Friday, August 28, 2015

Mad Foolishness

There is a part of me that hopes like a mad fool
That I need to move, find a home in New Orleans
Root spiritual, genuinely, fearlessly, shamelessly
Accept the unknown where the universe is calling

I need to accept the now in all forms
I need to clear my plate but for the reading and the writing
To expand the Meme piece
See the dual planes and awaken to document the enlightenment

I need to finish Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
An Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramanhansa Yogananda
Future of an Illusion by Sigmund Freud
Maybe others but those seem important

Hemmingway, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Orwell, Rumi
Vonnegut, Dumas, Glasser, Neruda, Kierkegaard, Jung, Burroughs
Angelou, Tyson, Koran, Bible, Newton, Spinoza, Pane, Hitchens
Nietzsche, Adams, Chomsky, Faulkner, Hawking, King, Ingersoll

Twain, Coleho, Bellow, Whitman, Dennett, Nabokov, Dawkins
Sedaris, McCarthy, Fitzgerald, Piketty, Sagan, Marx, Rand, Einstein
Vidal, Heller, Hugo, Conrad, Machiavelli, Toole, Rushdie, the Dali Lama
Locke, Shakespeare, Plato, Lorentz, Gandhi, Voltaire, Tolstoy, on and on

So much work done, so much work to do
This piece may never be finished, but maybe it is like a plant
A tree growing never complete, but pertinent to mark rings
In time of where the thoughts stretched in that now

Onward, outward, theirs mixed with my droplet to be
What is
Mad foolishness, hoping to see purpose that this loneliness is not a requirement to completion
As if god is fluid and there is hope that a manner of togetherness, allowance for reliance
Is possible, thinking of her, hoping, praying in my ways

That she needs me, I was made like a key and in the silent catacombs of preparing these words

The mad foolishness is possible

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