancel or disparage the bond between our parents is tantamount to a message that we should not exist. 

We hunger for validation through our dynamic with our parents.  Honor your father and mother or god will take away what you have.  God grants us life as we came from the joining of spermatozoa and egg, but god’s allowance is intended to convey a life and variables beyond humanity. 

This creates an endless debt.  All human life came from the endless regress of god.  We are born in hock without consent and never leave.  We are purported to have freewill, yet have not the freedom to be pre-informed of our arrangement, the option of refusal, terms of service, or the liberty of suicide under the legalities of the bible.  This is the ultimate anachronistic trap of hypocrisy by the Meme.

The Meme creates culpability before, during, and after our existence that negates even the love of our parents.  Parental love, absent adoption, typically is selfish as adoration of the gene’s associated with one’s ego.  Even adoptive love can be a surrogate form of appeasing the biological gene-transition yearning through memes.  Ideals of the ego of the parent will be conferred.  Adoption is often a second choice after intercourse or artificial insemination has failed.  This is not always the case, but is common.  If most parents were truly non-selfish or the minimal of selfishness, parents would first adopt one of the many people sitting in human dog pounds rather than add another resource consumer to an overfilled horde.  Most often we do not; it is not our animal nature.  We are animals.

One can see this in the basic love of one’s child.  Would one trade their child for any other?  What does one exchange in sentiment in such a hypothetical?  Humans do not care in a commensurate measure for other human’s offspring.  Poor children rotting in slums, ghettos, foster bins, or provincial estates are washed with apathy, a well-wish, or disdain in a distant context.  We compartmentalize our humanity to emphasize our genes and default to the Meme to suppress our interconnection.  If not, human orphans would be scooped up and raised prior to procreated-progeny as a logical species survival mechanism.

An anti-Meme society would make adoption easier.  Whether it is human or canine, the act of recognizing the needs of genetically unlinked others over personal desires is anti-Meme.  This will be discussed further in Empathy under Commandment Six.

Loving one’s offspring is beautiful and good, yet the act of parenting takes on a parallel to martyrdom under the Meme.  Children become creations of god and thus not an indulgence of the parent’s genetic programing, but substituted for a duty to be raised under the commandments and ritual of the god-meme to become future carriers of the Meme.  The Meme clouds parents from seeing the animal luxury of offspring.  The selfishness of genetic transference is masked in dogmatic duties to bring up civilized, obedient, and orderly replicas adherent to the Meme. 

Children are viewed as paramount to self or even partners.  Abandoning one’s personal existential internal journey for the primary priority of gene transference is saintly in the Meme.  Children reach maturity to repeat the cycle through minimal existential expansion beyond the realm of parents.  When this occurs we create a factory of recycling regress prioritizing replication rather than progress.  Change risks the Meme.

A god who demands blind faith and obedience behind the wizard-of-Oz pulpit of a preacher wants to beguile and ingrain children behind their most basic instinctual love of their genetic predecessors.  Parents are the most easily understood symbol of authority to captain a child’s dais.  The fourth commandment does not offer a rationale for earned authority, the Meme demands authority.

Weak parents often emulate the Meme in using phrases like, “Because I said so!” or “I had to so you have to.”  Children are not trusted with explanations prior to being ordered initially because their physical development cannot compute and does not wish to compute such a burden of decision.  The Meme wants parents to shelter children and hide portions of society and reality which threaten the Meme as long as possible. 
Sexuality is at the forefront of this repression.  The Meme’s utmost maxim is to hide the biological truths of genetic replication inside suppressive folklore of religious dogma.  This controls sex.  It provided order to pregnancies in a pre-prophylactic humanity.  The inventions of condoms and birth control pills allowed humanity to achieve the wanted order without the dogma and spurred women’s liberation. 

This is why contraception is outlawed by Meme overlords like the Catholic Church, even in a marriage.  Contraception represents a replacement for the current Meme.  If Christians, Jews, and Muslims were allowed dominion over their sexual lives the Meme risks the humans abandoning other commandments of control.  Interfaith coitus risks inquiry, “What faith will we raise this child?  Maybe faith is ambiguous or arbitrary, maybe unnecessary?”  The Meme needs sex controlled to keep chains of tithes intact.  Commandments might be viewed as commensurately fraudulent and unnecessary.  This will be discussed further under Commandments Six and Nine.

As children grow into adolescence and cognitive development accelerates past the absolutism of authoritarianism, the Meme combats potential rejection with parental authority and ritual.  Questioning adolescents are ostracized as brains begin to notice the first taste of doubting the Meme, despite ignorance to what the Meme is or even that the Meme exists.  The uncertainties of adolescence are ripe for rebellion and clinging to conformity. 

The social pressure to normalize with peers imposes the Meme’s hunger for order to squelch rebellion.  We want to believe inside that we are special, yet we want to be included and feel we are no different from anybody else.  The Meme preys on this.  The Meme garners power from the solidarity of social cliques and supportive social standards of success as the Meme hijacks the biological urge for copulation with attaching a voluminous menu of requirements associated with the Meme’s continuation with sexuality and attracting mates. 

