Friday, August 28, 2015

Moving March 20150315

God damn it I hope this flows, works, works is the wrong word
Aggh, ghee gad trying, just god damn trying to find the current
In the electrical system the polarity what is even negative anymore
I just feel neutral so much available to slosh flop

Wanting the universe to tug on my passions
To show me where to be and I feel like that is out of the gigantic maw of suburbia
Into the intestine of New Orleans to get digested into soul-busted concrete
Oak root rumbling in bullets to the head to die

Bleed right there in the god damn street in houses named after firearms
Wooden and termite-eaten until the swamp swills in my gullet
Frothing a Rugaroux beast to beat the hell out of me in music
Trumpets and yoga like a jack in the stalk bean bursting

The blue buildings need more tangerine and turquoise shudders
The construction of it all I hope to see a spirit whisk me
Just take this divorce, abortion, and lonely drown of annulments granted
To see god in everything behind the roux blended in the trinity

I am teetering on hope that this stage will launch me into a partnered journey
Unafraid to see that this substance, this water of the two journeys
The atomic and the energy-whole beyond space time
To comprehend the basis of the Meme in its parallel duality

That this is the foundation to begin with exploring what love actually is
For I have seen these decades what love is not and for love to wash me
Bathe me, lick me, take me, embrace me not in supplication but in celebration
To explore what this atomic universe can be in the flesh and the energy as time bends away

Take me past waxahatchee creek and open the Mississippi river wide and pour
The god damn waters down my throat like a slurp
Set me at the foot of Canal Street and the River and bend my back in pose to drink
I want you; I am ready in moving on and accepting the now

Please help me see the reeds and the winds the beads and the sins
That there is a place and I don’t have to know all these colors in the feathers on the ground
The crustacean and the nightingale to the owl and the sounds I hear in the night
Calling me jaundice-eyed and I am learning how not to want

Keeping hope somewhere, breaking me from these family masks
To know it is not in my control, to be as available as the sun to the moon and in return allows
Dreaming there is a place for letters and waxing

The light smiling in embracing the beauty of growing seeds past spring time 

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