Outward appearance is preferable to inward depth.  If one does not peer inward, one will not unmask the Meme.  Superficial linkages to fads intentionally shift in an ephemeral notion of fashion in clothing, music, hairstyles, formulate a fleeting definition of popular culture that hovers around sex, youth, and the illusion of uniqueness. 

The anti-Meme sees the inefficiency of physical attraction while understanding animal nature.  This creates confliction. The Meme can lean on the visual and pheromones to access inspection to form relations.  For the anti-Meme the surface seems disconnected from the inner.  The anti-Meme wants to stimulate the erogenous zones just as much, but the anti-Meme teenager begins to digest something that usually formulates in other’s twenties: random organ-insertion non-intimate sex actually often increases loneliness.  The Meme kids might not catch on until their mid-thirties, if that.

The anti-Meme may begin to disconnect and disregard body image.  Anything that focuses on body image wades into egoism.  This creates massive confliction, “Should I care about this?  What somebody thinks about my ass, this acne, or my arms?” Such waters feel like snake oils.  The anti-Meme is often befuddled by the Meme’s teenage minefield.  The Meme kid is lost too, but the anti-Meme is just way more aware of the quagmire we are all actually sloshing.  

The anti-Meme contemplates how could another want us to care about their thoughts, them, or know who they are to participate in what real life is outside the Meme?  This would be effrontery.  This keeps a lot of the anti-Meme adolescents in solitary pools of angst.  When the anti-Meme looks at what we really are the act of approach is so intimate, the surface almost becomes impossible to navigate.  The anti-Meme teenager has burrowed.  For the anti-Meme, how does anyone therein approach anyone else?  The Meme says sincerity, emotional nudity, and expression are obscene.  The Meme roots in this formative sexual kiln to distance empathy and seeing how similar we are to cascade into our adulthood.  The Meme teaches us to put on poker faces to survive.

The anti-Meme is right there naked, always naked usually finding a surrogate social group through some manner of mutually identified segregation from the Meme such as music, science, comic books, sports, art, drugs, sexuality etc.  The anti-Meme sees that everyone wants interaction, but not this kind of intimacy.  Claiming friendship, knowledge, partnership of any kind bears overtness that feels almost criminal when confronting the Meme.  The anti-Meme learns the lashes of rejection, the spurned attempts in the wake of the Meme follower’s confusion of how that intimacy offered is not dependency; it is not weakness, but strength.  The anti-Meme cares less about what the other thinks, because most likely the other is ego-focused.  Not always, but often.  Attachment becomes a higher wager.  

The anti-Meme has that teenage courage that is always on that border of loneliness, afraid, but less so than the Meme kids.  The Meme kids are coated more so in the fear of not fitting.  Value in the Meme is summation of activities or social standing rather than the divinity of the universe powering the whole.  The anti-Meme youth cannot verbalize this.  Words get chalky in the mouth clunky and obtuse flopping out in art: dance, music, poetry, notebooks, graffiti, hairstyles, ink. 

The anti-Meme kid has a hint of what the universe is, smells the water.  Sometimes it hits too hard and the hormones go to depression, drugs, addiction, suicide, isolated melancholy, a war within a war.  The anti-Meme is bashing a forehead against the wall of the Meme saying, “This can’t be it.  This can’t be all there is.  This plastic superficial shit, I don’t know what the answer is, but it sure as hell is not this commercial, this book, or this pop homogony.” 

The internal battle begins with the self, this awakening to shed the ego.  The anti-Meme risks the indulgence of solipsism.  If one can swim out past that buoy that is where the real ocean of the universe begins.  Adolescence is the first big wave phrased most prominently in the question, “How the hell does love work?”

This is the human conundrum, how does anyone operate on a surface level to actually manifest internal love where we are commensurately wanted?  Loving the other approaches need.  The anti-Meme avoids need.  The Meme penalizes need.  Love is the ultimate paradox of self-interest and need.  Meme or anti-Meme there is no getting around it.  The anti-Meme is more likely to see this.
Swallowing the bravery to truly love another human being while knowing the option for them to basically destroy you is always right there is about the most courageous act a human can engage.  The courage to say, “I like you.  Do you like me?” is diving into a black hole sun hoping there is something bright inside the event horizon knowing there is no going back. 

Once the other knows you are vulnerable, you are out there in that pasture alone as the exposed animal challenging every survival instinct that beckons you to hide to stay firm that instead of being left there alone shaking blood in bone the other might venture out into windswept grass and watch the stars with you.  Maybe for a minute, an hour, a season, an eon, who knows how long we get, but the time is irrelevant to the act of bravery and the intimacy spawned.  This might be genetically motivated for Darwinian perpetuation or it might be or also be tapping into the interconnected universe.   

Humans participate in relationships monogamous, polygamous, polyandrous, open, or all sorts inserting the words love and feelings like kindergarten finger paint, but true love, true my-ego-is-gone no-recovery without having an unrecoverable-lifetime chunk-of-you-altered love, that bravery, that choice, that is the god damn universe right there shining like why we are here at all.  

Faith that the other actually wants what we have to offer is the real crocodile pitfall lake.  The anti-Meme asks us not care what anyone thinks, to be intrepid, but love cannot exist without that human need to connect; we can postpone, deny, but never escape that paradox.  Without that vulnerability we become machines of metallic logic and sterilized solipsism.  We all need people. 

The anti-Meme asks us to be as vulnerable as possible, to feel power in nudity.  We all stand behind doors.  We offer words like keys of consciousness, not to open the other, but to express how we are open.  Love is not about the other granting access.  Love is choosing to exit our doors and sit aside the other as part of a common meadow in the universe and trying to simply be in a moment.

We give our bodies and an intimacy through sex and certain forms of words.  That is the most meaningful offering a being has; that does not always mean commitment, it may be nothing more than the beauty of that intimacy.  Love is voltage, sufficient if not queer to empower the intimate wires we plug into the universe through the self.  We ask what the hell is life, god, love, the universe; the basics. 

We are all afraid.  The game is right there pointed out when we see the universe in ourselves and in the other like reflective lenses.  We spill.  The fiddling meaningless lonely sex talk of eyeball-only intercourse can be, but the intimacy puts us right god damn there, often unplanned.  The constant universe appears to come like a continent-sized meteor out of nowhere in bar lights and moon shadow.  That intimacy is ghastly, because we are to trust in ourselves and the other that we know where to go next. 

It is always the next that is horrifying, the potential cage of following blueprint sentences of this is how to be when the art gets sniffed like a cocaine line gone to a synapse impossible to jump any longer.  The canyon for that dopamine receptor doesn’t quite stretch from the biological to the spiritual.  It’s the energy each party is willing to put in after life beats one down out of obligation rather than desire. 

Complacency can become insulation from death.  It’s insurance that as long as the procedures are followed the routine creates distraction.  Life will keep rowing itself.  We hide from death in this way.  To do so is to love in the Meme and pretend this biological cannot just end in an instant.  We take the now for granted.  The mind can get lost in the haze of not choosing anymore.  The choice gets baked in with the expectation.  Love becomes institutionalized.  The fear of stagnate prisons keeps loneliness more comfortable than intimacy.

Love is cold cross-barred in concrete perdition of predetermination.  Volition sits outside the space in the brain given up to this; this horrible declaration of what life is in the eyes of that other person that maybe they will not inspire like they once did or maybe the magic they or you felt dies like clipped fairy wings.  Our ego begins to eat us alive with responsibilities and blame in the costume of duty.  

Maybe that happens and the lava hardening from the volcano is not worth the heat.  We seek other flames, calderas to dive into drinking and spitting, drinking and spitting until our mouth is so callused and blistered that we do not even taste love anymore.  We eat around what looks like love like it is toxic and mold-covered.  All we have is charcoal blackness burst with a cell-torched tongue.  Who can speak or love with that?  The ego consumes us as if our past is the present.  

Love is the gravity of another’s slightly odd spinning galaxy.  Two waves of the universes collide full of conversations, magnetic silences, and artistic exponents obliterating the shell of the ego.  No one can go looking for that; it just startles the hell out of you; damn near scares you to death, whether you are ready or not, and most likely you’re not.  Who is?  It asks you to reevaluate and change.  Either you jump in or you try to beat it the hell away.  That’s love; that’s the universe.

Love is the full circle of the anti-Meme.  The anti-Meme sheds the ego, accepts the universe as it is (accepts the other as he or she is), but the true power is to admit the vulnerability of need.  The anti-Meme full evolution understands the need for the collective for we are the collective.  The output of humility when acknowledging this need is love.  The expression is love of the other: a partner, our community, our planet, the universe.
There is only living now and an empty alternative of death.  Our genes can travel on beyond our organic shell.  Our ideas can mix into various memes and traverse through writing, speech, video, music etc.  The atoms in our body will exchange in life and depart as our body decays post death.  However to self-aggrandize our existence as an irreplaceable cog, solemn and revered beyond that of an ant in the hill is arrogance beyond measure.  This is the foulest solipsism of the Meme.  Even Einstein did not qualify for such indispensability. 

The grand conceit mirrors that of the god the Meme teaches us to emulate.  We may live humble and loving lives of giving benefiting others, but we are all replaceable.  The Meme comforts us with this notion of uniqueness, but by our nature we are a copy, of a copy, of a copy etc.  We are merely rearranged rungs on a ladder match after match.  The bravery to still find morality, passion for life, and accomplishment under non-Meme paradigms is the grand gift of the anti-Meme to understand what volition is.

None of the Meme’s components are generally anchored to an immutable notion of substance, as to do so would require specificity.  The Meme favors vagueness over specificity.  The distortion can leave a trail of mystery as to why someone is or is not popular other than a synthetic chain of then he wore this or people seem to like her or the most simple he or she is hot (i.e. she has large eyes, child-bearing hips, petite stomach, large breasts, symmetrical face or he is tall, straight jaw line, with large upper body strength and frame to indicate a thick and elongated penis.) 

These calculations of human-worth expand little, but set the standard bar of mental exploration in adulthood low in terms of expected priority change.  We are taught to be materialistic, want sex, and to expect approval or rejection based on the preponderance of our adolescent experience.  If in adolescence we are preoccupied with these calculations rather than the Meme.  The Meme can rest in the backdrop soaking in more years under our parent’s often oblivious tutelage. 

By the time we leave our parent’s home the rituals will be hardwired.  If we reject those rituals, many of us are taught by our social structure in school what to think, not how to think.  This breeds a slew of adults who have little interest in changing norms or the Meme.  Apathy-inducing tools like alcohol, sport, fashion, and child-rearing obsession breed the political complacency to assure the Meme’s norms.

In adulthood obtaining wealth may become a symbolic quest for the purpose of life.  The Meme purposes several false purposes: getting into heaven, living as long as possible and obsessing over youth, procreation, prestige, and finding a way to acquire resources to sustain biological requirements and avoid boredom. 

These are false purposes, because life does not need a purpose.  The very limitation of a purpose is subjective as if there is a grand answer beyond the possibility volition provides in an available moment of an ungraspable present.  The Meme preys on our inquisitive and insecure nature by imposing god who has a purpose for us, which is unspoken and meant to be seen through revelations imprinted into our reality whether we be a trust-fund Ivy-Leaguer, paycheck-to-paycheck roofer, AIDS fetus, or Mogadishu pirate. 

Some adolescents when confronting the Meme will rage in rebellion.  The sophomoric reaction may be to enact anarchy against the god-representatives mother and father through sex, violence, and all manner of obstinacy.  This may continue far into adulthood and lead one into sabotaging one’s education, mental development and devote a large measure of energy to assault a false external-enemy.  Some refer to the root of the Meme as the machine or the man or the government or some dominant centrality of authority. 

However the true root of the Meme is and will always be our ego.  Within each individual is the choice to abide by the Meme.  Therefore the developing adolescent can shortcut a large detour of human development by remaining calm, observing and then conducting an internal discourse.  Writing, contemplation, music, yoga, dance, visual arts are formats to dive internal.  By doing so one can confront the Meme on the only interface one has access: volition. 

One can then offer insight for others to do the same if one chooses, but it will always be under the volition of the other to explore him or herself.  This is the nature of macro level change and all revolutions and viral debilitations of a mental strain.

On a macro level of human interaction in governments comprised of individuals, the U.S. government and Brittan’s preoccupation with acting like the world’s parent is directly linked to the fear sprouting from religiosity inside the Meme piggybacking off the fourth commandment.  Invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, the actions related to the civil war in Syria, Vietnam, countless operations in South and Central America during the drug war, rebel uprising and dictator overthrows in Africa, and British colonial rule in Nigeria and India, etc. are each, to some extent, examples of this portion of the Meme. 

Brittan and the United States are paramount in their exploitation of other countries under the Meme due to the imposition of the English language on the rest of the globe due to military dominance, despite the linguistic dissimilarity to so many other tongues which contain overlapping similarities which English excludes.  One need only look at the various translations of the English word pineapple.  The same is true from the use of the customary measurement system versus metric.

This extreme form of sensorial manipulation shows the immutability of the cultures and their empiric central ideologies to create global systematic disparity by forcing other people to become more like the English-speakers so that the non-English-speakers could be demoted and stay demoted as quasi-pagans, godless antichrists compared to the fundamental order to the Meme. 

The United States’ credence to such a Meme is directly related to being a former British colony and the U.S. oedipal-usurping of its father-figure.  English order goes back into the Protestantism the British Isle whetted to the grind stone of wars with alternative religious derivations whether it be Ireland, France, Scotland, or Spain through Catholicism or Islam through the Crusades.  America’s declaration of independence against its parent was only possible after assuring the assistance of French-Canadian Catholics and numbing the internal tumult of Baptists and other Protestants to find a common enemy in Brittan via protest to taxation without representation and being controlled.  The separation of church and state was nothing more than to quell inter-squabble between Christians of which vein of Christianity to draw blood in a neophyte America before eradicating the indigenous people. 

These pressures forced alliances to usurp the Meme.  Thomas Jefferson’s deist tendencies brought forth the separation of church and state in the Bill of Rights.  Jefferson attempted to truncate slavery by ending its expansion by ending importation in 1808 and letting the vice phase out.  Slave owners bred humans and went from 400,000 in the 1770’s, to one million in 1800, and despite the import ban to four million by 1860.  However he was politically rebuked in his hypocrisy (i.e. Sally Hennings and owning over 600 slaves).  The Civil War was set into an inevitable maelstrom based on the economics rather than morality of slavery.  

America’s slip towards fundamentalism is lubricated with forgetfulness of the danger of applying specificity to religion inside the Meme when piloting a super-power and uttering such mandatory salutations as god bless America.  The danger was recognized by Thomas Jefferson, “Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other religions, may establish with the same ease any particular set of Christians, in exclusion of all other sects?”  Jefferson also said, “Our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions, more than our opinions in physics or geometry.”  One sees the fear of Christian sects of each other in the U.S. foundation of a land forged in limiting suffrage to white-males who were ever so tempted to use the Meme-specificity of Jesus.

The planetary colonization by the Spanish, Dutch, French, British and Americans through offshoots like stolen Hawaii, pilfered Alaska, and territories like Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico correlate with the fourth commandment as parenting.  America’s insecurity has led to military bases scatter-plotted over the planet.  Such forms of imperialism are pro-Meme.

One can look throughout history to the Macedonian Empire 300 B.C., Roman Empire 70 to 150, Umayyad Caliphate in 650-750’s, the Abbasid Caliphate 750’s-1250’s, the Mongols in the 1200’s, Yuan Dynasty 1300’s, the Quing Dynasty 1700’s to 1800’s, Russians from the 1700’s to the early 1900’s, etc.  The dominant power in a region expands virally until implosion under their girth typically from internal revolution.

The dominant countries of the Meme, currently the United States and Western Europe, adorn the empiric presumption that if we do not take on the enemy, if we do not do it, no one will.  The arrogance of this assertion is due to the Meme’s commitment to order.  The Meme uses terms like national interest to rationalize the creation of regional and global hegemony.  

The United Nations represents a consensus as a non-authoritarian forum for discourse to release the individual global powers from the responsibility of singularly enforcing compliance with order.  However the fear for noncompliance with treaties and the non-authority of the United Nations is most threatening to global powers and therefore countries like the United States are the most likely candidates to take action without consensus approval and the most likely to block action with consensus.  See the U.S. invasion of Iraq after 9/11/01.  The U.S. since 1972 leads the U.N. Security Council in enacting vetoes.  (The five permanent U.N. members can veto: China, France, Russia, the U.S. and the U.K.) They are also the most likely to brashly spy on allies. 

The citizens of empires are encouraged to demonstrate a threshold of contempt for the value of global consensus.  Like the exploitation of the majority by an empowered minority, it is in the best interest of those on top to do what one wishes to maintain control and power, rather than to value macro-level consensus, satisfaction, empirical-based decision-making, or peace.  See the U.S. in modern Israel. 
Levels of war, turmoil, and civil unrest in foreign nations ensure the perpetuation of the global hegemony.  Militaries are the easiest tools to set such domination.  This is why chaos can be isolated in places were the “pagans” live.  This dehumanizes the resulting suffering by differentiating biological humanity by derivations of the Meme. 

To the modern Meme everywhere outside the United States or Western Europe represents the Poor.  This determines who can be bombed based on the discretion of a blameless altruism inferred into the principles self-adorned to the apex of the Meme.  This is enthroned from a history of burying the bodies of massacred and exploited indigenous populations physically, but not spiritually to achieve the dominant Meme status.  Ghosts of the Iroquois Nation and the Kingdom of the Congo will always haunt the United States like a foundation of blood in every stock price on Wall Street.  The Meme runs from this like Poe’s Tell Tale Heart.  Our humanity suffers from this hypocrisy.  The anti-Meme acknowledges the rift in our oneness in attempts of unification by seeing the plain picture, the Meme does not.  The Meme fights empathy and interconnection. 

Muslim countries market the tyranny of enemy humans in Western cultures.  This is the inverse image of the Western iteration of the Meme imposing its domination.  This galvanizes the power of spiritually-based hierarches and is the number one opponent to having strong secular democracies in countries where this mirror-image of the Western Christian-meme has dominated global economics since the invention of the combustion engine began to use the Middle East as a plantation.

This two-sided domination of the Meme is not the result of grand design of cognizant illuminati.  It is the natural result of the volition of tiers of humans following the Meme.  It is not like the political, religious and business top-percentile leaders have uncovered the id-animal meme and are secretly plotting to exploit the remainder of humanity.  They are in preponderance as ignorant, if not more so, than the rest of the populace.

They are acting out what the Meme protecting itself motivates them to do, which is to sustain the order the Meme craves as it serves their individual egos.  This requires the exploitation of the masses.  This creates priests and sinners to cooperate in a mutual system of circulating energy.  Exxon-Mobil’s CEO, the U.S President sit on one side of the table facing a rabbi, an Imam, and the Supreme Leader of Iran.  The two groups are symbiotic.  A revolving current of power flows through the oceans of our small globe’s masses in such ways to flow order. 

Each side of the table needs the other to maintain power whether this is consciously comprehended or not.  The Meme understands and subverts volition that would jeopardize each of their spheres of influence.  The Meme filters itself downward to the greater population through ritualism, legalities, faith, and convenient explanations for systematic disparities to maintain order which is essential to humanity.  We are taught to see each other through the system rather than as common animals.

Therefore at every turn if one sees every human on the planet as a carrier of the Meme and comprehends the fears it generates as shields in the superego to protect the ego from the id, then in this regard we can, like an opposing coach, see our opponents move before he or she makes it. 

We know how the Meme will react to: war, sex, gender, lawlessness, anarchy, chemical weapons of mass death, oil and its shortages, environmental protection in a capitalist global market, profiteering, greed, banking, religion, piousness, abortion, incest, murder, rape, theft, and the uncontrollable demand to know why.  Understanding the Meme’s logic would help any human navigate being a complex life form.
Humans who survive the womb continue rudimentary survival under the plutocracy of international banks, energy harvesters, pharmaceutical distributors, land owners, and security enforcers.  Children are washed into compliance.  Caesarian section is preferable to vaginal birth, formula to breast milk, and a baby Einstein video to a face.  Submitting to the morphed authority figure of the Meme varies depending on what country one is blessed or burdened to be born into, let alone what house within that country.  

School brings Zyprexa and Risperdal to focus.  The lunch time cafeteria brings soy bean and corn subsidies, devastated permaculture, and mono-crops with Monsanto-pesticide bee disappearances and lawsuits over genetic-seed patents inside the ammonia-rinsed hamburger patty.  ADM, Cargill, Dole, and Tyson grow.  Coca Cola, Pepsi, Heinz-Kraft, and Nestle serve.

Traditional classrooms have students politely and orderly raising hands in lined rows with a lecture format.  Modern classrooms often split in pods.  The loudest speaker is valued over the best idea.  Ideas are often trampled in sound.

In class, “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top” prioritize teaching to the test and memorization.  This voids critical thinking and innovation.  Mono-students are bred.  This is intentional inside the Meme.  This controls teachers and students to binge-absorb for testing and rinse into forget without objection.  The anti-Meme is learning how to think: open-ended discussion, experimentation, and exploration, the way children learn before the programming begins.  Look at Germany or Finland, then America.

Americans are particularly incapable of acknowledging our tiered capabilities.  Intelligence quotients due to genetic capability are a dominant factor in educational aptitude.  The most important person beyond the self in educating a human is not the teacher, but the parent(s). 

A small array of teachers rotates by the hour and by semester as a child progresses in school.  Learning begins in the womb.  Socialization, environmental detours, which correlate with a young student’s sleeping, eating, and sequestration patterns for thought for both homework and observation of the value of education in daily life vary by what a child is privileged or subjected to label as family.

The Meme ignores these realties because the answer is ownership of volition.  The Meme prefers to blame the education system first rather than genetics or home environment, which trump the often marginal differences between schools.  If the school can be seen as the determining factor, education can be marketed as a free market good and giant tuition bills can be extracted for private schools and all universities.  Property taxes can in effect price public schools.  Religions also benefit from the degradation of the public school system.  The Meme encourages charter schools to divert public funds to make schools more like corporations.  This creates an educational system mirroring and distancing the wealth disparity the Meme craves.  Although school choice that opens residency borders is anti-Meme. 

The economics are fraudulent.  With America’s economy a properly funded educational system would be the envy of the planet, but the Meme knows higher education and freedom risks uprising, dissent, and noncompliance with political mandates.  The Meme makes education, particularly higher education cost more than it needs to; look at the 1950’s tuition and today.  Meme universities have shifted into layers of non-educator administrators guiding policy and curriculum to act like big businesses focused on marketing and revenue rather than education of the population.  Given the increase in productive value of a worker; why should tuition have grown at such an exponential rate if not for the Meme?  With the internet and web-based knowledge distribution dynamic egalitarian educational disbursement designed by the best educators on the planet should be more available to all.  The Meme markets against this. 

If schools are seen as more crucial than parents, then parents can take a more passive role to education.  If product brand names are more important than content then the population can take a more passive role in questioning the Meme.  This creates politically docile citizens comfortable assuming the government, social system, and education are capable and performing due care of the education of their progeny.  The system is self-perpetuating.  A parent will often be less cognizant of what their child lacks in information if they were commensurately under-educated.  The Meme can recycle with less opposition.

Instead of pumping funds into administrative evaluation of standardized knowledge, the more relevant issues of poverty such as child care, tutoring, access to healthcare, the tools a parent can use to continue life-long learning such as integrated web-based educational infrastructure, nutritional assistance, and community violence should be viewed as the core of the knowledge gap in Poor communities.  This is entirely anti-Meme.

Rather than designing schools to adjust for the limits of the many, we acquiesce to the futility of the few.  Rather than empower teachers to adapt schools and classrooms for limitations, the American education system often attempts to force round pegs through square holes.  This is directly correlated with the Meme.  The Meme does not value teachers because a free-to-teach educator represents chaos.  The Meme seeks layers of administrative chains to frustrate and rein-in what the educator can say and do when in the front of future Meme-carrying students.  The Meme wants teachers to wear straight-jackets. 

The Meme wishes to encourage a level of interchangeability amongst the masses.  The perception of potential achievement, the lottery-win ideal, is essential to perpetuating the myths of faith, hope, and eternal salvation.  If a human is told he has a seventy-five IQ and his best hope is minimum wage for the next fifty years, a revolt might erupt right there.  It often does in an indirect byproduct of the human seeing little value in the false pursuit of additional ill-fit education the school attempts to provide. 

Under god each soul is special and a unique creation, but each soul better solve his or her problems without help, because god will help or punish.  The anti-Meme acknowledges the mental runts of the litter and seeks to help based on the systematic needs within the collective and punish based on the volition of individuals producing systematic injuries to the collective.  The anti-Meme permits humans to be fallible and accepts the stark realities of both stupidity and low intelligence quotients while attempting to apply common empathy.  (Stupidity being someone of sufficient intelligence to comprehend the ramifications of one’s actions choosing to create or incur negative consequences.)
The anti-Meme recognizes volition, individual strengths and weaknesses, but recognizes an eye-for-an-eye does not work.  The anti-Meme seeks to address systematic interrelationships given disparate opportunities in reality, not the idealism or rhetorical infantilism of the Meme’s false order.

The Meme attempts to treat adults as children and adolescents as infants.  The Meme teaches non-college graduates are failures.  This sabotages trade schools, associates degrees, and non-four-year college post high school matriculation.  This shames the realms of the mechanic, cook, nurse, bus driver, etc. into being less human.  These foundational humans are treated as filler in society and are not afforded the respect of a sir or mam.  (The very words sir and mam are pro-Meme.  The idea that an office, title, or position awards respect rather than innate life or humanity being sufficient to install mutual respect is pro-Meme.  The anti-Meme sees the common divinity in all beings by the similarity one sees from peering through the window of the self to see the universe.)

Proletariat roles are dehumanized into faceless losers of the communicated common goal of the Meme, which is not productive value, but the perception of achievement.  Ultimately the order of humans striving for a college degree can serve as both debt-noose and profit-hammer.  Humans drowning at poverty and living wage lines struggle to breath.  The Meme says, “Kick harder, swim up, you’re not trying enough.  Let me raise the water line; that will motivate you.”  The Meme says if you make it you will take my spot and I am less likely to survive.  The anti-Meme says, “Add some soil to the foundation.  Let me make it easier for you to stand and reach your neck to the air.”  The anti-Meme says “If you make it we are all more likely to survive because we need and benefit from each other.” 

One can see this in the Meme’s fight against minimum wage thresholds to raise the bottom.  The Meme wants the lowest wage to be perceived as motivation to exit employment positions designed to resemble a pit of flailing stacked bodies in Dante’s Inferno.  The anti-Meme sees the interconnectedness of Labor in society.  We cannot all be managers or owners.  We need all pieces of the puzzle.  Dehumanizing the lowest rung of Labor, making people work three minimum wage jobs to try to get by and chastising them as lazy is the Meme whipping control.  The anti-Meme is a living wage, sick pay, and maternity leave.

The Meme wants to alienate and demoralize students particularly in the Poor and working class from feeling like there is even a chance or if they have a chance it is like a lottery win rather than equal opportunity the sign on the door might market.  By valuing Gardner’s multiple forms of intelligence and supporting the ideas of a living wage and universal healthcare the anti-Meme transcends the Meme concept that a human is valued based on what they are financially paid in exchange for what they offer to the collective. 

The Meme is egoic; the Meme focuses on what the self is compensated.  The anti-Meme focuses on what we give to the collective and recognizes the intrinsic gifts we receive by our selflessness.  There is chaos in the trust that when we respect the Poor through living wages and financial compensation shared by firm owners the herd will also follow and not penalize that firm in the market.  This trust is face to face with greed with how we design our educational systems and our compensation scales.

Public schooling represents solidarity in the collective.  An individual without progeny in the public schooling system benefits from a better educated community.  An individual who is economically self-sufficient benefits from assistance to the Poor through Medicaid and Social Security through lower crime and a healthier more empathetic population.  The Meme wants us to myopically dwell in individualism, to worship the ego, to say, “That’s not my problem.  I resent these taxes.”  The anti-Meme recognizes that we are all interconnected and seeks to fund and design public education accordingly.
Modern children are taught to be monitored by parents with cell phones and GPS devices as if child abduction is rampant.  The Meme thrives on this obsessive fear where a potential threat can exploit a mythical reality.  The true threat is not kidnapping, but disobedience.  Trusting an adolescent’s volition is anti-Meme.  Law and order is required.  This necessitates the monitoring of the fourth commandment. This makes adult humans more pliable to the surveillance state by governments.

Sports teach kids about authority watching.  The spectrum of attention from authority figures including parents, coaches, and the crowd directs everything a five year-old will need to process stepping on a soccer field.  Children learning football, baseball, or gymnastics etc. span from the extrovert extreme of impressing to the introvert extreme of disappointing authority figures.

Sports train younglings that reactions to that spectrum are not only relevant, but paramount.  The ability to pass or kick a ball is secondary to the observable reactions from authority figures when one does so proficiently or not.  Rule consciousness, dependency, submission and dominance are learned.

Athletes may make the sign of the cross after scoring.  If one equates one’s athletic ability and success to god’s will, then what is god conveying to invalids?  What do we make of the five-foot-three try-outs who never make the team?
Pro Meme sports encourage parents to pay for photographs of their kids’ preseason and post season with commemorative frames and trophies.  The focus is on how it looks, as if the play time was not worth remembering without the dignity of a conformity photograph.  This is a helicopter-parent not letting go and allowing the time was worthy to just be internal.  The value is in the external to the Meme. 

Sports or fraternity-related hazing rituals of replicated experiences of torture, embarrassment and ignominy equate to subjugation to the central authority.  Teammates and brotherhoods demonstrate replicated submission. 

A school principal witnessing the violation of other school rules by athletes or frat-boys hazing may tolerate the act.  Implicit encouragement of such behavior overlaps the common authoritarian meme.  “Look at how the baseball team shaved his head and made him wear it to class for the week!  (Oh isn’t that against school rules?)  Technically it is, but the Dean likes it!”  This is all under the authority of the fourth commandment, obey.  

(In an aside to the third commandment, if theists really believed in prayer, theist-schools would compete with each other through prayer.  Two teams could each pray to god for a cure, a result, or a sentiment to pass.  This is sacrilege to the second commandment.  The hypocrisy inside the fourth commandment that god is always monitoring prompts the prayer.  If one is to expect no measurable response then one is left wanting to validate the purpose of prayer beyond fueling the Meme.  In this instance we can see why the Meme is anti-prayer being used as a sport.  One is taught to pray and leave to god’s discretion.  If one demands or never asks one is left fruitless.  If something happens that correlates with the prayer it is a blessing, if not that is also a mysterious disguised blessing.)

Modern college students are taught about inescapable debt to faceless banks.  Unlike home or vehicle debt, student-loans are linked with a special un-severable manacle.  This debt funnels young people to serve the Meme.  Volition must submit to Sallie-Mae’s monthly extraction.  Brain contents become owned by another.  Whether such knowledge was useful, productive, or valuable, the tithe must be paid. 

Passing a test and getting a degree and a transcript from a marketed billboard with words like Harvard-as the pinnacle.  In the Meme, even if Harvard taught you the same as the University of Kentucky, the knowledge is less valuable than the perception of knowledge.  We are taught to become vessels of the external rather than the internal.  The Meme does not want us diving internal.  Fashion, certification, and resumes trump knowledge, capability, and the chaos of critical thinking.

Once one is hooked into paying the student loan payments, the credit cards, rent and eventually a mortgage one is numbed to protest.  Activism is subdued.  This serves the Meme whether it is under the parental fourth-commandment of a dictator or the illusion of democracy behind a one-party plutocracy.

Television needs little elaboration as to the easy indoctrination, commercialization, obedience, comfort, order, and systematic control the screen can provide for the Meme.  Television keeps humans calm, occupied and far less likely to revolt against authority and more likely to go to war for authority depending on the current dominate discretion of the Meme.  Television can help the Meme entwine institutional messages in a steady global stream.

Television soaks the ego in the illusion of intimacy, of companionship without having to extend the vulnerability to form a true relationship.  Smart phones do the same thing.  One can feel like one knows a character in a sitcom or a movie and by extension the actress or actor playing the role.  A numbing can occur like a societal opiate to address the loneliness of piling on the layers to the ego the advertisements the television hocks.  We distance and risk solipsism as time in front of the tube is a theater in our head.  We can get trapped and addicted.  The stream of posts on Facebook although people we may actually know in reality create similar illusions of human contact.

Our zest for Hollywood becomes a pursuit of real connections through pseudo connections belonging to “stars.”  Celebrities do not even feel like celebrities.  They are just humans looking at the crowd saying, “This other guy he’s famous.  She’s famous.  Me I am just me.”  I imagine for most the constantly being noticed makes one either overdose into the ego of the Meme or blatantly aware of the anti-Meme.  Most of these people are artists to begin with which is why so many actors are anti-Meme or at least their public image conferred is anti-Meme.  There is no way to know for sure at the distance of a screen, but you can see where some people put their money.  Look at Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: activism, adoption, humanitarianism.  Look at Oprah. 

At its base television for a human walking into an empty house or room is like press-button human contact.  The smart phone is a constantly accessible pocket version.  A world of voices appears.  This is our parents cuddling us, embracing us; this is love in a way to distance loneliness of the lack of human contact with a surrogate machine to foster an illusion.  Inside this illusion we are drawn to do what the screen tells us because like our parents we want to please on some level that which satiates this fear that we are alone. 

Television and media like Facebook or the radio give us this form of love and interconnection.  We feel community and avoid the beautiful darkness of being the anti-Meme alone in the universe.  Our ego better functions in a modern depersonalized society where we may go entire days without a real face to face conversation, beyond a ‘how is it going,’ noticing eye contact, lips, skin, being touched, being held, being noticed for our inner being, where we are truly seen.  We become digital iterations of friends posting a filtered ad-campaign of what we like, who we are, or our querulous rants as the topoi of society swarm.  If we are not careful to stir the digitized epoxy with real human contact the coagulating resin of anesthetized opinions will turn ambrosia into alabaster yogurt curdling into a minefield of spores.  We will have lost base with a poetry of faith found only in the act of truly seeing another being. 

We all want to be seen, accepted, embraced for the divine amazing beings we are.  This is the anti-Meme to understand and trust empathy for this craving for love through interconnection.  We all bear this hunger and call for it through our developed social structures and communication network.  The realms of technology, politics, and spirituality are entwined in this common need and can be used as a way of separating us to repress this calling or embrace our communal purpose.  The anti-Meme does not see national borders, religion, race, sexuality, or gender as barriers of not-in-my-back-yard type allowances for apathy.  In the anti-Meme Syria’s problem is France’s and the U.S.’s and Somalia’s problem on a human level.   Understanding this mutuality is the inviolable apotheosis of humanity.  

To Commandment Five: Death

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